2020 Recap – Looking Back At My Goals & Yearly Reflections

And just like that, the insanity that we have called 2020 is reaching its close. It’s been a year, to say the least, but there have also been so many blessings and growth through it all. Thus I thought I’d wrap-up the year by looking back at my goals and sharing some thoughts on the year.

All the way back in the blissful time that was January (seriously, January feels like a different lifetime ago), I shared a list of my goals for this year, because HELLO ACCOUNTABILITY. It always helps me so much to stay on top of things when I’ve publicly proclaimed I’m gonna do the things. But the real question is: Did I do the things???

WELP. That is what I’m going to explore today! Let’s look back at my goals and see how I did. With some reflections on the year tossed in for good measure.     



Query at least 6 literary agents for Burning Thorns

Achieved: YES!

This was the biggy. Last year I had dipped my toe into querying, but this year was gonna be the year I AT LAST got serious about it. And I did.

I didn’t just do 6 agents, I queried 9! I kind of shifted my goal to querying 3 agents every 3 months, and managed to actually stick to that all year.

It was stressful and exhausting and I got no bites whatsoever, and instead my inbox has a considerable amount of rejection letters now.

But you know what? THAT’S OKAY. That’s normal. It’s just the way of querying. Even though I’ve only gotten rejections so far, I feel so SATISFIED. Because for years and years and years I have put this off. I’ve not made as much effort as I should have toward my dream of being traditionally published until now, and it feels so good to at last be making effort toward it. If anything, this was my greatest accomplishment of the year, rejections and all.

Not to say each rejection letter didn’t send a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and make me question literally everything. It did. Pretty much every time. But then I pulled myself back up, remembered it’s part of the process and that there are a lot more agents out there. One rejection just means that wasn’t God’s plan, and He has something better. God has a plan for my writing, and I know He’ll lead me right to it. I just have to keep trying.

(BTW, earlier in the year I wrote a WHOLE POST on this subject of rejection if you need a dose of encouragement. Rejection is, alas, part of a writer’s life, but it can be a GOOD thing. <3)



Rewrite The Nether Isle

Achieved: Yep, yep!

This was the secondary Big Goal of 2020. While I’m querying Burning Thorns I want to work on getting another novel query ready should BT just not work out (which is definitely a possibility).

The Nether Isle was my NaNoWriMo ‘17 novel, and one quite dear to my heart. (And one of my few standalone novels, which is always a plus when trying to get a debut novel traditionally published.) So I chose to make it my next project.

From February to August, I worked on this monstrous project because, let me tell you, totally rewriting a NaNo novel is not for the faint of heart. Or at least one of my NaNo novels. They are disasters and a half. XD And I’m going to be real, it was HARD. I had made the decision to take on this major rewriting project before I knew 2020 was going to turn out, well, the way it did. I had so many days of just absolutely despising my writing, and questioning everything, and suffering a severe lack of creativity or drive. Some days every single word had to be dragged out of my cold, dead brain bit by painful bit.

And yet… Some days it was a light in my life. The characters in this story are so dear to me, and it was a true joy at last returning to them, not to mention so satisfying watching their messy story transform into something much more cohesive and polished.

Do I regret taking on this project this year? No, not at all. It was HARD, but I learned so much through it. And, at the end, I had a full novel totally rewritten.

NOW. It still needs a whole other major pass. That was just the first round of edits. It’s got a looong ways to go, but having that first major bit done feels amazing.


Submit flash fiction and articles to magazines

Achieved: Eh…not really? 

Moment of truth: I’ve been saying for years now that I’m going to get serious about submitting things to magazines and whatnot to kind of up my “writers resume” as it were. Being able to mention in query letters that you’ve been published in multiple things definitely helps! Buuuut every year I get so caught up in my big projects (like major rewrites, etc., etc.), researching places to submit things, not to mention actually writing things to submit, just…never happens??? And I mean, I guess it’s good I spend a lot of time on my big projects BUT STILL. I really need to do this more.

