777 Writing Challenge – Burning Thorns

My dear writing/blogging/pretty-much-everything buddy, Deborah O’Carroll, tagged me for the 777 Writing Challenge. I was thrilled. This tag seems to be floating all across the blogsphere and looked way too much fun. Plus, 7 happens to be one of my favorite numbers. Fun-ness all around. I’m so excited to be doing it! Thank you, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ Go to page 7 of your work-in-progress,
scroll down to line 7,
and share the next 7 lines in a blog post.
Once finished, tag 7 bloggers to do the writing challenge themselves on their own blog.
We’re going to assume lines means sentences? Hopefully I do this right. As I’m sure you all know, my current WIP is Burning Thorns, my Beauty and the Beast retelling that was once a novella and is now being transform into a novel. The snippet I landed on happens to be the very first words Rose and the Beast say to each other, their first meeting. So it worked out quite well. As a background, Rose just stumbled into the Beast’s rose garden after a very frightening ordeal. The Beast doesn’t know what to think about a human appearing in the dark Forest of the fae. . . ~Snippet~ Rose running "Please don’t hurt me." The Beast staggered back and snatched his wide hood closer around his face, grateful for the darkness of the night. A human? A human here, in the Forest? A female human? "What are you doing here?" he barked, keeping his head low. "I—I had nowhere else to go," she squeaked. Their first meeting wasn’t with the happiest of circumstances. Hee. ~I Tag~ Andrea @ Fantasies and Fountainpens Sky @ Further Up & Further In Jack @ However Improbable Jameson @ Lovely Whatsoevers Sarah @ Sarah, Plain and Average Rachel @ Secret Scribblings Melody @ The Splendor Falls on Castle Walls

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April 13, 2015 10:51 PM

You did it! AAAAHH I LOVE THEIR FIRST MEETING! That's so awesome to see where the random 7's land. XD I love the number 7 too! ^_^ (Also that picture is perfect.) EEEP I LOVE/MISS THIS STORY SO MUUUUUCH! <3 You'd better keep writing!!! 😉

April 13, 2015 11:00 PM

Thanks so much for the tag, Christine! I've loved doing this on Facebook, so I might do it on my blog this time! These sorts of things are always fun.

I love your snippet! It's VERY befitting of Beauty and the Beast! 😀 Awesome job.

Tracey Dyck
April 14, 2015 12:12 AM

What a perfect place to land! *beams at Rose and Beastie* I just want to smush them together already, but they have a journey to undergo first…so I won't. Yet. 😉

Sarah Elizabeth
April 14, 2015 12:47 AM

O_O That's. PERFECT. This looks like such fun! Oh my, oh dear, I MUST DO THIS. Thanks for the tag, dearie!!!

Rachel W.
April 14, 2015 1:11 AM

AHMYGAWSH! I LOVE THIS SNIPPET! hehehe thanks for tagging me! This looks like SO MUCH FUN!! XD

Rachel W.
April 20, 2015 12:39 AM
Reply to  Rachel W.

Alsooo…..is that a picture of Aurora from the show Once Upon a Time? Do you know? It matches the snippet (and the rest of the story, I'm sure) perfectly, btw. 🙂

April 14, 2015 11:41 AM

Oh wow, this is so great! *flails* I can't wait to read this! 😀