My 10th Blogiversary

On March 14th, 2011, I published my first ever blog post—and my world changed forever.

Ten years. Ten years of being immersed in this little community of blogging. It kind of blows my mind, when I think of it. Somehow it seems like I’ve been blogging forever and at the same time I still feel like such a newb.

Being as how it’s been ten years, I feel like I should do something extra special. Some big blog party or a giveaway or write a fun short story or something. I basically never do anything particularly grand for my blogiversary and I feel bad about that. It seems every. single. year. I only remember it like a week or less before it’s here and don’t have the time and/or mental energy to do something big. As it was this year. I was planning out my posts for March, had them all laid out, only to remember…WAIT. MY BLOGIVERSARY IS IN MARCH. And I’ve been blogging for ten years! But February kind of wore me out, if I’m being honest with you guys, and March is proving to be quite the full month. So, once more, it’ll be a quiet celebration over here.

(Maye one day I’ll be a cool blogger who does big, awesome things for their blogiversaries…)

Last year I did a “9 things of 9 things” for my 9th anniversary, where I listed out 9 things about myself in 9 different categories. It was fun, and you can learn all sorts of things about the face behind the blog if you care to give it a read.

This year, though, I simply want to tell you a story.

My foray into blogging started soon after I was coming off the high of my first ever NaNoWriMo. I had always loved writing ever since I was 9 years old, but after I tried NaNo it changed everything. I didn’t just like writing as a hobby—I wanted to pursue it wholly and completely. On the NaNo forums I had made my first ever writing friends, and from there discovered some blogs, which led to more blogs in which I began, at last, properly learning the writing craft. I had been intrigued by the idea of starting a blog, but when I learned about something called a “platform”— that essential tool all authors need in order to gain a followship and, ya know, sell their books—my mind was made up.

So one spring day I took the leap. I created a blog.

That little blog was on the blogger platform, and was called Musings of an Elf. (And it does indeed still exist RIGHT HERE, in all its messy glory.) I blogged in that space for a total of 8 years before finally, finally taking the plunge and getting myself my own domain name and switching over to WordPress. It was a ton of work, all of it.

Because it turns out blogging requires a bit of technological know-how and, well, quite a bit of screentime… It’s definitely been a time-consuming commitment, this little blog. Many headaches trying to constantly come up with new content. Endless hours of fighting with blogger’s formatting problems (so. many. formatting problems). Writing post after post, sometimes late into the night.

But it’s been worth it. Every single bit of it.

Because what I haven’t mentioned is the deep loneliness I was suffering when I first started my little blog.

In 2010, I graduated highschool. A lot in life changed after that, and I went through a period of time not quite sure what I wanted to do with my life, all while suffering from the fact that so many of my friends were already off doing things and finding boyfriends that later became husbands and everything was just changing. This social butterfly who never really suffered from loneliness before suddenly found herself very alone. And aloof. I wasn’t really sure who I was anymore, where I belonged, or what I should even be doing. I chose not to go to college for many reasons (of which I won’t delve into now), my health wasn’t great, I suddenly didn’t connect with my friends as much as I once did as they were going to college and getting married.

But then I participated in NaNoWriMo. In a glorious, chaotic month of words, my love for storytelling awoke in a way it never had before. Yes, I had been writing stories before then, had very much wanted to be an author one day, but I never made much effort toward that dream. But something about that crazy November in 2010, something clicked.

As I immersed myself in the NaNo forums with other writers, began emailing back and forth with newfound writing friends, started studying the writing craft for real, dove into writing story after story, and then took the plunge and started a blog—it felt right.

I felt like I belonged.

That aloofness and loneliness began to fade. I found myself pouring excited energy into this pursuit. And as time went on, it only became more and more amazing.

My blog grew, I connected with other fellow bloggers, and I began making friends that, to this day, are some of my dearest friends in all the world. I realized I never seriously pursued writing when I was younger because I didn’t have the community. That beautiful support of fellow writers who understand and readers who encourage me every step of the way.

