Happy Thanksgiving!!! Whenever this time of year starts rolling around and we begin making plans for Thanksgiving, I cannot help but run through my mind all the things with which the Lord has blessed me. I am a constant complainer. I easily get dissatisfied with things. I can be so spoiled. Then I stop and realize what all God has really done for me in my life. He has blessed me in unfathomable ways. His love pours out on me everyday, beautifully and endlessly. And I remember The Cross. God loves me, you, everyone in the world, so much that He gave the ultimate sacrifice. Now that is something to be thankful for. In the rut, busyness, and commonplace things of life, it is easy to forget what the Lord did for us, is doing for us. Every day He is blessing us. Everyday He pours out His love for us. Everyday He shows His ultimate mercy towards us. And yet we often forget. As we celebrate this holiday with friends and family, let’s take a moment to stop and remember Who blessed us with these people, Who made it where we live in this country, Who provided that beautiful turkey and all that food we are allowed to eat and enjoy, Who gave His life so we can fellowship with Him. The Lord blesses us everyday. And I am so thankful.
Found your blog through Kinkade, sadly he has just passed away, he will really be missed. I loved his paintings and he will be remembered as a great American artist =)