2019 Recap – Looking Back at My Highlights and Goals

I don’t know who, but someone gave 2019 permission to almost be over and, um, excuse me but I was still using it. Okay, I’ve actually had a very full year and accomplished quite a bit. 2019 was a wild ride, but a pretty great one. So, before it leaves us completely, I thought I’d look back at my goals and cover some of the highlights!

Back in January I put up a list of 2019 goals, ‘cause there’s nothing like good ‘ol accountability to kick the ever plaguing procrastination out the window, yes? But how did I actually do keeping up with the goals is the real question. Eheheheh. I mean, if I’m gonna announce them publicly, it’s only right I follow through and let you guys see if I actually did them.

So let’s recap!


A Look Back at 2019’s Goals


Edit Burning Thorns

Achieved: Yes!

This was like its…5th edit or something like that??? *collapses* BUT. At the beginning of the year I had said I thought this would be the last edit before I’m ready to start querying and GUESS WHAT? It was! I am really happy with how the draft is right now, and actually feel (sorta kinda maybe ish…?) okay with querying it now. *SHRIEKS INTO THE VOID*

I began this round of edits sometime in February and finished at the end of September, with a few months in there where I was barely able to edit anything because Life. But I GOT IT DONE. And it makes me soooooo happy.

I first started this story in 2014. So. Long. Ago. And have been working on it in some form or fashion every year since. It feels surreal to have it ready for querying. This is the first story I’ve ever had polished enough to query with. (Which is absurd, since I’ve written probably some 15 stories or so…. Eheheheh.) I’m sure BT and I still have a loooong way to go, but bringing it as far as it is reminds me that I can achieve seemingly impossible things if I just stick to it. And have people by my side. Because BT would still be in its disastrous first draft state if not for my many AH-MAY-ZING beta-readers helping me polish it up into what it is today. There truly aren’t words to express how much it means to me. I LOVE YOU GUYS! <3


Query at Least Three Literary Agents

Achieved: Mostly?

There are multiple factors why I didn’t totally achieve this one, of which I won’t delve into now. BUT. I did pitch my novel to two literary agents at Realm Makers and sent an official query to one after the fact. Um. Yes. I HAVE QUERIED THIS YEAR. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. *SHRIIIIEEEEKKKKSSSS*

I don’t know where it will lead, but just the fact that I have done something I have meant to do for yeeeeears makes me feel, well, good. Lol. I think I’ve had “query an agent” on my list of yearly goals for like the past 4 years or so now, and never did it. Ugh. BUT THIS WAS THE YEAR. This was the year I finally got BT to where I’m confident with it, did my research, actually wrote a for reals query letter, and SENT IT. I suspect many rejections are in my future because, hey, that’s the nature of querying. But I’m really happy I’m finally making steps toward my dreams. Because, good gracious, it was waaaay past time. I’ve been writing for 18 years. Yeah. It’s time to kick myself into gear and DO THIS THING. So…I’m trying. One step at a time.


Submit Flash Fiction and Articles to Magazines, Contests, Etc.

Achieved: Yes? Ish.

Okay, so this is an “ish” one because I while did submit flash fiction pieces in, it was only 2, and to the same place. I meant to do way more but this year ate my time and here we are. Still though. Tiny steps. I had neverrrr done this before. It was a bit of a plunge for me. I also have never written flash fiction before. So I was just getting my feet wet and working on getting up the nerve to actually DO IT. Hopefully this coming year I can work on it more. It’s really good for putting in query letters, ya know? Being published in little places is like building up a writers resume of sorts. So yeah, I need to take more initiative in this.


One of those flash fiction pieces I submitted? It got put in an actual physical anthology! So, like, for the first time EVERRRR I have something published. In a physical BOOK. And just… *faints* Yeah, it’s just a flash fiction piece amongst like 50 others but, ya know, life’s too short not to celebrate all the little achievements! PLUS. It’s in an anthology with my girls Tracey Dyck and Savannah Grace which makes it 10000% more special.

So 2019 was the year I got published for the first time, in a sense.

And, if you’re curious, the piece is called At Your Service and was published in Havok’s first anthology, Rebirth. My other piece, Backward, is on Havok’s website (but you have to be a member to read it).

I have a story in this book. EEP.


Switch Blog Over to WordPress

Achieved: Yes

This one I am soooooo happy about. And ended up being one of the most time-consuming, stressful things I did the entire year. Lolololol.

Okay, but I had been wanting to switch from blogger to my own self-hosted domain for YEARS. Blogger was great for a time, but I was really ready for something more professional and customizable. I just…kept putting it off. Mainly because the thought of switching my entire blog over to something new terrified me beyond reason. I am not a web designer, and the thought of doing such things makes me want to find a remote cave and be raised by wolves, away from technology. Ahem. So yeah. I procrastinated.

