My 9th Blogiversary Celebration – Come Get To Know the Blogger

Well, guys, it’s officially. I’m ancient. As of March 14th I have been blogging for NINE. ENTIRE. YEARS.

All the way back in March of 2011, I started my first blog Musings of an Elf. It took me a bit to build up momentum and to find my “niche”, but I quickly fell in love with blogging. After a while I started posting every Monday and eventually become a blog mostly focused on writing and…not much has changed. Except for WHERE I blog. Exactly a year ago I switched from blogspot to my own self hosted domain, and I haven’t regretted the switch yet. Blogger was a great place to get started, but I love having more control over things now.

I owe so much to blogging. It is because of blogging that I began discovering other writing blogs which vastly helped me grow in my writing craft. It is because of blogging that I’ve gotten tons of practice writing in an avenue other than fiction. It was with blogging that spurred me to start growing my platform. And, most importantly, it is through blogging that I met some of my nearest and dearest friends.

I did my first NaNoWriMo in 2010, and then the next year started my blog, and those two things combined propelled me from writing occasionally as a hobby to choosing it as a lifestyle and future career. You wouldn’t think some little space on the internet where I weekly dump random thoughts would change my life, but it DID. I truly love blogging and have never once regretted hitting that “make a blog” button one spring day in 2011.

So many of you have been with me since nearly the beginning, some for a few years, some as new faces, and I’m just so utterly grateful for ALL of you! It blows my mind and makes me feel all the warm fuzzies that you take time out of your busy lives to read my weekly ramblings, give me the sweetest comments, cheer me on in my pursuits, and are just the best support group ever and such wonderful friends. You all make my life 10000x brighter.

But I realized, as much as I talk about writing and things, there’s probably a lot about me that you don’t know. I personally love getting to really KNOW the face behind the blogger. We are all real people with all real lives, and it’s so much more meaningful getting content from people we feel like we really, truly know.

SO. To commemorate 9 years of babbling blogging I thought I’d do something fun: 9 things about me and/or my favorite things in 9 categories!







1.) I’m an ENFJ and though yes, I’m very extroverted and very rarely get drained by people, I honestly looove some quiet alone time.

2.) I’m actually really, really bad at carrying a conversation which KILLS me because I want to talk to people all. the. time. But I’m awkward and never know what to SAY.

3.) To go along with that, my most awkwardness comes one-on-one, but when I’m in a group I come ALIVE. If I don’t have to carry a whole half of a conversation, I’m good. The more people the better. I love groups! Although I do love special one-on-one time. I just…am the worst at keeping the convo going. *sigh*

4.) I used to be painfully shy when I was little, but got pretty much completely over it during my teen years.

5.) My love language is words of affirmation, with quality time being a close second. Receiving gifts and physical touch don’t do much for me. Acts of service is tricky because sometimes I just want to take care of things myself, but sometimes I’m sooo glad when someone does something for me. So. It’s always fun guessing what kind of service will make me grumpy and what will make me love you forever. *grins*

6.) I am a Hufflepuff with a good dose of Slytherin on the side. (I don’t really relate to Gryffindors or Ravenclaws much at all.)

7.) I cry over fictional things WAY easier than real life problems and…I don’t know what that says about me. I am a sobbing MESS watching movies and TV shows (I’ve literally had commercials bring me to tears…). But real life stuff? Eh. I’m usually pretty calm. XD

8.) I’m a neat-freak to the highest order. I literally would pick up fuzzies off the floor as a TODDLER. And…not much has changed. I want everything to be as clean and neat as possible. Especially my room. I am so OCD over my room it’s borderline unhealthy.

9.) It doesn’t come out much via the internet, but I am actually absurdly sarcastic. Sarcasm is my first language.



1.) I had open heart surgery when I was only 20 months old and had a condition so severe the doctors didn’t think I was gonna make it. (Wow, Christine, start out on a happy note, why don’tcha? But hey! By the grace of God I’m still alive, so it IS happy.) I still have a severely deformed mitral valve, though, which makes me get tired a lot easier than your average Joe. I still function fine, just have to live a slightly quieter lifestyle than some. (Actually, I’ve been meaning to be more open about my health problems for a while now. Would you guys want a post about that?)

2.) I started taking piano lessons when I was 4 years old and continued until I was 18 (with a few breaks between as I switched teachers and things). I still ADORE the piano, it’s my favorite instrument, but I got really serious about my writing at 18 and the poor piano fell to the wayside. I hardly play it anymore. In fact, I’ve been missing it and been meaning to work on some songs again…

3.) I’m the middle child, with an older brother and younger sister, both of whom I’m super close to. Love my siblings! <3

4.) I was homeschooled for my entire 12 years of schooling and absolutely loved it.

