The Nether Isle (Draft 2) – My Camp NaNo Project

Guess who’s doing Camp NaNo next month? *flails hand wildly in the air* And I am EXCITED!

Confession: I’ve only done an official Camp NaNo once. And it was back in APRIL 2014. Yeah. YEAH. It’s been a whiiiile. NaNoWriMo during November is LIFE, but I always end up with other things distracting me during the Camp seasons. Well, NOT SO THIS YEAR, GOOD SIR. This go ‘round I’m doing it! …Sorta.

Since Camp NaNo is tailored to fit ANY sort of project, not just the first draft of a brand new novel, it’s great motivation to make a lot of progress on any project we’re working on. WELL. I just happen to be at the beginning of a big rewriting project, so why not use Camp NaNo to give me a good motivational boost?

Sooo (pretending the title of this post didn’t totally give it away), for camp I’ll be working on draft 2 of…


I mentioned back in my Goals of 2020 post that my Big Project for this year was TNI rewrites. And, AT LAST, I have started them! I’m not far in yet, but there was a lot of pre-editing prep to be done and HEY. Camp NaNo should push me through a good ways. I don’t want to rush this ‘cause this book needs WORK and I just want to enjoy the process (cuz I actually like editing????). But a little goal on Camp and the amazing support of fellow Wrimos should help me make some good progress.

I’m hoping to edit 10 to 12 chapters in April. More would be better, but we’ll just have to see. Either way, IT’S GONNA BE FUN. This is truly one of my most beloved stories. It’s kinda different from most of my other works, has the smallest cast I’ve ever written (!!!), and a camera that takes pictures of the past. So there’s that. I just love this novel and am so very ecstatic to whip it into shape (‘cause it’s a MESS, guys).

This was the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo ‘17, and I really haven’t talked about it much since then. SO. Since it’ll be taking up much of my time in April, I thought it’d be fun to reintroduce it to the blog with a little aesthetics post. Hopefully it’ll be fun? Yeah? Maybe?  OKAY. LET’S DO IT.






The Nether Isle—a mystery, a danger. And a prison.

Seventeen-year-old Karis Levine had only ever heard stories of the infamous island where the most savage of criminals are taken. Never in her life did she suspect she’d be flying on a prisoner airship, doomed to live the rest of her days on the island herself. What few days she has left. For the Nether Isle is not a kind one.

The moment Karis is dropped from her cage into the Isle’s clutches, she is swept up in all its oddities—from doorways that transport a person to different sections of the island, to ruins of a formerly thriving town, to items imbued with magic, to a redheaded phantom girl. Then there is Jonah, a young man who doesn’t appear savage at all. With his help, she might just be able to stay alive.

But why does the Isle exist at all? And who once lived in such a place?

With the aid of a magic camera that produces pictures from the past, Karis and Jonah work together to discover the riddles of the Isle’s forgotten days. But the closer they get to answers, the more Karis begins to question everything—including Jonah.

Because on The Nether Isle, nothing is safe.


The Nether Isle is a YA fantasy (duh, this is me we’re talking about) and it’s STEAMPUNK. But not Victorian steampunk. Instead it’s set in a more 1920s world, so the technology is a smidge more advanced.

The story follows Karis, a 17-year-old who apprenticed to the physician in the High City of the continent of Ilderwind. Until she got sentenced to the Nether Isle—the place where only the worst criminals go. So why did this bubbly, 17-year-old get sent there? That is the question. *smile, smile*

The Nether Isle itself is thought to just be a wilderness land, full of beasts of prey and deadly prisoners who’ve managed to survive. Except when Karis gets there it’s practically empty and OH LOOK there’s a small, abandoned town full of technological breakthroughs. Maybe MAGICAL technological breakthroughs? HMMMM.

Then of course, since this is YA, she runs into a boy her age, Jonah, who’s also stuck on the island. But why is THIS cinnamon roll of a person on the prison island? MORE QUESTIONS.

