To me, nothing compares to a wintry day snuggled under the blankets with a good book. There’s something special about overcast skies and foggy windows coupled with a warm drink and book in hand. We still have a few frosty days left this winter. And guess what? A new book series that goes perfectly hand in hand with these frigid, cozy days has entered the world just in time. Exciting, I know! Author E. Kaiser Writes has just released the first 3 books in her THAW series, and do these books ever sound scrumptious! I’m aching to get my hands on them. This brand new series are wintry fairytale retelling, inspired by the classic fairytales such as Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. I adore fairytale retellings and am extremely fond of The Snow Queen myself, so I got quite excited when I heard about these delicious looking books. The first two of the series came out earlier this month and the third has released TODAY. So check these stories out and get yourself a copy. The Books
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Book One: Winter’s Child A barren king and queen pray for a child, and when in their loneliness, they make one out of snow, their prayers are answered in a special, and unusual way. Sometimes, when we get what we wish for, we don’t know what to do with it. Combining elements from the Snow Maiden, Schneekind, Snegurochka tales with those of the Snow Queen; Winter’s Child introduces a new series: THAW. [Buy on Amazon] [Check out its Pinterest Board]
Book Two: Winter Queen A slightly pampered girl allows her avoidance behavior to isolate her from the world… and it’s only when she takes the final step that she realizes the wall she’s built in the name of safety is also the one that will hold her prisoner forever… unless she discovers how to destroy it. The only one who can break a neurosis… is the one who has it. Combining elements from the Snow Maiden, Schneekind, Snegurochka tales with those of the Snow Queen; Winter Queen continues a new series: THAW. [Buy on Amazon] [Check out its Pinterest Board]
Book Three: Prince of Demargen The whole world knows his guilt, and is absolutely correct about it, but how far can a man go to regain respect so swiftly lost? Or is an honorable death the best a fallen star can hope for? The only person who can help him… is the one he most deeply wronged. Prince of Demargen is third in a new series: THAW. [Buy on Amazon] [Check out its Pinterest Board] The Author
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ E. Kaiser Writes credits her nearly nomadic childhood for the vast reach of her fictional worlds; she has lived (and gotten to known the locals) in the Rocky Mtns, the Smoky Mtns, the plains, the deep forest, the searing Texas summer and frozen Minnesota north. She wears many hats: writer and editor of ad copy, web copy, office correspondence & fiction; a cowgirl, animal trainer, seamstress, jeweler, artist and… authoress! Visit her: Blog | Author Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Pinterest
I can't wait to read these 8-D
I know! They look like such fun tales!