Know the Novel Part 1: Introducing The Timekeeper and the Librarian

All right, elflings, I have teased you enough. It is at last time to reveal my NaNoWriMo ‘19 novel! Since, ya know, NaNo starts THIS WEEK (?!?!?!), I figured I should probably actually tell you guys what I shall be consumed in for all of November.

I’m going to participate in my own Know the Novel linkup to share all the fun. I have been LOVING seeing everyone else join the linkup. SO MANY GOOD STORY IDEAS. Seriously, you people have brilliant minds. I cannot wait for all these amazing stories to be written! If you haven’t joined in but want to, the linkup will still be open until midnight on October 31st. So you’ve got a few days yet to hop in! All the details HERE!

SO. My NaNo ‘19 novel.

This year I will be writing a book called…


(Which is a ridiculously long name, something of which I am never a fan of. But it’s also cute and whimsical which was what I was going for so…I don’t know. It may change one day. WHO KNOWS?!)

I. am. PUMPED. Buuut before I tell you all about it, I must first give a little disclaimer. Everything in this post is subject to change. Obviously. We all know how our First Drafts look at all our big plans, crumples them into little balls, and tosses them into the sea, all the while laughing maniacally. Happens to the best of us. But this year, for me, it’ll probably be particularly bad. Why?

Because I am pantsing this novel.

Now, that may not sound all that crazy. A ton of you are pantsing your novels. But see, I’ve never pantsed a NaNo novel. Since my first NaNo back in 2010, I go to GREAT lengths plotting. As in, every single novel I have ever written for NaNo has a ridiculously detailed, scene by scene 15k – 20k outline. Yeah. (I’m crazy.) A lot of you ask how I do a double NaNo each year, and my answer is always: PLOTTING. I plan out every. tiny. detail so I can just WRITE and not worry about what happens next. It’s served me well for 9 years.


Well, plotting has kind of drained away the fun and magic of storytelling for me lately. Last year, though I did enjoy NaNo, something was lacking. That love for storytelling seemed distance. I felt like I was just doing all the motions because I was “supposed” to, not because I wanted to. As I overanalyzed why (‘cause over-analyzing all my emotions is what I do for fun…) I came to a simple conclusion: All my ridiculous plotting had killed my creativity.

See, when I was younger, I was 100% a pantser. The idea of plotting was absurd. I was a discovery writer through and through, just typing words and seeing where the story took me. But since that can sometimes lead to much messier, aimless drafts, I decided to plot a novel for the first time ever for my first NaNo. It worked well, and so I’ve been doing it since. Slowly but surely, I became a plotter.

This was fine and well. It helped a lot. But I think maybe I overdid it for myself? I kept forcing myself to come up with outlines that resulted in, quite possibly, dry stories. I thought back to the last novel I ever pantsed, and it was one of the most fun novels I’ve ever written. The story just came alive and told itself, with all sorts of twists. And I miss that. I miss that feeling of watching a story unfold, instead of trying to force it into some dry outline. (Not to say plotting is bad. Plotting is AWESOME. I just personally think my stories end up better when I let them unfold as I write.)

I’ve been totally pantsing my Faylinn short stories and it’s been an utter blast. Those stories have more been filling up my creativity instead of draining it. ‘Cause I’m just having fun with them and letting them surprise me.

As many novels as I’ve plotted, I think, deep down, I’m still a pantser.

SO. All this nonsensical blabbering to say: I’m pantsing this novel. And it is terrifying. And exciting. Since I’ve always had a detailed outline to follow every NaNo, I have nooo clue how this is going to turn out. If I’ll be able to do a double NaNo. WHAT. But I just want to have fun this NaNo, and I think pantsing this story, instead of forcing myself to follow an outline, will help in that.

Plus, this is my TENTH NANO!!! (When did I get so old???) I wanted to do something special for that. So pantsing it is! It may end disastrously, buuut I won’t know ‘til I try.

Anyways, that got way, way longer than I meant it to. Storyofmylife.

How about I actually tell you about my novel! Instead of, ya know, babbling about how I’m gonna write it. LET’S DO THIS.

Join the linkup!




1.) What first sparked the idea for this novel?

That’s a fun story!

