NaNoWriMo 2020: Week Four


This feels like one of the fastest NaNoWriMos to ever exist. Is that just me? I mean, it often goes fast, but it can also seem so slooooow and December looks like a far off dream. But THIS TIME. I blinked and next thing I know here we are. (Or did I even blink? Have I blinked any this month? I’ve just been staring at my screen like a mindless zombie octopus flapping around typing words endlessly. Idon’tevenknowguys.)

SO. Week four. Let’s just say it was a very surprising week. So let’s jump right in!




HI. YES. The final week started out great. This was one of my favorite writing days for this book ever???

Usually Mondays are pretty full and I’m only able to snag moments of writing here and there, but this proved to be a shockingly calm Monday, allowing me to fully immerse in my story which was good becaaaauuuuse…

I WROTE ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHAPTERSSS. I got to some stuff that’s been in my head since the beginning and ALKJSDLFJLKJSDf. SO MANY THINGS. This chapter both made me tear up and literally laugh out loud and I loved every second of it. (But seriously, I probably look mad while I’m writing.)

And this big emotional roller coaster of a chapter? Yeah, IT WAS CLIMATIC STUFF. GUYS. The end is nigh!

Oh yeah, and one other happy thing happened…




(And yes, I’ve reached 100k words and my story is still going, but at this point I’m not even surprised. –.-)




Today was slightly calmer, just because the scenes I was working on were calmer, but the writing went quite well!

And it just occurred to me a random person literally died in cold blood in one of these scenes and I’m calling that “calm” so I don’t even know anymore welcome to my stories and my writing life.

Also a certain someone discovered a certain something about someone else and it was just like WHOA.

Also also I discovered just how ruthless my baddies are. Like wow I had no idea. o.o

ALSO also also. I got to write a scene in an unexpected point-of-view! I hadn’t written in the POV of this character before, and didn’t know I’d get to in this book. It was a TREAT.

(Don’t you love all the vagueness here? #sorrynotsorry)

So yeah I don’t know what I mean this day was calm. It just felt like a very chill writing day but???




Let me see… This day I had a good writing session and got in 3k words over the afternoon/early evening.

And something else. What was it?

Oh yes. I remember now…






Let it be known that this almost never happens. As in me finishing the full draft before NaNo is even done. IN FACT. For the majority of NaNos I’ve had to keep writing through at least the first week of December to finish up my monster children of novels. One year I finished on the 22nd and another the 23rd, but every other NaNo I’ve had to write to the 30th and usually beyond. SO. JUST. This was so completely unexpected and the happiest surprise! It also worked out that I finished the day before Thanksgiving and could just enjoy the holiday and not worry about words. TALK ABOUT BEING THANKFUL. XD

SO YES. That is that.

Dusk’s Broken Shadows is officially drafted. My 11th NaNoWriMo is conquered. And NaNoWriMo 2020 is DONE!


WORDS WRITTEN: 3,015      


Since there’s awkwardly no more days of writing to report, how about some stats!

Days written total: 25 (because who needs breaks??? I do. Please don’t be me. TAKE BREAKS. SAVE YOURSELF.)

Highest wordcount day: 9,540 words, day 1 (to be fair, some of that was after midnight the night before)

Lowest wordcount day: 2,553 words, day 9

Chapters: 30 (+ a teeny epilogue)

Coffee and tea consumed: Too much

Sanity levels: –74

Number of Dayana Eyebrow Raises: So so many

Number of times these characters made me CRY: Like 4 or 5, I lost count. But also #rude

Number of character deaths: *smile, smile*

Total Words Written: 109,745

Before I end this, I just have to give a ginormous THANK YOU to every single one of you! The amount of encouragement and cheerleading I received through all this and all the enthusiasm for this story just— I HAVE NO WORDS! I cannot even express how much you all motivated me and kept me going. I have the best support system and the kindest friends in the world. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

If you’re doing NaNo and still pushing to reach your wordcount goal, I am cheering you on all the way! But whatever your wordcount looks like, be proud of yourself. Be proud you sat down and wrote words during a crazy  month of an even crazier year.

And if you chose to not do NaNo this year, be proud you made the decision you needed to for your life and mental health. Because that is the most important thing.

