Musings of an Elf’s 6th Birthday!

Why yes, my Monday post is a day late. But that was on purpose becaaause…


Yep! On March 14th, 2011, I published the first post here on Musings of an Elf, and thus my blogging obsession began.

It’s a bit surreal to realize I’ve been blogging for 6 full years. THAT’S A LONG TIME. But it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. Honestly, in my head, this blog is still a little baby blog and I’m an amateur blogger. And yet, on the other hand, I can’t imagine a time I wasn’t blogging. Blogging is such an integral part of my life now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

This year I had hoped to actually do something special for my blogoversary since I never have before. Which is shameful! Buuuut I didn’t even remember my anniversary was coming up until the beginning of March, and my brain has been so scattered, I didn’t feel equipped, or in the right mentality, to come up with something fun. ONE OF THESE DAYS, GUYS. I’ve been meaning to do a giveaway or party or something on my blogging anniversary since my first one AND I STILL HAVEN’T. I’ve just got a lot going on in life right now occupying my mind (all good things, do not fear) and was scared to commit to a giveaway or something. So, as I tell myself every year, maybe next year… This year you’ll just have to put up with some reminiscing. *cackles*

I first decided to start a blog when I was getting very serious about writing. I’ve been writing since I was 9, but I didn’t really get serious about it until my first NaNoWriMo in 2010. After that amazing experience, I knew for a fact writing was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. And thus I jumped into actually learning the craft (which is something I had failed to do before…let’s not talk about my early novels), poking around writing blogs, and actually, *gasp* WRITING. As I saw other writers blogging and talking about the importance of having a platform if one wants to be published, it occurred to me: Hey, I should make a blog!

And thus Musings of an Elf was born.

This blog has come a long, long way since that March day I finally took the plunge and created it. I’ve grown a lot in the past 6 years—in life, in writing, in blogging (thank goodness). In those first couple of years, there was a whole lotta random nonsense posted on this here blog. (Okay, I still totally post random nonsense, but at least it’s a biiit higher quality random nonsense…? Maybe? Perhaps? Anybody?? Ahem.) I also posted extremely irregularly, with loooong amounts of time between posts. It wasn’t until 2013 was about to roll around that I up and made a New Year’s resolution to post every single week, and I’ve stuck to that schedule since. I think a blogging schedule is very important, annnd it’s the only way I’ll ever get around to posting. I gotta have that accountability. *grins*

Once I started posting weekly, I think my content grew in quality as I got the hang of things. I also became way more open about my writing, something I normally hid in the deep recesses of my laptop from all eyes but my own. I mean, if I was building a platform of readers I prooobably needed to actually, ya know, talk about my writing. Originally, this blog was kinda meant to be an ALL THE THINGS blog. Just about life and randomness and anything on my mind. But, slowly but surely, it became a full on writing blog. And that’s when I found my niche. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. This blog was meant to gain readership, so of course its main focus should be on my writing! Duh, Christine. #Blonde

I think by 2014 I was really finding the type of things I liked to blog about, and the blog grew a lot as well. I had developed the habit of writing a post for every Monday, and settling into the types of posts that suited me and the blog.

Though, I don’t think I really found my niche until just a couple of years ago. And I’m still learning. I don’t think I’ll ever stop. But that’s the thing about writing, you never “make it”. It’s a continuous quest for improvement. But I think that’s a pretty exciting realization. The journey is the fun part, and writing is forever an adventurous journey.

My favorite part about the writing/blogging journey is the community. YOU GUYS. I would have probably given up on this blogging endeavor a long time ago if not for the continuous support and encouragement of all my dear blogging buddies. This circle of bloggers I’ve joined is full of the nicest, most fun, creative, encouraging people I’ve ever known.

