NaNoWriMo 2020: Week Two


I’m a tad (read: a lot) in shock that the month is literally halfway over! It’s just flown this year.

Yet…there’s always this confusing timey-wimey-ness that comes with NaNo. The days seem to pass fast, while at the same time it feels as though I’ve been right there living alongside my characters through everything. I’ve experienced so much with them in these mere two weeks, seen them change and grow and endure countless things (I’ve been such a nice author to them *cough, cough*), somehow it feels as though it’s been a speedy two weeks and lifetime of adventures all at once. Time seems to just flow differently during NaNo…

But differently or not, Monday has somehow arrived which meeeeans… It is once more time for me to regale you all with a rambly, incoherent, gif-ridden mess of a weekly NaNo update! WHOOOOOO!!!




I got a bit of a later start today due to Mondays being pretty full days in general, but the writing I did find time for went well.

Today was a day of exploration. Exploring parts of a new world, meeting new people I didn’t plan for at all who may or may not be important, literally throwing in random elements that I have no clue if will play a major role or not. Ah yes, you gotta love pantsing.

Me errrry day alllll day.

Aelin and Day also dished out a lot of sass to the baddies which is always a good time.




Hello yes, can all writing days please be like today?

This was one of those glorious, magical days where the words. just. kept. coming. With very little trouble in between. I also had a shockingly lack of Life Distractions??? And it was a cozy, drizzly day. So I basically just holed up in my room all day long and WROTE (with plenty of coffee and tea, because I’m nothing if not a stereotypical writer).

Ah, if only every writing day could be so accommodating.

Although I also almost cried again. I really should start now keeping count how many times this series makes me cry, ‘cause I got a feeling it’s gonna be a lot. These dratted characters have to go and give me way more feels than is proper. >.>




Hm. Let me see. I think something important happened today.

Now what was it…?

Oooh yeah.


Eleven NaNos officially done and WON. I am a happy (sleepless, over-caffeinated) bean!

I also won my 11th NaNo on November 11th which wasn’t planned in the least but a totally hilarious and perfect happenstance!

And if you’re wondering, no, I am not done. The goal is to finish this thing and I’m probably only halfway through (please someone come contain my monster stories) sooo yep. Much more writing ahead! Send coffee.

Today’s words also proved to go well. I was struggling a little bit for the first part of the day as I’m trying to work out some pretty convoluted plot stuff, but by the second half of the day the words were flying (and giving me all the feels).

So let’s have a snippet to celebrate 50k:

We are the Daystars,” Aelin whispered.

Day pulled in a breath, and light returned to her eyes, bolstering Aelin’s resolve.

“We are the Daystars,” she said louder, stronger. “And nothing in the world—no, worlds—no endless fractures in the universe or swarms of undrig or fire horses or stupid winged people with even stupider weapons can tear that away from us. And by stars they are going to find out just the type of force we are when they try.”

Now a genuine smile spread across Day’s face, a smile of determination, of fierceness, resolve. Of hope.




Today started out a little shaky as I was feeling pretty tired (gee, I wondered why. *rolls eyes at self*), and the words were just coming slooow.


It ended up being one of my best writing days??? Once I got in the groove, the words just came and I pumped out 5k words way faster than I have almost all month.

Moral of the Story: Sometimes just pushing through the first few hundred words can end up in a full day of delightful writing.

In fact, the first part of writing for each day is always the hardest for me. But I know if I can just get past those first 500 – 1k words, it’ll get easier. Happens every single time.

Also! Switching points-of-view. If that’s an option, it helps SO MUCH get out of a rut. Today’s writing for me was, in fact, from a POV I hadn’t written yet, and WHOO BOY. It absolutely poked that sleepy motivation right back awake.

Said point-of-view was Rune, by the way. I got to be in the head of my sweet Puppy Dog all day and I so love my little stabby marshmallow.




In which the day came where I feared choosing to pants this book was coming back to bite me.

