The Silmaril Awards 2021 Nominations: Most Magnificent Dragon

Come one, come all to a quest of great excitement and renown! Prepare thyself for much jubilation, anticipation, merriment, and celebration (and fangirling/boying). Yes, indeedy, another year has rolled around and now that we have entered this most prestigious ninth month it means the time has at last come for…


IT’S HERE, GUYS. The sixth annual Silmaril Awards opens TODAY. And ohohoho are we gonna have a fantabulous time giving all our beloved literary fantasy characters the recognition they so rightly deserve.

Now. If you’ve clicked on my blog and are thinking, “What’s happening? Where am I? What is this weird girl babbling about?”* NO FEARS, FRIENDS. I am here to provide answers hopefully clear enough to get you right into the delightful thick of things.

*My sympathies. These are my thoughts everyday.

What Are The Silmaril Awards?

Once, in a sad time in which there wasn’t a place for voracious fantasy-loving readers to give a shout-out to their beloved and dear characters, the illustrious Jenelle Schmidt and DJ Edwardson were like, “Um. We gotta DO something about this most tragic and dire emptiness in the world.”

They gathered ideas. And friends. (And probably caffeine let’s be real). And from these great minds a most splendiferous thing came into creation…

*cue angel choir singing*

The Silmaril Awards!

So. Like. BASICALLY it’s the Oscars for literary fantasy characters. Yes, yes, you read that right. YOU get to nominate and vote for your favorite fantasy characters across many different categories and in general fangirl/boy about the great fantasy genre we have been blessed with. Just…get ready for your TBR to swell.

Note: We Silmaril Awards hosts are not liable for any maiming, crushing, and/or all endangerment due to toppling TBRs that occur during or after the event.

How Does It Work?

There are different categories (Most Epic Hero, Most Faithful Friend, Wisest Counselor, etc.) hosted across the presenters’ blogs. In the comments, you get to nominate and second (or third, fourth, fifth, etc.) the character(s) YOU believe deserves to win said category. Once the week is up, us hosts will tally the nominations and the top 5 characters with the most seconds move on to the voting round! After voting, we will then share award ceremonies in which we reveal who got the most votes and wins the most coveted Silmaril in our chosen category!

  • WEEK 1: Nominations – Sept. 6 – 10

This week is where most of the action on your part takes place (and it is a delightfully wild ride, let me tell ya!) In the comments of each host’s blog, you can go in and nominate whatever literary fantasy characters you’d like for that particular category, with no limit to how many! You can also second any of the ones others have nominated.

It is also a fabulous time to make new friends (and, as mentioned, add new books to your TBR #sorrynotsorry), so do not refrain on exploding our comments sections with any and all geeking out. (We love it!)

Nominations close at midnight Friday night/Saturday morning CST.

  • WEEK 2: Voting – Sept. 13 – 17

We will be closing nominations at midnight Friday the 10th so we can then tally up all nominations and seconds over the weekend. The top 5 characters in each category who receive the most seconds will move on to the voting round! At this time we’ll provide an easy peasy voting form for you all to fill in.

Again, we are not liable for any existential crises that occur while trying to choose only ONE character from each category.

  • WEEK 3: Awards Ceremony – Sept. 20 – Oct. 2

Grab a chair (and maybe some flame retardant armor), sit back, and enjoy the show!

Once the votes are in, over the course of two weeks we hosts will be providing ceremonies for our chosen category revealing the winners! And this of course isn’t just your standard, stuffy reward show. This involves fantasy characters after all. So expect much magic and mayhem! And the best part? Each category ceremony is presented by a Tolkien character!

I told you to prepare yourself for much jubilation.

I promise you, it’s all really quite simple. We do have to set some rules in place, but in general all you’re doing is tossing names down in the comments of your favorite literary characters and seconding others!

The Rules

1.) Tolkien’s characters are NOT eligible to be nominated. All for the very simple reason that: They’ve ALREADY won as the Best Fantasy Characters of Ever duh. AHEM. Basically, we hosts see Tolkien’s characters as the gold standard of fantasy, and it only seems fair that we allow other characters to get their time to shine. Plus, the Tolkien characters get the prestige of presenting the awards! It’d be kinda awkward to…reward yourself.