5.) I chose not to go to college for multiple reasons (mainly because the career path I am pursuing doesn’t require college in any form, but there were a lot of other factors as well), and though people seem to always try to shame me about it??? I am a firm believer that college, though fantastic, is not for EVERYONE in the entire planet. Sheesh, people. Chill.

6.) Despite being 27, I’ve never had a boyfriend. Oooooh. :O (You guys are learning ALL my secrets that aren’t actually secrets.) It’s true though. And, guess what? I am 1000% cool with being single. IF the right guy comes along, I’d totally be open to marriage, but for now I’m gooood. (Another topic I’ve been tossing around making a post on. Singleness is AWESOME, guys. I promise!)

7.) I’ve worked part time at a secondhand bookshop for about 4 and a half years now and love every second of it.

8.) When I was 10 or 11 my family got a horse, which a friend who lived nearby kept for us with his other horses. I went through the stereotypical obsessed with horses phase annnd never fully got over it. I would still love to own horses, but I don’t really have the time, money, or energy for that anymore. Eheh.

9.) I’ve lived in the same area all my life but have lived in 6 different houses total.



1.) Go to an Owl City concert.

2.) Ride in a hot air balloon (because I actually love heights???)

3.) Meet ALL my internet friends in person. (Thanks to Realm Makers, I’ve already met so many and it’s been a blessing beyond blessing. But there are still so many of you I’ve never met! D’: )

4.) Visit New Zealand (preferably to see Hobbiton since you can explore ACTUAL HOBBITON, GUYS.)

5.) Have a house with a library. (I mean, I feel like my room is already getting there. I keep getting rid of things to make room for shelves. BUT STILL. I want a for reals library room. Something akin to the Beast’s library in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. I don’t ask for much.)

6.) Attend a ball or masquerade.

7.) Have a novel published. (I mean, haha. This one is obvious. XD)

8.) Move somewhere farther north. (I live in the south and kind of…do not like where I live. At all. *cough* I’d love to one day move, preferably a little father north where the heat and humidity don’t make me want to die.)

9.) Have a small group of young women to mentor. (I know, this is random and vague. But I’ve ALWAYS had a passion for helping teen girls, and would love to one day have a group, maybe in a church or something, to help and mentor.)



1.) Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (Is anyone surprised? Anyone?)

2.) Dragons in Our Midst/Oracles of Fire series by Bryan Davis

3.) The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

4.) The Electrical Menagerie by Mollie E. Reeder

5.) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

6.) Tales of Goldstone Wood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl

7.) Beaumont and Beasley series by Kyle Robert Shultz

8.) Entwined by Heather Dixon

9.) A Fair Account of the Traitors Snow White & Rose Red by S.E. Page

Good gracious, that was hard just choosing NINE. I didn’t even mention Lord of the Rings or Narnia! (Lol, just sneakily slipped them in anyway.) I do have a favorites shelf on GoodReads if you’re curious about all my tippity top favorite reads of all time.



1.) Tolkienite (now we get a proper LotR mention. The world is back in balance.)

2.) Narnia (does the Narnia fandom have a name???)

3.) Whovian (been a Doctor Who addict since 2010 and still going. Although I haven’t seen anything past season 10 so NO SPOILERS. I keep hoping Amazon prime will put up the new seasons but nothing yet…)


5.) Alice in Wonderland (I will devour all Wonderland things, please and thank you. It’s been one of my favorite things since I was…born practically.)

6.) Peter Pan (same as above.)

7.) Marvel Cinematic Universe (do I even need an explanation?)

8.) Disney (just…Disney. I love Disney. Most of the time.)

9.) Potterhead (Confession: I read the Harry Potter books (and watched the movies) for the first time in 2018. YEAH. And it took about, oh, the first page of the first book to steal my complete and utter devotion and I’ve never looked back. #noregrets)

Wow. That’s such a small percentage of the fandoms I’m in. I have a problem.



1.) Pizza

2.) Pizza

3.) Pizza

4.) Pizza

5.) Pizza

6.) Pizza

7.) Pizza

8.) Pizza

9.) Fried chicken

You think I’m kidding?. That’s cute.



1.) Owl City

2.) Owl City

3.) Owl Ci— Bwahaha. Okay, okay. I’ll try to behave. But seriously, I have to force myself to listen to other music. I JUST REALLY LOVE OWL CITY OKAY.


1.) Owl City (*grins*)

2.) Café Jazz (I know, WEIRD. But when I’m not listening to Owl City, I’m listening to relaxing, instrumental jazz. That’s pretty much what I’m always listening to while writing blog posts and things. It’s suuuch relaxing background music that helps me focus. 10/10 recommend this YouTube channel. They’ve got an endless supply of videos with HOURS of relaxing jazz background music. My favorite is this one. Jazz Studio Ghibli music? Um YESSS.)

