Welcome to My New Blog

 Hello, my elflings! IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED. Welcome to the new Musings of an Elf! (Even though it’s no longer called that, but details.) The wait is over and it is HEEERE. I’m a little excited, if you can’t tell.

I’m kind of in love with my new space, if I’m being honest. It’s so much cleaner and better put together than ol’ Musings of an Elf (at least I hope so?). Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED my old blog, and will forever be fond of it, but it’s nice to be on a more professional platform.

STILL. I can be extremely nostalgic. I could have redirected the URL of my old blog over to here, buuut I’ve decided to just keep Musings of an Elf as is. I blogged over at the place for EIGHT. YEARS. Through it I made countless friends, learned so, so much, and just had the best time. It’s been one of my greatest blessings. So the URL shall stay put. (I also maaay have deleted some particularly old and embarrassing posts on this blog, but they’ll forever sit in Musings of an Elf. I just couldn’t delete them forever. EventhoughIshould.)

But enough of that, let’s talk about the NEW PLACE!



Whew! It’s been a job. Though importing my blog over was as easy as a few clicks, the designing, fine-tuning, fixing formatting, and learning WordPress took aaaages. And, in fact, I’m still working on some of that. I feel like after as many articles I’ve read and how-to YouTube videos I’ve watched, not to mention just a bunch of poking around and hands-on learning, I should have a degree in computer coding by now. HA! Juuuust kidding. I still have no clue what I’m doing.

WITH THAT SAID. I have some things to address…


When I imported my blog, it changed the formatting of like…all of my posts. Meh. I’ve been going through them and fixing them up, as well as placing them in proper categories. But I haven’t gotten far, so old posts may look a little wonky for a bit, some links in them may lead back to my old blog, and the category sections don’t lead to everything yet. I have over 300 posts to go through. Heh. Bear with me. XD (Although the formatting may just have to stay wonky on some forever. Such is the price of switching blog platforms. My perfectionist self is dying inside, but I’m tryyying to get over it…)


Like I said, I’ve spent a lot of time learning WordPress but, gracious, it’s an infinite source of possibilities, and I have no clue if I’ve done everything right. So if you find ANYTHING that looks off, if links don’t work, if things act strange, etc., PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Seriously. I welcome input and critiques.


Since I’m not redirecting the old URL to here, you’ll need to re-follow me. I’ve got two options: SUBSCRIBING BY EMAIL or FOLLOWING VIA WORDPRESS’ DASHBOARD. You can find both things right on the side bar there. I’m using Mailchimp for the email subscribers annnd that was again something that required a whole lotta learning, and I’m still not sure I did it all right. #RealLife SO. Again, if the “New Post” emails you get look weird or the links don’t work or you just don’t ever get the emails at all, please, please, PLEASE tell me. Same with following me on the dashboard. If my posts never show up, let me know! I’m not even going to pretend to know what I’m doing. XD


Lastly, yes, my URL is christinesmithAUTHOR. No, I am not, in fact, a published author, and have no clue when I’ll be. Buuut I wanted to go ahead and claim that URL. Hopefully that’s not weird… But I 100% plan on being published ONE DAY. The URL is more a less a promise to myself. *grins*


Despite the maaany headaches and hours upon hours of work, I don’t regret the switch one tiny bit. I’m ecstatic to have a more professional and permanent place. I’ve seriously wanted to do this for YEARS now. It’s such a relief to have finally taken the plunge! I AM PLEASED.

I realize this post is coming at you on a random Saturday evening, instead of my usual Monday mornings. I have good reason for that. Next Monday is when…FAIRY TALE CENTRAL LAUNCHES. I had hoped to have this blog established a week or two before then but lolololol obviously that didn’t happen. Thus this thrown together post on a Saturday. But Monday I’ll be back here with alllll the details about FTC, plus another fun thing or two, so do be sure to subscribe. *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge* And if you do subscribe, you’ll be getting my usual Monday posts. Because YEP. The hiatus is officially over! My posting schedule maaay change a smidge, as I get used to posting here and on FTC, but, for the time being, I’m planning on sticking to my usual every-Monday-post.

One last thing. Musings of an Elf turned EIGHT on March 14th. I honestly can’t believe I’ve been blogging for eight years. I simultaneously feel like I’ve been blogging my whole life and just geting started. TIME IS WEIRD. I’m totally cheating though and, instead of doing a proper celebration, I’m calling switching my whole blog over the celebration. I’ve just been toooo swamped to properly celebrate. But hey, completely changing my blog over and bringing you guys a new, shiny fairy tale blog is pretty big, yeah? We’ll pretend that counts. Eheheh.

ALL RIGHT. Enough of my ramblings! I’ve got a fairy tale blog to finish planning. STAY TUNED.



I want to know ALL your thoughts! What do you think of my new space? Anything you think should be tweaked? (Input is my favorite, so have at it!) ARE YOU EXCITED ABOUT FAIRY TALE CENTRAL??? And how was your March? I can’t wait to connect with you all again! (Don’t forget to subscribe. *grins*) I’ll be back Monday!