I would not be nearly as far along with my writing if not for all of you. I’m blown away every. single. time. when one of you shows enthusiasm and interest in one of my stories. Each and every comment I receive gives me a thrill. I adore reading your brilliant posts and getting to interact with each of you. You all push me to keep going. Sometimes (most of the time…) this writing journey is uphill and tiring and just downright discouraging. But you guys are like a fresh spring of water on that uphill hike, refreshing and refueling me to keep moving forward. Before I started blogging and befriended all my amazing writing/blogging friends, writing was just a hobby. Now it’s my life, and I have all of you to thank for that.

THANK YOU for reading Musings of an Elf.

THANK YOU for putting up with my rambles and nonsense.

THANK YOU for showing interest in my novels and supporting me through this hard journey.

THANK YOU for being YOU. You’re all amazing, talented, beautiful people, and I wish I could give each and every one of you a ginormous hug.

~ ~ ~

I love you guys! *passes around cake* Here’s to many more years of blogging to come!

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Mary Horton
March 14, 2017 2:53 PM



MY CHRISTINE HAS BEEN BLOGGING FOR SIX YEARS?! Whaaaaaat. That is insane! In some ways, it feels like you've been blogging forever–especially in comparison to my one year of blogging. XD But gosh, six years is a loooong time.

Your blog was honestly one of the first blogs that really made me want to start my own. I found yours from Tracey's blog (way back when it started…almost two years ago now! :O), and I just fell in love with it. (Seriously though, who wouldn't? You're such a sweet, hilarious gal. <3) It was the first blog I followed and the first one I really commented on. I can honestly say that Musings of an Elf changed my life. I realized that I could actually offer something to people through my own blogging platform, and I found endless love and encouragement from you and this amazing circle of bloggers.

All this to say, I'M SO DARN GRATEFUL FOR YOU AND YOUR BLOG. I love you sooooo much, Christine. You're a constant source of encouragement, and I really feel blessed to know you. <333 I know I don't comment very often anymore (BECAUSE LIFE IS RUDE *glares at it*), but that doesn't mean I love your blog any less. If anything, I love it more every time I read a new post.

SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUSINGS OF AN ELF. *throws confetti and cake* Here's to another year of frabjous posts! 😀

(By the way, your photos are GORGEOUS. I wuv all the pink. <3)

Tracey Dyck
March 14, 2017 3:50 PM
Reply to  Mary Horton

*whispers* It makes me so happy to think of all the connections between the three of us! <3 And oh my tea, YES, Christine: your photos are incredibly gorgeous. JUST…JUST…THE AESTHETIC. They're so clean and pink and professional looking!

Tracey Dyck
March 14, 2017 3:49 PM

I know I have about a month's worth of posts to comment on, but I couldn't NOT pop in and say HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY YOU WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING. I can't believe it's been six years! I wish I remembered what year I started reading Musings of an Elf… Maybe three or four years ago? Anyways, I absolutely LOVE your blog. It's one of my dearest favorites. I look forward to reading your lovely words every Monday (or Tuesday, in this case)! Every time a post appears on my dashboard, I either rush to read it instantly, or mentally file it away as something to do as soon as I have five minutes to spare. ^_^

I love how blogging has been instrumental in your growth as a person and as a writer! (I feel the same about my own blogging.) I can't wait to see where the coming years take you–it'll be a grand adventure.

Happy blogoversary once more! You and your blog are a ray of sunshine! I look forward to many more years of elvish musings! <333333

Tracey Dyck
March 14, 2017 4:11 PM
Reply to  Tracey Dyck

P.S. I'm leaving way too many comments, but I forgot to mention how cool it is that your blogoversary falls on Pi Day! (Y'know, March 14… 03/14…)

Savannah Grace
March 14, 2017 3:54 PM

OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS, HOW DID I NOT KNOW IT WAS YOUR BLOGOVERSARY TODAY?! *tosses confetti everywhere* And WHOA, six years? O.O I can barely even comprehend that! My word, six years seems like a LONG LONG time to this baby blogger who's only been doing it for six MONTHS xD.