My dear friend/writing partner/in general amazing person Deborah O’Carroll and I were always bemoaning to one another the lack of time we had for things. There just never seems to be enough TIME. So, one day, alllll the way back in 2013, I had a fun idea. I decided to write a short story for Deb’s birthday about her and me seeking out more time.

In the story, we landed in this weird place with a giant clock tower and Time. “Time” turned out to be a teenage-looking guy who insisted on being called Time, though he’s really the timekeeper. The giant clock tower actually controlled time, and he just maintained it. Though he was more or less this ageless being and could open portals and slow down time and some fun stuff.

You should know, it was around this point that I had discovered my favorite book of ever, Howl’s Moving Castle. In fact, it was Deb herself who introduced me to that book. So since we were both obsessed with it, this short story was heavily inspired by HMC, and Time himself was heavily based off Howl—grumpy, dramatic, absentminded, the works.

ANYWAYS. The short story was all just for fun. But that spurred on an endless inside joke between Deb and me of our adventures with Time. I even wrote two more of these short stories afterwards, with the intention of writing more but, well, I never could find the time. XD After the first story though, I thought about how much fun it would be to write a whole novel about Time. I jotted some ideas in a journal and…never did anything about it since.

Now here we are, some 6 years later… And, at last, Time is getting his book. Better late than never? *sheepish grin*

So yep, that is how Time came to be. Lol. If you ever see Deborah and me referencing “Time” as if it’s a person, now you know why!


2.) Share a blurb!

Oh gracious. Let’s all remember I’m pantsing this. Do I have a solid plot yet? No, no I do not. But, um, let me see what I can do…

Everly Maleck lives a simple life as the small town’s librarian. Books are her world…and her only friends. But that’s the way she likes it, or, at least, that’s what she keeps telling herself. Deep down, she knows something is missing in her life. But people are messy, illogical, and nonsensical.

This belief is founded when, one day, a strange young man with a pocket watch walks into the library and time stops. Literally. All the clocks, all the people, everything in existence freezes—except for Everly, much to the man’s surprise.

The man claims to be the Timekeeper, the person who literally maintains time. He also seems to think there is something unusual about Everly. Marking him off as mad, she tries to forget the whole bizarre instance.

Of course, life is not logical either.

When a strange group of people try to abduct Everly, it is the Timekeeper himself who comes to her rescue and whisks her off to a giant clock tower that sits on an island in the middle of the Sea of Time. Everly’s simplistic life is thrown into utter absurdity as these attempted kidnappers seem to be after time itself…and her. Now she is forced to work with the eccentric Timekeeper to seek answers. Answers that make no sense at all. For what does a librarian have to do with time?

Ugh. That was embarrassing trash. This is what happens when I only know what happens in like…the first chapter and a few smattering backstory things.

Moving on!


3.) Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects about the setting?

I have a very specific feel in my head for this story, and I really hope I can pull it off, but who even knows???

Remember how the first idea of this story was inspired by Howl’s Moving Castle? Yeah, that’s more or less the type of feel I’m trying to capture—the book Howl and the movie Howl. Because, actually, the feel of this story is all very heavily inspired by Studio Ghibli movies as well.  They have this certain…aura that I love and hope to capture in this story.

With that said, I think the setting is going to be a  lot of fun. It’s not exactly going to be steampunk, but close.

The world is not modern, but not old style either. There are trains and newspapers and some electricity (sorta) but also cobblestone roads and Tudor-style houses and cute cottages and simplistic lifestyles.

It is set in the world of Aldermere (name absolutely subject to change) where things like trains and lamps are run by a special dust called alerium found under the earth. So instead of batteries and electricity, you have this alerium dust that keeps things lit and running.

There is a lot of fantasy aspects too. Mail carriers ride giant birds, I think there will be different races, like small, furry type people, some ginormous but probably friendly creatures as well, perhaps some form of a magic system, but I haven’t quite figured that out yet. (You can see I’ve deeply thought this out. >.>)

A good visualization of what I’m going for. Image found on Pinterest.

