January Hiatus Notice

The title maaaay have given it away. But just in case…

I’m going on hiatus.

After much hemming and hawing, I finally decided to give in and allow myself a break. (Yes, I have to force myself to rest, it’s a problem.) You see, I’ve been blogging every. single. week. for the past 4 years. My 2013 New Year’s goal was to write a post weekly and…I just stuck with it. I’ve literally never missed a week. So, on the one hand, my OCD self wants to see how long I can keep this up. But my exhausted brain is all NO STAHP. I think, for once, I’m gonna listen to common sense. I don’t think the world will explode if I miss a few weeks…?

As I mentioned in my Christmas post, the last three months have been very stressful, tiring ones. And December wasn’t quite as restful as I would have liked. In light of this, I’ve finally decided to take a January blogging hiatus. I may only miss the first couple of weeks of January. But in all likelihood, I’ll probably just allow myself the whole month to recuperate. I’m also possibly going out of town some in January, so I think it’ll be a good time for a break.

These last few months have drained me quite a bit. I kept trying to just go, go, go and ignore it, but it seems to have caught up with me. I think it’ll be good for me both physically and mentally to step away for a while and try to recover. Which means I may also be a little absent not only on my blog, but other blogs and emails and whatnot as well. Or I may be even more active on them, because my attempts at breaks never go as planned. >.> But either way, my blog will be resting.

BUT DO NOT WORRY. I shall absolutely be back by February at the latest. Blogging and chatting with you guys is one of my greatest joys in life. It’s just after 4 straight years of consistent blogging and some extremely stressful past months, my brain needs a little vacation.

I appreciate each and every one of you so very, very much. I hope you have an explosively fun New Year’s (get it, get it? because fireworks???), and I’m praying you will all have the absolute best 2017.

I’ll see you in the new year! Love you guys! <3

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Hannah V
December 29, 2016 6:31 PM

We'll miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you deserve it! *already looking forward to February*

Victoria Grace Howell
December 29, 2016 7:46 PM

No shame in taking a hiatus! I've had the same mentality but I found myself benefited when I took a break last year, so that's why I'm doing it again this year. Happy 2017!


Jane Maree
December 29, 2016 8:54 PM

I pray that your break is a real blessing and you can recuperate wonderfully. <3 You deserve a good break. 🙂

But I'll definitely be looking forward to your return!

Kayla Marie
December 29, 2016 9:46 PM

We'll miss you, Christine! My, but it seems EVERYONE is going on hiatus for January!! I'll be lonely without you guys… 🙁

Sophia White
December 30, 2016 12:14 AM

Good for you! Taking a break is not wrong when you've been going for so long at a stretch without one. You end up getting more done in the long run because you weren't working on half your brainpower.

Sophia White
December 31, 2016 10:58 PM
Reply to  Sophia White

Yes! Because, unless you're doing NaNo, quality does matter more than quantity. It can be hard to look at it that way, because being writers we often have so little to show for all our hours being antisocial, but a thousand good words in a day tend to be better, and *usually* less draining than ten thousand slapped out without thought.

Merry Christmas (yes I can still say that, it's not Epiphany yet) and Happy New Year!

Deborah O'Carroll
December 30, 2016 2:45 AM

You SO deserve a break, oh my goodness. Every week for FOUR years? *collapses at the very thought* I haven't even HAD a blog that long and I feel like I'm constantly going "GUYS I'M EXHAUSTED I NEED A BREAK" and hiatusing. (That's totally a word, I promise. *coughcough*)

"Yes, I have to /force/ myself to rest, it’s a problem." <– THIS IS LITERALLY ME. -_- And even when I force myself to rest, I usually don't even listen to myself. It's bad. 😛

Anyways, I SO hope you enjoy this break and get to relax and recuperate!! You so deserve it!!! ^_^ *huggles* And of course I'll look forward to the epic return of your blogging. 😉 Till then, have a fantastic hiatus! <333 AND HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRR!!!! 😀

December 30, 2016 6:13 PM

I hope you have a wonderful New Year and restful hiatus! 🙂 And have fun out of town!

Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

Olivia Fisher
December 30, 2016 6:25 PM

I totally get ya! I'm going on hiatus in February. 🙂

Hope you have a restful January and wonderful New Year! Enjoy your trip! <3


December 31, 2016 4:44 AM

I can understand the need for a break, but at the same time I know I'll miss your posts.
Enjoy your rest, and Happy New Year!

Tracey Dyck
January 1, 2017 2:49 AM

Girl, you DEFINITELY deserve that hiatus! After such a crazy year (including a crazy Nano that extended into December, and then the busy holiday season on top of that), it's no wonder you're tired. Enjoy the break! Stay entirely out of the blogosphere if you need to. Unplug. Rest. Fill yourself with good books and good people. *hugs* I'll miss your Musings, but you AND the blog will return better than before!

Happy New Year! Gracious, what devoured 2016?

(And I have to agree with Celti: four years of nonstop, consistent blogging is incredible. o.o Kudos to you!)

Sarah Elizabeth
January 1, 2017 8:24 PM

Happy New Year, dear Lauri!! YOU ARE AMAZING. And you deserve a bit of rest. I was finally able to catch up on some of my favorite blogs and (OF COURSE) yours is pretty much at the top. I love your posts and look forward to your fresh start come February (or sooner!). Blessings to you this 2017! Enjoy your hiatus, m'dear! Can't wait to hear what's happening in your life and stories!!

Kiri Liz
January 3, 2017 10:06 PM

Enjoy your break!! You shall be greatly missed!

January 16, 2017 12:14 AM

Hope your break is going well! 😀

Micaiah Saldaña
January 19, 2017 3:26 AM

I hope you're having a lovely break! Can't wait for you be back. =)