3.) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild soundtrack (and all Zelda music of ever. But BOTW music is my FAVE. It’s so relaxing. It’s another I just listen to on repeat while working on stuff. This one is my favorite of all time of ever. It calms my soul. <3)

4.) Anthem Lights (Tracey Dyck introduced my to this Christian band years ago, and I immediately fell in love!)

5.) Of Monsters and Men (Their music is just so…fantasy-like and inspirational and different. I love them. Little Talks and Dirty Paws are prooobably my favorites?)

6.) Skillet (Sometimes I forget to listen to Skillet music for completely unknown reasons??? But, man, do they have some epic, powerful songs.)

7.) Newsboys (You can never go wrong with Newsboys!)

8.) Celtic Woman (A favorite since young teen days!)

9.) Soundtracks, soundtracks, soundtracks (of the movie and video game variety. Seriously, we’d be here alllll day if I started talking about soundtracks.)



1.) Talking on the phone. (Just…just no. I don’t even like ordering food through a drive-through. Trying to communicate through a speaker doesn’t work for me. Face to face is the way to go. Or text. Texting is fabulous.)

2.) Snakes (least favorite living creature on. this. earth. *shudders*)

3.) *raises shield against the haters* *takes deep breath* Chocolate (I KNOW. I KNOW. It’s true though! I hate chocolate. I hate the taste, I hate the smell. Chocolate is nasty. There. I’ve said it. *proceeds to lose all my followers* Pleasedon’thateme.)

4.) Country music (I apologize to anyone who likes it. That is fine! It just…makes me want to stab my eardrums with a sharpened pencil. That’s all. Ahem.)

5.) Sports (Ehehehe. Yeeeah, not a huge sports fan either. Especially football. SORRY.)

6.) Summertime (I feel like I am disappointing so many people right now. It’s not that I really hate summer as a whole; there’s a lot of great, exciting thing about it. But, as mentioned, I live in a  land of deadly heat and humidity and I HAAAATE hot weather. Thus poor summer doesn’t get a lot of love from me.)

7.) Cooking (More dirty secrets but, sadly, it’s true. Cooking is not something I enjoy doing, and I’m pretty terrible at it at that. Whoops.)

8.) Asking for help (I always feel so guilty taking up someone’s time and energy…)

9.) Making decisions (Decision making = My arch nemesis)



(‘Cause we can’t end this with the negative list above.)

1.) Heartfelt talks (I’m good with small talk too. But those deep heart-to-hearts makes my soul thrive. I did mention I was en ENFJ, right?)

2.) Boots (preferably ankle boots, but I’ll take them all pleaseandthankyou.)

3.) PINK (It is my absolute favorite color and I have NO SHAME. My favorite is a soft, dusty pink (hot pink is a big NO)).

4.) Arthurian legend (I used to be even more of a King Arthur nerd during my teen days. Shamefully, I’ve forgotten so many of the stories, but I still LOVE it.)

5.) Anything and everything to do with personalities, psychology, the human psyche, whatever you want to call it. I get so excitable talking about it. #nerd

6.) Taking walks. Although I’m not a sports or outdoorsy person, I do love taking a leisurely walk and disappearing inside my head.

7.) Visiting coffee shops #stereotypicalwriter

8.) Going to see movies (going to the movie theater is one of my FAVORITE activities.)

9.) Special occasions—birthdays, holidays, spontaneous shopping trips, completely random holidays (like National Talk Like a Pirate Day it’s a thing), all of it! Just any random day that goes beyond the norm, they make me happy.

And there we have it! Way, waaaay more information than you ever wanted about the girl behind the blog.

Here’s one more favorite thing: YOU GUYS. My faithful followers, my dear friends. I say I love blogging, but it’s the interacting with all you amazing people that I really love.

THANK YOU for following. THANK YOU for bringing me so much joy. THANK YOU for supporting me and putting up with all my many, manyyy rambles. THANK YOU for your constant encouragement. THANK YOU for making this 9 years of blogging such a special time. Here’s to many more years to come!



That is quite enough about me. IT’S YOUR TURN. Tell me something about your personality? (I did mention I was a personality nerd, right?)

Thank you all again for an amazing 9 years of blogging!

10 years is next. :O I feel like I’ll need to do something extra special for that. HMMMM.

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Jameson C. Smith
March 16, 2020 10:09 AM

HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY! Your blog is such a lovely part of the internet and I always look forward to seeing your posts. I love this fun facts idea!

Oh goodness, the shyness (still haven’t totally gotten over that one myself!) + trouble carrying a conversation. I KNOW THIS FEEL. I test consistently between INFJ/INTJ, so conversation and social stuff in general is…awkward. Hehehehe.