The story starts in this cute little town where Everly lives, but I know for sure will later move on to the big capitol city. And then, of course, there is the Timekeeper’s realm, where time actually is. This realm has a small island with a huge clock tower in the middle. Surrounding the island is the Sea of Time, that more or less looks like an ocean of ever-shifting, ever color-changing sand. Sometimes bubbles rise up that reveal random scenes of time past or present (and maybe even future) within. The island itself boasts a beautiful garden surrounding the clock. Inside the clock is the Timekeeper’s house—which consists of a ton of rooms, an elevator to reach said rooms, and, at the top, a huge room with a smooth floor and cogs and cranks and pipes running all across the ceiling and wall. These are the gears that makes the Clock of Time keep going a.k.a time itself going. And this is what the Timekeeper must maintain. Where else the story takes place…I have no clue yet. It’ll be a surprise to everyone, especially me. XD

I am SO EXCITED about this world though. It’s a bit different from anything I’ve ever done, as it’s not a high fantasy world but not exactly a steampunk one either. Somewhere in between the two. It’s cozy and cute and whimsical, and I cannot wait to explore it!


4.) Tell us about your protagonist(s).


INTP | quiet | skittish but fiery all at the same time | would rather read than…anything | melts at the sight of cute animals | wishes life would just be logical | lonely | kindhearted | asks “why me?” basically every day from the moment she meets the Timekeeper | tea makes everything better | searching for answers to questions she doesn’t even have

I think that says it all. Everly could be describes as a mix of Hermione from Harry Potter and Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle. She’s logical, practical-minded, and a bit mousy, but also has quite the fiery temper. As a bit of a contrast to that, she loves animals. Her no-nonsense attitude goes out the window when there’s a cute animal within the vicinity. She’s also a lonely soul, despite trying to convince herself all she needs are books. But, subconsciously, she knows something is missing in her life. There is an emptiness within her that no amount of reading can seem to fill. She’s a bit jumpy, not one for sporadic behavior, and would rather leave the adventuring to book characters (so I guess she has a bit of Bilbo in her too). But, all this aside, she is kindhearted, and though people exasperate her, she is a firm believer in doing the right thing.

The Timekeeper/Luka

ENFP | eccentric | terrified of letting people down | has to constantly be doing something active | awkward | a bit of a drama king | seemingly clueless and incompetent but actually quite smart | Trying His Best | an actual puppy dog

I’m not sure I’ve ever written a story without an ENFP? I seem to be addicted to writing them. Actually, I adore them in real life too. ENFPs are fantastic. ANYWAYS. The Timekeeper/Luka (because, yes, his real name is Luka even though he likes to be called the Timekeeper and Time because #DramaKing) has changed over the years. This version of him is waaay different from the version I wrote in those short stories for Deb. That version was so very Howl-like, all grumpy and unreasonable. This one is…kinda the opposite.

This Timekeeper is very much a puppy dog. It is his aim to please people, even if his version of pleasing them is…not normal. Much like a puppy bringing you an old, dirty shoe it found in the yard. It’s so proud of what its done, and trying its best to make you happy. The poor thing can’t understand why you’re going “BLECH” and throwing away the toy it brought you. Yeah, that’s Luka.

He’s also a ball of energy, absentminded, and appears to have no clue but, in reality, is quite brilliant. Just in a rather unorthodox way. But, because I love giving characters contradictory traits, despite being kind and happy and reckless, he also has a flair for the dramatics. He loves to dress fancy, sometimes blows things way out of proportion, and, like I said, wants to be called Time instead of his actual name because it makes him sound cool.

He, too, suffers with loneliness though, as being alone kind of comes with the title of being the Timekeeper.

He’s gonna be a fun one to write. Especially pairing him with no-nonsense Everly. Bwahahaha. Like, seriously, I’m already so in love with these two!


5.) Who (or what) is the antagonist?

Who indeed! I have some vaaague ideas of the baddies. It’s going to be a group, though I think there is a ringleader, he just…hasn’t deemed it important to introduce himself to me yet. Apparently. >.> (And I say “he”. It could be a she all I know!) 

I know their plot has something to do with controlling time. Sorta. And I have some thoughts on why. But that is spoilers. Plus, I don’t even know if these ideas will stick once I start actually writing. I know it’ll come together once I get into the story (I hope) but for now…I got nuthin’.

THOUGH. I do know there’s going to be an antihero named Sage who may or may not already be trying to take over the story (because this is a Christine story and writing lovable antiheroes in every story ever is how I roll). But yeah. We’ll see how that goes. XD


6.) What excites you the most about this novel?