At this point I have so many plot threads tangled around each other and reaching out into a big void of NOTHING. Like…where am I taking this? How am I going to get my characters out of these absurd situations I’ve put them all in? Does this book even have a plot anymore??? Am I just going to chase circles and never find an end?

So…the day started slow as I sorted through things, tested some things out, just kind of started typing with the hopes and prayers something coherent would come out. And I feared it was going to be a low wordcount day since I really had no idea what I was even going to write.

It ended up being my second highest wordcount day yet.

Today my book was in the driver’s seat while I was blindfolded and screaming and hoping we ended up somewhere. AND WE DID. The ideas flooded, as did the words. My day that started out slow turned into an evening of wild typing and a stampede of plot bunnies. I even got to meet a character I’ve been SO excited for (yeah, I have a lot of those in this one. XD) but I wasn’t entirely sure if he’d make it in this book or a later one. WELP. He showed right on up and it was delightful!

And NOW. I think I know where I’m going. Well, for at least the next few chapters… BUT. Not thinking too far ahead strangely works best for me??? Like I said, I am blindfolded while my story is madly careening down an unknown road. But I know we’ll end up somewhere. (What even are these metaphors?)

IN CONCLUSION. It turned into a fabulous writing day and I am PUMPED about the next bit of my story. Just a couple of more scenes, and then things take a drastic turn againnn. *rubs hands together and cackles*




In which I discovered writing two shy muffins attempting to make friends is the most adorable thing ever.

It occurred to me today that most of the relationships in my stories, especially of the friendship variety, tend to be some form of the ball-of-fluff-&-sunshine x broody-sassmaster variety. Not always to that extreme, but it usually teeters on that line. And yes, this book 100% has that, in multiple ways, actually.


A friendship has blossomed between two of my shyest, most preciousest of cinnamon rolls. I’ve not written much in the way of friendships like this and there may have been squealing. I feel like the mom who wants to take a picture of every cute thing her children do like, “Okay, you cuties, squish together and let me snap a photo!”

Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way when writing sometimes.

So did today’s writing go well? That would be a big fat YES. It was also a roller coaster as I wrote scenes of adorable fluff AND moments of soul crushing pain and despair. You know, gotta keep the balance.




I would probably say this was the hardest writing day I’ve had thus far. But hey, after two weeks of smooth sailing I really can’t complain about one rougher day!

The main problem was a splitting headache that persisted all morning and afternoon, making my brain sluggish and the words even more so. THANKFULLY after supper the headache had at last vanished and I ended up having a fantastic writing session, wrapping up a chapter, and being most pleased with the results. So it ended well!

Honestly, my after supper/before bed writing time slots are always THE BEST. I’ve gotten a good flow from writing earlier in the day, the house is darker and a little quieter, and I can just slip into my story and disappear for a while. My evening writing times have honestly become my favorite part of the day this NaNo.

Long story short: It was a bit of a tiring day at first but ended well and I am pumped to dive into week three!

Here, have another snippet to close off week two:

Tala used to make sweets likes these.”

“Tala? Is she the one you danced with?”

Rune smiled to himself. “Yeah. That’s the one.”

“Will you tell me about her?”

He glanced up to find Calder leaning right over the edge of the hole above, eyes wide and eager, like a child waiting for a bedtime story, and Rune smiled wider.

“Tell you about Tala? That would be my pleasure.” He tossed another raspberry filled roll in his mouth and nearly swallowed it whole. “It all started with chocolate. Wait. Please tell me you have chocolate in this world.”

“Of course!”

He blew out a breath. “Thank goodness. Well, you see, one day I was attending some stuffy social event with my family—I was seven, by the way, and would have much rather been rolling around in the dirt or petting the horses at the stable—when, lo and behold, I spotted the most beautiful girl in all the world across the room. Her smile was so friendly and dark curls so soft looking. I was a goner.”

And so he told Calder about his “proposal” to Tala, and her agreement on the terms of promised chocolate. Calder laughed heartily at this, and he laughed too. Really laughed. Until that ever-constant heaviness in his chest lifted, replaced with the familiar warmth and joy that always filled him when with Tala, all of them. He found himself telling Calder about each and every one of them, his friends.