When Karis starts being haunted by a phantom girl and finds a camera that can literally show images from the past, she and Jonah work together to discover the mysteries of the Isle.

(Don’t you just love my professional, coherent pitching skills???)

SO YEAH. It’s part mystery, part steampunk, part fantasy, with plenty of creepy things and feels along the way. And hopefully more coming. I feel like the first draft did not convey the creep and feels factor nearly as much as I meant them to. Literally most of my editing notes are just “MORE FEAR. MORE HORROR. E M O T I O N.” True story. It’s gonna be fun really bringing out the feels. *maniacal laughter*

But seriously. I love this story. I love these characters, I love the setting, I love the mystery and the eerie, magical isle. It’s going to be wonderful to have an actually polished version of this! I wrote the whole 117k of it in a 30 day haze so, um, yeah. Basically every. single. word. needs to be rewritten. But it’ll be a labor of love!



Gnarled trees | abandoned buildings | twisting vines | crunching leaves | morning sunlight filtering through the hazy woods | creaking cages | the soft breeze | lost things | found things | old cogs and screws | rippling water | butterflies | secrets | dusty books | rusty fire escapes | quiet tears | moss on old cracked steps | whispers in the night | photographs | dark truths | old diaries | loyalty | friendship | seeking purpose wherever you are



ENFP | bright smiles | sunshine | lost | so much energy | family always comes first | laughs at inappropriate times | fun > safe | easier to pin down a cloud | distracted | creative | nonsense is way more fun than logic | searching for purpose | explosions are also fun | the more the merrier | scared of an empty life



ISFJ | quiet and thoughtful | a hidden inner strength | so soft | awkward silence | reading beats sleeping | button down shirts and rolled up sleeves | actual nerd | fiercely protective | let’s think before we act | sorry is a default word | needs things to make sense | quiet heart-to-hearts | hidden smiles | must find answers | way too many secrets





(WordPress was being weird about embedding the Spotify playlist so we’re gonna have to go with links. Also, yes, I made the exact same playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Sometimes it’s easier to listen to one place or the other for me.)

I am quite in love with this little playlist. Still adding to it here and there, but these songs work so well for the story. It’s a very different sounding playlist for me. Somehow songs from The Host work best for it? Even though they’re not even the same genre??? I’ve never even SEEN The Host (or really care to) but, man, the OST is beautiful. Soft strings and ethereal eeriness—exactly the musical aesthetic of my novel.



Of course I’ve got a pinterest board.


ALSO. My absolutely amazing friend Christine Eyre surprised me with some art inspired by snippets I shared back when I was first writing this. Just look at these gorgeous things!

Karis on her way to the Nether Isle.


Ruins on the Isle.


One of the “Doorways” that may or may not be portals…


Representing a rainy library scene. And possibly my favorite of the set. <3


A common sight on the Isle.

Aren’t they so beautiful? They definitely keep my motivated. <3



  • Back when I first starting getting ideas for this story I had the thought that it could possibly be a Peter Pan retelling with the whole magical island thing. That idea lasted for all of five minutes. Though I suppose the faintest of Peter Pan threads can be found within.

  • This story actually has functioning family groups. Like…living, nice parents. CRAZY, I KNOW.

  • Karis has literally no survival/fighting skills whatsoever so that’s fun.

  • Also this is not a romance-centric story. (Oooh, look at all these YA tropes being broken.)

  • A big theme focuses on how everyone, absolutely everyone, has a purpose in life, but sometimes you have to seek it out.

  • There is a whole long, library scene that’s like my favorite section of the book.

  • JK. My favorite section is the darkest, most painful section. Did someone say Dark Night of the Soul? Mmmm yes. (Why am I this way?)

  • I wasn’t kidding when I mentioned Karis liking explosions. That’s a big part of the book and it amuses me endlessly.

  • There’s like 4 different mysteries going on. It’s a great time.

  • Nighttime is a Very Dangerous. But that’s all I’m saying about that. *secret smile*

  • I need to stop before I give away spoilers.