What doesn’t excite me? This story has been swirling through my head on and off for 6 years. (So you’d think I’d have a plot but lololol that’s not how I roll.) I’m already in love with the characters and cannot wait to see the hilarity that will ensue of forcing Everly to work with Luka. The whole feel and style of the world is one I’ve been wanting to write for a while. I’ve kind of had an idea for this type of world for years, and so when I decided to write Time’s story, I knew this world would work perfectly for it. I’m also really excited to see where the story goes since, well, I have no clue. XD

I think it’s gonna be fun all around!


7.) Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

The plan is a standalone. And I am sooooooo hoping it stays that way. (Pleasepleaseplease stay that way.) I really do not want this becoming some huge series. I think it’s the type of story that will work well as one, contained novel but bwahahahahaha. We all know how that works out for me. >.>

Also, I already have a vague idea of a spin-off novel. Yeah. Before I even have a plot for this one. *siiiigh* What is wrong with me?

BUT STILL. I’m hoping this one will stay as a single story.


8.) Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

Lololol. I’ve already answered that one, in way more detail than anyone wanted. Pantsing! Although, I have written some notes on the characters, and have a bunch of notes of random ideas. So I’m not going in 100% blind. More like…93% blind. It’s gonna be great!


9.) Name a few things that makes this story unique.

Ooooh. UM. Being as how I don’t know the plot, this is really hard to answer right now.

I guess the world is going to be semi-unique, kind of a blend of multiple things. And the way I handle Time (actual time, not the person lol) is, hopefully, unique. Though it will be timey-wimey, this is not a time travel story. I mean, Time is a clock that needs to be maintained. Sorta. I don’t even know… (I’m so prepared. Halp.)


10.) Share a fun “extra” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).

PINTEREST BOARD ~ Obviously gotta have a Pinterest board!

PLAYLIST ~ I adore this playlist. There’s plenty of Studio Ghibli music (of course!) and some from a video game called Xenoblade (which is a great game and has some fabulous music) and a smattering of other fun things. It’s got a lot of happy, cozy songs that fits the setting perfectly.

And there we have it, The Timekeeper and the Librarian. I’m chomping at the bit to write this thing.

Funnily enough, I decided to write this story for this NaNo literally by the end of last NaNo. As much as I loved Kings Bleed Gold (last NaNo’s novel) it was a dark and heavy book. The darkest one I’ve ever written. Which is fine, buuuut maybe not to spend an entire month on non-stop. It was one of those stories that probably should have been written slowly. It was just…a lot. So this year I wanted to go with something lighter, more whimsical. That’s not to say this will be all fluff. Bwahahaha! I am incapable of not putting all the Feels in my books. And I mean, writing feels is my fave! Buuut KBG was a LOT. I think this one will be a lot more fun to spend the entirety of November in. I’M JUST SO EXCITED!!!

OH. ALSO. It’s like NaNoWriMo knew what I was writing, because their theme for this year goes so perfectly with the book’s aesthetic it’s almost scary. I mean…

LOOK AT THAT. It works so perfectly for the whole Timekeeper vibe. I literally bought a t-shirt because it goes so well with my novel this year. I couldn’t not! It was meant to be.

If you haven’t  buddied me yet on the site, you can find my NaNo profile HERE. I’d love to be buddies!

Annnnd, don’t forget you can answer these questions on your own blog and add your link to the official linkup HERE. I am so honored over how many have participated. It’s been SO MUCH FUN!!! Part 2 of the linkup will be up on November 4th!

Four more days, guys, For more days until the over-caffeinated, sleepless nights, pounding keyboard madness begins. IT’S GONNA BE GREAT!

Happy writing!!!



If you made it to the end of this monster, you really deserve an award. But hey, you guys kept asking what my NaNo novel was gonna be. ;D So what do you think? Does this sound fun? Can you believe NaNo starts in FOUR DAYS??? Are you excited? Let’s make it an epic one!