The many, many comments, the enthusiasm for my WIPs, the constant encouragement, the friendships that have blossomed—sometimes when I think about it all, I nearly start crying from the sheer, overwhelming joy of it all.

As the years have gone by, my blog has undergone many changes. And so have I. I am a completely different person than that 18-year-old nervously publishing her first blog post one spring day. I had no idea what would come of it then. But God did. God knew what I needed at that strange time in my life, and that here, ten years later, it’d still prove to be one of my greatest blessings.

Maybe I’ve never gained a big following, maybe I’m not some blogging superstar, maybe my posts sometimes look like a 12-year-old wrote them and not an adult (ahem). And in this world of short attention spans and social media, I know the craze of blogging has faded. I know it’s not the key place to grow one’s platform anymore. But that doesn’t matter. It’s still something meaningful to me. Because the connections I’ve made through this little space have been invaluable. The healing and growth I’ve undergone as I’ve poured out so many thoughts and read so many other posts by amazing blogger friends is priceless.

This is a space I can sort through my thoughts with the magic of words. A space to fangirl and share books and thoughts on life and just have FUN. Instagram is great, but there’s something meaningful about having a whole space of my own to truly just be able to sit down and write, as well as connect with others in a way that’s not just rapidly scrolling through hundreds of pictures and quick captions.

I don’t know if I’ll be blogging for the rest of my life. (Though I have no intentions of quitting right now, so don’t panic!) But whatever happens, these 10+ years I have poured into blogging have been wholly and completely worth it. I don’t think I’d be who I am now without it. From getting my thoughts down to growing in the writing craft to making so, so many dear friends who share all my interests, this blog has been a GIFT.

As I sit here, reflecting on the years, all I can say is: THANK YOU.

Thank you for your enthusiasm over my stories, proving that maybe I do have a story worth telling and worth pursuing publishing with. Thank you for always encouraging me through the hard and happy times. Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and comment and follow. Thank you for fangirling/boying with me. Thank you for putting up with my silly posts and my long posts and being patient when I need a break. Thank you for your blog posts and producing so much wonderful content that brings me a smile and constantly blesses me.

If there is anything blogging has taught me, it’s that the world doesn’t have to be such a lonely place after all.

So thank you. Thank you for being a such bright light in my story.

Maybe by my 20th anniversary I’ll have my life together and can do a proper party. *winks*

Do you have any blogging stories to share? I love hearing about those! And have I mentioned thank you yet? Because, seriously, THANK YOU!!! Whether you’ve been following along since the beginning or just found me, I am so, so grateful to have you. <3

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March 15, 2021 9:32 AM

Congrats on 10 years! That is a crazy achievement, I’m happy for you!
This post was also really comforting to me, because I’ve had a bit of anxiety lately of whether I’d be able to continue blogging after I graduate. But I mean, the perspective that you have in this post really reassures me. Either I’ll be able to continue blogging, or I’ll find something I like even better. (Haven’t found something like that in years, but who knows?)

Anyway, a huge congrats to you!

Issabelle P.
March 15, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  Diamond

*gasp* GIRL, you HAVE to keep on blogging ’cause I will miss you posts on I Have 12% of a Plan TOO MUCH!!!!!!! also I hope me just randomly jumping into the conversation didn’t annoy you. Sorry ’bout that.

March 16, 2021 7:55 PM

Thank you. I feel like I will continue to blog for a long time, but yes, I will also try out some new things too. 😊

March 16, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  Issabelle P.

Aw, Issa you’re too kind!

Jump in any time!

Joy Caroline
March 15, 2021 11:27 AM

Hi, Christine! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. Your posts are so fun to read and I’m so glad I found your site! You always bring some more brightness into my day. 🙂

March 15, 2021 11:53 AM

Congrats!!!!!! I can’t even imagine 10 years, so that’s epicly AWESOME!! I’ve only been following you within the last year, but I’ll be here for as long as you will be writing these posts in the future!