2.) Characters from LITERARY FANTASY ONLY can be nominated. Which means no TV series, movies, or video game characters. Keep it to the book realm, if you don’t mind. AND keep it in the fantasy genre. So no sci-fi, dystopian, etc. BUT if you have a strong case as to why a book could be considered fantasy, absolutely tell us and we will discuss if to count it. (For example: We have decided The Lunar Chronicles is eligible, because though it is closer to sci-fi, it has some fantastical elements.)

3.) We ask you to MENTION THE BOOK the character you’re nominating is from. As much as we hosts would like to claim to be immortal and have scoured the entire literary fantasy world…alas, ’tis not true. (Well, I firmly believe some of my fellow hosts have fairy blood running through their veins, but I digress.) Sadly, we have not read everything out there so it is vital we’re clear on what book the character you’re nominating resides in. (Mentioning the author is great too.)

4.) There are NO LIMITS TO NOMINATIONS OR SECONDS. Be wild and freeeee! Remember, the TOP FIVE characters in each category with the most seconds makes it on to the voting round. So don’t hold back! Nominate and second with abandon, my fine elflings. (Plus it’s way too much fun seeing how many comments we can accumulate during the nominations round. *grins*)

5.) With that said, AUTHOR’S CANNOT NOMINATE THEIR OWN CHARACTERS. But of course should you like to nudge, poke, and/or prod your readers to nominate your characters FOR YOU, that’s a different story entirely. *wriggles eyebrows* Just be aware that a book does have to be published to qualify.

6.) PREVIOUS WINNERS CANNOT BE NOMINATED AGAIN. These oh-so shiny Simarils are Lifetime Awards. So if a character has received one in the past, they cannot be nominated again. Gotta spread the love, ya know. Though you CAN nominate them for ANOTHER category they’ve not won in. You can find the full list of PAST WINNERS on the website.

7.) ENJOY THYSELF, QUESTER! And that’s an order. This is all about having a good time, sharing the love of literary fantasy, squealing over beloved characters, and causing general chaos in the blogging world. So let’s go forth and have a party even the hobbits would be proud of!

Find more information on the official website:

Now to more exciting matters… *rubs hands together*

My Category

This shall be my third year with the honor of being a host! My first year I took on the Least Competent Henchmen which ended in—AHEM—a lot of fire and explosives. Last year I embarked on hosting the Most Mischievous Imps which…also made for plenty of fire and explosives. (And glittery pink slime… >.>)

And I loved every second of it.

But THIS YEAR. Oho, this year. My time has at last come!

For this sixth annual Silmaril Awards I shall be hosting the category for…




If you’ve known me for all of 0.7 seconds, you know dragons are everything I live and breathe for. Gimme ALL the scaly beasts, big or small, evil or good or just woefully misunderstood (I mean, is it too much to ask to want to hoard all the shiny things in the world, really??). I love them all!

This category is for those great creatures that instill terror in the hearts of men (and apparently love in the hearts of Christines). Whether they be cute and cuddly or monstrous and (almost) undefeatable, whether they breathe fire or ice or can shapeshift, whether they collect jewels and gems or just the kingdom’s finest shoes, we make no prejudices here. Bring forth ALL the dragon characters. Please. All of them. *grabby hands*

Oh, because, you see. We hosts don’t just put together the award ceremonies. Oh no. We ALSO are forced against our will get the pleasure of housing ALL the nominees of our chosen category. As in, every dragon you nominate has to stay in my house until my awards ceremony is through.

Yes. That’s right.

Over the course of the next three weeks my house will be overwelled with dragons. I mean, quite a few of the curtains got burned down when I had to house the Least Competent Henchmen…and yet more curtains lost their splendor when the Most Mischievous Imps stopped by. So…erm…

Well, who needs curtains anyway when there are DRAGONS???

Just excuse me for a moment while I go buy 72 fire extinguishers.

THERE. Now you may go and nominate allllll the dragons. I shall be waiting in anticipation for them to arrive. Because, ya know, DRAGONS.

Previous Winners for this Category:

That means these four dragons CANNOT be nominated as they have already won their lifetime Silmarils. (Though that doesn’t mean I won’t invite them over for my grand 3-week dragon party because how could I not?)

Barbeque party at my place, y’all!

Something Extra Special


First of all, we have some fresh blood three new wondrous people joining our ranks this year! Grace Taber, Jem Jones, and Josiah Dyck have accepted the call (and hopefully flame-proofed their homes) to be hosts! And we are ecstatic to have them!