So there we have it! Some totally random, vague tidbits about my child. Hopefully it’ll behave itself as I whip it into shape for the next little while. I’ve got the first couple of chapters rewritten already, and so far the rewriting is going really well. Here’s hoping it’ll continue!

Camp NaNo literally starts day after tomorrow, guys! AAAAHHHH!!! We got this!



First things first, who’s doing Camp NaNo??? If you are, what are YOU working on? I want to know all the things! Also, I’d love to buddy you over there if I haven’t already! (Here’s my profile.) What do you think of The Nether Isle? Does it sound like something you’d like to read one day? Anything else you’d like to know about it (within reason)?

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Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
March 30, 2020 9:12 AM

OKAY THIS STORY SOUNDS AMAZING AND I NEEEED IT ON MY BOOKSHELF. Creepy, mysterious islands with a phantom girl??? SIGN. ME. UP. And a LIBRARY SCENE??? *is super excited*

The aesthetics are GORGEOUS and makes me love this story idea even more. 😀

Good luck during Camp NaNo, Christine! You’ve got this!! <3

Lemon Duck
March 30, 2020 9:18 AM

Oh, dear, I don’t generally read steampunk, but I adore mysteries and dark-ish (or completely over the top dark) books. Plus, the functioning, awesome parents are a pretty good sell…oh, no…now I want to read it….and now I want to know everything about it. That’s reasonable, right?

*shakes head* Anyway, yes, I’m doing Camp NaNo, as well, which will be fuuuun (as I have realized I’m actually pretty decent at writing novels; which is to say writing them, not writing them well…since they generally tend to be a genre of ridiculousness all in itself. :))). Fairy tales, repentance, etc.

Good luck on editing! And I hope all goes well so that there will be a day I can finally get my hands on your awesome-looking story!

Deborah O'Carroll
March 30, 2020 10:03 AM

Aaahh, me, me, me! Totally doing Camp and terrified because I’ve hardly written this year and I have no plans. *collapses* But yeaaaaah, it’s fine. ‘:D

OH MY WORD. I loved reading all about this one again. IT SOUNDS DELICIOUS! *screeching* I’m sooo excited and GOOD LUCK WITH CAMP!!! YOU CAN DO IIIT!!! We’ve got this! 😀 Thanks for sharing about this delightful book!! <3

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
March 30, 2020 10:16 AM

ACCCKKK THIS STORY. I believe the year you wrote it was the first year I was following your blog, and I remember being ridiculously excited about allllll your updates.

These characters! Magic cameras! A library scene!!!!! ALLL OF ITTTTT. I am so excited to read this someday 😉

And I am, in fact, doing Camp. I’m finishing up my dystopian novel Watched… AND starting edits on Pentegreens 4. Definitely not insane. Heh.

Best of luck to you, mate! <3

March 30, 2020 10:25 AM

I honestly would really want to read this??

Karis sounds so cuuute. We stan a girl who likes explosions. I love the aesthetics you shared so much? I love me a good creepy island!
The story isn’t a Peter Pan retelling? For some reason I always thought it was! I don’t know why.
The art is BEAUTIFUL. Fun story–sometimes I bully my little sister into making fanart for my story because my little sister is really good at art (jk, I don’t bully, I just ask very persistently at times XD).

Anyway, this story sounds amazing, and I wish you the best of luck editing!

Sarah Rodecker
March 30, 2020 10:59 AM

This sounds soooooo good!!! Like, wow! I’m so here for strange locations with eerie vibes and mystery. WE NEED MORE FANTASY MYSTERIES!!!

AND THAT ARTWORK!!!! Man! So beautiful!

I just find it hilarious that your character actually likes explosions. Like, that just gives me such an idea of what kind of person she is and I love it!

AHHHHHHH!!!!! I cannot wait until Camp starts!! I’m so excited to start working on my projects. All the best to you this month!!