Heart stuff is scary… O_O But it’s so amazing to see how God works in all things like that. *hugs*

Ooh, you play piano? How cool!

HOMESCHOOL FOR THE WIN. *HIGH FIVES* The college thing. O_O People can be reeeeally intense about that. (About as intense as they can be about singleness, about which I COMPLETELY agree with you.)

Working in a bookstore sounds wonderful and fun and I loved the blog post you did about that a couple years ago.

Your bucket list is so cool! Allllll the yes to touring Hobbiton and having one’s own library and MASQUERADES. *flails* You’d be a wonderful mentor for a group like that! (Also: You live in the south too???)

You can’t really go wrong with pizza and fried chicken. ;D And boots and inspiring walks are among the best things ever.

This was sooooo much fun to read and it’s so great to get to know a little more about you! *hugs*

March 16, 2020 10:38 AM

Happy blogging anniversary!!!!

I love how we are SO ALIKE and SO DIFFERENT at the same time. Like, extrovert, no. Having trouble carrying on a conversation? Yes. Love language similarity? no. (my #1 is gifts, lol) Neat & tidy? yes.

I would unfollow you for your chocolate hatred, but then you ALSO dislike summer, so I think we’re still on the kindred spirit spectrum 🤣 (I’m really trying to find things I enjoy about summer but…it’s definitely my least favorite season. So hot and muggy. ugh).

I LOVE Of Monsters and Men! I’m not a big concert person, but they are one of the 3 bands that I would actually go to a concert for (and they’re coming to my area in June…but who knows if that’s going to happen considering current conditions…) Also I too always forget to listen to Skillet even though I like them? I think because rock isn’t a genre I listen to a lot, even if I like their music specifically.

haha I…ummm…actually…love snakes. *hides* I don’t know, I’m just kind of a reptile person. Whenever I get my own place, I’ll probably get either a pet lizard or a snake 😀

But it was super fun getting to know you even better!!! 😀 One of these days we NEED to meet in person. Like have a fairy tale convention or something.

Lemon Duck
March 16, 2020 10:42 AM

Wow! Nine years! Definitely a happy blogaversary to you!! (I am so glad I discovered your blog through the NaNo thing and FTC…:)))))

I would love any post from you, though, so a health post would be wonderful!

I shan’t hold your chocolate-hating quirk against you. *nods wisely* Esp. since I completely support you being sarcastic and despising summertime. XD. And all your lists are so fun to read!

Once again, happy blogaversary and I very much wish you well on your publishing/blogging journey ahead! I will likely be there to stalk–ahem, /follow/ you all the way through. 😉

Lemon Duck
March 17, 2020 8:33 AM

Wow…my turn on getting a huge grin on my face. Thankeeeee!

XD, true. But hey, there’s always strawberry shortcake or vanilla cupcakes when in doubt. XD And yeah, summer is hot, humid (or arid) and miserable…

Thank you for doing this blog!!

Deborah O'Carroll
March 16, 2020 10:51 AM

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY TO MY FAVORITEST LAURI AND HER AMAZING BLOGGGGG!!! *screaming and flailing and throwing an impromptu dance party* 9 YEARS??? YOU’RE AMAZIIIING! Congrats!! 😀

And I looooved reading all these facts and favorites! I know most of them but definitely a few I didn’t! XD I love our similarities and our differences! (Okay, but, like EVERY one of your dislikes… I also dislike! Except chocolate. XD But I’ll give you that one since, you know, you were allergic. BUT ALL THE REST. LIKE. I RELATE SO HARD???)

I laughed so hard about your favorite foods one. XDDD FAIR ENOUGH. And yay Skillet and Newsboys and soundtracks! (I don’t like jazz but if it’s relaxing for you, that’s cool. XD)

I love thiiiiis!!! Thanks for sharing and I’m just sooo glad that I know you and that this lovely blog exists! HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! HERE’S TO NINE MOOOAR! *huge tackle-hugs for my partner in uncrime*

March 16, 2020 11:26 AM

Happy Blogiversary!! I think it’s really amazing that you’ve been blogging for so long!

I dislike country music, summertime, talking on the phone, and making decisions as well, but I do love snakes. I love psychology SO MUCH and of course I love Arthurian legend. I’m pretty sure everyone knows I love Arthurian legend. XD

I found your list of favorite foods hilarious, btw.

Alice in Wonderland is just…the best. It has no equal.

March 16, 2020 11:28 AM

HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!! Almost a decade?! That’s crazy!
I’m absolutely terrible at carrying conversations as well, it’s just SO. HARD. (makes phone calls a nightmare)

The piano is the best instrument! It’s super awesome you play it!
Homeschooling is the best and nobody will ever be able to convince me otherwise XD
You had a horse?!?! I am actually so jealous XD What was its name?

