{Linkup} The Language of Worlds: Karis

Another round of The Language of Worlds has arrived! And Liv has brought us a fabulous set of questions!

Just in case you have no clue what I’m talking about: The Language of Worlds is a writers linkup created by the magical unicorn that is Liv K. Fisher. Every couple of months she throws out 10 questions which we can then answer for any one of our original characters. It’s suuuch a great way to dig deep into your characters, as well as share fun tidbits about your story, AND see what other bloggers are writing too. Because we bloggers/readers are naturally nosy creatures. *cough, cough*

Technically I’m still working on Burning Thorns edits (I feel like I’ll be working on this story ‘til I die…), so my first thought was to do another BT character. But GOOD GRIEF. I’ve done so many posts about BT. You guys are gonna be sick of it before it’s ever published! (Er, if it’s ever published…?)

Soooo I thought I’d do a character from ANOTHER story, to prove that I do, indeed, have stories that aren’t BT. IT’S TRUE. In fact, my NaNoWriMo ‘17 novel, The Nether Isle, has been on my brain a lot lately. I don’t know why those characters have decided to fight for my very limited brain cells, but here we are! Actually I do know why… They’re some of my favorite characters I’ve ever written (yes, I totally play favorites, shhh, don’t judge) and I adooored that story. Truth be told, it’s on my mind A LOT. It’s just been even more lately.

BUT I really need to focus on Burning Thorns/Realm Makers/2398434 things right now and don’t need to even think about working on rewriting another book. Althooough, once this round of BT edits is done and I’ve sent it off for querying, I’m thinking maaaybe The Nether Isle could be my next big novel project? Possibly? I DON’T KNOW. We’ll see! If it is, that’ll be months from now, perhaps even next year. So…who even knows.

EITHER WAY, it’s been on my mind lately, and since I can’t work on it right now, I thought featuring a Language of Worlds post would help tide me over.


If you weren’t around during the NaNo ‘17 days, The Nether Isle is a weird 1920s-ish fantasy steampunk story about 17-year-old Karis Levine who gets sent to, you guessed it, THE NETHER ISLE. This island is a deadly place that only the worst of the worst criminals get shipped off to and dumped out to try to survive. No one actually knows why the isle is so deadly, as no one ever returns from it. Dun dun DUNNNN. Also, the reader has no idea why this bubbly 17-year-old got sent to such a place. Bwahaha! Of course, once she gets to the isle instead of dangerous beasts like she expects, she finds…fantasy thiiiings. *grins* Like I’d write a story that wasn’t full of fantasy stuff!

And yep, that’s the story! But not really. (Wow, I’m so great at explaining my novels.) If you’re dyyying to know more, I did a WHOLE POST on it back in October ‘17.

ANYWAYS. Let’s actually get to the point of this post!

Join the linkup HERE!




1.) Your character goes on a leisurely stroll. Where to?

Karis lives in the High City of the continent of Ilderwind. This large city sits right at the edge of the ocean and Karis’ townhouse is near enough to the docks that she can see the ocean through her bedroom window. She absolutely adores the sea, and loves to stroll out to the docks and breathe in the ocean air and watch ships come and go.

She also very often likes to just meander through the streets of the city and people watch. Walking is actually one of her favorite activities, as she’s highly energetic and can’t stay still for long. Moving around and being out where people are is her fave. She’s a puppy, basically.


2.) What’s their favorite food? Why? What does it taste like?

She definitely has a sweet tooth! She’s not terribly picky when it comes to desserts. One of her favorite things is cherry pie, especially the cinnamon cherry pie her grandmother makes. Her grandmother usually sprinkles some extra cinnamon on the crust of Karis’ piece, which may be why Karis is an actual cinnamon roll. You are what you eat and all…


3.) Describe their typical day.

Karis’ life was fairly normal before, ya know, her author jumped in and destroyed everything because I’m nice like that. But back before all that, she was apprenticing to a doctor (more on why in question #7), which required being at his office fairly early and doing whatever he said. Though he wasn’t a great teacher, as he sent her out to take medicine to patients far more than teaching her the trade. But, truth be told, Karis didn’t mind. Getting to travel through the city all day is much more appealing than trying to learn medicine in a stuffy office.

After her work day was over, she’d go to her little brother Harland’s school and walk him home, where they then had dinner with their parents and enjoyed a relaxing evening.