But this was the year I was determined to stop pushing back my dreams due to laziness. And, ya know, fear. Fear has held me back too, too long. And I was tired of it. So I took the plunge and I am sooooooo glad I did! Yes. It took like all of March to get it done. Yes, it involved many headaches and late nights. But it was so very worth it. I love having a more professional space over here. And, actually, the whole moving all my posts and things over was as easy as just a few clicks. So if you’re ever thinking about doing it, it’s not too bad! The main thing was my own perfectionism and trying to get everything to look how I wanted. Heh. But WordPress has an easy tool to pull your blogger blog over—posts, comments, and all. So if it’s something you want to do, don’t let me discourage you! It’s not bad at all.


Attend Realm Makers

Achieved: YES.


I was so happy I got to go again this year, because I’m like 97.8% sure I won’t be able to attend 2020’s Realm Makers. *sniffles* But I made it this year and had the best time ever and learned so much and hung out with the best people of ever and yeah. Such a blessing. I still feel filled up from it.

Buuut since I did a whole ginormous recap post of it, I’ll spare you guys from even more Christine rambles. XD


Read More

Achieved: Yes

This is another thing that is like always on my list of goals and hardly ever happens. As I mentioned in last week’s post, the past few years have been slooooow reading years. I mean, I want to read like every minute I’m conscious, but life just does not allow for it. But I felt like I could make more effort to find time for reading. Like instead of scrolling on Instagram, why not read a chapter of a book? I just had not made as much of an initiative toward reading as I used to and I WANTED TO DO BETTER.

This year? This year I did. Not amazingly so, but I did make more reading time than I have in a long while and it was SO NICE. I think I’m falling into better reading habits and hope to keep it up. Because, well, I feel like I have more books to read than days I have to live soooo gotta get on top of it!

Okay, but in all seriousness, reading also helps fill my creative tank and I find I write a lot better when I’m consuming good books. Sure, I could be writing when I’m reading, but it may be dry, gross words. Reading is so beneficial, and I sometimes lose sight of that.

Plus I just really, really love reading sooooo WIN-WIN.

ANYWAYS. If you want to here more about my reading year, last week I did a post on just that!


Participate in NaNoWriMo

Achieved: YEP.

This year I had to do NaNo, no matter what, ‘cause it was my TENTH YEAR. Like, I couldn’t just end a streak on 9. THE HORROR.

And aaaahhhhh! IT WAS SUCH A GOOD NANO. But, being as how I’ve been talking about NaNo nonstop for the past month and a half, I’m just gonna…move on to the next point…


Exercise Almost Daily

Achieved: Ish…but not really.

This one is a little half and half, because some months I actually did do some stretches/exercises most days. Then other months I did next to nothiiiing. Like in April when I had the flu the entire month. Or in November when I was writing a 100k+ book even though that was when I needed to exercise the MOST due to sitting at the computer alllll day. SO YEAH. I failed a lot of the time. But I also feel like I stuck to it much more than in previous years. Like…I’m more and more getting closer to a for reals routine each year. Maybe 2020 will be the year I actually keep it up??? Heh…heh…


Unplug More

Achieved: Maybe?

This is a tough one! Because there were some months like, ya know, NaNo where, no. I basically stared at the computer every second I was conscious. BUT. I also made a more effort to shut down the laptop at night and just READ and things. So, like the exercising thing, a little half and half. I do feel like I made more of an effort this year than last year though. I try to make it a rule to “clock out” at 8 every night. As in, turn off the laptop and just CHILL. And this year I stuck to that a lot more than usual.

I feel like this was the year I got in more of a routine of things. The year I found ways to be productive while also not continuing to work well into the night. I’m still working on that balance. Always. But I feel closer than I ever have. It was the year of trying new things and learning better habits. And though I’ve got a loooooOOOOooooong way to go, I think I’m making progress.


Be Brave

Achieved: I think so!

Every year I choose a word to try to live by and that was this year’s word—Brave. I had so many big things I wanted to accomplish this year. Things I’ve wanted to accomplish for a long, looong time. Moving my blog to a self-hosted domain. Getting my book ready for querying. Actually QUERYING. Submitting pieces to magazines. On and on my list goes. And though I could claim laziness is the big reason I had never accomplished these things, that’s not really true. The main source? FEAR.

Fear has kept me back for so very long. Every single one of those things just seemed so overwhelming. Impossible. Terrifying. And so I have put them off. And put them off. And put them offfff.