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Florid Sword
Florid Sword
October 28, 2019 9:18 AM


It’s so funny that you’re like “I am writing something light and whimsical because WE DON’T NEED TO WRITE ANOTHER DARK AND HEAVY BOOK FOR NANO THIS YEAR” and I’m just over here like LOL because…Pentegreens 4 is going to be SO DARK. But it also gets to be a finale so…hopefully? I don’t even know man. We’re hoping I can pull off the Hope Factor 😛 xD

The NaNo logo! *flails* I love it SO MUCH. Honestly I am just absolutely stoked for NaNo this year *screams into the void*

This novel sounds so good and so Christine-ish and overall I just really cannot wait for it and aksdfjdkaghalfjakdsl

October 28, 2019 9:31 AM

*slams fist* CHRISTINE! I would read this in a heartbeat! This sounds so whimsical and fun and interesting and just ahhhhhhhhhh *throbbing heart eyes* This is seriously genius and I need to read it. Now.

October 28, 2019 10:24 AM

OH MY GOODNESS ON MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! CHRISTINE!!! This story is PERFECTION!!!!!! I can’t even begin to say how desperately I want to read this…. I need it. I seriously, physically need this book in my life. And that blurb!! You say it’s bad but GIRL. IT’S AMAZING!!! I knew your story was going to be amazing (yours always are) but I can see this world and the characters so vividly in my head!!! You have a gift, my friend. And it is glorious.

So, I kind of relate to Time??? 😂 Like a LOT. Literally everything you said about him had me like, “WAIT. WAIT THIS IS ME. WHAT IS HAPPENING.” From being an ENFP to seeming clueless but is actually smart to BEING A SMOL PUPPY? ??? I have literally described myself to people as being a Labrador puppy, and they have AGREED. 😂 I just….I love him. He is my new favorite character and I cannot WAIT to read my alternate self. 😂 Also!!! Everly!!!! She is a smol cinnamon roll and I adore her and want to hug her and TOTALLY ship her with Time… I can’t help it. I have to ship this. 😂

I cannot believe NaNo is so close!! I’m scared… 😂 Good luck with your story, Christine!! I cannot wait for updates!!! <333

Deborah O'Carroll
October 28, 2019 10:42 AM


I mean, I’ve been super excited about it ever since you mentioned it (and I’m getting all nostalgic about your original Time stories!! <3) but NOW??? IT IS EVERYTHING I NEED IN MY LIIIIIFE!!! Everly and Time/Luka sound SO PRECIOUS/PERFECT and the setting!!!! Just everything about it is perfection and pffft, I TOTALLY LOVED that summary for it! OMGOSH. I NEED THIS STORY. I'M SO EXCITED YOU'RE WRITING IT! I hope pantsing goes well for you! I'm going to be way closer to pantsing than I planned; I mean, I have some notes and rough idea of several chapters, but after that… eheheheh. AND weirdly enough this post is making me more excited about MY NaNo too because there are some similarities and it's a book I've been wanting to write for ages too. I CAN'T WAIIIT. But it's also terrifying that NaNo is so soon because I'm so beyond not ready. XD BUT IT'S GONNA BE GREAT. WE'LL BOTH HAVE FUN AND IT'S GOING TO BE FABULOUS! I'm so glad you shared this with us–gaaaah!–and best of luck on it! You can totally rock this even if you haven't planned it! I hope you have TONS OF FUN!!! (And eheheheh we can bemoan our lack of villain planning together. XD)

(Also, the playlist link isn't working? But the pinterest board is GORGEOUS!!!)

October 28, 2019 11:32 AM

Ooh this novel sounds amazing! I would totally read it! (And I love Howl’s Moving Castle).
Best of luck in your NaNoWriMo adventures!

October 28, 2019 11:38 AM

I LOVE the NaNo logo this year! In fact, I told myself that if I win, I’m getting myself a NaNo mug as a reward, lol.

Also, I ADORE that your world is inspired by Studio Ghibli!!! I’ve only seen about three of their movies, but they are *so* delightful and cozy. And Howl’s Moving Castle is pretty much #1 on my list of theirs to watch, but I can’t find it anywhere which is driving me nuts.

I can’t wait to see where your pantsing takes you! 🙂

October 28, 2019 12:38 PM

This is wow. I love it! Everything about it! Howl’s Moving Castle is wonderful. I’d love to read more books with similar vibes (I’ve not watched the movie though). Also, it sounds like there’s going to be some adorable clashes and friendly contrasts in the characters’ dynamics. Everly and her bookishness is great (so I’m an intp, hi). Also, Luka sounds like a blast. XD I love that name, Luka, Luke, Lucius, any variation. I can’t wait to hear more about it!!