Literally that whole bucket list is part of mine (with the exception of 8-I already live in the north XD)
YES OWL CITY IS AMAZING, like, how could you NOT like his music?? I don’t understand some people XD

I cannot even describe my hatred towards it XD

Amazing post as usual! ^.^ Again, happy blogaversary!! Good luck on the road ahead! <3

Hannah VanGelder
March 16, 2020 11:32 AM

Aside from Chocolate and Snakes, I totally agree with you on your least favorite things! Though to clarify, while I think watching sports is pretty dumb, (especially football!) I do enjoy playing some sports. And as for Summer, I live in the PNW, so 80 degrees is high for us, so I do enjoy Summer, but if I lived in a terrible hot, muggy climate, I would 100% agree! I’m an INFJ, so it would make sense that we have similar tastes. 😀

I agree with you about college, it’s ridiculous that people think you HAVE to have a college degree to succeed at life, when half the time, it’s totally useless! And sooo expensive!

You have a great bucket list! Riding in a hot air balloon would be so cool! It’s sad that you haven’t gone to a dance or masquerade though, they’re so much fun!

Hannah VanGelder
March 17, 2020 12:31 PM

Yes playing sports is great exercise! It mostly just takes practice. 🙂

The great thing about the PNW is that our winters aren’t even that cold, 20 degrees is super low for us! But you do have to deal with a lot of rain, which I don’t mind, especially since it makes the scenery a luscious green! Personally I think I live in the best climate, it’s pretty similar to England/Scotland/Ireland.

I mean, I personally think INFJs are pretty great… XD


I’ve never actually been to a father-daughter dance. But I usually go to one or two English Country dances a month. There’s always a masquerade ball around New Years Eve, and a costume dance around Halloween. It’s pretty great! Also another good form of exercise! 😀

Jenelle Schmidt
March 16, 2020 12:03 PM

More chocolate for me!!!!

Though the country music thing… *shakes head sadly*

I want to ride in a hot air balloon as well! I have a love/hate relationship with heights. I am terrified of heights, but I enjoy being up high…. it’s weird. I’m weird. It’s okay.

I hate texting. With the passion of a thousand fiery suns. (I don’t like talking on the phone to people I don’t know… and ordering food over the phone is one of my least favorite things…) but I do like talking on the phone to people I know/like. Nobody else in the world seems to enjoy this, though. Sadnesses.

I’m so jealous that you had a horse. I still dream of owning a horse one day (but like you the time/energy requirement is beyond me at the moment!)

Fun stuff! Thanks for sharing! And happy blog-i-versary!!!!

Jenelle Schmidt
March 22, 2020 10:41 AM

That’s all right 🙂 country is my FFAAAAAVVVV… but I’m pickyish about it, because there is “Country” and “Country Western” (and now “Southern Rock”) and I’ve actually found that most people who say they don’t like country, only have heard “Country Western” and then I convert them slowly over time to an appreciation of (and sometimes love of) “Country.” (or, in the case of Derek, “Southern Rock” which is okay, though I prefer straight-up Country).

I also enjoy video-chatting. It is very hard to find other people willing to talk on the phone with me. Though… the “I’ve run out of words” thing is real, and I do that all the time, as well. With my sister, we both tend to run out of words at the same time, and then one or the other of us is like, “I’ve got nothing else to say,” and then either we laugh and hang up or we laugh and it starts a new conversation about awkward conversations and pauses and not having anything to say. LOL

Okaaaay, I can’t really be too jealous about the horse thing. Our neighbors back when I was a kid had horses and they let me come over and brush and ride them whenever I wanted. They even paid me to take care of the horses when they were gone on vacation once. So that was pretty epic. Not quite the same as owning one myself, but pretty awesome anyway. I was soooooo horse crazy as a kid. I still love them, but it’s been a looooong time since I’ve been able to ride at all.

Emily Grant
March 16, 2020 6:14 PM


I’M TERRIBLE AT CONVERSATIONS TOO! It’s one of the things that makes me super awkward in real life. xD When you reach a point and you don’t know what to say anymore… GAH. IT’S THE WORST AND I JUST WANT TO HIDE IN A HOLE.

I, too, cry over fictional things but not real-life things!! It actually makes me feel better to hear that someone else is the same way because it makes me feel like a terrible person sometimes. xD It’s so weird, honestly.

I’ve never had a boyfriend, either. *high five for mah fellow single pringle* Dude, I have a hard enough time finding time to read now, can you imagine how much worse it would be if I had a boyfriend too? xDD

I went through the horse stage too, but like you, I still do love horses! I don’t dream of showing and making horses my life like I once did, but I would definitely love to always have horses IN my life. (I do have a horse, although due to certain circumstances I don’t ride her.)