Issabelle P.
March 15, 2021 12:00 PM

CONGRATULATIONS ON TEN YEARS OF BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SOO AWESOME!!!!! *jumps up and down and throws out party streamers and passes you a big ole cake* And, honestly, I LOOVED your celebration post and wouldn’t have wanted it to be any different. It was sooo awesome reading about your story. Also, girl, you are TOTALLY A BLOGGING SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like in shock when I read the part where you said you wasn’t. Like nah-ah (no idea if I spelled that right XD) your posts are the most AMAZINEST EVER!!!! And your a SPECTACULAR AND WONDERFUL blogger!!!!!!!! <333 Thank YOU for this incredible and fun blog!!! It’s like the best thing ever!!! And I am so, so, SO grateful to be here!!!! <3

March 15, 2021 12:39 PM

Congrats on 10 years! That’s so impressive! And you absolutely do not have to do anything huge if you don’t have the time or don’t want to. I, personally, enjoyed reading your origin story.
I’m a more recent follower of your blog, but I enjoy your posts SO MUCH. They have this kind of….light, fun energy that I just love.

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
March 15, 2021 4:20 PM

HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!! Ten years is SUCH an incredible amount of time to spend blogging. I’m so glad I found your blog and have been able to get to know you – at least a little bit, anyways ;). But I’m so, SO grateful that blogging has been an answer for you from God. <3 <3 <3

(and I LOVED reading your origin story – you’re absolutely right, blogoversaries don’t have to be this big, epic thing all the time! *glares pointedly at my unrealistic plans XD*) Here’s to (hopefully) many more years of your amazing posts! <3

March 15, 2021 5:49 PM

AAAAHHHHH!!!!! *glomps* HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, CHRISTINE!!! *shoots confetti cannons and passes out cheesecake* It is so amazing you’ve been blogging for 10 whole years!

And, oh! Your story is so precious and beautiful and my heart went out for you! <3 I’m so glad you found something that made you happy and feel like you belong. *hugs* Also, what are you talking about? You are a blogging queen! <3 All your posts are amazing and make my day and getting to read your post (and posting mine ;p) makes me look forward to Mondays! ^_^ So, yeah, I’ll completely understand if you ever stop blogging, but at the same time I’ll be a giant puddle of sadness. <.> 😉

Musings of an Elf is still wonderful. ^_^ I actually found you over there, a few months before you created this one I think, (Online interaction wasn’t allowed then, lol, so I was a silent follower. 😉 ) and it’s been so fun following you ever since and becoming friends. I am so blessed that God guided me to your blog and brought you into my life. <333

So, once again, happiest of happy blogiversaries, dear Christine! I pray your next year of blogging is filled once more with enthusiasm, encouragement, fangirling/boying, your amazing posts, and lots of friends! <3 <3 <3

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
March 15, 2021 6:22 PM


Getting to know you through blogging has been SUCH a blessing and I am SO grateful to know you! *sends hugs* Happy tenth anniversary–this is SO huge and I’m so happy for you!

March 15, 2021 8:15 PM

WHOOOOO!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS 100000000 TIMES OVER, CHRISTINE!!!! I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for ten years now! *gives you cookies and ice cream and throws balloons and confetti* XD Knowing you’ve been blogging this long and are still at it strong gives me a WHOLE lotta encouragement for my to-be blog! You’re such an inspiration girl (and, for the record, I think you’re blogiversary parties are AWESOME)!!! 😉 <333

Deborah O'Carroll
March 16, 2021 2:22 AM

HAPPY HAPPY BLOGIVERSARYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! *showers you with cupcakes* Ten yeaaaarss, omgosh!!! :O Longer comment later!! 💚

Deborah O'Carroll
March 17, 2021 12:00 PM

Aww, it’s been AMAZING being buddies and reading your blog posts all these years!

