Realm Makers 2020 Thoughts

Back in July, I attended Virtual Realm Makers and though it was vastly different from in–person Realm Makers, it still blessed me more than I can express. Not to mention vaulted me to the end of this first round of rewrites for The Nether Isle.

So yes, this post is some 2 months late, but a wizard arrives precisely when he means to between a hiatus, book reviews, finishing rewrites, The Silmaril Awards, and just processing, well, a LOT, it’s taken me this long to at last recap my virtual writers conference experience. You’ll forgive me, yes? *puppy dog eyes*

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This will be a much different recap than the norm. I feel like there’s so much to say about RM this year, and at the same time not a lot since it was basically just sitting in my room watching classes through a computer screen. And yet, even here months later, I’m still soaking in and processing and sorting through all the goodness I learned. So instead of the usual day-by-day recap, I’m just going to…talk. I hope you don’t mind some rambles. (Though if you’re following my blog, you clearly don’t, bless your hearts.)


Before the Conference:

This was my 3rd year to “attend” Realm Makers, and my 3rd writers conference ever, and it came as a total surprise.

Even before 2020 decided to have an apocalypse, I hadn’t planned to make it to Realm Makers this year, due to multiple reasons. And then when you-know-what happened and they had to go virtual, I still didn’t think I’d be doing it.

Let’s be real, it has not been a great year (thank you for stating the obvious, Christine). I was having a really hard time, especially during late spring/early summer, and had fallen into a not-so-great place mentally. I felt drained. Exhausted. Trapped. Not needing to leave the house, having nothing to look forward to, and absolutely no idea when this nightmare would end, my creativity and overall wellbeing had taken a nosedive. I was trying to push through with The Nether Isle rewrites, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I almost got to the point where I didn’t even like the story, something that has never really happened. I tend to love all my WIPs, no matter how in bad shape they’re in. I was just…tired. So, so tired.

But then, during one of my worst weeks, I got the happy surprise—a friend offered a Realm Makers registration. And next thing I knew, I WAS ATTENDING RM 2020. (*hugs said friend to the end of time*)

After months of nothing to look forward to, and the same ol’ humdrum routine, at last there would be a little bit of a break in the monotony. And it really made me examine myself, and realize, though yes, I am home all day, and yes, the world is not in a great place, that didn’t mean I needed to wallow in it. It was time to make a CHANGE.

So I took a hiatus in July. I stepped back from the mundane routine and forced myself to find things that brought me joy. I spent more time with family, had a huge movie marathon with my sister, played some video games (something I never make time for anymore), and I could feel myself coming back. Feel that drive to create, and a contentedness.

Then July 16th rolled around—the day virtual Realm Makers was to begin.

The Conference:

I woke up excited that day, super eager to dig into all the amazing sounding classes, and also curious to see how it was going to work. But there was also a sadness. Last year’s Realm Makers was, quite honestly, the best time of my life, and I was envious of my last year self, envious of that complete euphoria of being in a building IN PERSON with so very many internet pals, not to mention authors I love and admire. All the crazy talks, dressing up in costume, interacting with the teachers during classes. It is a feeling like no other, and how I ached for it.

But then N.D. Wilson’s opening keynote began that evening, and that euphoria came rushing back. Yes, I was sitting in my room alone and staring at a screen, instead of crowded in an auditorium with 300+ likeminded people. But that spark of magic, that sense of community was still there, even as we were all separated across the miles.

And thus began a 3-day blur of online classes, chatting in the Discord server, video chats, and reconnecting with everything I had allowed this exhausting year to drain out of me.

Because that’s it, right there: I allowed the hardships to drain me. I gave into the exhaustion, and just kept adding to it. My workaholic self decided that if I’m home all day, I may as well be productive all day, and it became unhealthy. I had even got to the point where I felt disconnected from God, because I was just so tired. So bogged down by the muck of my circumstances that it covered up the important things. The truths.

And then Realm Makers happened.

As I said, I was already beginning to crawl out of the mire of my exhaustion even before RM just from taking a hiatus, but after RM the muck cleared away. And I felt whole again.

Those three days were exhausting. Watching online classes and staring at a screen from literally the moment I got up in the morning to late at night gave my eyes, brain, and laptop a workout for sure. But it did wonders to my mentality.

Despite those two in-person Realm Makers I attended being the greatest time in my life, I may have to say that this year’s classes were my favorite out of all three RMs. It seems every year there are classes or keynotes that I needed that particular year, and boy, this one was no different.

When N.D. Wilson opened the conference up with a keynote about the utter wonders of this world we live in, about how our world is a fantasy world, about how we are sub-creators beneath God, and about how it is our goal to tell stories reflecting God’s ultimate truths—the trials of this year that had been piling and piling and piling down upon my creativity, at my happiness, at my wellbeing, dissipated. I could breathe again.

As I spent those three days soaking in such wisdom from a vast array of incredible authors and professionals, I remembered my love for story. My love for LIFE. For this beautiful world God has given us, broken and messy and disastrous though it may be. But that’s why we need stories. Being able to use stories to explore God’s truths and inspire and equip people to embark on their own journeys through this hard world—that is what writing is all about. That is the true joy in stories. And the privilege of being an author.