If you missed it, you should 100% check out Jenelle’s post HERE in which she introduces us hosts via some truly spectacular questions (marrying a gnome, fighting a dragon-sized platypus, and world domination are all involved).

Annnd for those keen observers… Instead of the usual 10, you may have noticed this year we have ELEVEN HOSTS. Which means…

A brand new shiny category!

YES YES. A whole entirely new Silmaril shall be presented this year. And we. are. EXCITED. What is this new category, you may be asking?



Because how can we not give those classy and/or aesthetically majestic royals some love? REALLY NOW? From farm boys with lost pasts to queens of great destinies, the fantasy realm is positively stuffed with glorious royals of all shapes and sizes. And this year it is their time to billow out their fashionable capes, raise their scepters, and polish their crowns (if my dragons don’t steal them that is…) to reveal their true majesty!

New hosts and a whole new shiny category? The Silmaril Awards 2021 is going to be one to remember!

The Other Categories

Speaking of other categories, here are links to each one!

Be sure to make your nominations and seconds for each category at its designated blog. Nominations and seconds for Most Magnificent Dragons here only!

Alrighty! I do believe I am finished blabbering which means we can get this party STARTED.

Onward and upward with ALL the nominated (and seconding) goodness! Pop all your favorite dragons down below and then head to the links I shared above to join in on all the other categories!

ALSO. The more people who join in means the more characters and fantasy books we get to experience AND the more fantasy lovers we all get to meet. So we’d be thrilled if you wanted to spread the word via your own blogs and social media.

Let the sixth annual Silmaril Awards COMMENCE!

Are you excited? Because, uh, I’m just a teeny tiny bit excited. DRAGONS, GUYS.

Nominate your favorite Most Magnificent Dragons below!

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September 6, 2021 8:19 AM

CHRISTINE!!! Most Magnificent Dragon!! (I was actually kind of hoping you’d get this category since I know you love dragons so much, so I was SO HAPPY to see your name next to this category!! :D)

Hoo, boy, you’re going to have the most enormous barbecue party ever.

*rubs hands together* Nominating:

-MALCOLM BLACKFIRE (the Afterverse) Obviously. He really needs this award.
-Julio Aquino (the Afterverse)
-Radu Bey/Azazel (The Ashtown Burials series by N.D. Wilson)

Grace T
September 6, 2021 8:54 AM
Reply to  Amelie

Seconding Julio (and hiding from Malcolm, but the poor boy needs a morale boost after his previous rankings xD)!

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
September 6, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  Amelie

I’ll second Malcolm

Deborah O'Carroll
September 6, 2021 12:07 PM
Reply to  Amelie


Carina Shephard
Carina Shephard
September 6, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Amelie

Seconding Julio and Malcolm!!

September 6, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Amelie

I second all of these, thanks very much!

September 6, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  Amelie

Seconding Malcolm and Julio!

September 6, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  Amelie

I second Julio and MALCOLM!!!!

September 6, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Amelie

MALCOLM seconded, I really need him to win this year.

Merie Shen
Merie Shen
September 7, 2021 2:05 AM
Reply to  Amelie


Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:01 AM
Reply to  Amelie

This is just the perfect category for you, Christine 🙂

I second Radu Bey/Azazel. His magnificence is not up for debate even if his nobility is, sadly, nonexistent.

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 7, 2021 10:43 AM
Reply to  Amelie

Seconding Malcolm and Julio (as I always do and always will until at least one of them wins).

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Amelie


September 10, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  Amelie

Seconding Radu Bey/Azazel and Malcom!

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
September 6, 2021 9:35 AM

I nominate
-Hartanna and Thigocia and Legossi from the Dragons in our Midst and Oracles of Fire by Bryan Davis
-Khrendak from Minstrel’s Song by Jenelle Schmidt

September 6, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

Seconding Hartanna and Thigocia!

September 6, 2021 6:08 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

I second Hartanna!!!

September 6, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

Seconding Hartanna and Thigocia!

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:01 AM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

I second Hartanna!

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

I definitely second Hartanna, Thigocia, and Legossi!