Good luck with the pantsing! It really is a ton of fun, but definitely comes with its own challenges. You’ve got this!
(Oh, and I am very interested in this mysterious anithero named Sage.)

Evelyn Kelly
October 28, 2019 1:27 PM

Okay I was kinda creeped out by the theme of NaNo this year too because I just finished my last WIP which was time-traveling and I was almost done when the theme announcement came out.
Isn’t the poster amazing though??
What is up with this?? I’m totally pantsing this year too. I sooo missed that crazy-sickening overwhelming giddy feeling of having absolutely no idea what is going to happen.
*laughs nervously* This week has been a little nerve-racking since I just want to start and all I hear from everyone else is how they are cranking out chapter after chapter of plotting.

R.M. Archer
R.M. Archer
October 28, 2019 1:32 PM

This. Sounds. AMAZING. 😀 😀 😀 The vibe sounds so fun, and I’m already in love with Luka, and Evelyn sounds fantastic, and I JUST WANT TO READ THIS SO BAD.
Also, hooray for time protectors! XD

Jameson C. Smith
October 28, 2019 2:03 PM

TENTH NANO! You’ve totally got this, girl!

I loooove the title. Kind of whimsical and fantastical with a twist of mystery. AND THE CONCEPT OF THIS IS AMAZING. How cool that the NaNo theme fits it so perfectly! (The theme this year is lovely, no?)

Book-loving MC? Antiheroes?? Drama King??? I neeeeeeeeed dis.

This story sounds like it will be so super fun to write, Christine! I can’t wait to hear even more about it! Best NaNo wishes!

Hannah VanGelder
October 28, 2019 2:12 PM

Your blurb is not trash! It almost gave me chills and it made me super excited for this story!!!!!!! Also the fact that Time is inspired by Howl, this book will be amazing!
The fact that Luka is an ENFP cracked me up but makes total sense! I love ENFPs but they do require quite a bit of maintenance. 😉
And I love the setting! Gosh this book is going to be fantastic!

Hannah VanGelder
October 28, 2019 9:46 PM

Yeah I get it, I hate writing blurbs, but I’m also a Panster so…

October 28, 2019 3:30 PM

First of all…I scream. Because for the first time ever I get to actually read something about a current novel of my Christine’s and I’m so EXCITED and just AHHHHHHH my. Word.

CHRISTINE!!!!! Meeep, this is SO great and I just love how you explained everything and the setting and YOU HAVE AN ANTIHERO NAMED SAGE???? Awk! I love antiheros so much and my horse’s name is Sage!!! GAH.

Gah. *Flails* I don’t know what to say anymore. xD I just love it so much and there are no words.

~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

Sarah Cnossen
October 28, 2019 3:36 PM

This sounds absolutely FANTASTIC!!! And so totally YOU. I can’t wait to hear more! I’m definitely getting the Howl’s Moving Castle vibes, and I love love LOOOOOVE both the book & the movie!!!!!

This is gonna be so exciting to see how you handle Time. I love the story of how this idea was sparked! That’s hilarious xD And the BLURB—most certainly not trash! I love it & already NEEEEEED it. So feed us more, girl!!!

OOOOOOH. THE SETTING. I love the whimsy, almost-steampunk-though-not-quite, with some electricity & steam engines, run by a cool kinda dust stuff—that’s so unique!! And THE CHARACTERSSSSSSS. I already love Everly (HER NAME IS SOOOO PRETTY), & Luka/Time!!! They sound like such cinnamon rolls. I love how Everly “melts at the sight of cute animals” and “tea makes everything better”. Can totally see her in a stressful scene sipping tea in an effort to calm herself. xD And Luka! TOTAL PUPPY DOG. <333

The antagonist(s)! Wow, I'm so intrigued. And certainly by this Sage guy/gal… *thoughtful face* YOUR PINTEREST BOARD IS GORGEOUSSSSS. Love this theme! And how neat NaNo just knew how to design their banners & such—it’s so perfect!

