Seven Story Elements I Love to Write

I think every writer, no matter how many books they produce, have certain story elements they return to again and again. It’s like a fingerprint we leave in our stories, or a promise to our readers that they will always find these things within our tales. And it’s for ourselves as well. We write because we love it. That is the core of why we do this crazy story-making thing. And there’s just some things we love too much to only write about in one story.

On twitter there was a tag going around asking “How you know I wrote it…”, which you then use to list some elements you always return to in your stories. My sweet friend Jenelle tagged me for it and I thought, “That’d be a fun blog post!” So…here we are. (I actually kinda feel like I’ve done a post like this before?? But my worthless memory can’t remember, and if I did it was a while back. So! XD)

I’ve written a fairly wide variety of stories. Epic fantasy, steampunk, dystopian, retellings, weird stories that basically combine all the speculative fiction subgenres into one. Yeah, I like to explore the spec-fic genre. XD But, despite my somewhat broad range of tales, I definitely have specific elements that crop up…even without my consent. Heh.




Okay, this one is pretty obvious, but it’s definitely the main thing that shows up in all my stories. I do love me some fantasy. I think the only non-fantasy story I ever wrote was my first story when I was 9…which was about a girl befriending a horse. Super original, I know. But yeah, fantasy is my home base. The made up worlds, the magic, the infinite possibilities…AWK. It makes my heart flutter!

I have zero desire to write anything but. The closest I ever came was a dystopian novel that was, in fact, set in our world. Buuuut it was sorta a scifi-fantasy thing because there were people with somewhat fantastical powers—controlling emotions, creating fire from their hands, mentally visiting other people’s memories. Fun stuff like that. I sort of made it science-y buuuut let’s be real. It was all totally made up and could never actually happen. XD

I just really love making up crazy stuff, guys! Fantasy is too much fun. Also there are DRAGONS. (Which is another thing you’ll find in a looot of my stories. Obvs.)



This is one of those unintentional ones but, somehow, it crops up in basically every story I write. Maybe because it’s a bit of a fantasy staple. Or maybe because it’s just such an integral part of my faith. I firmly believe there is a clear line between good and evil, and that the light always overcomes the darkness in the end. And so these beliefs somehow sneak into all my stories.

I do love to write dramatic, emotionally traumatizing tales. *grins* But, BUT, I do nooot like writing downright depressing, hopeless stories. I want to show that hint of light that can always be found in the darkness.

I let my characters fail a lot, often I allow the villains victories, sometimes I make it look like there really is no hope. But then that makes it (hopefully) all the more satisfying when the characters choose to stand in the light once more and overcome the darkness. Those are definitely my favorite plotlines to tell.



I realize most stories, especially big fantasy ones, have a lot of villains. Gotta have those minions after all. But a lot of these stories just have the one group of villains all with the same goal.

With my stories, I absolutely love having a bunch of different villains, many of whom don’t even have the same agenda. Sometimes they may work together, or work together for a bit and have a falling out, or work against each other and the hero, or somewhere in between. The possibilities are endless!

I enjoy making convoluted plots, and one of my favorite ways of doing that is a bunch of different villains all with different things going on. It’s just way too much fun. Can’t have it simple and easy for the hero. Bwahahaha.

Sometimes I get a little bored with a story if there’s only one villainous goal standing in the hero’s way. Let’s have ALL the obstacles. (I’m so nice.)

And to kind of go along with this one…



My faaaavorite! It’s very rare I don’t have some kind of antihero-ish character in the story. They usually couple with that whole “multiple villains” thing. Sometimes they ARE villains, that then slide into more of an antihero role, and then end up with a redemption arc and become a hero. I love, love, LOOOOVE doing that. And reading about characters like that. GIMME ALL OF ‘EM.

Honestly, when I’m plotting a new book, one of my first thoughts is, “How can I add an epic antihero into this??” #Priorities

Also, my antiheroes are usually all little balls of sarcasm. #morepriorities Do I regret doing this over and over? No, no I do not. It’s like 75% of what makes writing fun. (Okay, that might be an exaggeration. Maybe.)



Obviously I love characters. That’s what truly makes writing fun. Spending time with all these different people and destroying their lives. THE BEST! But what makes it like 9000x more fun is all the relationships between them!

Exploring different character dynamics utterly fascinates me. In fact, a while back I did a whole post on types of character relationships I love to find in fiction. Throwing in a variety of personalities together and watching them learn to 100% rely on one another as they go off and save the world makes my heart melt into a glittery pile of happiness (wut?). I just don’t think I could write a story that doesn’t involve deep bonds forming between the character even if I tried. (But, um, why would I want to???)



