Know the Novel Part One: Introduction – A Writers Linkup

Happy October! It is officially the month before NaNoWriMo! *muffled shrieking* And in honor of “preptober” (a.k.a. NaNo plotting month) I’m bringing back…Know the Novel!

“Um, you’re bringing back what now?” some of you may be asking, after you finish screaming at the reminder that NaNo is lessthanamonthawayWUT.

No fears! I shall explain all. Read on, my dear writerly frens!





Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. I first created it last year and it went over really well. I’m so excited to be doing it again!

Each part will feature ten questions you can answer on your own blog (or anywhere else on social media, if you’d like!). The questions will be focusing on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going.

The linkups go as followed:



  • Part One: Introduction – This month’s questions will be centered on you telling us about your novel and sharing allll the fun, juicy details. The people want to know!



  • Part Two: Within the WIP – While we’re in the midst of NaNo, the questions for November focus on how the writing process is going, what problems and victories you’ve experienced, how much sanity you’ve lost over time (JK! Or am I?), ya know, all the delicious behind the scenes info!



  • Part Three: It Is Written – December will have arrived, 298234 gallons of caffeine will have been consumed, and novels will have been written! This last part of the linkup will ask questions about how things went and what your next plans for your drafted novel will be!


To sum it up: For three months, I’ll throw ten novel/writing-related questions your way, you can take the questions and answer them on your own blog, and then share your link in the linkup I’ll attach below so others can read about your delicious novel-y goodness! Fun, yes? (I hope so.)

QUICK NOTE: I am doing this during National Novel Writing Month season since, ya know, a lot of us are doing NaNo. BUT. You DO NOT have to be doing NaNoWriMo to participate. You can answer these questions for any WIP you have. It’s all just for fun and to help us share and encourage one another in all our writerly endeavors. And I just absolutely love seeing what my dearest peeps are working on!

With all the explanations out of the way, let’s get to the linkup!




I’d be honored if you used the graphic above for your own posts, but it’s certainly not required!



1. What first sparked the idea for this novel?

2. Share a blurb!

3. Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects about the setting?

4. Tell us about your protagonist(s).

5. Who (or what) is the antagonist?

6. What excites you the most about this novel?

7. Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

8. Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

9. Name a few things that makes this story unique.

10. Share a fun “extra” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).



Now for the important bit, ADDING YOU LINK! Do be sure to use the widget below to link to your post so others can check it out!

Part One of the linkup closes at midnight on October 31st. I’ll be posting Part Two on the first Monday of November (the 4th), so stay tuned!

GUYS. Can you believe NaNo starts in THREE WEEKS?!?!?! *hyperventilates* I’ve got some 12 billion tasks to get done before then buuuut I AM EXCITED. So excited!!!

The novel I’m writing this year is one I’ve been wanting to write for some 5 years now. Yeah. I’m also approaching this NaNo a smidge differently than any other of my previous 9 NaNos. Oh yeah, did I mention this will be my TENTH NaNo??? YEP. #SoOld So I’m gonna do something kinda wild and different to celebrate. Buuuut I’m not revealing anything until my own Know the Novel post. You’ll just have to wait. Bwahahaha!

Oh, by the way! You can find my NaNo profile HERE if you want to buddy me. I’d LOVE to be buddies! Plus, I need to find all my peeps since they made a new NaNo site and all the buddies were lost. *sniff, sniff* So yes, do please friend me or point me to where I can friend you!




SO. Are you excited Know the Novel is back? Who’s all participating in NaNo? Can you believe it’s SO CLOSE??? *shrieking* If you join the linkup, don’t forget to add your link above! I cannot waaait to see everyone’s WIPs!

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Deborah O'Carroll
October 7, 2019 10:06 AM

Aaaahh! Know the novel is back! So exciting! 😀 Now I’m really annoyed at myself for writing a codename undercover project because I love doing these… Heh. I can’t wait to see your introduction for this year’s!!! And I’m so happy for these linkups! And aaaahh NaNo is so soooon!!! Also, yes, new buddies must happen, but FYI, the old NaNo site complete with NaNomail and buddies is available at so… anyways. That can be looked up at least. BUT ALL THE THIIIIINGS! SO excited for our 10th NaNo!!!

Deborah O'Carroll
October 7, 2019 1:11 PM

Secret undercover agent! I like! XD

Deborah O'Carroll
October 14, 2019 1:15 PM

SO I DID IT ANYWAY. BAHAHA! And had a ridiculous amount of fun. XD

Bree Dawn
October 7, 2019 11:38 AM

Ooh, I haven’t done a linkup yet, but I’d sure love too.

Can I still join the linkup if I post my answers and stuff on a Facebook page instead of a blog? I’m on an indefinite hiatus from my blog, so my Facebook page is the only place I could share this stuff right now. Lemme know so I can still participate cause I wanna do it so badly!

Bree Dawn
October 7, 2019 1:37 PM

Yay! I just did it and I’m super stoked to be the first person to post a link.