For a long while, I was so drained of writing, and stuck with my story, and questioned if to even keep going with it. But then after Realm Makers, I was reminded why I love stories, of how cathartic writing really is, of how I always feel closer to God when I include Him in the process. Of what a joy it is to be a sub-creator under the ultimate Creator Himself. During this hard time, I need stories more than ever.

So after a haze of amazing classes and chatting with so many beautiful likeminded people throughout the virtual conference and soaking up so much wisdom, I returned to rewrites. And I blazed through to the end with hardly any trouble at all. Where before it had been a painful slog.

I was excited about my story again, about writing. But more than that, I felt close to God again. I felt like me. Not some zombified version of me. And I’ve felt like me ever since.

Conference Thoughts:

2020 has been hard. Really hard. But it’s also taught me so much about myself. Ever since July, I’ve really learned the balance of work and play. I’ve been extra careful to not let myself slip back into that drained, depressed state again. I’m giving myself more breaks, more entire days off, more lax with my workload when I need it. And, miracle of miracles, I think I’ve somehow been even more productive. I know that’s how that works. One can be way more productive when one is not exhausted, but I rarely allowed myself the freedom of lots of breaks. I just pushed through the exhaustion and, as a result, produced not-so-great things.

But I’m working on it. And though that workaholic self rears its ugly head on almost a daily basis, I’m learning to shove it aside. To pay attention to my exhaustion levels and take the needed action to not let it go too far.

And because of this, because I’m not lost in the muck of exhaustion, I’m feeling light and free. Creative again, closer to God again, hopeful again.

Life is still hard and tiring and mundane, but God is also still an amazing, faithful, perfect, beautiful God. As N.D. Wilson said in one of his classes, we should soak in the creativity of God and our imaginations will bloom.

Realm Makers 2020 was certainly a different experience from normal. I desperately missed the joy of being there with everyone, and though I ache for all who had planned to go in person, it was such a blessing being able to attend this year because it was virtual.

I still feel like I have so much more I could say. Of all the wisdom I soaked up from so many classes. Of the delight of video chatting with friends in between sessions and then a long late-night chat at the end of the conference. Of how I failed miserably with the Harry Potter trivia the Redwines put on, but still had a BLAST. Of how I got to watch some classes with my sister, which was an extra dose of goodness, since she had never done Realm Makers before. Of how I drank way more coffee each day than normal to assure absolute alertness during such long days of computer time. And of all the many, many, many notes I have to sort through.

Maybe I will, one day, as I continue to process and apply all I learned. But for now I’ll just say this: I’m grateful. So, so grateful. For the generosity of such a dear friend. For God giving me just what I needed at just the right time. For the whole staff of Realm Makers for working so unbelievably hard to still make a magical experience no matter what the world is going through.

Life is hard, but God is good, and it is through stories that I remember these ultimate truths.

As N.D. Wilson said near the end of his keynote, we should work to be faithful as a sub-creator, but ultimately work to be a faithful character in God’s story. And that is my hope for the rest of this year. To be a faithful daughter to God, no matter the hardships.

Realm Makers 2020 was certainly different. But it was just what I needed right when I needed it, and for that I am so, so grateful.



Share with me your thoughts, elflings! Have you attended a virtual writers conference? How has this year been for you? Honestly? I have been praying for you all as we slog through these hardships, and it is my greatest hope these last few months will be much brighter. So, come! Let’s chat for a while and share our thoughts—the joyful and the hard.

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September 21, 2020 11:55 AM

Oh, Christine, this post!!! It was so beautiful and I am so happy you found your joy and creativity again! <3 This year has been really hard but we can all pray for each other and get through it together. ^_^

Realm Makers sounds AMAZING!!! I've never been to a conference but attending RM is high on my list of things to do.

I completely agree that we are sub-creators beneath God and I, well, I basically just love all of what N.D. Wilson said and what you expounded on. 😀

September 21, 2020 4:35 PM

It would be absolutely EPIC if we could attend the same conference!!! ^_^

September 21, 2020 12:14 PM

I’m so glad RM went well virtually this year! Thank you so much for sharing your feelings from this year–I’ve gone through a fairly similar time, and it makes me feel better that someone else feels it, too. 🙂

I would love to go to RM someyear, whether virtually or in person. I’ve never been to a conference, even a virtual one–the closest I’ve gotten is Nadine Brandes & Sara Ella’s webinar (which I would highly recommend–they’re doing a series).

N. D. Wilson is awesome. 🙂

Nicole Dust
September 21, 2020 3:52 PM

Oh my goodness, this post was fantastic, Christine! I’m so happy you re-found your joy and love of writing, and it makes me so glad to hear that even online, RM was epic.