H.S. Kylian
September 6, 2021 11:10 AM

Most Magnificent Dragon?? Um, MALCOLM BLACKFIRE. AND JULIO. Because the Afterverse has the best dragons. xD

Last edited 3 years ago by H.S. Kylian
Deborah O'Carroll
September 6, 2021 12:10 PM

I nominate:
The Daisha from Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams
Scales/Deucalion from Dark Lord of Derkholm by Diana Wynne Jones

Elissa C. Nysetvold
September 6, 2021 1:11 PM

Ooh, I second Deucalion!

Nicole Dust
September 6, 2021 3:21 PM

I second The Daisha!

Grim Writer
September 6, 2021 4:01 PM

I third the Daisha! Also I nominate Ziggerastica from How to Train Your Dragon

September 6, 2021 4:15 PM

Seconding the Daisha!

Arwen Undomiel
Arwen Undomiel
September 6, 2021 4:50 PM

I second THE Daisha as well!

Merie Shen
Merie Shen
September 7, 2021 2:05 AM

I second the Daisha!

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:02 AM

I second The Daisha (unsure if she counts as a dragon, but she’s awesome, anyway)

Jenelle Schmidt
September 7, 2021 9:28 AM

I second The Daisha

Carina Shephard
Carina Shephard
September 10, 2021 10:33 PM

Seconding the Daisha!

Blue Pail Blogs
September 6, 2021 12:25 PM

Yay!!! I’m so incredibly excited for the Silmaril awards! I’m also so happy you got to host the most magnificent dragon!

I hereby nominate Hulwen from the Wingfeather Saga.

September 6, 2021 2:48 PM

Wingfeather Saga? Second!

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
September 6, 2021 4:59 PM

I second the Daisha, Hulwen, and Scales.

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:03 AM

Seconding Hulwen! My beauty deserves an award.

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 7, 2021 10:44 AM

I second Hulwen.

Blue Pail Blogs
September 7, 2021 4:03 PM

You are so welcome! And you should totally read the Wingfeather Saga, they are amazing!!!

September 10, 2021 7:13 PM

Seconding Hulwen!

Carina Shephard
Carina Shephard
September 10, 2021 10:34 PM

Seconding Hulwen!

Rebekah Stargazer
Rebekah Stargazer
September 6, 2021 12:35 PM

I second:
The Daisha!
(Does Rhys MacDuffy count? XD Just kidding. He’s a dragon in the Dream World sometimes. XD)

Deborah O'Carroll
September 6, 2021 1:26 PM

I would second Rhys MacDuffy from Oath of the Outcast SO HARD if he counts. XD Probably not, but. XD

T. Rook
T. Rook
September 6, 2021 12:59 PM

I nominate Nasok from The Lost King by Frazier Alexander.

Elissa C. Nysetvold
September 6, 2021 1:13 PM

I nominate Glaurung from The Silmarillion/Children of Hurin, and both Dromadus and Raxtus from Dragonwatch!

Julia Patricia Garcia
September 6, 2021 1:23 PM

I second Malcolm Blackfire (please win this year. You ARE the best dragon. ) and Julio Aquino!

September 6, 2021 2:50 PM

I nominate the Jabberwocky! (Knew I could think of one)

Chloe the MovieCritic
Chloe the MovieCritic
September 6, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  Gracelyn

I second the Jabberwocky!

Merie Shen
Merie Shen
September 7, 2021 2:05 AM
Reply to  Gracelyn

I second the Jabberwocky 🙂

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Gracelyn

I second the Jabberwocky!

September 10, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  Gracelyn


I second the Jabberwocky! I second him SO much!!

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
September 10, 2021 11:26 AM
Reply to  Gracelyn

I second the Jabberwocky!

September 10, 2021 7:15 PM
Reply to  Gracelyn

Seconding the Jabberwocky!!! What a name for a dragon like creature. I guess they like talking.

September 6, 2021 2:57 PM

Also, I really want to nominate Chrysophylax from Farmer Giles of Ham, yes I KNOW it’s a Tolkien book, but when are those characters gonna get any recognition unless they can win? Or at least let the characters from the other, more obscure Tolkien books present some year!

Deborah O'Carroll
September 6, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  Gracelyn

Oh, I love Chrysophylax! XD Yes. Well, I guess we can appreciate him in the comments even if he can’t officially be nominated! XD

Deborah O'Carroll
September 7, 2021 4:46 PM

That would be the best!!