Week Two’s Wordcount: 31,765

My current stats. I know I need a nap.



I was a little nervous diving into this week as I really, truly had no idea where the plot was going to go. For most of week one I sooorta had an idea (???), at least for the first few chapters. But this week? NOTHIN’. Yet here I am with another 30k words. And not just 30k words of rambling nonsense (I don’t think???). Like…I feel like my plot is actually moving at a reasonable pace and we’re getting places? Which for me is pretty big because pacing is my enemy. Don’t know if you guys have noticed, but I tend to ramble. :)))) But this story is moving along, things are happening, I’m ruining one character’s life after another. It’s been great!

I honestly feel like I’m telling the story I’ve wanted to for a long time, but didn’t even know it. And though, once more, I’m jumping into a new week with next to no idea what happens next, I’m EXCITED. I can’t wait to see where this crazy thing takes me next!

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME. How are you, my friends? Are you making it? Is your candy stash surviving (or has it been devoured whole? #nojudgment) I know the second week can sometimes be a grueling one, as the excitement and drive of jumping into a new story has begun to wear off and seeing that we’ve still got sooo muuuch leeeeft of the month can be, well, overwhelming.


We have crossed over that hump. The whole first half of the month is completely behind us and the end ahead. If you’re where you want to be at this point, all the congrats to you! If your wordcount is lower than you’d like, a LOT get be done in a whole half month.

Now that we’ve climbed over the hump, that finish line can be seen in the horizon, and I know we can reach it.

Second half of NaNo, HERE WE COME!!!



Really, how are you, friends, whether you’re doing NaNo or not? Can you believe we’re HALFWAY. THROUGH. NOVEMBER? How has the first half treated you? Are you excited about the next half? TELL ME ALL!

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Julia Garcia/ Arysta Henry
November 16, 2020 11:26 AM

Okay. I need this book already. Please and Thank you! And I am with you on the emotional roller coaster. I cried writing this one scene, for two days straight. And Spotify was a traitor and found all the sad songs!

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
November 16, 2020 12:27 PM

These weekly recaps are too perfect; the gifs and all. XD CONGRATS ON MAKING 50K!!! My writing has been going much more slowly, lately. I realize there are so many plot holes I’m going to have to patch up in the end, and there’s some characters I REALLY need to get to know before I can go further. XP I plantsed this story, and honestly… it’s been both good and bad at the same time. Though I wish I had plotted more in depth than what I did, because I came to a huge climax and realized I didn’t know what was going to happen next. A black void very like the one you described loomed before me. I was terrified. But then… I thought about the plot holes I had and realized how I could patch them up AND continue the story at the same time.

Anyway. Yeah. 😀

November 16, 2020 1:02 PM

How were you able to accelerate my enthusiasm in this story X100??? All of this is so epic, I have no words. Just, congratulations!!! *throws confetti and chocolate into the air* Keep up the fantastic sparkles of it all!I
(Dude, as you can see, you’re not the only sleep-deprived one here, because I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. XD)

November 16, 2020 1:41 PM

Eeeeeeeeee!!!! Ahsjfkshsjkdks!!! Congratulations on reaching 50,000!!! Here’s to another 50,000 more!!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎇🎆

THOSE SNIPPETS!! I CAN’T!!! I LOVE THEM SOOOOO MUCH!!! I got chills, literally chills at Aelin’s speech! And it reminded me of something Sora would say, so cool!!! And Rune! *dreamy sigh* So PRECIOUS!!! I love your stabby little marshmallow too! ^_^ <333 (Please don't ruin their lives too badly. XDDD) Can I haves this book yet? *puppy dog eyes and grabby hands* You are doing GREAT!!!! I'm positive you'll get the plot figured out and maybe you'll see that your story knew where it was going all along! ^_^ It's always so nice to see that God was guiding us even when we didn't know it. ^_^ YOU'VE GOT THIS, GIRL!!! <333

So sorry about your headache day! Those are never fun. *hugs*

November 16, 2020 1:41 PM

I love your weekly recaps so, so much! But at the same time, I cannot believe it’s the SECOND WEEK OF NOVEMBER, because I still have not accepted that it’s…not October. (I want my October back! Permanently!)