She honestly had, like, the most normal, chill life than…any of my other characters. Until, ya know, THIIINGS. *cackles*


4.) When are they most productive? Morning, evening, or sometime in-between?

Usually during the afternoons, actually. Once she’s fully awake and has moved around for a while, she’s good to go. She’s such an active person, by evening she pretty much crashes. XD


5.) Who are they closest to?

Definitely her family. Her mother, father, and younger brother Harland are her world. They’re a close-knit group and will do anything for one another.


6.) Have they ever lost someone close to them?

Shockingly…no, not really. I mean, she still has both PARENTS. It’s a miracle! She’s one of the fewwww characters of mine with an intact family and fairly normal life (except for certain things which I am not telling you about *smile, smile*). Honestly, it was so nice writing a character with loving, living parents. There are not nearly enough of those around and even I’m bad about having characters with dead parents. This whole book was a bit of an experiment from my norm and I LOVED it!

But ANYWAYS. Yeah. Karis hasn’t had to experience much loss at this point in her life. :)))


7.) Describe their education.

In Ilderwind, education is pretty standard to ours, EXCEPT for your last year. They have what’s called the Final Year in which you take on an apprenticeship with any trade of your choosing. You then spend that year learning the trade and, afterwards, graduate and choose to either go to university to keep learning the trade or, if you feel like the year of apprenticing was enough, jump into work immediately. Of course, if you don’t like the trade you can take on a new apprenticeship for another year.

But yeah, the schooling system is similar to what we have, you just take on apprenticing for you “senior year” basically.

Karis decided to try her hand at being a doctor because her greatest desire is to help people.


8.) What is their talent?

Funnily enough, Karis isn’t quite sure. A big part of the novel is her trying to decide what she wants to do with her life. The doctor apprenticeship isn’t going great—partly because the doctor is treating her more like an errand girl, and partly because she’s not super into medicine. It was just the best way she could think of to help people.

Of course, once she gets sent to the Nether Isle she doesn’t think it matters anymore since she’s probably going to die. Eheheheh.

But her true talent lies in thinking outside the box. She’s not much on organization and logic, but she can come to some great creative ways to solving a problem.

She’s also a master at making new friends. Kind, bubbly, and talkative—it doesn’t take much to be her bestie.


9.) When do they doubt themself? What makes them do so?

Underneath that happy-go-lucky exterior lies an ocean of doubts and fears and questions. Karis feels like her life is purposeless. Her doctor apprenticeship isn’t going well, and her greatest fear is that she won’t be able to ever make a different. She has such a deep passion for helping people and is on a constant search of finding her calling. So when she gets sent to the Nether Isle to just die, it destroys her. Because more than the fear of death is the fear of living an empty life. Of never making waves before her time in this world is done.

She needs a sense of purpose as well as encouragement from others (especially her family) to truly keep going. Being seen as useless and unable to help people undoes her.


10.) When do they feel most comfortable/cozy?

At home with her family surrounding her and the windows opened letting in the fresh, salty air of the sea. That is her happy place.

Buuuut later she also finds deep comfort in the presence of a certain guy named Jonah she stumbles upon on the Isle. *smile, smile*

And that’s my bby girl! I feel like these answers were pretty boring… This story is really hard to talk about because I feel like if I say any tiny thing it will spoil eeeverything. Eheheheh. But let’s just say this is the Karis before certain events take place. *grins*

Welp. Writing this just made me want to work on this story more not less. Whoops…

Don’t forget you can snag the questions and join the linkup HERE! It runs through June, I believe, so there’s still plenty of time!



What do you think of Karis? Do you like writing extroverted or introverted characters more? (Random question, I know, but Karis is one of my most extroverted of characters, so it just got me thinking about it.) And have you joined in on this linkup? It’s SO much fun!

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Christine Eyre
June 3, 2019 12:12 PM

So I may have silently squealed when I saw this post AND that it was about KARIS!! I was thinking about The Nether Isle the other day and wondering when you might get back to it. 🙂

Also, I totally relate to feeling like you’ve been writing/will be writing one story for the rest of your life. 🙂 But the fact that you’ve worked on BT so long means that it still holds a special place in your heart, and all this work WILL be worth it!

Haha, I laughed at the account of extra cinnamon and “you are what you eat”!!