When I started really reading writing blogs, yours was one of the first I found (and LOVED) so THANK YOU, THANK YOU for starting, Christine! I always LOVE reading your ramblings – whether they're writer-ly or not! <3 <3 <3 You're one of the sweetest bloggers out there, and needless to say, I'm always excited for Mondays because I GET LAURI-POSTS xD. Even if I don't comment as much as I used to (*smacks life which somehow got busier as I got older*) I always read and adore your posts. (Also, your stories. YOUR STORIES ARE AMAZING BUNDLES OF EPICNESS WHICH MAKE ME GRIN JUST THINKING ABOUT THEM. I can't wait until they're published and I can wildly promote them and pet them and ALL THE THINGS! xD)

BASICALLY I'm in awe that your blog is six and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUSING OF AN ELF! I'm excited to see more beautiful Lauri posts <3 <3 <3 <3. YOU'RE THE BEST, GIRL *all the hugs*. You always bring a little sparkle to my day with your posts ;). LOVE YOU <3 <3.

~ Savannah

Deborah O'Carroll
March 14, 2017 4:21 PM

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY, MY DEAREST LAURI, TO MUSINGS OF AN ELF!!! 😀 I love this blog so much and I've so enjoyed, over the last… erm… 5 or so years? getting to see how it's grown and changed and settled into the dear and fun thing it is now! 😀 I love how you're finding your niche! I don't think we ever really FIND it and stop there because ALWAYS CHANGING AND GROWING which is a good thing! Butbutbut I've spent so many happy times reading your blog and I'm so excited for you!!! ^_^ Happiest of blogoversaries to you! *all the cheesecake and confetti* I hope you have many more exciting years of blogging ahead! Thanks for running this fabulous corner of the internet!! <3 *celebrates*

Audrey Caylin
March 14, 2017 4:41 PM

It's so ironic that I came here to comment for the first time on your 6th blogoversary O.O I'M GOING TO COME BACK AND STALK ALL YOUR PAGES AND POST BECAUSE I LOVE YOUR BLOG. *throws confetti* Happy blogoversary! 6 years of blogging is AMAZING and just wow. *throws more confetti*


audrey caylin

Skye Hoffert
March 14, 2017 5:50 PM

I'm so happy that six years ago you decided to make this blog. It's lovely and inspiring and definitely in my top ten.
Happy Blogoversary!!! <3

Jane Maree
March 14, 2017 9:49 PM

*sings* Happy birthdaaaaay tooo musingsofaneeeeeelf. *mushroom clouds of confetti* 😀

You've come a long way in the last six years and YOU SHOULD BE VERY PROUD BECAUSE YOUR BLOG IS AN EPIC PLACE OF EPICNESS. *whispers* I wish I could have my blog as cool as yours. *hugs* You're a super amazing person and I'm glad you made a blog or I never would have even sort of met you. <3

Jane Maree
March 15, 2017 6:12 AM
Reply to  Jane Maree

Awh. <3 *hugs you tight* If I ever go to America I'm visiting you. 😀

March 14, 2017 11:45 PM

Congratulations, Christine!
It's a darling blog you've created, and I hope it continues for years to come!

March 15, 2017 4:38 AM

CONGRATULATIONS, LOVE! *SHOWERS YOU WITH CONFETTI* I forget when exactly it was when I found your blog – the November before last, I think? – but it instantly became one of my favorites. I love how warm yet honest + real you are, and your writing is awesome. Here's to a wonderful six years and many more!

Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

Farm Lassie
March 15, 2017 12:16 PM

Happy blogoversary!!

As a fellow writing introvert, I totally get the struggles of opening up creations to the world.

I really should do a NaNo event/camp…college is still in the way though. (Sad face)

Love your blog!


Farm Lassie
March 15, 2017 7:11 PM
Reply to  Farm Lassie

Haha, could have fooled me! You're welcome!

By the way, I tagged you for my Bibliophile Tag on the Rebelling Muse:

(Anyone else that wants to participate can!)


March 15, 2017 3:03 PM

Congrats! Six years…. I don't think I could commit to something for that long.
I'm sure everyone is very thankful that you decided to start blogging all those years ago 🙂 I really do enjoy reading all your posts!