And wow, N.D. Wilson’s keynote sounds AMAZING. *makes mental notes of everything about it that you mentioned* XD

September 21, 2020 5:50 PM

I am so glad that you came out so strong during this crazy time. It is such a testimony of God’s goodness!
Also, I tagged you for the Avid Reader Award.

Deborah O'Carroll
Deborah O'Carroll
September 22, 2020 4:17 PM

What a lovely post! Thank you for sharing all of this! I’m so very glad it was just what you needed and that you got to attend and that you are inspired! *hugs post and you*

September 22, 2020 5:32 PM

I’m glad that even though it was such a different experience for you. That you were able to get so much out of it, and that it helped so much!
This year has been so strange and scary, but I know God will get us through it.

September 24, 2020 3:55 PM

“Being able to use stories to explore God’s truths and inspire and equip people to embark on their own journeys through this hard world—that is what writing is all about. That is the true joy in stories. And the privilege of being an author.”

I need this framed and tacked to my wall!! 🙂

Hannah V
Hannah V
September 24, 2020 9:46 PM

I’m so glad you got to listen to one of N.D. Wilson’s talks! He is one of the most inspiring speakers! And his books are just as good! And I’m so glad that you got to go to Realm Makers and that you found your creativity again!

Honestly this year has been pretty great, personally. Since I’m an introvert, I definitely enjoyed the beginning of quarantine because I could just become a hermit. 😀 And I got to visit my best friend in MT TWICE this year because we had nothing else to do! We host parties all Summer, and this year, because everyone’s plans were cancelled, they actually came to our parties! That may be totally selfish, but our parties were really awesome because so many awesome friends could come!

There have been some ups and downs in the creativity department, but it’s mostly good. God is faithful, no matter what happens in this world.

Hannah V
Hannah V
September 28, 2020 12:31 PM

Yes, all of his books are amazing! And he has a very inspiring book about life called Death By Living, which is very similar to his talks.

Yes, this year may be doing everything to get us down, but it’s all a matter of perspective. We can let the terrible things and disappointments eat away at us, or we can find the beauty and opportunities in the hardships. Everyone can’t wait for 2020 to be over, but that’s just wasting a whole year of your life. Shouldn’t we rather live life to the fullest? Find the moments of joy? Be the light in this darkness?

Thank you! I hope you have a great last few months of 2020 too!

Hannah V
Hannah V
September 29, 2020 12:02 PM

You’re welcome! I could literally go on and on about N.D.’s books! 🙂

Aw, I’m glad I could help! There’s definitely a beauty in looking forward, but not at the cost of the here and now.

Sarah Rodecker
September 26, 2020 11:16 AM

I am so so so glad you were able to go to Realm Makers this year and that it was so uplifting to you!

Chelsea R.H
September 27, 2020 1:15 AM

Lovely article, Christine! 2020 has been a really hard year but God really has been providing for us all in our own unique ways.

September 27, 2020 4:24 PM

This sounds like such an incredible experience!! I’m so glad you got to attend and that it was so awesome <3

Emily Grant
September 27, 2020 4:33 PM

Christine!! I’m so happy that virtual Realm Makers did you so much good! I know this whole quarantine thing has been rough, and I know all too well what’s it like to feel drained and exhausted. That is so amazing that your friend offered you a registration. God really knows how to give us exactly what we need at the perfect time, doesn’t He?

I didn’t attend the conference, but my sister did and I’ve been watching the replays through her (don’t arrest me! *hides* XD), and while I haven’t gotten very far into it yet, I can definitely see why everyone has said such good things about it! From the moment the conference started in July I kept seeing everyone talking about the opening keynote, and after I watched it I totally understood. It was absolutely beautiful and inspiring, and really set the mood for the rest of the classes.

It truly makes me so happy to hear what a blessing this was to you! <3 And I’m so glad you’re allowing yourself more rest and giving yourself grace when you need it, because I know that can be SO hard. I’m always praying for you! (And I look forward to the day when we get to go to a RM together because IT WILL HAPPEN!)

Allison Tebo
October 5, 2020 8:49 PM

Oh Christine! *GINORMOUS SQUEEZE* I have been thinking about you so much and praying for you and I can’t tell you how much this blog post lit up my heart. I am so happy to hear how God used Realm Makers to bless you yet again. THIS POST. 😭 Thank you so much for sharing all of your beautiful and uplifting thoughts. You truly are a star in the blogging sky. I’m so happy you got your sparkle back. <3 

Tracey Dyck
November 11, 2020 6:25 PM

I’M VERY LATE IN ARRIVING, BUT CHRISTINE. I’M SO, SO, *SO* GLAD that Realm Makers encouraged you the way it did this year! <3333 *hugs entire post* *hugs you* *hugs everything*

Your story of being drained and exhausted and overworked at the beginning/middle of the year sounds an awful lot like me. And like you, I think I’m rediscovering a healthier balance of work and play too.

And you highlighted so many of my favorite points from the conference, especially N.D. Wilson’s keynote! His remark about being a faithful character in God’s story has really stuck with me.

Anyway, I’m just so glad to see what a beautiful thing God has brought out of the middle of a crazy year! <3