Anyway, I wanted to say that this was a beautiful, beautiful post and I love it so much! I’m so incredibly glad that you dived into blogging and found a community to belong in. That’s so awesome! I’m not sure I quite realized all the story behind that but I’m soooo happy you found the belonging. 💚💚💚

And yes, there’s something amazing about blogging, like all the things you said about it being MORE than Instagram or whatever and being a place of one’s own.

Anyway, I adore your blog SO MUCH and I love your posts, all of them, even if I’m bad at commenting anymore, and I’m so, so glad that you decided to start blogging all those years ago! You brighten the interwebs and this space is just such a joy! CONGRATS AGAIN on ten whole years of dedicated blogging!!! You put me in awe and are an inspiration! *more cupcakes* Thank YOU for sharing all the wonderfulness that is my Lauri in these delightful posts over the years! Here’s to many more! 💚

March 16, 2021 3:20 AM

Happy 10th blogversary!!!!! I discovered your blog quite by chance (a few years ago, actually) from the post you wrote about Cinderella. Now that i have my own blog it makes me so happy I can talk to you!!! Your blog is one of the prettiest and best blogs I’ve ever come across and I always enjoy reading your posts!💙

March 16, 2021 5:42 AM

Awww happy blogiversary!! I love you and your blog and am so, so blessed to have stumbled upon it (through Fairy Tale Central, no less!). I hope that you’ll keep enjoying blogging for a long time to come, and that it’ll still be connecting us for many years into the future <3 And of course, I don’t want to ever stop supporting your fabulous WIPs! Keep writing and blogging and being awesome, friend!!

March 16, 2021 3:42 PM

Happy blogoversary!!! Ten years is AMAZING!! I hope you’re able to keep blogging for many more!

March 17, 2021 8:53 AM

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Wow, 10 years! Love your posts, and your words, and your heart. So glad I found you here in the blogosphere!

March 17, 2021 9:37 AM

CONGRATS CHRISTINE I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! :DDD I hope you keep posting forever and ever because I love your blog so much. <3

Last edited 3 years ago by Abriella
March 17, 2021 11:35 AM

Oh my goodness! Christine! I cannot believe you’ve been blogging for 10 years! That is such a wonderful accomplishment, and I am so incredibly proud of you!!! (and also ecstatic that I was able to meet you here on the blogosphere.) You are such an inspiration to me–both in my real life and my writing life–and I just!!!! This is incredible. You deserve ALL of the cookies…!!!

Also! All your thoughts on blogging and growth and your STORY…I just!!! Girl, this speaks to my heart on so many levels. The fact that you started blogging after your first NaNo, how your first writer friends were made on the NaNo forums, how you finally felt like you belonged once you started blogging and finding community … all of these things are so similar to situations that I went through, and seeing where you’ve come after going through all of that is beyond inspiring. You are such a light to this world, Christine!!! Thank you SO much for continuing to blog and sharing your stories and your light with this world!!! I just adore you so much….

Happy birthday to your wonderful little blog!!! May the next ten years be filled with even more epic Christine-ish-ness!! <333

The Maple Quill
March 17, 2021 10:48 PM

HAPPY BLOGIVERSARYYY 😀 *tosses confetti* 10 years is a lot – congrats!!
My blogiversary is in March too!! 😀 It’s actually in a little less than a week.
I loved your origin story! I’m so glad you started blogging and sharing your lovely self with the world ^-^
This smaller celebration is comforting as I also don’t yet know what to do for my blogiversary so it also may end up small xD.
(ALSO D: WordPress is being rude and not giving me emails for the blogs I follow D: D: so I have been missing your posts and others’ and D:)

The Maple Quill
March 18, 2021 6:47 PM

Yes :D. They are only nine days apart :33. Thank you! ^-^. And yes, March does seem popular xD. Something in the air, must be.