SOMEDAY, CHRISTINE. SOMEDAY WE WILL MEET IN PERSON. (speaking of which, do you think you’re going to try to make it to Realm Makers next year? because if it comes back to St. Louis like rumors say then I’m 99.9% I’ll be there!!)

AHHHH I WANT TO GO TO HOBBITON TOO!!! I’m pretty sure I would cry, but that’s fine. xD I just can’t get over even the IDEA of actually getting to explore the ACTUAL SHIRE. LIKE WHAT EVEN. That’s on my bucket list too, for sure.

YOU LIKE ANTHEM LIGHTS TOO?? I found out Tracey was a fellow fan recently, but I had no idea you were too! That’s so cool that she introduced them to you! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. <3 Who's your favorite?? And Celtic Woman is amazing too!

TALKING ON THE PHONE AND MAKING DECISIONS ARE THE WORST. I don't know how some people are so chill with it. xD

Hmm, something about my personality? Well, according to the quiz I took I'm an INFJ, and it seems right because all the INFJ posts I see on Pinterest are SCARY accurate. xD

Congratulations again on 9 years, my friend! Keep being awesome!! 😀 <3

Victoria Grace Howell
March 16, 2020 7:38 PM

I’ve known you for so long but now I know you even better! I’d like to know more about your health. I know you’ve mentioned it in passing but not details. So much yes with your music choices and though I don’t hate chocolate it isn’t my favorite thing either. It has to be high quality or I don’t like it lol. You’ve been such a blessing in my life and I’ve so glad to have met you!

Merie E. Shen
March 16, 2020 8:03 PM

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!! Wow, nine years. I only found your blog last year but it’s added a sprinkling of pixie dust to my inbox ever since! 😉

I love listening to café jazz (but I do that… rarely. why?)! People think I’m weird, lol. And the BotW soundtrack is so beautiful. And oh my word, you don’t like chocolate?? I personally like chocolate (I’m not obsessed, like some people) BUT I have a friend who HATES it with a passion and I find it extremely amusing to see chocolate-haters declare their dislike of it. xD

Everyone hates snakes. 🙁 (I’ve always thought they were cool. And I’ve maybe eaten fried snake before.)

I ALSO DON’T LIKE COMMUNICATING THROUGH SPEAKERS. But we have to do it, because life 🙁 And Alice in Wonderland, yesss! (Besides Narnia, of course, and LotR; they’re obvious.) I don’t find enough people who think Wonderland is actually as wonderful as it is. It makes me so happy!

Again, happy blogiversary <3 I hope we can look forward to more years of blogging and adventuring and pixie dust!

Allison Tebo
March 16, 2020 9:05 PM

Oh my goodness, it’s the birthday of ONE OF THE BEST BLOGS ON THE INTERNET. *BANGS POT LIDS, DANCES AROUND IN A CIRCLE THROWING FLOWER PETALS* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRISTINE. I cannot tell you how much I love your blog (and you). It is such a bright beacon of fun and wisdom in a whiny dark Internet world and such a lovely reflection of your own beautiful heart. Thank you SO MUCH for blogging – I can’t tell you how much your blog (and yourself) have touched me. *BIG HUG*

Okay, I won’t respond to eveeeery cool thing you said – just a few highlights!


*high fives fellow ENFJ and beams*

I used to be shy when I was little too! But also mostly got over it!


MAN, I am WITH YOU on not going to college and loving your singleness. I am so tired about all the shaming involved with that. COME ON, PEOPLE, give it a rest!


RIDING IN A HOT AIR BALLOON IS ON MY BUCKET LIST, TOO. Wouldn’t that be awesome if we could do it together??? #ICanDream

You would be a FABULOUS mentor, Christine. I suddenly had such a vivid image of you in that role – that would be a true gift for the young girls under you to have someone like you to look up to!


The Electrical Menagerie, YES. I adore it – and it’s such a Christine-ish type book! I cannot WAIT for the next book in that series.


I am 100 % with you on Narnia, Peter Pan and Disney! Not the others – *hides and laughs* – Most of my fandoms NO ONE ELSE KNOWS ABOUT. *sobs*


It’s tough for me to look at a piece of pizza now and not think of you. XD


I will never forever associate “Reach To The Sky” by Owl City with you, because when you drove me from Olive Garden to my hotel, you turned that on – and I just have this lovely precious memory of you drumming your fingers on the wheel and that music blasting and just being SO HAPPY to be sitting next to Christine Smith!