It sounds like you had an amazing writing week (and what, you won NaNo? I do not understand how this is possible. But it is amazing. You’re incredible!) I loooooovveeee your snippets, and I cannot wait to learn more about this book! Your excitement and creativity, pantsing-wise, are making me really excited to write. 🙂 (Too bad I have a Bio exam in an hour, and can’t do much. XD)

And yes, we all have those “aren’t they adorable?” moments. XD

I hope your next week goes as well as this one did!

Hannah V
November 16, 2020 2:05 PM

I’m happy it’s going so well! This story sounds better and better each time! And your cinnamon rolls sound adorable!!! <3 November is definitely going very quickly! But it’s good! Keep up the good work Christine!

November 16, 2020 4:01 PM

I had a feeling you were going to break 50K!
CONGRATS!!! *jumps around*
Your an absolute marvel!
I am so unbelievably excited for this story!!

November 16, 2020 4:27 PM

AAAHHHHHH is it POSSIBLE for me to want to read this book EVEN MORE???!!!! The snippets, the characters, EVERYTHING. I just L O V E D it ALL! Wow, 30,000??!!! THAT’S STILL JUST INCREDIBLE!!! For me, it’s a really good thing I didn’t try to write 50K this month, ’cause I have a hard time getting in 5,000 words a week. Suddenly everything in life wants to happen at once. I just cannot believe we’re halfway through Nov. Someone was just telling me we have five Fridays until Christmas, and I’m like THAT CAN’T BE. What happened to Oct? There’s no way we’re in Nov. yet. Somebody help me. 😂 Anyway, I really enjoyed reading today’s updates. I hope you get a lot of writing done this week.

November 16, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Five Fridays until Christmas?!?!? *jaw drops* Help me too. XD

November 16, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  Victoria

O.O I think my brain broke at that little revelation. How can there be just five more? Meep… XD

November 16, 2020 10:46 PM
Reply to  Jen

I mean that’s what someone told me. I haven’t actually counted to check the accuracy. But I guess it kind of makes sense. Except for the fact THAT I’M MISSING NOVEMBER. I mean HOW is it going soooo fast?

Emily Grant
November 16, 2020 7:08 PM

I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN ABOUT NANO TAKING PLACE IN, LIKE, ITS OWN TIME ZONE. I seriously CAN’T believe it’s going by so quickly, but at the same time when I think back on writing that first scene, it feels like so long ago. (Not to be confused with the REAL world feeling like a long time ago… just the world in the story. Does that make sense? xD)

YES to throwing things into the book and not knowing whether they’ll actually matter or not. I am SO good at that. xD (And by good, I mean actually bad. As in, I put the stuff in there and then forget about it and never do anything that makes sense with it.) I currently have a villain who apparently has a daughter, but we haven’t seen anything of her nor has he said anything else about her… and I’m starting to think he actually lied and DOESN’T have a daughter?? I guess we’ll find out later. xD

OKAY THAT FIRST SNIPPET? CHILLS. I have no idea what’s going on but still. xD I can just see that being the part in a movie that makes everyone want to stand up and cheer.


Normally I would say that those before-bed writing sessions are my favorites too… but dude, I must be getting old because whenever I want to stay up late writing anymore my body says noooo. xD But yesss, I love when the house is quiet and dark and you can just get cozy in your room and write. Like you said, it really is like slipping away into your story for a while.

Please tell me you have chocolate in this world.” Me if I ever got to go to another world. xD

It’s so good to hear that somebody else has no idea where they’re going with their story because ALSO ME. I barely have an idea what’s going to happen from scene to scene, let alone day to day. xD But it sounds like it’s working out super well for you, so yay!!