But I was TIRED of that. Life doesn’t pause because of fear. My years keep passing by, and eventually, I have to do something. I can’t just keep dreaming. I need to be DOING. So this year I chose the word “brave”. Because I was tired of letting fear hold me back. This was going to be the year of doing. Doing hard things and actually, finally, pursuing my dreams.

I can’t pretend I’ve not been scared. Or didn’t fall short. But I did try. I did make initiative. And you know what? It wasn’t so bad. Because all those things just take one step at a time. Little tasks lead to big accomplishments. And accomplishments lead to dreams becoming reality.

I still have a long way to go, but I am so grateful to God for helping me overcome my many, many fears. And to my dear friends (YOU GUYS! <3) for encouraging me all the way through.

It was definitely a year of stretching myself. But I’m so glad I did, because it brought about some really wonderful things.


2019’s Highlights

  • Finishing this final-before-querying round of edits for Burning Thorns.

  • Being published in an anthology!!!

  • Finally moving my blog over to a more professional space.

  • Starting up Fairy Tale Central. Such an amazing experience! It took up so much of my year, but is 10000% worth it. I love doing FTC! <3

  • Started and wrote 6 “Faylinn” short stories. (I’ve had so much fun doing this short story series on my blog, and absolutely want to continue them come the new year!)

  • Seeing Avengers: Endgame…and screaming ever since. (I did a full review of it if you really want to see me scream eheheheh.)

  • Attending Realm Makers and having the grandest time of my life and meeting Jill Williamson and Bryan Davis (two of my most favorite authors EVER) and getting to be in person with some of my dearest internet pals. Oh, and meeting Terry Brooks also. o.o

  • Going to a Leigh Bardugo book signing with my bestie. (Never mind the fact that neither of us have actually read a Leigh Bardugo book… BUT STILL. She was in town and IT WAS AWESOME.)

  • Being one of the hosts for the Silmaril Awards. (Another time-consuming but absolutely AMAZIIIING experience!)

  • Winning my 10th NaNo in a row…and not dying (always a plus!).

  • Seeing Celtic Woman in concert! :O (Dream. Come. True.)

  • Probably a million other little things I’m totally forgetting…

It’s been a year! But please don’t get me wrong. Not everything has been perfect. Actually…nothing has been perfect. In truth, this has been one of the most stressful years I’ve ever had, due to sickness, finances, and just life in general.

I mean, I almost didn’t get my flash fiction piece for Havok edited in time because I got a severe case of the flu the very week I was supposed to edit it. Realm Makers just barely happened due to tight finances and a number of other things. I’ve had some dozen breakdowns, spent so much of the year sick, stressed myself silly, had to get contacts because my once perfectly fine eyes have decided to betray me and now everything is blurred 3 feet past my face without glasses/contacts. Yeeeeah. It’s been…something. And that’s just a few things that’s gone down.

BUT. There have been so many joys. And that’s what I want to remember. I want to remember how, despite the many, many setbacks, the many, manyyy moments I thought nothing would work out, God got me through it. He made a way. I learned time and time and time again this year that I can’t do anything, but through Him I can do everything.

2019 was both the most stressful and most wonderful year I’ve ever had. Lots of growth. Lots of failings. And so very many blessings. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2020.



Well, guys, it’s been a full year and I’m suffering on a taaaad bit of burnout. SO. I’m going to take a hiatus for a few weeks to enjoy the holidays, refuel, and make plans for 2020!

I should be back around the end of January. Although Fairy Tale Central will be back in full swing at the beginning of the year, so I won’t be leaving you guys completely.

But until then…

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!



Now that I’ve rambled about my year, I want to hear about yours. How was your 2019? What were some of your biggest highlights? What was your favorite moment of this year? And what are you looking forward to come 2020?

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December 23, 2019 2:23 PM

AHH congratulations on querying! I’ll be praying everything goes well for you!! Happy Christmas!

December 23, 2019 8:38 PM

Sounds like a full and busy year! Congratulations on getting published with Havok, winning Nanowrimo, finishing another round of Burning Thorns editing, and sending a query!
You got to hear Celtic Women in concert? That must’ve been fantastic– such good music.
Merry Christmas, and I wish you well in the New Year!
(I keep squinting at that last gif. How is that transformation supposed to work?)

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
December 23, 2019 9:36 PM

Aaaahhh, oh my word, seeing you at RM was INCREDIBLE!!!!!! And CONGRATS on BT edits and querying! It’s so exciting to see you keep taking steps towards your dream, and I so hope 2020 brings you many joys on the writing side!
Haha, my year was the same way – amazing, but stressful. I hope your 2020 is less stress and more awesome! <3
I guess I’ll see you next decade! 😉

Hanne T
December 23, 2019 10:20 PM

You’ve had such a busy and productive year, Christine! I haven’t looked back at my goals from the beginning of this year yet, and honestly I’m kinda scared XD I don’t really remember what they were, and hopefully I accomplished them???