September 10, 2021 7:16 PM

Yes! Please, Please do that. I have been wanting you to for soo long.

September 6, 2021 3:23 PM

Radu Bey from the Ashtown Burials series by N.D. Wilson!!! It’s about time he got the recognition he deserves!! I second anyone else who has nominated him.

Also Death-in-Life from the Tales of Goldstone Wood is a magnificent (also terrifying) dragon! I nominate him as well.

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:04 AM

Seconding Death-in-Life, who is at once equally magnificent and horrible.

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 5:58 PM

I second Death-in-Life! He NEEDS to win this category one of these years!

September 7, 2021 8:30 PM


. . . Ahem. I mean, he definitely deserves a win.

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
September 10, 2021 11:27 AM

I second Death-in-Life!

Carina Shephard
Carina Shephard
September 10, 2021 10:35 PM

Seconding Death-in-Life!

Deborah O'Carroll
September 6, 2021 3:32 PM

This post!! XD I hope you can keep your curtains and that those fire extinguishers will work. XD I think it’s fantastic you’re hosting the dragons this year! Like, talk about cool! Or, you know, the opposite of cool with all the fire… *nervous laughter* *throws confetti because SilmAwards and dragonssss!*

Deborah O'Carroll
September 7, 2021 4:46 PM

*ships you more fire extinguishers via dragon express* XD

September 6, 2021 4:20 PM

I nominate:
-The Dragon from The Tales of Goldstone Wood (though you miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight want to wait to inform him that he was nominated until the last possible moment xD)
-Kai from the Invisible Library series
-Orma from Seraphina

September 6, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  Sarah

Note for Christine: The Dragon (Goldstone Wood) is the same character as Death-in-Life, nominated by Kendra a few comments up. (IDK if you’ve read Goldstone Wood or not, so I don’t want you to get confused. Nor do I want the Dragon to get less support than he is due.)

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 7, 2021 10:45 AM
Reply to  Sarah

Oh I second Orma.

Jem Jones
September 7, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  Sarah

ABSOLUTELY seconding Kai!!

September 6, 2021 6:00 PM

EEEEEEE!!!! THE SILMARIL AWARDS ARE HEEEERE!!!!!! And YES GIRL, you got the Most Magnificent Dragon!!!! *throw confetti* I give thee my greatest congratulations ’cause I know how excited you are when it comes to dragons!! I mean, aren’t we all??? ;P *gives you 53 more fire extinguishers as a congrats gift* Hope you have the BEST BARBECUE EVER!!! XD

(Oh also, I tagged you for the All About You Around the Blogosphere tag in case you wanna do it! If not, that’s TOTALLY 100% okay (especially since I know how busy you’ll be during the next few weeks) 😉 BUT, I just wanted let you know in case that might interest you!) 😀

Chloe the MovieCritic
Chloe the MovieCritic
September 6, 2021 6:10 PM

I nominate:
Fyrian (best tiny dragon ever!) from The Girl Who Drank the Moon – by Kelly Barnhill.
Shardas from Dragon Slippers – by Jessica Day George.
(Love both of those so much!)
I wish I could remember the names of the dragons from the Fablehaven series, but it’s been ages since I read those books. Maybe I’ll have reread them by the time this comes around next year!

September 6, 2021 7:19 PM

I second Shardas!

September 6, 2021 10:50 PM

I second Shardas! (Wow, do I need to reread those books or what…. I adore them, but it’s been years)

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:04 AM

I second Shardas!!

Jenelle Schmidt
September 7, 2021 9:30 AM

I second Shardas!

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 7, 2021 10:46 AM

I second Shardas!

September 7, 2021 2:42 PM

I second Fyrian!

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 5:59 PM

I second dear Shardas! <3

September 6, 2021 6:42 PM

Forgot some characters earlier. I also nominate:
-Gymn from the DragonKeeper Chronicles
-The Dragonwitch from The Tales of Goldstone Wood
-Amber, the Lady Dragon, from the Rizkaland Legends

Rachael Liankatawa
Rachael Liankatawa
September 6, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  Sarah

I second the Dragonwitch and Malcolm

Erika Mathews
Erika Mathews
September 6, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  Sarah

I second Amber.

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  Sarah

I second the Dragonwitch!

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 7, 2021 10:47 AM
Reply to  Sarah

I second Gymn and The Dragonwitch.