I did write one flash fiction piece for GoHavok.com. But yep. That is literally the only thing toward this goal I did.

Maybe one year… Eheh.


Reach 1k followers on Instagram

Achieved: Nope

I suspected from the start I wouldn’t quite reach this lofty goal, so it’s no great surprise or disappointment. And ACTUALLY. I’m exceedingly happy with how much my IG account has grown!

I started the year with 400-something followers, I do believe, and I’m currently sitting at 740+. So just the fact that I did grow a fair amount is more than an accomplishment. Plus I’ve seen a lot more interaction on my posts and such over the past few months. And I’d prefer a few interactive followers that I can genuinely connect with over a ton of random non-responsive people any day.

Now, I know for a fact I could have worked harder toward this goal. But, ya know, 2020… Every bit of creative outlet was an effort for me this year. I think we all get a free pass this year for anything we couldn’t put as much energy into as we had originally planned.


Stretch and exercise regularly

Achieved: Shockingly, yes!

Keeping up a fairly regular exercise routine is on my list of goals every single year, annnnd usually by around March said goal starts fading away. But THIS YEAR. I actually kept up with it! Now, there were plentyyyy of days, and even a week here and there where no exercising happened. BUT I always got back to it. And here we are in December and I still make time almost every evening to do some stretches and exercises. I don’t even know who I am anymore.

Although it did help a ton that I dragged my sister into the routine with me. Nothing like ol’ accountability and being able to do something together to kick one into gear!

And I guess being home all day every day has certainly motivated me to find ways to move around some. Here’s hoping I will actually keep this up!

Accurate interpretation of me exercising. I said I’m exercising. Not exercising well.


Read, read, read

Achieved: Yes!

Even though reading is basically my favorite activity in the world, for some reason I don’t always make time for it like I should??? Other things constantly take precedence. But these past couple of years I’ve been making an extra effort to make time for reading, and it has paid off! I’ve read a lot more books this year and last year than I had the previous years. I mean, compared to some people, reading about 50 books a year is probably pathetic, but that’s quite good for me these days!

I would definitely say I did quite good making time for a lot of reading this year. It didn’t hurt that it was one of my best reading years EVER! SO MANY GOOD BOOKS. (Of which I talked about last week if you missed it.)


Participate in NaNoWriMo

Achieved: YES.

And it was a euphoric 25 days of writing a nearly 110k word novel and one of the biggest highlights of my entire year and knocked me out of my creative slump!

Buuut being as how I’ve spent basically the last two months talking about nothing else, I’ll spare you guys from rambling about it more.


Be at Peace

Achieved: By the grace of God, yes.

Each year I choose a word to really focus on for the full year, usually through much prayer. This year one word really struck me: PEACE.

And wow.

I had no idea, absolutely no clue how much I would need that word this year when I first chose it. But God knew. He knew the many trials and hardships coming, and He knew I’d need that constant reminder that HE IS THERE. Through it all, He is still sovereign. He is the ultimate comforter. And even through the greatest storms, we can find peace through Him.

This word came back to me a dozen times over this year. As I let the stress get to me, I remembered: Be at peace. As I feared for the future, I remembered: Be at peace. As so many unknowns hit me, as a new rejection letter came in, as exhaustion pulled me down and down and down, the word would return. Peace.

The hardships and stress this year have come by the bucket loads, and not just because of COVID. It’s just been one thing after the other. There have been so many hard things and changes I’ve had to accept, still having to accept. But God is here, and He holds my future. And there is no greater peace than that knowing.

It’s still a struggle, and I still have moments of questioning everything and fearing what my future holds. But I always come back to the word God gave me: Peace. Through Him I know everything will be okay. Just the fact that He put this word on my heart way before I had any idea what this year would entail fills my heart to overflowing. Because He knew exactly what I would need.

This year has definitely been a year to learn to calm my soul and trust in God, and it’s still a work in progress, always, but I have felt so much growth through the trials.