I love the idea of writing to jazz music – I need to try that. And I can only give a rousing YES to Celtic Woman and soundtracks. *thumbs up*


*bursts out laughing* The country music thing, YES GIRL, YES. Man, it drives me craaaazy. As for the chocolate, it’s so rare for me to meet someone who doesn’t like it, I find that strangely fascinating! 😛


BOOTS FOREVER AND ALWAYS. And taking walks. I doooon’t like exercise, but I do love taking walks!

Okay, this comment is TOOOO LONG (don’t feel obligated to respond to all my randomized squealing)! *FINAL SQUISH* HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY, DEAREST CHRISTINE. You and your blog are a TREASURE.

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
March 17, 2020 9:00 AM

HAPPY HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUU CHRISTINE!!!!! <3 I can't believe you've done NINE YEARS of this (and it gives me hope that I'LL get to nine years! haha.)

Okay, but I think I'm turning into an ENFJ myself–I'm a total INFJ but my extrovert side has been getting more and more powerful lately and just…yikes. I don't know how I feel about that xD At least everything else is staying the same!

Eyyyy join the 0 boyfriend squad! It's fun over here, we have lots of free time and cookies.

And much though I love the south, I feel like where you live would just be…/too/ hot. I like the northern end of the south, myself. xD I mean, right now I'm stuck far up in Yankee territory and it's too cold? But I can definitely support the sentiment of wanting LESS HEAT. Virginia and the Carolinas, mate. That's the way to go.

Skillet is, of course, the MVP.

Your list of favorite books is perfection (and it's making me want to read Entwined again! I feel like I'd like it better on a reread–it was only a 3-star read my first time and I WANT TO LOVE IT so we'll see if I like it better later. Once my library opens again, of course. *rolls eyes*)

Now you're making me want to throw a ball and invite every blogger of every to come in masquerade because UMMM YES. THE DRESSES. THE MASKS. And we all would have to guess who was who? And then at the end everyone could take off their masks and we would ALL KNOW. Wow, this is going on my bucket list too *flails* because ermmmmmm I love this idea. Let's make this a realityyyyy

Happy blogoversary again!!!!! I'm so glad you blog, because otherwise I wouldn't have met you and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH *sobs* Here's to many more years!!!!!

Mary H.
Mary H.
March 17, 2020 11:45 AM

Happy blogiversary, Christine!!! Congratulations!!

I LOVE getting to know friends better, and I enjoyed this post!

Wow, everything you said in your “Nine Life Things” section is so similar to me! Different in some ways, but exactly the same for other things! Totally homeschooled, close to my awesome siblings, an unusual college path (even though I am planning a career that requires a bunch of college), took violin for years until I let it slide after high school. Just not horses–I WISH!!!

Your thoughts on singleness are mine EXACTLY! I am and have always been 100% single, and right now, I like it that way and do not want to change it. Even if I would love to get married someday, to the right person, that’s up to God–I’m okay with singleness now and for however long God plans.

Sarah Cnossen
March 17, 2020 1:32 PM

Happy Blogversary!!!!!! That’s so beyond exciting, dear Christine! And I learned a few other things about you through this! ;D LOVED it ALLLLLLLLLL!!! (Except for the chocolate fact, haha!—I’ll take all the dark chocolates, okay? *wink wink*)

Hufflepuffs unite!!!! And homeschoolers too!!! Love your list of fave books, btw. There’s some I’m not familiar with! *hurries to jot ’em down* Also, PIZZAAAAAAAAAAA *drools*

Absolutely LOVE soundtracks! I’ve found that movie soundtracks are amazing, but it seems that some game soundtracks are even more epic!! I would add Halo & Skyrim to my list. ;D

And I’d so enjoy attending a ball or masquerade!!! EEEEP—that would be so. Much. FUNNNNN.

Thanks for sharing all the Christine-ness things, girlie! This was an adorkably fun post! <333

March 17, 2020 1:38 PM

Happy Blogaversary! 9 years is amazing!!
Such a fun post. You can carry a conversation far better than I can so that’s something.
You were so easy to talk to and by far the sweetest person I’ve ever met must be your Hufflepuff nature. Though I really appreciate your sarcastic, Slytherin side, it definitely comes across in your writing.
As for not liking chocolate, it just leaves more for the rest of us. XD

March 17, 2020 8:56 PM

Congratulations on nine years of blogging, Christine!! It was such fun getting to know you better! I actually enjoy your ramblings; it makes your blog unique and fun!

I’m also bad at carrying out conversations, mostly with people I just met in person… Yikes! But I’m trying to work on it. 🙂 I also moved around a lot, though we stayed within the same state.
And I whole-heartedly agree with you about singleness! Thanks so much for saying that being single is awesome! If marriage is God’s will for my life, then so be it. If not, then I’m alright with that too!

And PIZZA!! I love pizza!! *I forgive you for hating chocolate, since you love pizza instead* 🙂

Hey, if you ever want to read retellings of Arthurian Legends, I have a favorite author who does just that.