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Sarah

I second the Dragonwitch!

Debbie Boman
Debbie Boman
September 8, 2021 5:27 PM
Reply to  Sarah

I second (or third??) Gymn!! There are so many great “minor” dragons in that series!! 💚💚💚🤩

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
September 10, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Sarah

I second the Dragonwitch!

Carina Shephard
Carina Shephard
September 10, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Sarah

Seconding the Dragonwitch and Amber!

September 6, 2021 10:42 PM

I second:
Malcom Blackfire and Julio Aquino (the Afterverse)
Hartanna and Thigocia (Dragons in our Midst/Oracles of Fire)
Hulwen (Wingfeater Saga)
Death-in-Life and the Dragonwitch (Tales of Goldstone Wood)
Shardas (Dragon Slippers)
Gymn (Dragonkeeper Chronicles)
Amber, the Lady Dragon (Rizkaland Legends)

I nominate:
Diarmid (Tales of Goldstone Wood)
Kazul (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Raxtus (Fablehaven, by Brandon Mull)

September 7, 2021 1:23 AM
Reply to  Rachel

I second Kazul!

Jenelle Schmidt
September 7, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Rachel

I second Kazul!

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 7, 2021 10:47 AM
Reply to  Rachel

I second Diarmid. 😢

September 7, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  Rachel

I second Kazul, she was great!

September 7, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  Rachel

I second Diarmid.

Chloe the MovieCritic
Chloe the MovieCritic
September 7, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Rachel

I second Raxtus! Man, I love him and I couldn’t think of his name!

September 8, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  Rachel

Second Hulwen!! Wingfeather

Carina Shephard
Carina Shephard
September 10, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Rachel

Seconding Kazul!

September 6, 2021 10:52 PM

I nominate Makaidos and Roxil from Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire by Bryan Davis

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  Shana

Seconding Makaidos!

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 6:00 PM
Reply to  Shana

I second Makaidos and Roxil!

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
September 7, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Shana

I second Makaidos and Roxil!

September 10, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  Shana

I second Makaidos and Roxil!

Erika Mathews
Erika Mathews
September 6, 2021 10:52 PM

I nominate Gem from Ilyon Chronicles.

September 7, 2021 12:28 AM

Okay, Vollys from Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. She wasn’t the most sympathetic dragon, but she was VERY cool. I really liked that book when I was a kid.

September 7, 2021 1:24 AM
Reply to  Becky


Chloe the MovieCritic
Chloe the MovieCritic
September 7, 2021 2:54 PM
Reply to  Becky

I second Vollys! I couldn’t for the life of me think of her name, so I’m glad you did!

Jem Jones
September 7, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  Becky


September 7, 2021 4:34 PM

It’s so good! Gail Carson Levine is such a great writer

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
September 7, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  Becky

I second Vollys and Gem

Amelia Nichole
September 7, 2021 1:39 AM

Calico Thunder from Calico Thunder Rides Again
Sigrid of Wildewyn from Seas Of Crimson Silk
Desert dragon from Sand and Storm
Raolcan from Dragon School

Maya Joelle
September 7, 2021 9:11 AM

I nominate…

  • Rand from the Wheel of Time (heheh, I *think* he counts)
  • Frost from the cosmere/Stormlight Archive (y’all. What’s more magnificent than someone who was involved in the shattering of Adolasium? :P)
  • Maur from The Hero and the Crown
  • Glaedr, Thorn, and Shruikan from the Inheritance Cycle
  • Gyld from The Forgotten Beasts of Eld

In case anyone was curious, the Silmarils have, in fact, become an excuse for me to scour my Goodreads shelves for all the books I liked once upon a time but have since forgotten.

Jenelle Schmidt
September 7, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  Maya Joelle

Oooh! Rand is a new one, I hadn’t thought of him as a dragon before, but that totally works!

(I do the same thing with Goodreads because the Silmaril Awards come around and my mind decides to go unhelpfully blank and I suddenly can’t remember a single character’s name!!!)

Jenelle Schmidt
September 7, 2021 9:33 AM

Christine! This post is pure GOLD!!! Love it! I hope your curtains survive the dragon invasion.