We’re more than writers and wordcounts and fancy stat bars, we’re people. And you’re of infinite worth and value just being you. <3



Next Monday I will have many more NaNo wrapup thoughts when I answer the questions to the 3rd Know the Novel linkup (which I shall be putting up TOMORROW!), but for now I’ll just say this: I’m so thankful.

2020 has been a pretty tough year, to put it lightly. And my creativity has been extremely low. I’ve been trying to use this extra free time the year has given me to stay productive and work toward my author goals, but I’m going to be real, it’s been hard. Every word and creative outlet has been a struggle, and I’ve just felt…dry.

After such a creatively dry, mentally draining year, I had hoped maybe, just maybe, I could at least have a good NaNo. At least have something nice happen from this year. I’ve been so pumped about this novel literally since the beginning of the pandemic, and taking a month out to just immerse myself in it and make a mess sounded so refreshing.

And it was.

This book was exactly what I needed. I think I mentioned before that it feels like the story I’ve always wanted to tell, but didn’t even know it. So many things I love all congregated together and became this story. I know it’s a disaster. I know it’ll need an immense amount of work. And though yes, I’m tired and really happy to be finished, somehow it also filled me up, mentally and creatively. When, usually, my creativity is in the negatives by the time I’ve finished the insanity that is NaNo. Eheh.

It was just what I needed right when I needed it. I feel like it brought me back to myself and reminded my why I love storytelling so much.

It probably sounds silly, but my little Daystars really were a light for me. And I have no intention of abandoning them.

No worries though. I definitely plan on having a long, fun-filled December break!

NaNoWriMo 2020, you were one of the best! <3



I WANT TO HEAR ALL THE THINGS. How was your November? How was your NaNo if you did it? Are you excited and/or shocked we’ve made it to the FINAL. DAY??? Who’s absolutely pumped for December? (*flails hand in the air*) Tell me everything!

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November 30, 2020 9:37 AM

YAY!!!! *throwing out party streamers and making you a cup of coffee, because even thought you don’t need one, you totally deserve it* 😉 YOU DID IT!!!!!! I’m sooo PROUD OF YOU GIRL!!!!!! WHOO!!! THE DAYSTARS ARE JUST THE COOLEST!!!!! It’s time to throw out the Emojis I only use on special occasions: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🏆🏆

Aaannndd WAIT A MINUTE THAT WAS WHAT I WAS FORGETTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was planning out posts for my blog this upcoming month and I FORGOT ABOUT THE LINKUP!!!!!! Uh…*rushing back to my list of posts and throwing some of them out* I LOVE THE LINKUP AND AM TOTALLY GOING TO DO IT NO MATTER WHAT POSTS I HAVE TO GET RID OF!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I FORGOT IT!!!!!!! I might push it to the third week of November, ’cause I hope to be done with my book by then. But if I get it done before that, then I can do the post earlier. You know what this is a GREAT MOTIVATION to get to writing!!!!!

Anyway….aw you are just THE SWEETEST!!!!!! YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!!! I’M GLAD I COULD BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!! We all are going to cheer you on through whatever you choose to do!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

November 30, 2020 11:00 PM

OF COURSE I REALLY WANNA DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said, I’m just shoving out some other posts, ’cause I WANT TO DO THIS ONE WAAAAAYYYYY MORE!!!!!!!!! I’m telling myself if I work on my novel and get the second draft finished, you can do the linkup. It’s the PERFECT MOTIVATION for me!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been dying for part three since I knew there was a part three!!!!!!!

Aw, You’re WELCOME!!!!! You’re just waaaayy too SWEET!!!!! <333333333 Also, I wanna add that you’ve really inspired me in a lot of ways. (One of which is my writing. I wouldn’t be as far as I am if it wasn’t for your enthusiasm for your own novel. It got me back to being excited for mine.) But also, because when I first started commenting here (which honestly was like in Oct. but it feels longer in a good way) I noticed that every time I read your comment back, it made me feel sooooo happy and excited, like almost no other comment had. And I was just like, what was it. I think it was how you get sooo excited over every thing, even sometimes things I might think you’d think are insignificant. And, I guess where I’m getting at, is that I knew I wanted to be like you when I commented back to my readers. So, I almost study your comments (don’t think I’m weird) and eventually found the way that was still me and my voice but also could make others happy when they read my comments. And I’ve gotten a few people here lately who have told me that I’ve been such an encourager to them and I just wanna say THANK YOU for modeling it for me. Your posts and comments ALWAYS make me sooooo happy!!!!!!! It means a lot when you take the time to read my rambled up comments!!!!!! I feel almost like I’m at home here sometimes.