Wait, didn’t I just say I love writing deep bonds? YES. But relationships do NOT have to end in romance. I don’t know where we get this idea from. (*coughs and points an accusatory finger at Hollywood*)

ALL RIGHT. So I am a fangirl and will squeal about my ships ‘til my dying days. I also love to ship my characters. Oftentimes they form romantic relationships that I did not plan for but absolutely love and flail and giggle endlessly over (all by myself like a weirdo since my books aren’t published… Ahem). I LOVE pairing my character off, I’m going to admit.


My books so rarely go heavy on the romance. In my Colors of a Dragon Scale series, I had a couple who had loved each other unbeknownst to the other person for, like, their whole lives. One of my favorite ships out of my characters ever. Annnnddd…then I didn’t let them be together until the finale. Which was book #7. Yep. I’ve been writing since 2001, I believe, and I didn’t write my first kissing scene until 2013. XD And I’ve only written a tiiiiny handful since then.  I always take my sweet time on the romantic relationships. Bwahaha.

I like romantic subplots, but very, very smallll, sloooow subplots. Even Burning Thorns, which is a Beauty and the Beast retelling, one of the most romantic of fairy tales, doesn’t focus too terribly much on the romance. My characters are too busy, ya know, trying to not die. Heh.



If I had to describe my writing style, that’d be it. I do so love to write alllll the feels. If my characters aren’t being emotionally scarred is there really a point??? BUT. I don’t think I’ve ever written a story without a hint of humor in between the, erm, horrifyingly life scarring events. My stories aren’t comedic pieces, but I do try my best to add in some chuckles now and again. I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of feels + humor. I think it’s the best story combination. (Which is why I believe the Marvel movies are so fabulous. They’re the masters at that combination.)

Usually my humor comes in the form of the dialogue. More likely than not, the source is the aforementioned sarcastic antihero. *cough, cough*

But also FEELS. I try to make as much of an emotional impact as I can. No clue if I actually succeed… But points for trying?

And there we have it! The 7 ingredients that make up a Christine story. Plus just some of my favorite things to find in other books. (Especially antiheroes *griiiins*)



This is one of my most favorite things to talk about so TELL ME. What’s some elements YOU love to write and/or read about? Do you share any of mine? Or maybe you disagree with some of mine, which is cool too! I absolutely love discussing all the different things we like and dislike in fiction. So tell me alllll your thoughts!

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Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
May 6, 2019 10:04 AM

OKAY. I loved this post xD Especially since a loooottttt of them are very similar to my most commonly used tropes?

I might have to do a post like this sometime too! I just have too many things xD I deeeefffinitely have go-to writing things, and I thought about listing them here but nooope too long.

I’m especially a fan of the villains that have different agendas thing! I love when that happens–it makes the story so much more interesting (I loved the way you pulled that off in BT! It was so awesome ;)) And I do it too…all my villains have different motivations in the Pentegreen series which makes book 2 a bit of a ride. *winces* It gets bad where your villain-on-villain conflict is what actually drives the plot rather than your hero-on-villain conflict…

And light vs. darkness is always going to be my favorite thing. GIVE ME THAT WRONG SHALL FAIL AND RIGHT PREVAIL!!!!!!! GIMME! …in case you couldn’t tell, I LOOOOOVE to see that. If it’s in a novel, I WILL BE HERE FOR IT.

But at the same time…grey morality and antiheroes are my favorite things too! I finally let one of my characters embrace her full-on antiheroic tendencies in my edits and it’s gotten a little scary. She’s already a frightening character but for me to give her such power…oh boy. We’re all gonna die.

NON-HEAVY ROMANCE IS AMAZING. Give me enough that I’m DYING from shipping but not enough that I get sick of the ship!!!!!! Hitting that balance is so tough, but it works! Especially when you write extremely slow-burning relationships that take an entire series to come to fruition…not that I do that. Heh. Never. *hides*

Okay but basically I love this post!!!!!! And I need to do a similar one!!!!

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
May 6, 2019 11:35 AM

Ooo, yes, I love all of these! I do the same thing with non-heavy romance – although one of my WIPs, I keep forgetting that there are no romantic pairings, and I keep trying to ship characters and it DOESN’T WORK. xD

Great post, Christine! 🙂

Hannah V
May 6, 2019 12:16 PM

I love all those aspects! Especially the non-heavy romance and feelsy + humor! I think that’s why I love your writing so much! You know how to combine the greatest elements with a beautiful writing style!

May 6, 2019 1:49 PM

Your stories sound really awesome! That’s so interesting that you tend to write multiple villains, I feel like usually that’s a movie thing? I may have multiple villains in my current story, but I don’t even know. *facepalm* Are they all villains? Are they antiheroes? Is my protagonist a villain? The confusing holes I write myself into.