March 30, 2020 11:39 AM

Oh. My. Gosh. This sounds INCREDIBLE. I saw the first aesthetic and knew I was intrigued, but it just kept getting better! The Isle already seems like such a unique, haunting setting, and I’m dying to see it on page… so yes, I would ABSOLUTELY read this some day! Steampunk, fantasy, sweet but mysterious characters, AND a library scene? I want it NOW! 🙂

I’m also participating in Camp NaNo next month, and I’ll be working on the third draft of a YA fantasy! I’m about 20,000 words in, and hoping to get to the midpoint by the end of April. (I just sent you an buddy request on the site!)

Best of luck this April! Only two days left! 🙂

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
March 30, 2020 11:45 AM

AGGH YOU’RE DOING CAMP NANO!!! AND WITH TNI!!!! *flails a little* I remember when you first mentioned this story way back and I was LITERALLY SO STINKING EXCITED ABOUT IT. I’m SO glad you’re finally editing this story. I would absolutely LOVE to read it someday. <333.

Also, your aesthetics are SO AMAZING. i love it. Best of luck with Camp NaNo!! 😀

March 30, 2020 12:45 PM

The Nether Isle is back! Always a delight to hear about this story. Everything about it is intriguing, and I definitely want to read it some day!
I wish you all the best with Camp NaNo 2020!

Hannah VanGelder
March 30, 2020 1:30 PM

Aaaah I love it! I can’t wait to read it some day! The eerie setting, Steampunk, mystery, Karis, Jonah! I love it all and need this book in my life! Not to mention it’s written by you, which makes it all that much greater! 🙂

Hannah VanGelder
March 31, 2020 3:37 PM

Oh and I love your playlist by the way! And if you want another soundtrack with similar mysteriousness, I would recommend the soundtracks from the video games Myst and Riven! They’re about mysterious islands too!

Hannah VanGelder
April 1, 2020 4:19 PM

You’re welcome!

March 30, 2020 2:16 PM

All I know is it’d be a book that I’d probably zoom through reading, I NEED IT XD (THOSE AESTHETICS THOUGHH)

That art is so pretty ahh!! <3

Good luck on Nano! 😀

Mary H.
Mary H.
March 30, 2020 2:44 PM

I love that you’re breaking the same cliches I am! Healthy, loving family. NOT focused on romance. Protagonist who is sweet and *gasp* has no fighting skills!

And I’m so glad you’re doing Camp NaNo! Can’t wait to write with you! I’m plugging away at outlining my two fantasy series. It’s going well, and slow and steady wins the race. 😉

Mary H.
Mary H.
March 31, 2020 9:54 AM

Ahhh, thanks, Christine!! *high-fives back*

Yes, it is!! Can’t wait! It really is. Even if I’m very slow right now, I’m also very steady, and “little by little, one travels far.”

Awww, thanks!! They’re my two main WIPs. I’m soooo relieved that the second WIP is still a single novel, and I haven’t had ideas for the sequel’s, even though I know they exist. Phew! But my main series is pretty long, and I’m juggling several books.

It does help that my two fantasy series are set in the same world, just in different times in history. But they’re sooo different from each other! It actually HELPS me write well, to have them both. Ever since the second WIP started, I haven’t burned out with either series, because when I hit a wall on one, I just work on the other and recharge. I work on whichever comes naturally, and alternating helps.

Jessi Rae
Jessi Rae
March 30, 2020 3:43 PM

This story sounds absolutely AMAZING! 😀

I don’t yet know if I’m doing Camp NaNo, as my current WIP is still very new to me and certainly not giving up all its secrets at once, but I’m trying my pen (er…keyboard?) at a retelling of “The Wounded Lion.” All I can say about it right now is the IDEA is for it to be a fantasy thriller of sorts set on a world I made up.

H.S. Kylian
March 30, 2020 6:10 PM

I’m doing Camp! I’m tackling an idea I got earlier this year (at least I think it was this year). It’s about a female lighthouse keeper juggling between raising her two children and rebuffing the town jerk who wants to marry her for all the wrong reasons when her thought-to-be-dead husband, a sea captain who was lost at sea a few years earlier, reappears, suffering from amnesia.