Okay, wow, it is SO much fun to learn all these new details about Karis! I don’t you mentioned any of this during ’17 NaNo…either that, or I just missed that Karis had a life and a normal family before All The Plot Things. 🙂 Also, the depths to her cheerful and carefree personality is amazing!!

I’m thinking we should implement Ilderwind’s school system. Any takers?

Oh, yes, Jonah! I don’t suppose you could do a second link-up featuring him…?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me whether the character is introverted or extroverted–both types are fun to write. Even two extroverted characters or two introverted characters won’t have the same personality or see the world the exact same way, and that’s always interested to consider and portray! When reading introverted/extroverted characters–it all depends on how they’re written. If an introverted character is a walking stereotype or just rude to everyone, then I am going to be annoyed. Or if the extroverted character is a walking stereotype or written by an introverted author who clearly has no idea how an extroverted mind works…I’m going to be annoyed. And if the character has no personality beyond introverted/extroverted, I’m still going to be annoyed. Introvert/extrovert is really just how someone finds and processes information. It’s not a character trait on its own. So yeah, I’ll like any character, introverted or extroverted, if they’re consistent and fleshed-out. *gets off soapbox* Also, I do think writers need to be nicer to extroverted characters! And write them in such a way that they’re NOT walking stereotypes or clearly the introverted author’s pet peeve. *gets off smaller soapbox*

This was awesome to read! Thanks for sharing more about this story and character!! And I hope work on Burning Thorns goes well!

And see you at Realm Makers!!!!!! 😀

Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
June 3, 2019 1:08 PM

I’m doing this linkup in a couple weeks! ^_^ I’m very excited about it 😉

I love the sound of this character SO MUCH. The Nether Isle sounds like such an amazing story, and I always squeal quietly whenever you talk about it, because AGH MAGIC CAMERAS AND ISLAND PRISONS AND EXTROVERT CINNAMON ROLLS AND JUST ASFDLJKGHDAKFJDSKLJ. Ack. I needs more about this one *squeals*

Also I love the fact that she has a family! I feel like decent parents are so underrated in fiction xD


June 3, 2019 1:56 PM

She sounds so cute! I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a heroine in a novel who was a doctor! Or doctor-in-training, as Karis is. It’s kind of surprising there aren’t more doctor heroines, because that skill would come in a LOT of use during all the dangerous situations heroines find themselves in 🙂 I guess it just takes a lot of research.

Characters with intact families are amazing. I’ll admit that most of my characters have one dead parent, or if their parents are still living, they’re probably separated or divorced or whatever. I don’t even know why that happens, unless it’s just because I’ve absorbed all the other stories with dead parents and can’t imagine stories being told differently now. *shrugs*

I have plenty of extroverted side characters, and I try to treat them fairly–I feel like some novels portray extroverted people as shallow, and I try not to do that. But all my main characters tend to be socially awkward introverts, probably so I can relate to them XD

Liv K. Fisher
June 3, 2019 4:10 PM


M.H. Elrich
June 3, 2019 5:51 PM

This sounds so awesome!!!! You definitely made me want to read this book, just by reading your questions and answers. And now I want to join this Link-Up! Thank you for sharing.

Emily G
June 3, 2019 5:55 PM

WHOA THIS STORY SOUNDS AMAZING THOUGH. Like um. I need it right now? xD

Karis sounds like such a sweet, fun person! I loved learning about a character from one of your other stories. 😀 (which is nooot to say I’m sick of hearing about anything else because that’s definitely not true.)

I think I kind of tend to write extroverted characters more? Which is funny because I’m totally an introvert. xD And hmm, looks like I have another set of questions to answer! *already starts planning which character to use*


June 3, 2019 6:39 PM

I remember the Nether Isle… was it really two years ago? I’m still as fascinated by the story as ever!
(trying this comment the second time.)

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
June 4, 2019 3:42 PM

AGGHH THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME HOW AWESOME THIS STORY SOUNDS. :DDD Karis sounds like such a sweet little bean! Extroverted characters are so fun to write! ^_^

June 4, 2019 4:54 PM

Oh my goodness, Christine!!! I love this story SO SO MUCH!!! I remember squealing while reading your posts on it way back in 2017, and apparently my excitement for it has not dwindled an inch. XD Karis is honestly one of the sweetest characters I’ve ever heard of, which makes the fact that she got sent to the Nether Isle a very intriguing mystery… (*desire to read this book escalates*)

And UGH. I TOTALLY get having to prioritize which projects get worked on first. Right now I’m first drafting a brand new WIP, but I also want to start working on beta revisions for EV (a.k.a. the book of my heart XD) so that’s gonna be difficult… But holy guacamole, I am SO excited for the day when I finally get to read one of your books! I just KNOW you’re going to be one of my all-time favorite authors!!!

