NaNo Cometh

That time has come upon us again. That time of blood, sweat, and tears. That time that our eyes burn out of their sockets from long time exposure to our writing devices. That time that our brains fizzle out from ideas overload or abandon us altogether as we push those minds of ours to give us the inspiration we need. That time that our associates give us odd looks because every time we look at a calendar we scream in terror only because October is almost over. That time is NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo 2012 Badge Yes indeed. NaNo is almost here and the writers of the world are going mad as we prepare for that crazy challenge in November. 50k words in one month. The time has come. Today is officially NaNoPrep Day according to the NaNo site. I can imagine NaNo participants all over the world are scrambling around pouring out those creative juices as they prepare for the task of NaNo. It’s exciting really. If you have no idea what NaNoWriMo is, you can check out the official website and discover the amazing challenge of writing a 50k word novel all in only 30 days along with thousands of others. Or, if you rather, you can read my own post I made last year about NaNoWriMo here: National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) If you’re already well informed about NaNo and are participating yourself but unsure how to begin on planning for your NaNo, I also have a guide I put together on how I plan my own novels: Step by Step Guide to Outlining a Novel Or, if you’re just curious as to how I stepped into the wonderful world of writing, you can read all about it here: My Grand Adventure of Writing This will be my third time to participate in NaNoWriMo myself and I’m just beyond excited for it to begin. Ah, I can hear it now, those brains churning and inner lightbulbs flashing as plot ideas flow through thousands of minds—characters beginning to come alive, new worlds forming, beautiful stories just waiting to unfold. Lightbulb Idea I love this time of year! Happy NaNo planning to all you NaNo’ers out there!

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