Most of my characters end up being antiheroes whether I want them to or not XD Once I wrote a heroine who was actually mostly good and I just stared at the page going, ‘Oh my gosh, I did it.’

May 6, 2019 7:20 PM

Ahem. I’m here. Super early for me!!

Wow, this post is ingenious!!! Sweet idea, Christine!!

I definitely share the whole Light vs. Dark, Antihero, and Feelsy + Dash of Humor tropes with you!!! I find myself adding more and more villains into my stories, too. (Can’t let my characters have too easy of a time!!)

Another I have is horses. LOL I don’t think I’ve EVER written a story without horses. I love horses. A lot. *Griiins*

Anywho, GREAT post!!! I enjoyed reading it!! (By the way – YES to dragons!! I love dragons, too!!)

~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

May 10, 2019 7:33 AM

THANK you!!! *gobbles the cookies down*

xD Lets just say you came up with it!

YESSS!! That is so cool!!!

No! Of course not!!! Well…maybe a little!! As my writing buddy says: “Don’t mind us, we’re just casually plotting the demise of some people.” xD Don’t worry, you’re not alone!!!

YES. YES. And YES!! I’ve loved horses all my life!! Ohhhhh, now I REALLY REALLY want to read your books!! No, you can’t!! 😉 (DRAGONS, yes!!! I am definitely a dragon lover!!!)

~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

Chelsea R.H.
May 7, 2019 6:41 AM

Yes, I definitely have my go-to tropes which appear in basically everything I write. One of my favourites would be guy/girl friendships. Particularly ones that don’t turn into romances, but since I absolutely love “friends-to-lovers” sort of romance plots, I don’t mind if they do become a couple. But I like it when they stay single and still stay strong friends. But then, I also love strong, deep relationships between girl/girl or guy/guy. Those are also my favourites and I think I pretty much have some sort of best friend duo in everything.
Feelsy with a dash of humour definitely describes my writing style too! I hate depressing books (no.1 reason I hated The Fault in Our Stars, Divergent, and many others), so I try to infuse humour throughout and whenever someone tells me a line made them laugh, I feel really glad. 😀
I used to be really into antiheroes, but now I prefer the not-quite-antiheroes-not-quite-heroes sort of people. The rogues and scoundrels that aren’t exactly morally grey…but aren’t really great either. I like those sorts of people.
I’m also a fan of the rather controversial strong female character trope, if its done really well, and I usually have a character like that.
Themes of hope and resurrection turn up all the time as well 😀

Jenelle Schmidt
May 7, 2019 12:22 PM

LOVED THIS! Also, I was already chomping at the bit to read a Christine novel, but now I want to SO MUCH MORE! Please publish something SOOOOON!

Okay, I know it’s not that easy.

But we WANTS it precious.

I love all of these things, and share a lot of them as well. Fantasy!!! All the fantasy, all the time! I definitely write varying degrees of fantasy, but that is where I like to hang out… with a few exceptions. I do have a sort of sci-fi mystery thing that is definitely in the works at some point.

And light vs darkness! SO MUCH YES! Love the clear lines between good and evil and the struggle of good characters standing firm against all odds.

Deep character bonds and non-heavy romance!!! So nice to find someone else writing this way, as well! I do have some romantic threads running through most of my stories, but yeah… my characters are generally way too focused on not dying to spend much time thinking about kissing. LOL

I’ll have to think about this some more, because this is SUCH a good idea for a blog post, I’ll probably steal it at some point! 😉

May 7, 2019 6:48 PM

Those are great themes to have show up in your novels! I love the fact that you have multiple villains! That sounds so interesting.
A couple themes that are showing up more and more in my stories are the love interests only getting together 50% of the time (my poor characters….), and the main character being the powerless one. I find it interesting when the main character is not the one that ends up saving the world. Someone else does.

Victoria Grace Howell
May 7, 2019 9:31 PM

This sounds like a great recipe for great stories. ^ ^ Light vs. Dark will never ever get old! And I love good antiheroes and I tend to have a handful of those in my books haha. And I love deep platonic bonds too! My weird tendencies are somehow I always chop off someone’s limb in my series and somehow some kind of laboratory weeds its way in there. XD

May 7, 2019 9:54 PM

Okay. I firmly believe that this post is perfection. And also I kind of want to write a post on this now??? There are so many things I find keep cropping up in my different books, and it is WEIRD. Sometimes my inner editor tells me it’s because I’m not original, but whatever. He’s totally a liar. XD