Oh my goodness. That question you asked at the end made me realize something really weird about my writing: I usually only write extroverted characters. And that is kind of interesting since I’m an extrovert myself, but my current WIP, SK, has a man lead that’s an INTROVERT, and now I’m beginning to understand why I’ve been having so much trouble cracking him open… Oh my goodness…. *existential crisis*

Victoria Grace Howell
June 4, 2019 7:55 PM

I’m so excited I get to meet you in a little over a month squee! Karis is a gem. That’s so cute that she likes cherry pie.

June 7, 2019 12:05 AM

I remember this story! Karis sounds like such an adorable little cinnamon roll!!!
Your answer to number 6 had me rolling! XD
So accurate.

Jenelle Schmidt
June 7, 2019 4:39 PM

Karis sounds like a fabulous character! I can’t wait to hear more about her or perhaps meet her in a book… 🙂 🙂 🙂

Thanks for reminding me about this link-up! I think I shall try to participate before June flashes past.

Also… random… but we may have a need for a new blogger during the Silmarillion Awards (which will be in September again this year) might you be interested in joining us? (It’s really not very time-consuming or anything, and you’re really only committing to 1 original blog post which is the awards ceremony, the other 2 posts are just basic posts saying which award you’re hosting and opening up nominations/displaying the voting form). Anyway, I know one of my regular bloggers can’t participate this year, and I haven’t heard back from a few others and instantly thought of you when I was mulling over other awesome bloggers I know who might be interested 🙂 🙂

Sarah Cnossen
June 7, 2019 10:18 PM

Awwwww, sweet, sweet Karis! So nice to meet her again! She’s MOST DEFINITELY a cinnamon roll. And WHAAAAAT—living parents??? We SO need more of those!!

Love this! TNI is also on my auto-buy list. *^ – ^* <333

Hannah V
June 7, 2019 10:49 PM

I want to read this story!!!!!!!!!!! And I have ever since you began talking about it in 2017!

Karis sounds so awesome! This whole post gave me Howl’s Moving Castle vibes. She sounds like a more extroverted version of Sophie. 😉 And it’s Steampunk which is a genre that I’ve been coming to love. All your reviews recently about Steampunk fairy tales have been fueling that desire to read more Steampunk. 😀

Needless to say, I will be so excited if you ever publish this story!!! And if you ever need Beta-Readers for The Nether Isle, sign me up!

Hannah V
June 10, 2019 2:36 PM

Yeah, I think the HMC vibes came from the setting of her growing up years. 🙂
Thank you for the suggestions! I’ll have to look into them!
You’re totally welcome! I would be honored to be able to read it! 😀

June 8, 2019 7:23 AM

This book…sounds…amazing. Gosh, Christine, how do you do it?!?!

And Karis!! *Screams* I want to read about her so badly!! 😳

Ehhh, either works for me. Extroverts are fun to write because they’re a challenge for my introverted self. Plus, they really brighten a manuscript with their shenanigans. And hen there are the introverts. So super easy to write, because I’m one of them. xD There are benefits to both, I think!

Nope, I’ve never joined in a link up before, but this one looks like so much fun to do!! ^^

Blessings to you, dear!!

~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

Melissa G
June 9, 2019 5:40 PM

Awwww I love Karis!!! She sounds like a ball of energy, but super sweet, and I love that both her parents are living! That’s something that I need to work on, I always tend to have dead parents… 😛 Can’t wait to hear more about this story!

(Also, I’m so sorry but I just realized I never replied to your reply to my comments on BT! I really appreciated you going through all of them and sharing your thoughts. <3 I hope they helped you throughout your edits, and let me know if you ever need another pair of eyes on BT!)

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[…] their characters and share their answers with others. I was introduced to the challenge by Christine Smith, whose wonderful interview was inspiring. The challenge itself is hosted by Liv K. Fisher, who […]


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