And there we have it. My goals from the year. Despite the insanity and the hardships, I achieved a lot I set out to do, and for that I am so grateful.

Sometimes I joke that I wish we could just pretend 2020 never happened. But honestly? I have seen God’s amazing blessings and workmanships in such abundance, I have grown and learned so much about myself, and God has shown me peace time and time again. And all of that? It is priceless.

No, 2020 wasn’t the best year by a long shot. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a year full of God’s grace and blessings. And that is what I hope to remember and hold on to.



Welp. Gonna be honest: I’m tired. I definitely think it’s time for me to step back and take a good, long breath. I feel a strange sense of having too many things crammed in my head and yet totally dry. I don’t even know. I have felt so drained and dry through far too much of the year, and then NaNo somehow both exhausted me and filled me right back up.

There is a lot to reflect on, lots of things to pray about and plans to make. And so I think I’m going to step back for a little bit.

I’m going to take a hiatus for all the rest of December and all of January as well. I hope to just rest for this month, and then use January to really, truly think on my 2021 plans and decide where I want to go with everything. (And if you think to pray for me as I make some decisions, that would mean the absolute world to me. <3)

BUT. I promise I’ll be back! Hopefully by February I shall return with plenty of more posts to come and new plans in place.

Thank you all so much for always being here and supporting me and cheering me on and just being such a light in my life. I’ve made some of the dearest friends in the world through this little blog, and it has especially been a blessing to me through a hard and lonely year.

I love you all so much!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



Tell me, friends, how was your 2020, truly? Do you have anything I can pray for you about as we step into a new year? What were some of your highlights from this year? And what are you looking forward to come 2021? I’d love to hear about it!

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Jennifer Guyer
December 21, 2020 11:36 AM

I love these end of the year posts! Way to go, Christine! It looks like you accomplished a lot this year. I mean from querying agents (on my to do list) to rewriting a novel! You rock. Me on the other hand, I did way less than anticipated. But like you said this is 2020 and we all deserve a break. The one thing I did accomplish or will accomplish by the end of this year is the 4th draft of Smells of War! I am looking for beta readers come January. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you have a wonderful Hiatus!

December 21, 2020 11:39 AM

You got so much done this year writing-wise! 😲 I’m happy for you! I hope the next year goes really well for you. Merry Christmas!

Julia Garcia/ Arysta Henry
December 21, 2020 12:06 PM

You did awesomely!!! I can’t believe how much you’ve achieved! You are such an inspiration. ALL THE HUGS!!!

December 21, 2020 12:10 PM

Oh my goodness, I’m SOOO glad you had such an awesome year!!!!! I LOVE your last goal of choosing a word to focus on. Maybe I should try that for this upcoming year! 😀 I couldn’t agree more about how even though 2020 hasn’t been the greatest year ever, God has still provided many blessings and good moments throughout it all!

Probably one of my main highlights of this year was having more interaction with the whole blogging community. By starting to comment and subscribe to blogs, I’ve gotten to get to know a bunch of other girls and strike up online friendships even though I haven’t gotten to see all of my local friends very much. You’re ABSOLUTELY one of those people by the way! 😉 You’ve just been SO encouraging and kind and have really impacted me through this crazy year! It’s so amazing how God can use even the hardest times to bless people!

I’ll definitely pray for you as you make those decisions! ❤️ It would actually mean a lot if you could pray for my family to stay healthy. Thankfully God has kept us safe from the virus so far this year, but COVID is pretty bad where we are, so I’d really appreciate it if you kept us in your prayers!

