Finding the Magic Cover Reveal

Snowy Archway Do you know how sometimes you read a story and it sticks with you? It clings to your heart and when life gets hard it creeps up to your mind and makes you smile. Well, I am beyond ecstatic to be revealing the cover for one of those stories today! One of my very dearest blogging buddies, Jack Lewis Baillot, is soon releasing her Beauty and the Beast retelling novella and I cannot be more thrilled. I had the honor of beta reading it and knew right away that it NEEDED to get out in the world. I so want others to read this beautiful story! Are you ready to see this beautimous cover? *drumroll* The Cover
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Finding the Magic Cover
Belle’s father has always taught her to see the magic in the world around her, but when war comes it suddenly becomes harder to find. During the bombings of London, Belle is sent to live with Adam Prince, a bitter gentleman who has lost much and has therefore locked himself away in his mansion. When Belle meets Mr. Prince she decides she will show him the magic her dad told her not to forget, but it isn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Aided by her new friend, Belle begins to break down Mr. Prince’s wall. But, just as she is helping him find laughter again sorrow strikes too close to home and Belle herself begins to lose hope. The Author
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Jack chases Dragons on a daily basis though has yet to decide if she wishes to slay the Dragons she finds or ride them. She wishes she had a library as big as the Beast’s, or Prince Adam, or whatever you wish to call him. She’s working on that goal currently, at the same time searching for a house with two stories so she can slide down the banister every morning on her way to breakfast. As a general rule, Jack doesn’t write sad books, but she might have slipped in this area when she started to write about World War Two. When she isn’t writing Jack is researching, which means she is reading. And when she isn’t reading, it might mean she’s sleeping, but probably means she’s eating. Especially if the food is cookies. Currently Jack is trying out the life of a Dwarf, even though she’s a Hobbit. She’s traveling about, looking for her home, and hoping the end of her search leads her to a cave with a Dragon who needs to be battled and enough Arkenstones to fill her dream library with books. You can learn more about Jack and her newest books at My (mini) Review
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Finding the Magic is set during World War II, a wonderfully unique setting for a Beauty and the Beast retelling. It’s a tale about hard times and loss and friendship that tugged at my heartstrings and wouldn’t let go. Belle is just a young girl forced to leave everything she knows and stay with a grumpy man while bombs threaten her home in London. As time goes on and she befriends the very interesting and fun staff in the mansion, she decides she wants to help her bitter and recluse host, Adam Prince. She and her new friend Chip take on such a daring endeavor which results in many smiles, laughs, and heartwarming moments. The message of this tale struck home—no matter the hardships and difficulties life bogs one down with, there is always magic to be found. God loves His people and with His all-consuming light there is always something to smile over. Life is beautiful, even in the hardest of times. With one of the most delightful cast of characters I’ve ever read, a charming snowy setting and alluring mansion, many smiles and laughs, and a beautiful message, I recommend Finding the Magic to anyone who loves a sweet, heartwarming tale. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Finding the Magic releases July 17th! You can check out Jack’s GoodReads Page for more info. A delightful cover for a delightful little book! I do hope you will get yourself a copy once it releases. And you should totally go follow Jack’s Blog, she’s one of the most fun people I’ve ever encountered. I get a laugh every time I read her posts. Have a magic-filled day, my dear bloglings! <3

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Tracey Dyck
May 8, 2015 8:04 PM

Oh, how awesome! Congrats to you, Jack! 😀 That's a gorgeous rose on the cover, and a WWII setting for Beauty and the Beast sounds unique, not to mention really intriguing. (Was this written for the Rooglewood contest originally?)

Deborah O'Carroll
May 8, 2015 8:53 PM

EEEEP pwetty! ^_^ As you may know I'm not the hugest fan of WWII era, BUT I may have to make an exception for this because it sounds awesome!! 😀 (Plus, y'know, I really trust mah Lauri's taste/opinion on such things. ;)) *adds to TBR list* Awesome post/review, Lauri! 🙂 Yay B&B retellings!

Skye Hoffert
May 9, 2015 5:50 AM

Yes to all B&B retellings, the fact that she set it in World War II is so cool. Chip being a person, really appeals to me. The cover is so pretty 🙂

May 12, 2015 2:04 AM

Ooh, this looks great! The cover is sigh-worthy:D