Nicole Dust
November 30, 2020 10:44 AM

CONGRATULATIONS ON FINISHING YOUR NOVEL!!!! *confetti* Your NaNo has been a CRAZY one, my word. I’m surprised you’re still (somewhat) sane. 😉

I’m just so happy your NaNo went well, especially since your year’s been creatively dry. You’ve been SUCH an inspiration to me this month! Congratulations again on finishing your novel – that’s so exciting, and I’m so glad you had so much fun and joy in the process! <3 <3 <3

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
November 30, 2020 10:48 AM


Lemon Duck
November 30, 2020 12:28 PM

WOOHOO!!! That is amazing!!! You’re amazing! And I can’t wait until this and your other 10 NaNo projects are released into the world. XDD….

November 30, 2020 12:44 PM

YOU FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT OF A NOVEL IN 25 DAYS????? That. Is. Amazing. *throws confetti* I mean, seriously, that’s such a HUGE accomplishment, and, ahhhhh, I’m so happy for you!
How DARE your characters make you cry. Mine like to do that, too. I have fully accepted that I have absolutely no control over them, and I’m incredibly emotional, and it is not a difficult feat to make me cry.
Again, I’m so excited for you! I can’t wait to hear even more about it.

November 30, 2020 1:32 PM

Yaaaaaayyyyyyyyy congratulations! This is such a huge accomplishment! I’m so glad your NaNo went so well, and you’ve definitely inspired me to do it next year!
I’m so excited to hear about where this beautifully enormous project goes in the future!

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
November 30, 2020 2:21 PM

DOUBLE NANO. HOW COOL IS THAT. I congratulate you, Christine!
So, lots of things happened to me this month (including getting sick with covid, heheh… it really wasn’t that bad, but still) so… I stopped writing after day 25 with 25k words. Yeah. I just kind of… hit the wall known as writer’s block? And I know that I brought it all on myself, and I know exactly what I need to do to get rid of it and get back to my core idea, as well as expand on it, so… I’m starting a new goal of 75k on December 1st (tomorrow) which will end on October 1st 2021. So there’s very little pressure with this goal, and I’m going to prep quite a bit in December, so… I’m really, really stoked. 🙂

Looking forward to Nano next year, when I’ll hopefully make 50k in one month!! *cheers* I can’t wait to read Dusk’s Broken Shadows…! *hint hint*

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
December 1, 2020 3:11 PM

Yeah, I did, and so did the rest of my family, but my parents were the only ones that lost their sense of taste and smell, and I was the only one who didn’t get a fever. Me and one of my sisters had a horrible cough, though. XD
Thank you so much!! You always have the most encouraging words; they mean a lot. <3

Jorja Ayres
Jorja Ayres
November 30, 2020 3:44 PM

CONGRATS!!! *Throws all the cookies and confetti* I am SO happy for you!!!! Almost 110K? Are you even human? You absolutley amaze me and I am SO PROUD of you!

November 30, 2020 5:21 PM

ALSDKJFIESJKLFE YOU FINISHED IT!!!!!!! Christine, YOU GO GIRL! I’m SOOOOO happy and proud and excited for you! You did such a FANTABULOUS job!!!!! I’m 99.9837261% sure you have some kind of writing superpower. I could never be as devoted to getting a story done in one month (MUCH LESS 25 DAYS o.O) as you! XD
But, hey, I just realized… know what else you can do in one month? Post a chapter of your story every day so we can read all about that awesomeness you wrote! (Hehehe. Kidding. Sort of.) XP Tomorrow can’t come soon enough though!!! *rubs hands eagerly*

In all seriousness, however, I am again just so OVERJOYED that this has been one of your best NaNos!!! Despite how insane this year has been, God still gives us awesome reasons to celebrate even in some pretty hard times (and He definitely answers our prayers)! <333 😀

H. S. Kylian
November 30, 2020 8:50 PM

Welllll…I *might* have finished The Woodsman…and then started editing it…and I’m still editing it…