*jumps amidst confetti and sparkles* *has glitter in my eye for the rest of the day* *pulls confetti out of my hair* *decides that jumping in glitter and confetti was a terrible idea* *continues jumping anyway*

Bree Dawn
October 8, 2019 2:45 PM

Haha, yeah I really love dystopias, it’s like 99% of what I read and write. 🙈

Haha, you’re just as precious. *cries because I’m dancing in glitter and confetti with THE Christine Smith*

Jameson C. Smith
October 7, 2019 11:49 AM

AAAAAAAHHHHH I’m not prepared for NaNo to be this close but on the other hand I’ve been daydreaming about my story idea for weeks now so I’m not freaking out at alllll.

Ahem. I’m fine.

So glad you’re hosting Know the Novel again this year! I was so hoping it’d be back because last year was so much fun! I can’t wait to hear more about what everyone’s going to be writing next month. ^_^

Sarah Rodecker
October 7, 2019 12:48 PM

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s out!!! I’m so excited that you’re bringing this back!!!! I can’t wait to participate!

AND HOW IS NANO SO SOON?! LIKE WHAT?! It feels like I just finished! But I’m very excited that it’s this close. I really want to dive into my novel and explore this story.

October 7, 2019 3:11 PM

This looks fun! I’ll have to remember to do it! (My memory is so bad lol)

October 26, 2019 6:59 PM

Aha!! I got my link in a week before the deadline! So there, bad memory. >:- D

Emily G
October 7, 2019 3:37 PM

YAYY I’M SO HAPPY IT’S BACK 😀 I am, of course, speaking of Know the Novel and not NaNo because if I were talking about NaNo I would have said YAY I’M SO TERRIFIED I’M GOING TO DIE THIS NOVEMBER. 😀

Anyway! I’m so excited to do the linkup again this year. Although I HAVE now been hit with the horrifying realization that NANO IS THREE WEEKS AWAY AND I AM -400% PREPARED!!! *muffled screaming*

Yeesh. Honestly, why do we hate ourselves so much. xD But that is AWESOME that this is your tenth NaNo!! Congratulations for keeping your sanity this long! XD (or HAVE you…) And wait, we lost all our buddies on the new site? GREAT. *goes to frantically find everyone again*

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
October 7, 2019 4:30 PM

Agghhhh yissssss!!!!!! I’m so excited for this! *squeals*

Saying ANYTHING about my NaNo project is going to be tough, because it’s BOOK FOUR in my series *screams* and at this point everything is a spoiler. Haha. But I’ll be doing this linkup anyway, don’t worry 😉 I can’t wait. ^_^

I’m SO excited for NaNo!!!!! And congrats on your TENTH I mean whhaaaaaaatttt?????

Merie Shen
October 7, 2019 7:00 PM

YAAAAAAASSS IT IS HERE I’M SO EXCITED and this Linkup I NEED to do. I’m adding my link soon, Christine!! 😀

Also how come we don’t get to read about your novel?? xD Not really fair… lol

J. L. Guyer
October 8, 2019 10:54 AM

Yay! Thanks, Christine! I was counting on you to help me come up with a blog post for October 😉 This is perfect. I love to read about everyone’s WIPs and can’t wait to find out what your’s is! Also, you’ve inspired me and I’m going to try and do a double NaNo like you do most years. Any tips for how to do this would be much appreciated. I have outlined my entire book and am hoping that will be enough to help me get through. I, also, have 4 days a week to write for 6-7 hours/day. I suppose I ought to go write up a blog post now:)

October 8, 2019 12:49 PM

*incoherent flailing, screaming, and possibly shrieking*

CHRISTINE!!!! This looks like SO much fun!!!! I think (???) I might have participated in at least one of these last year, but I can’t really remember… Either way, I’m TOTALLY going to be participating this time around!!!! Whether or not I’m actually doing NaNo is still up in the air (I’m a floundering potato of indecision at the moment), but I am definitely doing this either way! AND THE QUESTIONS LOOK LIKE SO MUCH FUN!!! I mean, I might have to be super vague to eliminate spoilers, but eh. It’ll be a fun challenge. XD

I cannot WAIT to see what you’re going to be working on this NaNo!! Please tell me your post is coming out soon… I need this. XD Also, this is going to be your TENTH NANO???? GIRL, HOW EVEN. That is incredible!!! You deserve all of the cookies and confetti and shiny books to celebrate!!! Congratulations!!! (and also I’m totally going to be friending you on the NaNo site!!! I’m stalking you now. It can’t be helped. XD)

October 26, 2019 9:14 AM

I’ve added my link!!! I am SO exited for NaNo now, and I’m also equally excited for next month’s set of questions… I think I have a new obsession. (oops.)

MEEP!!! IT’S ALMOST THE END OF THE MONTH NOW!!! *stalks your blog like the smol stalker that I am* I am so excited!!! I literally need to know what you’re going to be writing, or I think I might physically die. XD You definitely deserve all of the congrats!!! Losing your sanity is but a smol price to pay for all of the epicness that you have written over the years!!!

October 9, 2019 7:28 AM

This is such an awesome and cool idea! :O
Hopefully I can actually finish Nano this year and not just slowwwwly lower my goal XD
Ten Nano’s? o.o I’m now curious at how many you’ve finished XD
Can’t wait for your post!!