ALSO, I wanted to let you know, I FINISHED HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE AND IT HAS TO BE ONE OF MY NEW FAVORITE BOOKS!!!! Howl is totally one of my new favorite characters ever, too. He’s just HILARIOUS! Now I understand why everyone loves it so much (and how you reread it this year)! 😉 The whole writing style was just INCREDIBLE and I love how Diana Wynn Jones slowly tied things together throughout the story, yet you don’t even realize that’s what’s happening. I gotta give it to you for convincing me to read it! That was one wild read, but it’s definitely 5 stars without a doubt! 😄

Hannah V
December 21, 2020 1:22 PM

Congrats on completing so many goals! 2020, despite all the craziness has truly been such a special year! I accomplished so much with my art and learned so many new things! I’ve built many new friendships and restrengthened old ones! This year has really brought people together in such a beautiful way! It’s also been a year of going to the beach and on roadtrips, which just makes me happy! I’m so thankful for 2020!

Joy Caroline
December 21, 2020 2:17 PM

It sounds like you had a really productive year! These are all amazing goals, and you achieved most of them – that’s awesome!
To be honest, 2020 was both my worst year ever and my best year ever. I miss school and being apart from my family and friends, but every day I’ve learned to “let go and let God,” you know? So that’s been hard, but this year I actually wrote the first draft of the first novel I’ve ever been passionate about. So that’s been an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything. 2020 may have been horrible in a lot of ways, but this year has honestly taught me so much. So, to say the least, it’s a year I’ll never forget!
Take all the time you need for your break! Writers need to recharge. I’ll be praying for you as we go into this new year!

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
December 21, 2020 2:18 PM

You did awesome with your goals! I cannot believe that this year is already at an end. I mean… it was just barely March/April (much of this year felt like a weird dream, honestly), and now it’s December and 2021 is coming up fast. o.o
Wishing you all the best and God’s blessings in the year to come! 🙂

December 21, 2020 2:27 PM

Congrats on completing so many goals! I love your view on querying, and I’m impressed that you did even more than you planned. The right one is going to snatch up Burning Thorns. I’m glad that you’re at peace about it in the meantime.
I hope you have a fantastic Christmas!!! <3

Maya Joelle
December 21, 2020 4:41 PM

I’ll definitely be praying for you! Also… I really, really want to read more of your work, so maybe submitting more flash fiction is a good idea? For me, at least? XD

I’m excited for whatever happens next to your novels and stories. And I so love your blog posts and can’t wait for you to return in February 🙂 You’re a huge inspiration to me!! Have a lovely break <3

December 21, 2020 5:27 PM

I will DEFINITELY be praying for you, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I LOVED how you chose the word peace. I think it’s very important to remember for this year. And we’ll miss you on your hiatus, but I understand. Have a WONDERFUL break, and I’ll be waiting for your return in Feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I TOTALLY get the whole rejection, about feeling down but picking yourself back up. Earlier this year I submitted to I think over twenty literary agents, and at the time, my inbox was just full of nothing but rejections. So, I get it, but it’s just the first step in the traditionally publishing process. YOU’VE TOTALLY GOT THIS, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33 2020 was crazy for me, but it had TONS of highlights. Like I started a blog this year and God has taught me MANY valuable lessons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAY TO GO, CHRISTINE!!!!!! I’d say this year was full of many accomplishments for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *passes out Christmas cookies to everyone*

December 21, 2020 8:19 PM

Wow, you queried nine agents? That was so brave, and even if nothing’s worked out quite yet, I’m sure that your persistence (“knocking until it’s opened to you”) will pay off!

I might be the most impressed by your success at your exercise goal. I am the worst at exercising. XD

I totally agree with you about 2020–it wasn’t the best year, but it was a great year of growth.

I’ll miss your lovely posts, but I hope you have a wonderful, restful hiatus, and I’ll look forward to seeing you in February!

Merry Christmas!

Sarah Rodecker
December 22, 2020 9:17 AM

Ahh! You hit so many of your goals!! That is so amazing!

Yes, the whole querying realm this year is…interesting. The fact that you kept up with it despite everything is impressive.

I’m so glad that you’ve been able to seek peace in the midst of turmoil. God is so good to grant us his peace, even when everything seems upside down.