But HOLY COW I am so intrigued by your multiple villains thing! For most of these I was nodding along and grinning because YES! Anti-villains + deep (and unlikely!!!) character bonds + humor + fantastical elements = MY FAVORITE KIND OF STORY. (To both read and write, obviously. XD) But multiple villains is something I never even thought of before, and it makes me even more excited to read your works someday! I mean, I guess I did have an idea once when there were two villains, but that was basically the plot of the story, and had nothing to do with causing conflicts for the MC’s…

I think you’ve hit the nail right on the head for some of my favorite things to write/what keeps cropping up in my stories unannounced, but there are a few others that I’ve been finding lately, such as:
– a theme of forgiveness << no clue why, but this is something that I'm ALWAYS writing about. I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something XD
– unlikely friends << I don't write a lot of romance (read: any) but I DO love pitting characters of polar opposites together to see if they click and become besties, and it is SO much fun to watch!! XD
– FANTASY. ALWAYS THE FANTASY << I absolutely HAVE to agree with you on this one! I don't think I can write a story where there isn't some sort of fantastical element within it. It's just not possible. My WIP right now could POSSIBLY be considered a sort of contemporary, but it…still has fantasy in it. Like a lot. So I have no clue what to call it at this point. XD

I absolutely ADORED this post, Christine! This was so fun and unique and I'm in love with absolutely everything that makes a story a Christine story! <333

May 7, 2019 10:38 PM

YESSS!!! I love ALL of these Christine! ESPECIALLY anti-heroes (give me all the anti-heroes forever!) and deep character bonds. And feelsy + a dash of humor…. okay, okay I love them ALL!
Writing is definitely about the tropes that I love. I can’t help it, I always come back to them! Like you said, they keep us writing!
Definitely some of my favorite tropes to read are bromances, anti-heroes, power struggles, and super smart heroes/heroines outsmarting everybody (like someone give me the Ocean’s 11 of fantasy!!)

Emily G
May 8, 2019 6:13 AM

Can I just meet some of your sarcastic antiheroes, though? xD

We definitely have some of these in common! Fantasy aspects (I basically don’t write anything if there’s not something wild and fantastical in there), light. vs. dark, non-heavy romance, deep character bonds… I ADOOORE that in books, so I really try to make my characters’ relationships come across the same way.

I also tend to write siblings a lot?? There’s something amazing about writing, well, a deep character bond as I already mentioned, in the form of siblings. I also tend to be pretty sarcastic in my narration. xD Dry humor in the storytelling amuses me so much and it just flows out naturally for me. xD

May 8, 2019 2:29 PM

Non-heavy romantic relationships. YES!

I love writing romantic relationships and, like you, prefer to let them develop slowly. Yes, same, I love to squeal about my favorite ships. But I also get sometimes annoyed with authors who want to throw the two MCs together as quickly as possible so they can get to all the kissing and hand-holding and long, lingering, starry-eyed gazing. Really true, deep relationships take time to grow and become love. So I really love it when writers feel that way and write accordingly. It’s rare, but such a beautiful thing! I like seeing the two be either friends or enemies/rivals/you-name-it first, BEFORE they become lovers, you know?

Also, feelsy with a dash of humor is the best! I love writing all the feels. Wish I was better at writing the humor. 🙂

Deborah O'Carroll
May 8, 2019 8:49 PM

THESE ARE PERFECT. Fantasy, light-versus-dark, multiple villains (so complex, yesss!), and ANTI HEROES, and character bondiiiing and the adorbz romances on the side and all the feels and hilarity! YES YES YES TO ALL OF THESE. I love your thoughts on them all, and YES, they do really permeate your work! That’s the coolest! I… don’t really know what my story elements are. I think I’m just really bad at analyzing myself, AND my interests change over the years, so… *shrug* But I so enjoyed this–such an intriguing idea! 😀

May 9, 2019 3:13 PM

Thanks for sharing the secrets to the magic that is your writing. I adore all of these elements! Mix them together and you have quite a compelling story. It’s like your own formula, and I 1000% approve!!!

Ashley Bogner
May 10, 2019 9:58 AM

This was a fun post to read! I also love writing stories with multiple villains. I think having different villains with different agendas is the perfect way to develop the story’s theme and make the conflict more complex. Thanks for sharing!

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
May 16, 2019 2:54 PM


Especially the multiple villains one, I ADORE adding in as many villains as my poor main characters can handle. XD Sometimes even the heroes become villains themselves… Hmmm…Is this healthy? XD

And ANTIHEROES. AGH. YASS. My antiheroes are usually allllways snarky little balls of spunk, which is incredibly fun. 😀


[…] and was eventually brought over to the blogs!! Thank you SO much to Jenelle and Christine for finding this, and you can read both of THEIR blog posts of a similar nature by clicking on […]