H. S. Kylian
November 30, 2020 8:52 PM

Oops, forgot to hand you another crown! 👑

Last edited 4 years ago by H. S. Kylian
Hannah V
December 1, 2020 2:51 AM

Congratulations!!!!!!!! You never cease to amaze me! You’re an inspiration and a light to us all! I’m so glad that this NaNo was able to bring you such joy during this trying year, and I pray the rest of the year will follow suit.
Every time you finish a novel, I want it to be ready to read! Especially with your vague hints… 😛 It sounds absolutely amazing in both hilarity and rip my heart out ways. Which, let’s be honest, are the best types of books. 😀

December 1, 2020 10:50 AM

*victory dance* You did it! You did it! You did it! And in 25 days?? Giiiiiiiirl. BRAVO! CONGRATS! HURRAH! Also, in addition to a DOUBLE NANO, you actually finished the draft! That never happens to me. XD I’m not even close to the end. Have a lovely December!!!

Julia Garcia/ Arysta Henry
December 1, 2020 1:44 PM

Congratulations, Christine!!!!!!! All of this sounds so amazing! Also, my gosh. A DOUBLE NANO?? That’s crazy and awesome at the same time. *finds you comfy blankets for naps* *hands you six-tier cake*

Victoria Grace Howell
December 1, 2020 7:42 PM

Dang girl! You did amazing! I feel like NaNo has been the thing so many people including me needed this year. Writing a draft with so many other people across the world is so encouraging! It’s definitely been a highlight of my year too!  

December 1, 2020 8:35 PM

Oh my goodnessssss!! I’m pretty sure I’m going through this series backwards, but this was the first one to pop up in my WP feed, and I NEEDED TO READ IT THE MINUTE I SAW IT.

And GIRL!! Oh my WORD, I am so unbelievably proud of you!!! All of the “spoilers” were so vague and mysterious and I must know MOOOOOOORE. (especially how many character deaths there were. and who died. PLEASE I NEED THIS. I’M GETTING ANXIETY JUST THINKING ABOUT MY CHILDREN DYING. PLEASE NO XD)

But also!!! I actually laughed out loud when it came to the stats. “Too Much” coffee and tea consumed, -74 sanity levels…honestly, same, man, and I didn’t even FINISH my NaNo. XD (although the coffee/tea thing COULD be because I work in a coffee shop, but….you know. it’s fine. XD)

AND!!! AND AND AND!! YOU FINISHED YOUR BOOK!!!!!!! IN 25 DAYS!!!!!!! My dude, I am SO SO SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU, I PHYSICALLY CANNOT. I have NEVER finished a book within a single month, let alone 25 days, and I just??? Please teach me your ways??? I absolutely must learn your secrets… XD

I am so ridiculously pumped for this book to get in my hands, not gonna lie. Everything about it sounds so whimsical and fantastical and intriguing, and I just KNOW that you’re going to be an “instant buy” author for me. Seriously. The first day of your release and your book will be in my hands. Mark my words on that one. XD

Heather @ The Frozen Library
December 2, 2020 6:35 PM

AHHHH I’m so happy that you had a successful and fun Nano to make up for this terrible year! I’m so excited to read your story one day. 😀
I made my goal of 45k!!! Which is the most I’ve written in a month, so maybe next year I can actually win!
I’ve REALLY enjoyed this link up, thank you so much for creating it! Do you do it every year? I can’t wait for next year’s Nano! 😀

December 4, 2020 9:42 PM

Woah, Congrats!!!!! That’s just SUPER AMAZING!!! I am so happy for you! And it is just amazing that 2020 threw something at you that was actually awesome!!! I’m so glad that this writing time was a blessing to you!
And I have to say that is a blessing to me to get to be part of your writing journey!!!

December 5, 2020 6:57 PM

*flails and happy dances once more* You finished it! You finished it! And just in time for Thanksgiving! Whoohooo!!!

Those stats! Oh my goodness, those stats! (I feel like I’m in a time loop, I keep repeating sentences. XP) SO FUNNY! O.o Character deaths? What character deaths!? Just bad guys right? RIGHT??? (halp me)

That act normal gif is so me! XD

I’ve had so much fun cheering you on the past month and I cannot wait to see what’s next! Even though my NaNo didn’t turn out like I’d hoped, it’s honestly been the best due to the blogging community and being able to chat with you and other writers. So thank YOU for being such a sweet and awesome person! I am so glad that this NaNo and Dusk’s Broken Shadows did so much for you and your creativity! ^_^ <333