Beautiful People: January Edition

Beautiful People ButtonIt is once again time for another round of Beautiful People put on by bloggers Sky and Georgie. If you have no idea what I am talking about you can see my quick explanation of it here or check out their blogs. You can find the questions here or here and an FAQ. Onwards! I was having a really hard time deciding which character to actually do for this. I thought since I am going to be starting a new story soon I should use one of those characters, but I fear I do not know them well enough yet to even do that. Thus I have decided on Nyria, the main female character of my NaNo. I think she will fit well for this.
1. If character’s house burned down, and they were left with nothing but the clothes on their back, what would they do? Where would they go?
For Nyria, this would not be much trouble. She would be devastated, but as far as living conditions, her uncle and aunt are the king and queen of her land whose castle stands in walking distance of Nyria’s house. They of course would take her in the castle. Her life really probably would not be much different, unless the fire killed her family. That is an entirely different story…

2. Are they happy with where they are in life, or would they like to move on?
Nyria is the epitome of happiness. She is extremely perky no matter what situation she is in for the most part. Still, she lives for excitement and probably was rather bored until she became a dragon rider, then her life only improved more. I think she is most content.
…Until I actually started writing her story and made horrible things happen to her that is. *cough*

3. Are they well-paid?
Nyria does not have a paying job, but her father is a duke and she lives in a large estate. She’s doing pretty well for herself I think.

4. Can they read?
Indeed. She has been forced to endure many lessons in all sorts of things being a duke’s daughter. I do believe she finds reading a tad boring though. She much rather actually be doing what she could be reading. Silly, Nyria.

5. What languages do they speak?
Just English. Although she has a friend that knows some elvish, so I suspect she knows a few elvish words here and there.

6. What is their biggest mistake?
Nyria is a disaster waiting to happen. That much energy has to go somewhere. Her twin brother Naidren could probably tell me stories all day, happily at that. Eheh.
Let me think… Well, at the very beginning of her story she was riding her dragon and leaned over so far to see below that she fell right off. Not long afterwards, she ends up chasing down a small group of innocent people and tackling one, mistaking them for thieves. Later, she had an argument with a very important king, multiple times actually I think. 
Her biggest mistake was most likely when she caused a huge ruckus (chasing a loose chicken of all things) through a very crowded street. Which in turn caused many people who thought Naidren and Nyria were enemies to surround them and harm Naidren. After that incident, the two could not roam the city freely anymore. It was a bit of a disaster all around.

7. What did they play with most as a child?
I’m not even sure. Most likely a wooden sword or something of the like. She liked sparring with the boys.

8. What are their thoughts on politics?
Nyria! What are you doing here? I’m trying to write this.
Well, I guess you have an answer anyway. Even though she is a duke’s daughter, she finds anything like that incredibly dull.
”That’s because it is!”
Nyria! What did I just say? Shoo!

9. What is their expected life time?
She’s human, so just normal. Of course with all the crazy things she does…you never know how much longer she has. O.o

10. If they were falsely accused of murder, what would they do? How would they react?
Actually, Nyria was falsely accused of murder. She did not handle it well… She ended up in a nasty fight with the one accusing her and constantly yelling at others who also thought she had something to do with it. She has quite a temper…

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