As for my candy stash… welllll, I miiiight be halfway through my second bag of Dove dark chocolates. And the second bag is bigger than the first was. xD But it’s a NECESSSITY. *sweeps 1039484 chocolate wrappers under my bed*

You’re doing SO GREAT!! Here’s to the second half of NaNo! *high fives* *but also dies*

November 16, 2020 7:17 PM

YAY!!!! I’m so happy for you!!! 11 NaNo wins in a row is quite impressive! *Gives you a gallon of well earned coffee* XD

Woot, woot! Another successful week of writing! Awww, that’s too bad you got a headache. ☹️ Glad it went away though!

Akjdhfkjbsljhdf, I GOT A SNIPPET WITH RUUUNE!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Please don’t make him suffer too much. 🥺 Wait, wait, wait. Did I just read “Tala used to make sweets like these”? That past tense “used” doesn’t mean anything really bad happened to her……right??? (I need confirmation that I’m just being overly paranoid!!! 😬)

I CAN’T BELIEVE WE’RE ALMOST HALFWAY DONE WITH NOVEMBER. 😳 It’s kind of sad, but at the same time I’m like “CHRISTMAAAAS!!!” This year feels like it’s flown by yet January seems like it was ages ago!

Happy writing for week #3!!! 😀

November 16, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Victoria

I caught that “used to” too! I kind of ignored it in the hopes of it not being a bad thing. Eheh… 😟 Yes, Christine, please give us confirmation. 😢😜

November 16, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Jen

*gasps* I did NOT catch onto the ‘used to.’ On no, this is, this is bad, this is really bad. CHRISTINE WE NEED A CONFIRMATION, PLEASE!!!!

November 17, 2020 8:32 PM
Reply to  Victoria

I didn’t noticed that, but now I do and I’m freaking out too.

Last edited 4 years ago by Miranda
November 21, 2020 5:31 PM

YAY! SHE’S STILL ALIVE! ;D *bites nails over next sentence* o.o

Lol, *sheepish grin* just take it as we love these characters and are already emotionally invested in their story. I’ll try, emphasis on try, not to freak out over any more ‘first draft jargon’. ;D It’s your story, you do what you gotta do and we’ll maybe forgive you for any emotional trauma. XDDD

H. S. Kylian
H. S. Kylian
November 16, 2020 8:56 PM

Well, I did make it to 23k, but then like ten or fifteen minutes ago, I decided to scrap-ahem, SAVE what I originally had for the ending and switch it for a different ending.


And as always, you deserve ALLLLLLL the crowns! *slides another one towards you*

Victoria Grace Howell
November 17, 2020 7:14 PM

It sounds like you’re having a blast! I just discovered last night that it looks like first person is the way to go instead of third. I tried it out and massive creativity floodgates opened. So now I’m going to switch to that after writing over half the book in third person. XD

Last edited 4 years ago by Victoria Grace Howell
November 17, 2020 8:20 PM

As like last time, I so enjoyed this update! Your rambles show how much you love this story and it making me fall in love with it. If I can, I want to read this. Your characters just keep on getting more amazing and lovable (Ahh, those snippets! Especially Rune’s one. That one was giving me feels).
A new character introduced? Will we hear of them in the linkup post? *hint, hint*
I wouldn’t worry about not knowing what to do with your story too much cause you are doing amazingly! That wordcount is impressive!

November 18, 2020 9:29 PM

Okay, first of all, I LOVE the GIFs.
Ooh, drizzly days are always the best for writing. So atmospheric.
I almost cry so much when writing or reading or watching movies…..or doing anything that involves fiction.
Nope, you’re absolutely not alone. I’m the same way with my characters. ESPECIALLY with ships. I’m just all like, “Awww, you two are so cuuuute together.”
I’m so excited for your story! Eeeeek!!! *jumps around the room and squeals*

Kirsten Fichter
November 19, 2020 12:20 PM

The way you absolutely DESTROY NaNo every year gets me. I love watching you work, girl. CONGRATS!! <3 <3 <3 You’re going to hit that 100K — NO PROBLEM.

I’ve yet to actually cry working on my book, unless they be tears of frustration with characters not doing what they’re told. *grrrrhhh* I’m surviving, though, despite their best efforts.