Wow, God is so good! Heart surgery is scary, but it’s comforting to know God is with us through every trial. I hope He will bless you and draw you closer to Him!

March 19, 2020 8:47 PM

*Sends you big hug!!* You’re so Welcome!

I know, I have a lot of books to catch up on too. So many and so little time! XD (the author I was going to recommend is Gerald Morris. I recently found out he added a bunch more books to his Squire’s Tales series and I’m woa-fully behind! He does a lot of Arthurian Legend retellings that I’ve enjoyed.)

I hope you have a good week!

Your Friendly Neighborhood INFP
Your Friendly Neighborhood INFP
March 17, 2020 11:59 PM

Happy late blogoversary! I loved getting to know more about you. (Does that sound creepy? I didn’t mean it to…) Also I will have homeschooled (unless something drastic happens) for all 12 years as well, so that’s pretty cool! Although the “hating chocolate” thing… well, I guess we all have faults. 😉

Also… I realize I don’t comment as much as I should and tend to stay back in the void of uncommentingness, but I always look forward to your posts! Here’s hoping for 99 more years of blogging. 😛

Jem Jones
March 20, 2020 3:26 PM

ooh, Entwined is so good. And I’m pretty sure I read Howl’s Moving Castle after you did an OTP post, Christine – you screamed about Sophie and Howl so much I had to see what everything was about xD

And I happened to be listening to Owl City when I started reading this post! Because Owl City is awesome. (And this isn’t exactly cafe jazz, but it got me through several assignments, no joke.)

Congrats on nine years, Christine, and just the thought of ten is super-impressive. You’re an amazing blogger!

Kirsten Fichter
March 23, 2020 11:17 PM

Happy Nine Years!!! That’s awesome!!!

For some reason, I always thought we started blogging at the same time, but I actually began Lianne Taimenlore in April of 2012. So, I guess you got me by one year.

And no, my opinion of you hasn’t changed knowing you don’t like chocolate. You’re still our dear, sweet, lovely Christine and a pink fairy godmother to boot. You’re amazing. <3

I actually hated cooking, too. I was so BAD at it (ask any of my siblings or my cousins), and I didn't even want to try to better myself until I got married. I mean, by then, it's basically learn to cook or starve. My hubby is a saint and thankfully not a picky eater, and he's enjoyed traveling with me through this long journey of learning to cook. I've not burned down any buildings yet, so I think I can count that a success.

Can't do snakes, either. I wouldn't say I'm scared of them (never had a problem with them growing up), but I get the most horrific nightmares while I'm pregnant and most of them include snakes in some form. The rest are zombies. It's sad. Just hearing someone talk about snakes or zombies while I'm pregnant can give me nightmares that night. *shrugs* Brain, I don't get you.

Yes, I agree. College isn't for everyone. I can say that truthfully. I went. I know that's what God had for me; it's astonishing to look back now and see His fingerprints all over that part of my life, and I'm so grateful I got to go. Yes, yes, yes, I got a husband out of it, but that was NOT my original goal. I do really think it made me a better writer. At least, it showed me how I perform against deadlines and how much I NEED them to actually get things done. #professionalprocrastinator

You want to know more about MY personality? I don't know if there's much you don't know yet. I feel like the FTC emails has really exposed me. XD

Love you! This post was AMAZING! I may have to steal the idea sometime… *winks*

Tracey Dyck
March 28, 2020 6:56 PM

I’m so late but HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY to one of my FAVORITE BLOGGERS EVARRRR!!! <33333 *throws confetti* Seriously, nine years is incredible. And just think, next year you'll have been blogging for a decade. o.o

This was such a fun idea! I learnt a few little details I didn't know yet. 😉 Like I didn't know you took piano for years or had lived in six different houses! Also wow, you've been working at the bookshop that long? Crazy! I remember when you first got the job! I also don't think I knew you liked heights… XD

Number 9 on your bucket list, yes! Me too! Mentoring a group of girls would be so fun and fulfilling.

I'm not one bit surprised at your list of favorite books and fandoms. NOT ONE BIT. <3

*sing-song voice* You should move Caaanadaaaa….. Practically half the year is winter! XD

Awww, you still listen to Anthem Lights? And it's because of me? *clutches heart* Wow, that brings me way back. XD I still listen to lots of their stuff too, I just haven't kept up with all their covers over the years. (All the love for Owl City and Skillet tooooo!!!!)

Many, many hugs and celebratory (non-chocolate) cakes for your blogiversary, my dear! You make the blogging world a brighter place! (Wow, I'm so cheesy. It's true, though.)

Tracey Dyck
April 1, 2020 8:56 PM

*EVEN MORE HUGSSSS* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3