(also your blog is epic. xD)

October 9, 2019 8:24 AM


I AM SO LATE SO LATE SOOOOO LATE BUT HELLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Ahhh, I’ve missed reading your fantastic posts so much and oh my word I’m a failure. xD

But on to less depressing things…

Although I’m already participating in one tag this NaNo season…I am. Not. Passing your amazing creation up. Like, zero percent. SOOOO, I’m taking part in your TAG!!! 😀 *Throw confetti*

This all sounds like so much fun, and although I’m not quite sure EXACTLY when I get the post up this month, it WILL come. Trust me. 🙂

Also, CONGRATS ON YOUR TENTH NANO!!! I can’t believe you’ve written for that many!!! (So many books! xD) I’m SO pepped to see what surprises you have in store for all us readers!!! xD

By the way, I am writing for NaNo – and I even sent you an invite. 😉 My name is Lily Cat on the site.

Oh yeah – I also sent you an email a while back, so maybe I should cut this comment off short instead of rambling on and on about STUFF. But AGHHHHH, I missed you so muchly!!! *tackle hugs*

Awesometastic post as always, fren!!! <3 <3 <3

Prayers to you!

~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

October 12, 2019 4:28 PM


GAH, yeah, we can die from the load together! xD YESSSSSSS…I’m doing the tag! Which, by the way, I just posted it on my blog! 😉

Sweet, thank you!!! *hands you appreciation*

THAT IS TOTALLY FINE!!! I’m behind on emails myself. xD Sweet, I can’t wait to get back in touch with you!!

Awww, thank you, Christine. You’re quite the blessing, yourself!!! *hugs back*

~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

Tracey Dyck
October 9, 2019 8:50 PM


I seriously need help getting my stuff together for NaNo. So far, all I have is a messy note on my phone with some plot bunnies and bare-bones worldbuilding. Plot? What is plot? *screams into the void* Soooo this will be very helpful indeed, and I’m excited to see everyone’s projects.

Including YOURS, missy! So secretive! I can’t believe this is your tenth NaNo too–that’s dedication, my word. Hope preptober is going well for you! 😀 (I get to do NaNo with my Christine for the first tiiiiime EEEEEEEK!!!!)

October 10, 2019 2:00 PM

What a cool idea! I love everything about this linkup!

October 10, 2019 7:09 PM

Love this linkup, not doing Nano but still might join.

Chelsea R.H.
October 14, 2019 5:18 AM

I’M SO GLAD THIS IS BACK!! Honestly, doing the Know the Novel link up was one of my writing highlights last year! It was awesome and incredibly motivating! I still go back and read the ones I did for my last novel whenever I’m feeling a bit down or uninspired 😀
I can’t wait to see what you’re working on this year!

Sarah Cnossen
October 14, 2019 3:26 PM

AHHHH!! It’s back! This is so exciting! I’m gonna do my best to jump in at some point. I have decided to take part in NaNo again this year, and I’ve got some form of an attack plan in the works. This linkup will be JUST the thing to help me get on the ball. (Nothing new, though, as I’m pretty positive I’m focusing on my Beauty & the Beast retelling, Noya’s story! again)

Can’t WAIT to hear what you will be working on!! And all the CONGRATS on your TENTH NaNo!!!!! *confetti & glitter everywhere* *distant screaming—howisitOctoberalready*

October 17, 2019 12:53 PM

Between Chelsea, Lily, and Maya, I’ve seen this enough times to be convinced to do it. Beware next week. 😉 And…I’m not actually doing Nano… I’m just always up for a reason to ramble about stories! 😝

October 25, 2019 3:20 PM

Random question, but I’m working on scheduling Nov’s posts and wanted to make sure next month’s questions are gonna be the same as from last year? 😆

Katherine S. Cole
October 19, 2019 2:30 PM

This is fun every year! I’m looking forward to joining again. 😀

H.S. Kylian
October 19, 2019 7:14 PM

I’M DOING NANO!!!!!!!! Trying to get more of my project prepped before I jump into writing it. Also, I’m going to force myself into bed early each night during the week so I can get up early enough to have time to write before work.


H.S. Kylian
October 19, 2019 8:52 PM

Hehe, let’s hope I actually stick to that plan!

Melissa @ Quill Pen Writer
October 26, 2019 5:28 PM

Thanks so much for hosting this, I had a wonderful time answering all the questions! They were so wonderful at inspiring me to keep going with my story. <3 I hope you're doing well!

November 10, 2019 3:24 PM

Oh, shoot! I meant to leave a link and I forgot XD Whoops! Anywho, I loved this idea (came back for part 2), so thank you!


[…] short story edits (on Petrichor) and NaNo plotting. With November 1st only two weeks away (!!!), Christine Smith’s “Know the Novel” linkup couldn’t have come at a better time! These questions were just the thing to boost my […]


[…] Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. It was created by Christine Smith and you can find the post that fully explains everything here.  […]


[…] Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. It was created by Christine Smith and you can find the post that fully explains everything here. […]