Also you take the most beautiful pictures of all your books <3

Florid Sword
March 15, 2017 3:24 PM

Happy blogoversary, Christine! Six years, wow… *tries to think of something she's done for six years straight* That's an accomplishment. A major one.
I love your blog so much. *munching cake* I've been reading it for maybe six months now (?).
Your blog is the kind I aspire to write someday ( except a little more of random life/music stuff). Love you, girl!

Florid Sword
March 15, 2017 5:43 PM
Reply to  Florid Sword

Yeah, no problem. *hugs* First I need to START a blog, though…

Florid Sword
March 17, 2017 6:11 PM
Reply to  Florid Sword

Well, my parentals finally said yes to that, so now I do have one! *is very very happy*

Jameson C. Smith
March 15, 2017 6:44 PM

HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY! Six years of blogging is an awesome accomplishment! *throws confetti*

I love stopping by Musings, because you always have such lovely posts and inspiring and encouraging words! I'm so glad I've had the privilege of "meeting" you through blogging. 🙂

March 15, 2017 9:19 PM

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Blog Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't even known that your blog existed so long, BUT I'M GLAD THAT I DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!! O_____________o <333
Thanx for all the GREAT advice! I LOVE the book reviews!!! <3 I check your blog every day in anticipation of another AWESOME post!
Your Devoted Blog-Checker,

p.s. you need to read House of Dark Shadows (the whole series)…. I think you'll like it – based on your book reviews…

March 16, 2017 2:46 PM
Reply to  GJE

You are SO welcome!!!! I am, too!!! Awww… Thank YOU!!! Yes, I do… 😀 xD YAY! I made you smile! I have a knack for that… but usually it's because I make a fool out of myself. lol! O___O I will keep that in mind!!!
yay! You TOTALLY need to read it. It starts a book series, and the last book TOOK MY BREATH AWAY!!!!! It's Christian also, so YAY! It's a win-win situation!

Kayla Marie
March 16, 2017 12:03 AM

Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations, Christine!! 6 year… that seems like an eternity to a little baby blogger like myself but I'm sure it's passed like a flash! 😉

I've only been following for a little while, but I have enjoyed this blog SO. MUCH!!!

Here's to the next six years!!!

Kayla Marie
March 17, 2017 8:03 PM
Reply to  Kayla Marie

Ack! You flatter me muchly. 😉 I tend to think that you have really found your niche and are really comfortable there – it's one of the things I love about your blog!!! All of what you call "mess" is part of that! And what makes us all love your blog so much! 🙂 It all fits here.

Aw! Same here! I have so enjoyed our long conversations and flailings about writing and books and and blogging and craziness!

Aimee Meester
March 16, 2017 10:21 PM

HAPPY BLOGVERSARY! *all the hearts and cake and confetti*

– Aimee (To the Barricade!)

Olivia Fisher
March 17, 2017 10:31 PM

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, CHRISTINE!!!! Six years… that is a crazy awesome, long amount of time! *is in awe* Here's to many more years of Musings of an Elf! *passes out cake and chocolate and books*


Emily Drown
March 17, 2017 11:55 PM

Oh my goodness, how did I not see this post?!? HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY TO MUSINGS OF AN ELF! *confetti* I cant ramble enough about how awesome you are, Christine.

Victoria Grace Howell
March 20, 2017 4:44 PM

Aw thank you for being part of the blogsphere! *hugs* Writing is hard. We need to stick together and encourage each other.

Sarah Elizabeth
March 22, 2017 7:30 PM

Happy Blogoversary, m'dear! This is an AMAZING feat!! Did you ever dream this far ahead? I have LOVED watching your little blog grow, and I absolutely ADORE all the random nonsense. This is most definitely my kind of blog. You keep everyone's attention, your writings and posts are fun and humorous, and you are so very relatable. It's perfect! Congrats, my friend! <3 <3 <3