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! See you next decade!

Chelsea R.H.
December 23, 2019 11:01 PM

I’m so glad you had a great year, despite all the stresses! My favourite/best parts of the year were actually getting a career (not in writing, but hopefully that’s coming) and being able to work towards becoming financially independent.
Anyway, for me its been a terrible year in a lot of ways, but also really good, like yours a lot I guess 😀
I hope 2020 goes well for you and I really, really hope something comes of those query letters 🙂

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
December 26, 2019 11:00 AM

<3 <3 So proud of you, my dear! You've done such a great job with your goals. And your Havok stories are just the BESSSTTTTTTT so! <3 <3 <3

Emily Grant
December 26, 2019 6:12 PM

“Excuse me, but I was still using it.” XD You for real say something that makes me laugh out loud in every single post, I’m telling you.

I’m so happy for you for starting querying!! That’s an amazing step and I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait until the day all your books are on my shelves. <3

WAIT YOU NEVER WROTE FLASH FICTION BEFORE THIS YEAR? I did not know that and certainly doesn't show with your two Havok stories. You did an amazing job!! And it's so awesome that your story was in the anthology. I was organizing my bookshelf today and I just kind of stopped and stared at my Havok book and I was just thinking, "I have FRIENDS on my bookshelf. That's amazing."

I'm sorry you don't think you'll make it to Realm Makers next year! But AHHH hopefully maybe the year after it'll work out and we'll both be there?? I'm planning to get to one as soon as it's humanly possible for me. xD

Yayyy for reading more!! This wasn't my best reading year, but it was better than last year. My problem is I've just gotten out of the habit of MAKING time to read. And it's hard for me to read new books because if they're not totally amazing and wowing my socks off, I have a hard time getting through them. Even when they ARE amazing I've been reading slowly. BUT I'm really hoping to hop back on the reading train in 2020 because OH MY GOODNESS MY TBR IS HUGE.

Hopefully both of us can get into an exercise routine this year. *fist bumps* xD This year I went from doing so well and really being into it to just… not caring anymore and giving up and doing absolutely nothing for the past like three months. But we got this in 2020. *nods*

I FEEL YOU ON HAVING A STRESSFUL YEAR. I'm in this weird limbo between ultra-managing my time and not managing it at all, so stuff sits and doesn't get done and it's awful. And it's funny that you mentioned almost not getting your Havok piece edited (thank goodness you did! :o) because I have one I need to get sent in by tomorrow and hehehehe I haven't even started? I'm doing so well. xD BUT in 2020 I plan to really buckle down and use my time productively and get sooo much done. Am I overwhelming myself with goals? Probably. But if I make too many goals and achieve half of them, I guess it's better than not making any goals at all.

I hope you have a lovely hiatus and rest up! I'll see you next year! ;P


December 30, 2019 5:20 PM

AHHH CONGRATS ON EVERY SINGLE THING. That was such a long list of accomplishments I kept thinking “THIS is probably the last one” and then there were like eight more! Please enjoy your hiatus and relax as much as possible. I hope you drink a lot of delicious tea and read a lot of good books.

I guess my biggest achievement this year was probably surviving my first semester of college?? And somehow escaping with almost all A’s even though I way overloaded myself because I figured it couldn’t be THAT fundamentally different from high school . . . they’re both school, right? (I was wrong.) Anyhow, I’m taking fewer classes next semester, so I’ll hopefully be able to read for fun and write creatively as well as for school.

I’m assistant directing a production of Macbeth early next year, so that is definitely something I’m super excited for! But my biggest goal for later in the year is probably to be an ARC reader for Burning Thorns 🙂