(>.> I recently switched over emails, so perhaps something went wrong in all of that. Ooh! Thank you muchly ^-^ I will check that out :3 It is tragic to miss a post from you D:)

Emily Grant
March 18, 2021 12:22 AM

Okay first of all HAPPY TEN YEAR BLOGIVERSARY because ten years is a LONG TIME and it’s just so amazing that you’ve been blogging that long! (also looking back at Musings of an Elf is kind of nostalgic- of course I LOVE your new website but the other one was the first one I stumbled upon and where I first “met” you!)

And second- THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. You put into words exactly how I feel about this wonderful community! While I was blessed to have siblings who are also writers and that gave me my own little community right at home… I feel I really started to blossom as a writer when I fell into the blogosphere. Like you said, I feel like I belong. Finding SO MANY PEOPLE who are so like me, and who have the same struggles that I do as a writer- not to mention a bunch of fellow fangirls- was exactly what I needed and I truly couldn’t imagine not having this in my life now. So VERY, VERY thankful for it, and I’m SO thankful to know you! You have no idea how big you make me smile! <3 

Happy blogiversary again, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds for you! <333

March 18, 2021 9:12 PM

I’m so glad you discovered blogging because of it. I got to know you and meet you, and you’re marvelous! You’ve made such an impact on my life. Helped me through some really rough times with your encouragement and sweet spirit. I feel blessed to have you as a friend. (Still convinced your not quite human, part fae for sure)
Your blogs have always been so magical!

March 19, 2021 12:10 AM

Aww, I love this story. It is so beautiful and so perfect for your 10th blogiversary! Also oh wow, that’s amazing that you have been blogging for 10 years!!!

March 19, 2021 9:32 PM

Congrats! WHAT A MILESTONE! I’m so glad you started blogging…after all, if you hadn’t, I doubt we ever would have met and gotten to work together! While the internet drives me crazy in many ways, one thing I love about it is how it can bring people together. <3

Here’s to many more years of you blogging, Christine!

March 20, 2021 3:14 PM

Hi Christine!! Happy (*belated*) Tenth Anniversary! (and don’t worry, I love quiet celebrations 🙂 )

It’s been a blessing to find your blog. Thank you for all these wonderful, joy-bringing posts. They are such an encouragement! Wishing you many more happy years of blogging! God bless you!

March 21, 2021 2:34 PM

You’re welcome! *sends big hug right back!* 🙂

March 20, 2021 5:44 PM

Congratulations! Ten years is a long time!
I just recently found you and your wonderful blog, but it’s become one of my favorites! You are one of the warmest, kindest people I’ve met in the blogosphere (although everyone’s been really nice). 😁
And I consider you a blogging superstar. I was a bit star-struck when you commented on my blog.

March 26, 2021 3:04 PM

*throws pink glitter confetti EVERYWHERE*

Happy Blogiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀

Maybe on Blogiversarys, people should start giving things to the blogger, instead of the followers. . . like Hobbit Birthdays. 😀 Where we tell you how your blog makes our day, brightens our lives, lifts our spirit, makes us laugh, smile, giggle, and generally improves our world. <3 🙂

*gives you cake, books, pink lace, and sings the happy birthday song*

Heather @ The Frozen Library
April 5, 2021 4:23 PM

Sorry I’m so behind on commenting, but ahhh congrats on blogging for ten years! 😀 I’ve been blogging for four and I relate to a lot of what you said about the time after high school and not relating to people anymore and needing a writing community cuz I went through the same thing. I think I’m starting to see how it’s helped me get through the roughness of the past few years, and I hope it’s still a blessing to others and not just to me like your blog is. <3 I only discovered your blog a few months ago I think, but I’ve really enjoyed your posts a lot. Especially when you share about your WIPs! XD

April 18, 2021 1:07 PM

I know I’m late, blame it on email overload, but CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉

10 years is such a milestone! I look forward to seeing what the next 10 years bring you! 💛

April 18, 2021 6:26 PM