Also, I would totally love to read The Nether Isle. Which, btw, I started reading the Crockett & Crane and Beaumont & Beasley series and HOLY SMOKES HOW HAVE I NOT READ THEM BEFORE NOW???? Er, before last night. Or was it Saturday night I started? I DON’T REMEMBER!





Also, I read the first two C&C books and one of the short stories first, which may have spoiled stuff for me upon tackling the B&B series, which was probably supposed to be read first since the C&C series is a spin-off of the B&B series…right?

H.S. Kylian
March 30, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  H.S. Kylian

Now that I look back on it, bringing up the Afterverse was completely off-track. xD

H.S. Kylian
March 30, 2020 8:07 PM

Oh, there’s definitely some drama, but TWU WUV SHALL PREVAIL!!

YAAAASSSSSS!! I’m on Tomb of the Sea Witch right now! The ending of Beast of Talesend – like WOW. DID NOT SEE THAT COMING.

March 30, 2020 6:45 PM

OH. MY. GOODNESS. I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before, but DUDE. I NEED THIS BOOK MORE THAN I NEED AIR. It literally has ALLLLL of my favorite tropes and character types and SETTINGS and!!!! I just can’t. I literally canNOT function without this book in my life. (Also, I am 1000% willing to be a beta reader someday??? I know that you might already have people lined up, but if you’re looking for another reader at any point…. *hint hint*)

Honestly, the tone of this book already has me hooked. Creepy magical island with ghosties and ghoulies and explosions and a MAGICAL CAMERA and CRACKED MOSSY STAIRCASES OH MY STARS, YES. I need. I want. So so much. I am beyond excited that you’re participating in Camp this year!!! Please be prepared for many screamings at you and check ins to see how you’re doing. I love Camp. Honestly I’m probably obsessed. Oops. XD

Also!!! Karis!!!! I never realized how much me and that girl have in common!! (Which I mean OBVIOUSLY I should have known because she is my smol child and I love her more than anything, but STILL.) Smol ENFP sunshine child who loves explosions and has no sense of self preservation??? Oh look! It me!!!! Which only means I am that much more excited to read this book someday!! (And also THIS >> “easier to pin down a cloud” << is one of THE best descriptions I've ever heard??? I can see this so perfectly in my head!!!

Once again, you've got me grinning like the Cheshire cat over here. Every time your posts appear in my feed, my heart does a little happy dance. XD (which reminds me…I think you had a blogiversary post come out last week!!! I was in a bit of a rut and never got to reading it so I MUST DO THAT TONIGHT. 💛💛💛💛)

Merie E. Shen
March 30, 2020 7:46 PM

OH NO THIS SOUNDS LIKE ANOTHER CRAZY AMAZING CHRISTINE STORY *cries* It sounds incredible! I love steampunk though I haven’t read enough of it, and to add a creepy factor like this is AWESOME. Karis sounds like such an adorable MC <3

A camera that takes photographs of the past… Help, I'm hopelessly in love with this idea. I can't wait to see what you do with it!


I think I'm doing Camp this year? I'm just continuing a new project I started this month (it's such a long but fulfilling project *laughs* *cries*). But they changed so many things with the website and now I can't count pages. So.

I hope you do well with this project! Editing can really be fun, yeah xD Good luck!

Your Friendly Neighborhood INFP
Your Friendly Neighborhood INFP
March 30, 2020 10:42 PM

This sounds SO epic… although creepiness and I do not mix well so I’d probably hear something while reading this and totally freak out… but it would be worth it!! 😛 I love the aesthetics and the fact that it’s not entirely romance-centric… and the library scene! And the steampunkiness! And the theme about purpose! ❤️ Basically this sounds totally awesome. Best of luck to you!!

(Oh, and I’m not doing Camp NaNo, but this quarantine has already motivated me to write more, so that’s good. 🙂 )

Kara Lynn
March 31, 2020 7:17 AM

I’m doing Camp Nano for the first time in ever and super excited!