I hope your hiatus is peaceful and filling! All the best to you in the new year! I’ll be praying for you, that you’ll have guidance and wisdom when making goals/plans!

December 22, 2020 12:21 PM

Yay!!! Congrats on surviving the year and on achieving so much, too!! Here’s to a better future?

December 22, 2020 12:53 PM

YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB! AHHHH, YOU WERE SO PRODUCTIVE. CONGRATS! And, dude, you queried NINE agents??????? That’s amazing.
I hope you have a great end of 2020 and an even better 2021.

December 22, 2020 6:42 PM

Oh my word. Time and and again your words manage to fill me with joy and hope. GIRL. THIS POST. Just…everything in it. I don’t even know where to begin.

First of all–you absolutely CRUSHED your goals this year! Despite maybe not finishing or doing everything you would have liked, you’ve still done and grown so incredibly much, and I think that alone is more than completing every single check mark in a box. I am so incredibly proud of you for all the stories you’ve written and rewritten, but MOSTLY for putting your work out there for potential agents to read! Your bravery and commitment is enough to inspire me to do the same, and I am so sp excited for the day your work is published so I can buy all of the copies. I NEED your words in my life, and I just know God has the perfect agent and plan in store for you!!! <333

Secondly, peace is SUCH a good word for this year…! I think this year more than ever, the world needed to find a little more peace, and knowing that you were able to do that makes me so happy!! Everything has been so up in the air lately, but you're absolutely right. God's got us, and through Him we can find peace and safety even amongst the chaos.

Honest to goodness, your blog is one of my absolute favorites. I can't tell you how many times I've come away from your posts feeling so much better and excited about the world and its possibilities. Seriously. You are such a light in my life and I don't deserve you. 💛

AND ENJOY YOUR HIATUS, LOVELY!! I've taken WAY too many unannounced hiatuses this year, so I'm REALLY excited to come back in January and–hopefully–get my act together for the new year. We'll see if that happens, though. XD

Congratulations again on all the things you've accomplished this year!!! I'm so proud of you, and can't wait until February for you to come back!! 💛💛💛

December 23, 2020 3:16 PM

2020 has been harder than any year that I’ve known, I have to admit, but I sort of feel guilty for not hating it? While I have probably been the least productive in my life, I’ve received so many blessings that I can’t help being grateful. It made my day that someone else has seen the good mixed in with the bad! I’m so impressed with all that you got done! Way to go!! I hope that your break is as amazing as you are!!

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
December 24, 2020 1:32 PM

Congratulations on surviving 2020!! I’m SO impressed at the amount of agents you queryed – you deserve lots of chocolate! *sends virtual chocolate* But more importantly, I’m so, so glad you were able to find peace in this crazy year.

I hope you have a restful and wonderful hiatus, and Merry Christmas! <3

Emily Grant
December 27, 2020 9:30 AM

JANUARY FEELS LIKE SO LONG AGO. The first two months of the year feel like a world all their own. It’s so strange that life used to be normal. xD (and so strange that I can say that and literally everyone on the planet would understand what I mean.)

I’m SO PROUD OF YOU for all the querying you did! That is a HUGE step, rejections and all, and even if it takes a while, I know your stories are gonna go places. <3

I’ve been trying to remember the same thing about Instagram- a lot of followers doesn’t really mean anything unless they’re interacting with you! So I’ve been trying to focus on that- getting more interaction on my posts rather than getting a ton of followers. I’m there for the community, after all, not to get famous. xD That said, I’m so impressed that you’ve exceeded 700 followers! *cheers*

I’ve also been having trouble making time for myself to read! Which is so dumb, because like you said, I LOVE reading and always complain that I don’t do it enough. xD In 2021 I definitely want to be more intentional with making time to read and actually making a habit of it. Because I found that recently, when I hardly had any time for anything between work and school, my little bookworm heart was suffering from the lack of stories. So, it’s become pretty important to me to prioritize reading a little more.