– Eleanor

Deborah O'Carroll
December 30, 2019 5:22 PM

I read and ADORED this post back when you posted it but I’m finally commentingggg! AAHH. LAURI. YOU DID SO MUCH THIS YEAR!!! :O I’m in constant awe of your dedication and how many brave and wonderful writing things you’ve been up to. And you got so much done from your goals! I love love love getting to see all of these laid out and hearing how each of them went. You edited BT and queried and got a story published IN AN ACTUAL ANTHOLOGYYYY and moved your website and WENT TO REALM MAKERS (*SCREAMING* STILL THE BEST SEEING YOU THEREEEE!)! JUST. So many awesome things!!! I’m so glad you got to read more this year and had more better habits and balance! That’s so splended! I struggle with that myself, as you know. XD Hurray for unplugging and exercising! I totally failed on both fronts after the beginnig of the year, but hey, it’s almost a new year, right? 😉 AND WE BOTH DID OUR 10TH NANOOOOO!! The best! 😀 Hurray for FTC and Faylinn stories (I’m so behind on those and need to catch up! :O) and SilmAwards and meeting authors and seeing Celtic Women and all of the things! I’m sorry for all the stressful things this year. It has definitely been… a year. But I’m so so happy for all the of the good things and SO PROUD OF YOU for being absolutely Brave and coming so far in your writing journey! It’s been a blast and an honor coming along on the ride. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful Highlights post, and I’m wishing you the very best 2020!! Enjoy your hiatus! <3

Jenelle Schmidt
January 3, 2020 2:38 PM

CONGRATS ON QUERYING BURNING THORNS! That is so huge, getting a book to the point where it’s polished and ready to submit to places!

And congrats (again… I think I said it somewhere earlier) but CONGRATS on your story being one of the ones chosen for the Havok anthology!!! That is super awesome!

I’m super bummed that it looks like most of my buddies won’t be at Realm Makers this year, because I might actually get to go… but… I might have to talk to NEW people, and that just wouldn’t be as much fun as getting to see all the people I already KNOW…. *has introvert nervous breakdown*

Okay, I’m better now.

Sorry your health has been rough. Having the flu for a month does not sound like a blast.

My eyesight did the same thing after I graduated from college. Suddenly my 20/20 vision was gone. Thankfully it’s not too bad, but I do wear contacts now so that I can see across rooms. Such a pain. I empathize.

Thanks for sharing all your accomplishments and things! (And thank you so much for joining us in the Silmaril Awards!!! It was so much fun having you!!!)

Here’s hoping you have an even BETTER 2020! (Preferably without the flu) 🙂

January 9, 2020 1:59 PM

This might seem random, but Burning Thorns is a super cool name and would totally catch my eye anywhere XD
Not gonna lie, I’m still in shock about how fast you finished Nano. (and just how fast you write in general asjdahkd)
And congrats on having your story being in the Havok anthology! 😀
I hope you have a wonderful 2020! 😀 (this comment is very late but ayyy)

Sarah Cnossen
January 10, 2020 9:37 PM

What a year, girl!!!! It’s hard to hear of the sickness & difficulties you had to go through, but so encouraging to see you pull through them & keep on keeping on. You’re such an encouragement & inspiration to me!!!! *HUGS*

Love this recap so much—and I’m so BEYOND EXCITED at the progress you’ve made with Burning Thorns!! *cue fangirl screaming* You showed your courage in sending out queries despite fears & worries—WELL DONE. So proud of you!!! My Lauri has come so far!!!!!!!! I pray this year is full of blessings & fun & laughter & more amazing stories. Here’s to a new year, dear heart! <333

Victoria Grace Howell
January 13, 2020 8:37 PM

Congrats on your first foray into querying! You should be so proud! I’m proud of you and all you’ve accomplished this year. I believe you definitely were brave in so many ways and again it was fantastic finally meet you in person this past year!

Tracey Dyck
January 18, 2020 10:04 PM

First of all, I LOVE THIS KIND OF POST. *settles in with popcorn* Secondly, I AM SO PROUD of all the work you’ve accomplished on Burning Thorns! And I can’t believe you started it in 2014. Five years of working on it—WOW. And you queried! Published two flash fiction stories! (I looooved both of them so much, you have no idea.)
Gah, all of these goals and things are so very similar to what I set last year/am setting this year. RM, NaNo, the unplugging, the exercise… That’s awesome you’ve been creating better routines! DEFINITELY something I need to keep working on. 😛 And you’ve been so brave, doing all these things and stepping out to pursue your dreams! I’m so proud of you! (Have to say it again.) There have been tough moments (and I’m sorry to hear about those!), but you’ve pushed through and God has taken you so many wonderful places.
Happy hiatusing! Is that a word? We’re making it a word. Go fill up your creative well, get some very-deserved rest, and may it be just the thing to launch an epic year!

Tracey Dyck
January 24, 2020 8:44 PM

*tears up* And YOU are such a support for ME too. <3 You're such a blessing in my life! And I cannot WAIT for the day that our fairytales hit the shelves and we can say, "I knew her when…!"

Oh goodness, I feel the same. Lots of my goals are just continuations of last year's for the saaaame reasons. 😛

Me too! *hugs*

January 26, 2020 3:28 AM

You accomplished so many amazing things! I’m proud of you!