Christine Eyre
March 31, 2020 12:14 PM

Yaaaay!! LOVE The Nether Isle, and I can wait to learn more about it and how the editing goes! Seriously, I got excited about this story all over again reading the description and aesthetic and the brief character profiles…it’s going to be so EPIC!! This is probably my favorite of the stories you’ve shared (although they’re all really unique and imaginative and striking, so it’s hard to pick!).
AAAAH YOU FEATURED MY ARTWORK!! *glomps* Thank you SO much!! (And if I get inspired for any more fan art, I’ll send it to you! 🙂 )

Grace M.
Grace M.
March 31, 2020 3:32 PM

I got so excited when I saw that Jonah is an ISFJ because I am too!! I really need this story ASAP so please finish it soon thank you 😉

March 31, 2020 6:01 PM

Oh boy, now I’m intrigued!! A girl mysteriously dropped on an abandoned island? A camera that takes pics of the past (ingenious twist! Wished I thought of that idea first 😉 Also, where can I get a camera like that?) And NOT a romance centered story?! Sign me up! (I love breaking tropes!!) The aesthetics, Christine, were really cool, and I love the one about your main character, Karis.

Sadly, I won’t be able to join you guys in Camp NaNo, at least not this year. College writing classes call! BUT I wish you the best of luck in Camp NaNo. I hope your story continues grow and take shape! I’ll be cheering from the sidelines.

March 31, 2020 6:13 PM

I love everything about it!! It’s so aesthetic and pretty, and just everything I love!
Best of luck with Nano! 😀

March 31, 2020 7:05 PM

AHHH BEST OF LUCK CHRISTINE!! I can’t wait to see how this project turns out! My brain has been completely topsy-turvy of late so I honestly completely forgot Camp NaNo starts tomorrow lol. Also I never do it (bc April = last month of the semester, so insanity), so that’s probably another reason I didn’t realize it was happening. Maybe I’ll be able to do July, though. Most businesses and agencies I applied to are pulling their summer internship listings, and I don’t know if my university will offer summer courses, so I might actually have the time ?? !!

Anyhow, happy writing to you, and I can’t wait for your weekly NaNo updates! They’re always so much fun to read.

– Eleanor

March 31, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Eleanor


Sarah Cnossen
March 31, 2020 8:01 PM

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I have been WAITINGGGGGG for this post for so. Darn. LONG. YESSSSSSSSS. Beyond excited to hear you’ve begun the editing process!!!! If/WHEN you need beta-readers, I’m TOTALLY AVAILABLE. *^ – ^* Just so ya know. ;DDD

This is so exciting, girl! Did I say that already? I already loved Karis & Jonah, and the story world sounds AMAZING. You’ve got me intrigued merely from seeing the NAMES. Idlewind. Nether Isle. Karis. Jonah. GAH. I luvs it alllllllllllllll. Well done in the choosing!

Just wanted to wish you happy writing this April! I can’t wait to hear the updates!

Victoria Grace Howell
March 31, 2020 10:42 PM

This sounds like such a fun story! I love the fanart! 😀 😀 😀

Chelsea R.H.
April 1, 2020 5:23 AM

Ever since I first heard about The Nether Isle I’ve desperately wanted to read it! I’ve been out here for almost three years hoping you’d get back to it sooner or later. I can’t wait to hear some more about it as you edit!

Emily Grant
April 5, 2020 12:10 AM


Karis and Jonah sound like the most PRECIOUS OF BABIES. And the fact that she loves explosions? That cracks me up. xD


I need this story like yesterday.

April 5, 2020 12:23 PM

OHHH MY GOODNESS, this book sounds absolutely WONDERFUL!!! I’ve never read a steampunk before, but I have several steampunks on my TBR because they sound fabulous! Karis and Jonah sound like adorable cinnamon rolls and I reeeeally want to read about them someday!!! Plus a mysterious island…and mysterious civilization…and a phantom girl…and a camera…and…and…I WANT THISSSS. Have fun with NaNo!