The NaNo Waltz

The NaNo Waltz

A NaNoWriMo Parody to “The Christmas Waltz”

By Lauriloth ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inky pens in hand
Lightbulbs gleaming inside
Inspiration coming alive
NaNo’s on its way,
It’s filled its days
With words, words for you and for me It’s that time of year
When the writers go mad
Every one you see
Seems to say
Happy NaNo
May your word count goals come true
And this month we write
In thirty days time
Hopes your fifty thousand
Words come too Happy NaNo
May your word count goals come true
And this month we write
In thirty days time
Hopes your fifty thousand
Words come too
Happy NaNo to you NaNo Dreams Lightbulb

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Kiri Liz
October 21, 2012 2:43 AM

Love it, Lauriloth! Now I shall be singing this the entire month to keep myself motivated!! Haha!! 🙂

October 21, 2012 3:39 AM

Ahahaha! I know the feeling! It's been going through my head for days now.

Thank you so much, Kiri! ^_^