I’m totally unprepared for NaNo too, though I’m kinda plantsing this one… Still, WE GOT THIS. Go forth & WRITE, girl!!! Do your thing!!! Happy NaNo’ing, Christine! I know this one will be a blast!

October 28, 2019 4:36 PM

Oooh. This sounds amazing!! I WISH I COULD READ IT YESTERDAY. And I love your story of how you got your idea! It’s funny, because as soon as you started to describe it, I kind of thought of Howl’s Moving Castle, even before you mentioned that that was your inspiration.
You have personality types that always show up in your stories, too? I tend to have an INTJ in each story…possibly because I myself am INTJ. Oops. XD (Although the tests never seem to be able to decide if I’m INTP or INTJ, so *shrugs* It seems to change each time, lol.)

Chelsea R.H.
October 28, 2019 5:01 PM

This sounds so INCREDIBLE. I just finished reading Howls Moving Castle about a week ago. I’d decided to read it ages ago, because I’m pretty sure you can’t go a single blog post without mentioning it, and I finally found a second hand copy and I adored it! I’m just waiting for my siblings to finish their current book, and then I’m going to read it aloud to them.
Basically saying, this book sounds awesome and I’ve been craving something similar to HMC.
Ahhh, I hadn’t seen the new logo before but it is absolutely stunning! I love it!
I also love the Timekeeper. Those melodramatic drama queens are the absolute best to write. And Everly sounds so precious (not to mention I love her name!)
I completely get what you mean about dark stories in NaNo. I was so burnt out at the end of last NaNo because my novel was just so heavy. I ended up taking a break from it and finishing it much more slowly during March/April this year. I don’t know if my novel this year is going to be less heavy (its about WW1 afterall) but hopefully I’ve planned enough light and fun moments that it doesn’t get too much.
Oooh, and how could I forget the setting! It’s also awesome. Though I do have to wonder what happens if the clock *Isn’t* maintained???

Merie Shen
Merie Shen
October 28, 2019 7:24 PM



AND YOU’RE PANTSING WHICH IS AMAZING I mean I cannot begin a book without a good idea of where it’s gonna go; I need to outline like the first half of the book and then some in the second half. And yet I’m also a discovery writer, but I don’t call myself a plantser, because I don’t like that word and it reminds me of plants. So.

I actually have a character in my current WIP (the one I haven’t finished yet even though it’s 3 days ’till NaNo, yes that one) also called the Timekeeper. So I was thinking of that 😛

Everly and Luka both sound so adorable. <3 And I love steampunkish-fantasyish settings!! They're my favorite kinds of worlds!! <333

Tracey Dyck
October 28, 2019 7:38 PM


I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THISSSS! And, I confess, stalking your Pinterest to see if I could figure out what story you’re planning on. XD I *did* see recent activity on this board, but had nooooo idea it was going to be your NaNo book! I’m such a creepy stalker, haha.

But Christine! I remember those Timekeeper stories! (I may have just dug through my very old emails to see if I still have them, and I do. <333)

And excuse me, missy, but that blurb was NOT utter trash. It's making me excited to hear MOAR! Time stopping? Grumpy, Howl-like dude with a pocket watch and a clocktower? Everly, who has an epic name and is probably in for the ride of her life? I loves it already, precious!

And and and–*SQUEALS*. I am becoming even more in love with every single question answered here! The SETTING (gosh, yes, I need this now) and Everly and Luka….! <33333333 My heart is swelling with excitement and I'm ALMOST TEARING UP that's how excited I am. (Wow.)

I also love love love that you're going back to your pantsing roots and jumping in 93% blind. So brave! It makes me feel a little better about semi-pantsing/plantsing my NaNo project too. 😛 Oooh, and I'll be bookmarking that playlist to listen to later!

H.S. Kylian
October 28, 2019 9:28 PM


*cough* Also, I have that anti-hero problem…kinda. I’ve turned at least two villains from two different series I’m not currently working on right now into good guys and one ended up with not just his own spin-off story, but also a tragedy. Because you can’t have this kind of character without the tragic backstory! (*SOBS* I’M SORRY ETHAN)

Also, I have the NaNo mug! I almost want to get a poster too, but a mug’s fine for now! I wonder what their theme will be next year so I can start collecting more mugs, haha.