I’m so happy to see how you’ve made this crazy ride of a year into something good. Funny thing: I was actually considering going on hiatus in January too. That’s twice now that we’ve randomly decided to take a break at the same time. xD I hope your time off is refreshing and I am absolutely praying for you! Here’s to a wonderful 2021! *hugs* <3


December 29, 2020 9:36 PM

Oh, wow, you got so much done this year, despite everything. I’m so happy for you that you got what you really needed to get done. And be at peace is a so awesome thing and it is so great to see that came true to you!
Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you too!
Also I pray for a relaxing, peaceful and fulfilling rest on your hiatus! You will be miss!

Last edited 4 years ago by Miranda
January 1, 2021 9:01 PM

I loved reading your recap post! You got a lot done this year! That’s awesome you submitted to nine agents! I’m so sorry you got rejections, though.

Once again because you deserve it, CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR REWRITE!!! ^_^ <333

I LOVED the one you did submit though!!! And I just read "Backward" and I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH!!! ^_^

Awww, sorry you didn't get 1K followers, it would have been so cool if I'd ended up the 1,000th. 😉 Maybe by next year you'll reach it! 😀

Yay! I'm so glad you found an excercise routine you can stick with! That is my struggle, I'll find one I like, but then I get bored of it and kind of just… stop. That's really great you are doing it with your sister! 😀

50 is an AWESOME number of books to have read in a year! I'm so happy you had such a wonderful reading year!!! <3

Ah, NaNo, that lovely time of insanity where I got to squeal and fangirl over your amazing story!!! <333 ^_^ Such lovely memories. 😀

Wow, that's awesome peace was your word for this year! God gave you just the right word for this crazy year. *hugs* ^_^ This will be the first year I choose a word, but I'm still praying about which one. 🙂

I hope you enjoy your hiatus and that it's restful and refilling and I can't wait to get another Christine post come February!!! ^_^ <333 Happy New Year, dear friend!!!

January 11, 2021 8:01 PM

Awwww! Christine! I am just so thrilled to be able to *be* a support to you! Meeting you and becoming friends was truly one of my 2020 highlights and I’m beyond thankful we’re able to chat and fangirl and all the things together. <333 I read your other story, At Your Service, and I LOVE IT!!! Saegan was a riot and I loves him so much! ^_^

*crosses fingers with you* ;D

Lol, despite what I said, last year was one of my best exercise years too. One thing that helped was that I would walk on our treadmill and read or listen to an audiobook or even watch a movie. Made my walk go by lickety-split! 😉 Haha, agreed!

Meep! It was my best NaNo too! (I've only done like two but they weren't official and I just did them with my sister.) I can't wait till the next one either!!! I'm already thinking of doing Camp! ^_^

Amen! God is so, so good! ^_^ I pray you can keep resting in His peace too! <3 Thank you so much! *hugs* I think my word for this year is Now, or Present. I spend so much time looking in the past or focusing on what I don't have yet that I don't really take the time to stop and just enjoy the now. Even in my writing I'm always messing myself up by thinking about the editing stage when I should just be focusing on getting it written and such. So, yes, I think my word is Now.

I hope you have a blessed 2021! <3

P.S. I tagged you in my post! You don't have to do it if you don't want to or anything. 🙂 https://livingoutsidethelinesfindingthewritelife.wordpress.com/2021/01/11/the-sunshine-blogger-award/

Tracey Dyck
February 4, 2021 8:50 PM

I am SO incredibly proud of you, girl! For querying Burning Thorns (eeeep!!!! I NEED THAT BOOK COVERBOUND AND ON BOOKSTORE SHELVES). For taking time to replenish and read and stretch (all things *I* need to work on). And especially for clinging to that peace during a year when that was hard to do.

I’m confident that the seeds you planted in 2020 are going to bring about some wonderful things in 2021! <3

Tracey Dyck
February 4, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  Tracey Dyck

P.S. I forgot to mention NaNo! And rewriting The Nether Isle!!!! You’re amazing!