I’m going to nominate:

Gnaw from The Dragon and Scholar series by HL Burke
Grandion from Dragon Friend by Marc Secchia
Sprout from The Green Princess Trilogy by H.L. Burke

Amelia Nichole
September 8, 2021 12:00 AM

I second Sprout from The Green Princess Trilogy

September 7, 2021 1:10 PM

Nominate ~ Tarith, Shalay, and Cadalia (Genevieve of Dragon Ridge) Shari l. Tapscott

September 7, 2021 3:24 PM

Seconding Hulwen and Malcom!

Deborah O'Carroll
September 7, 2021 4:48 PM

I second:

Tracey Dyck
September 7, 2021 6:06 PM

Christine, what a delightful post from start to finish! But dear me, you must like chaos… to go from hosting henchmen to imps to dRaGoNs, oh my! I wish you luck. And many fire extinguishers. And a 99.997% chance of rain for the duration of the awards.

So many of my favorite dragons have already been nominated, but I will also add:
Alaph from Dragons of Starlight by Bryan Davis

September 10, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  Tracey Dyck

Hopping in here to say that the percentage of rain comment made me laugh out loud. XD

Tracey Dyck
September 10, 2021 11:46 PM
Reply to  Kenzie


Hazel Dontell
Hazel Dontell
September 7, 2021 6:31 PM

I second Thigocia, Hartanna, and Makaidos from Dragons in Our Midst/Oracles of Fire, The Daisha, and FINALLY Malcolm Blackfire (I hadn’t read the books with him last year so I couldn’t nominate him. These awards are actually what got me to read those books!)
Can I nominate Zoya from Rule of Wolves? I feel like I can, so I do.

Iris Dontell
Iris Dontell
September 7, 2021 6:44 PM

I second Hulwen, Shardas, Gymn, Thigocia, Hartanna, and Makaidos!

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
September 7, 2021 7:47 PM

I nominate Una from Heartless and Yole from MInstrel’s Song.

Deborah O'Carroll
September 8, 2021 5:08 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

Aww! I second Yole!

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
September 10, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

I second Yole!!

Carrie-Anne Thomas
Carrie-Anne Thomas
September 10, 2021 6:30 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

Oh, yeah! I second Una.

Tracey Dyck
September 10, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  Kal Tomson

I second Una and Yole!

September 7, 2021 8:39 PM

Okay, I really don’t envy you this year . . . having that many dragons around is sure to cause major smoke damage, if you can somehow manage to get through these three weeks unscathed by fire. I hope you have the fire department on speed dial. (Also, your little warnings of how you won’t take responsibility for certain things were AMAZING. XD And thanks for welcoming me to the fold!)

For some reason, I’m really struggling to think of dragons to nominate. I honestly don’t read many books with them . . . But one that immediately came to mind is Cadmus from Burning Thorns, written by a certain someone. Am I allowed to nominate him even if the book isn’t published yet??? If not, I’m gonna need to try to think of a different dragon.

Deborah O'Carroll
September 8, 2021 5:09 PM
Reply to  Josiah

I would 100000% second Cadmus if Burning Thorns was published!!! Someday!

Tracey Dyck
September 10, 2021 11:48 PM

I would ALSO 100000% second Cadmus if I could! <3

September 7, 2021 9:09 PM

I second: Malcolm and Julio, Radu Bey, Hulwen, Death-in-Life, Shardas, Gymn, The Dragon witch, Diarmid, and ALL the Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire dragons. (I won’t try to list them all, ’cause I know I’d forget some.😀)

Kirsten Fichter
September 7, 2021 10:11 PM

I second Malcom and Julio (Afterverse), Jabberwocky (Wonderland), Shardas (Dragon Slippers), Gymn (DragonKeeper), Gem (Ilyon — we WILL get you to read these, Christine!), and Rand (Wheel of Time).

I nominate:

  • Regidor the meech dragon (DragonKeeper Chronicles); I feel like I nominate him every year, but he’s too EPIC not to win at some point *fingers crossed*
Kirsten Fichter
September 9, 2021 4:28 PM

CHRISTINE. <3 I’ve either been out of the loop with this pregnancy for FAR TOO LONG or I’m just super-duper forgetful. How did I miss/not recall you’ve read Ilyon books?? Ai, ai, ai. Anyway, this makes me so happy. <3

Also, I didn’t mention this, but I’m so stoked to see you hosting the dragons this year. DRAGONS. *silent screaming and flailing* I mean, I’m terribly sorry if and when they wreak havoc on your humble abode, but HOW COOL IS THAT??? *will send fire extinguishers and chocolate*

September 8, 2021 2:29 PM

How did I not think of this? I second Regidor!