October 29, 2019 10:17 AM

DANG this concept sounds super duper awesome :O
I really really want to get to know the characters, especially the Timekeeper :O
(Even with a ton of outlining, howww have you finished ten?! I haven’t even finished one xD)
This would lowkey do well as a series, though, I think. (I will never be able to stretch anything into a series unless the books are super short, I have a terrible time reaching writing goals because I have no idea how to write proper filler that doesn’t seem like filler xD)


(this comment is a complete mess)

Megan Chappie
October 29, 2019 10:34 AM

Oh my gosh this looks SO FUN!!! All the aesthetics. Gorgeous. Time and Everly sound like absolute sweethearts. <3

And I love the title "The Timekeeper and the Librarian." Such unique occupational words, especially when paired with one another. As the lovely blurb points out. 🙂

Can't wait to hear more about this as NaNo progresses!!!

Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer
October 29, 2019 3:50 PM

AHHHHHH THIS SOUNDS INCREDIBLE! I love the feel of the world already, can imagine Everly and Luka’s banter and fun antics, this mysterious clock tower… o.O I’m in love!!!

Don’t worry about not having an outline! Even if the first draft ends up being a bit rough on the edges, it’s worth it for rekindling your spark for writing! <3 Above all I hope you enjoy the writing process and fall into the whimsy and joy of the story!

Shay @ Shay Writes
October 29, 2019 4:22 PM

First of all, your title is AMAZING. I was sold as soon as I read it. And then the rest of your post just made me want to read this book right away. It sounds so amazing! I love the premise and your characters sound great.

Also, I totally get the worry about over-plotting. I’ve only pantsed a novel once and it was a mess so I never tried again but recently I’ve been feeling the same, that I over-outline and don’t have as much fun/the story just loses something because of it. Instead of attempting to pants it, I still outlined my NaNo project, I just tried not to get as caught up on details and intense as I usually do. I did intend to pants it but then I found myself writing an outline anyway… Oops. Good luck pansting! I hope it works out and you have more fun because of it!

October 29, 2019 10:09 PM

AAAAHHH! I,m so excited for this book! It sounds AMAZING!
sounds like pantsing might be a good change for you, and a good writer growth.
Happy writing!

October 29, 2019 10:37 PM

I ADORE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! You had me with the title, but then finding out it was inspired by Howl’s Moving Castle! JUST AHHHHH!! It’s going to be incredible and I already love the sound of these characters and setting.
It’s going to be fantastic!!! <333

Jessi Rae
Jessi Rae
October 30, 2019 2:31 PM

This novel sounds so AWESOME! 😀

November 2, 2019 11:35 AM

Wow, Christine! This sounds incredible! Just so you know, I would totally read this book. Everly and Luke sound awesome (love their names) and the world sounds so unique. I am fascinated by this whole idea. Good luck with the pantsing! 😀

November 2, 2019 11:36 AM
Reply to  Elanor

*Luka (stupid auto-correct 😉

November 3, 2019 7:20 PM

OH MY GOODNESS!!! *heart eyes* CHRISTINE!! This story sounds AMAAAAAAAZING. I would TOTALLY read this. I really hope to see it in print someday because THAT WOULD BE AMAZING. I hope to see snippets of it and updates on how it’s going!! Best wishes for NaNo! 🙂

Emily G
November 3, 2019 10:09 PM

THIS SOUNDS SO FUN! I love the setting! I’m all about cute, cozy settings and this one looks GREAT. 😀 Also, the whole alerium thing is actually super similar to how things are powered in one of my WIPs! In mine its a mineral, not a dust, but wow. Yet another indication that we must be twins. xD

YOUR FLAILING ABOUT PANTSING IN THIS POST IS ME TO A T. Not knowing where anything is going. That’s me this year. It’s so bad. xD So far it seems to be going pretty well, though… so hopefully that keeps up!!

I can’t believe it’s been a year since Kings Bleed Gold! o.o And since MY last NaNo novel. Wow. Time flies… hehe. No pun intended there. ;P


December 9, 2019 5:58 PM

Everything about this just screams CHRISTINE. <3

Also, I AM BACK! I think it's been like… FOREVER since I last responded to one of your blog posts – or any blog for that matter.

December 10, 2019 6:00 PM

THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
<3 Awwh, of course! The whole steampunk aspect sounds so cool. X3