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March 30, 2019 7:45 PM

It’s stunning, Christine! *happy dances*
I can tell how much work you put into it! I love the new place!

Emily G
March 30, 2019 7:49 PM


Seriously, it looks GORGEOUS and I love “Fairy Dust On My Pen”. And I also still have Fairy Tale Central to look forward to– SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!


Ivie Brooks
March 30, 2019 7:58 PM

It looks great, Christine! I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to see Fairy Tale Central!

March 30, 2019 8:04 PM

OH MY WORD. OH MY GOODNESS. THIS BLOG IS ABSOLUTELY STUNNING, CHRISTINE!!! I love it so so much!!! It’s so fun and shiny and GORGEOUS! Those flowers are just….!!!! *flails happily* I’m so happy you were able to move your blog! I love the new look! (And name!! It’s not weird at all that you’d want to claim it. At least, it makes total sense to me, so?? XD)

March 30, 2019 8:25 PM

YOUR BLOG IS SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, CHRISTINE! I’m glad you switched over to WordPress, because now I’ll know when you reply + your posts show up in my Reader. 😀

Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
March 30, 2019 8:26 PM

CHRISTIIIIIINE!!!! Ack it’s so pwetty!!!!

I’m just on mobile right now but I can already tell how absolutely gorgeous it is, and I can’t wait to see the full effect on desktop! You’ve put so much work and love into this blog and ACK it’s so obvious. Beautiful job. <3

And congrats on 8 years!!!!! I’m so blessed to know you.

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
March 30, 2019 9:14 PM

Oh my word. Christine. I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! I mean, I’ll probably miss Musings of an Elf, but your new sight is SO PRETTY!!!!

And oh my goodness, congratulations on eight years of blogging! That’s so exciting! <3333

Liv K. Fisher
March 30, 2019 9:25 PM

CHRISTIIIIIINE. This. New. Site. Is. STUNNING!STUNNING!STUNNING!STUNNING! Aaaaah! I love it SO MUCH and I can’t wait to see Fairy Tale Central when it launches! <333

Deborah O'Carroll
March 30, 2019 10:28 PM


Deborah O'Carroll
March 30, 2019 10:28 PM

(And congrats on eight years of blogging!!!)

Sarah Seele
March 31, 2019 6:50 AM

It’s so gorgeous oh my!!!!
This is so exciting and also I can’t wait for Fairy Tale Central and just asjkhklhlh. So pretty.
And EIGHT YEARS, whoa. No wonder you are a pro. XD Congratulations!

Sarah Cnossen
March 31, 2019 8:07 AM

YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s absolutely GORGEOUS. I love it ALL!! The simplicity is so very lovely and and and THE HEADER & GRAPHICSSSSSS!!! You’ve done a fantabulous job, girl! All that hard work has certainly paid off, and I’m sure everyone else agrees. 😀 As usual, I look forward to all your post on this loverly site! We should do a “house-warming” party! haha xD

Hannah V
March 31, 2019 11:08 AM

It’s gorgeous! To be honest I was a little skeptical since I too am very nostalgic, but I love it! Great job!

Jameson C. Smith
March 31, 2019 2:26 PM

The new blog is sooooooo pretty, Christine! The design is fairy tale-ish and bookish and SO YOU. I love it! The book review archive is really cool too!

April 1, 2019 7:32 PM

CHRISTIIIIIINNE!!! It’s so beautiful! Just WOW. <3

Congrats on 8 years! 🙂

~ Elanor

Jenelle Schmidt
April 2, 2019 7:58 AM

The new site is BEAUTIFUL! (And I’m so happy to be able to get online and see it!!! Hopefully our permanent internets will be set up today… not having it has been such a pain) but the site is GORGEOUS. I love how it looks all shiny and new, and yet you kept a lot of things familiar and similar in places with color-scheme and whatnot. and I’m SO EXCITED about Fairy Tale Central!

Congrats on 8 years of blogging!

April 2, 2019 1:46 PM

This is so pretty! I love the way you did this blog!
I totally understand that you couldn’t bear to delete the posts on your old blog. I didn’t either…. So much hard work went into those posts, how could I delete them forever?!?!?
Anyway, good luck figuring out the rest of the formatting! So far, it looks absolutely lovely!

Christine Eyre
April 3, 2019 11:41 AM

Ack, this is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Gorgeous design, and the format is easier to read too! And I love all the sidebars and categories and pictures…you made a great decision to switch! Not that Musings of an Elf was bad at all, but this site just looks easier to read and navigate. 🙂 The whole layout looks cozy and homey too, like a tidy cottage!

Congratulations on successfully making the switch!

Victoria Grace Howell
April 16, 2019 8:14 PM

Your new blog looks beautiful! I’m so happy you got it how you like it! You’ve reinforced my determination to switch haha. I’m planning to do it in June!

Rebekah Stargazer
Rebekah Stargazer
April 19, 2019 3:42 PM

BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 😀 CONGRATS!