September 8, 2021 9:06 AM

I nominate:

* Yorgen from Wingfeather, he be mighty and bent on revenge!
* The Greatshell from Stormlight Archive
* Kazul from dealing with Dragons

Blue Pail Blogs
September 8, 2021 10:28 AM
Reply to  Hannah

I second Yorgen.

September 10, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Hannah

Seconding Yorgen (Yurgen?)

September 10, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  Hannah

I second Yorgen!

September 8, 2021 3:31 PM

I nominate The Great Yong, Dragon of Korea. From the DFZ books by Rachel Aaron. The relationship with his daughter and how it develops kept me hooked. He constantly erred showing his immense love for his human non-biological daughter.

DJ Edwardson
September 9, 2021 2:14 PM

Oh, my. What a post. I loved all your little PSA’s and asides. And yes, we do have TBR avalanche insurance here at Silmaril Awards Inc.

I’m so late to the party so I doubt it will do much good, but I’ll nominate:

Falkor from the Neverending story.

Because it’s hard to beat a luck dragon companion when you’re in a pinch!

Chloe the MovieCritic
Chloe the MovieCritic
September 9, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  DJ Edwardson


Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
September 10, 2021 11:29 AM
Reply to  DJ Edwardson

YES I second Falkor!

September 10, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  DJ Edwardson

I second Falkor!

September 10, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  DJ Edwardson

I second Falkor!!!

September 10, 2021 9:31 AM

CHRISTINE. Oh my goodness, your posts never cease to make me laugh out loud and grin at my computer screen like a slightly deranged lunatic…and I absolutely LOVE it. You are such a ray of sunshine, I CANNOT.

Also? Your housing DRAGONS this year!!! I’m…sorry. I’m not sure your house will look much like it did before the dragons came, but I’m definitely available for any repairs needed after the fact! XD (at least the s’mores will be divine, though? Gotta love that organic fire! XD) (also hopefully you have flame insurance???)

Sarah Cnossen
September 10, 2021 9:37 AM

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. And your category is just PERFECT for you, Christine!


September 10, 2021 9:42 AM

I also don’t think this little guy has been nominated yet, so I’m gonna go ahead and nominate Fyrian (The Girl Who Drank The Moon by Kelly Barnhill). He is SUCH a little floof, and I love him so much.

Helena George
September 10, 2021 10:08 AM

I Second:
Hartanna & Thigocia (Dragons in Our Midst)
THE Daisha (Moonscript)
Hulwen (Wingfeather Saga)

(And just in case we are counting…I would second Rhys MacDuffy from Oath of the Outcast as well…)

And I Nominate:
Gilly, the Gilarabrywn from Riyria Revelations

Charity Fichter
Charity Fichter
September 10, 2021 1:28 PM

I second…
Shardas (Dragon Slippers)
Gymn (Dragonkeeper Series)
Vollys (Two Princesses of Bamarre)
Regidor (Dragonkeeper Series)

I nominate…
Falon from The Door Within (technically a mortiwraith, but please tell me that’s close enough to a dragon! XD )

Katie Padilla
Katie Padilla
September 10, 2021 5:41 PM

Amber, the lady dragon (rizkaland)
Malcolm blackfire (after verse)
Julio Aquino (after verse)
Death in life (goldstone wood)
The jabberwocky!

I’m beginning to think. I don’t read enough books with dragons

Grace T
September 10, 2021 5:48 PM

Seconding Scales/Deucalion, The Daisha, Hulwen, Frost, Rand, and Falkor!

September 10, 2021 7:29 PM

I nominate the dragon from the Beowulf poem! He should win one year.

September 10, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  Abigail525

I second!

September 10, 2021 8:55 PM

You really should to read it. Although, to be fair, I hadn’t read it until just recently (:

September 10, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Abigail525


September 10, 2021 9:18 PM


T. Rook
T. Rook
September 10, 2021 10:29 PM

I second:
MALCOLM BLACKFIRE (the Afterverse)
Julio Aquino (the Afterverse)
Kazul (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Thorn from the Inheritance Cycle