Know the Novel 2021: Part 1 // Introducing Night’s Shattered Stars

ONE WEEK, GUYS. Just one more week and then it’s NaNoWriMo time!!! But before we dive into the month-long writing insanity, I want to actually, you know, introduce you to my NaNo 2021 novel!

This will be my twelfth NaNoWriMo and just…my mind can hardly comprehend that fact. I have grown and learned more than I could probably ever fit into a single blog post over the course of my eleven NaNos. It’s been such a vital tool in my writing journey. I will never forget the magic and wild rush of that first NaNo and how it propelled me to start pursuing writing seriously. It’s mind boggling it was so long ago—it doesn’t feel it!

But look at me, getting all nostalgic. We’re here to talk about my novel, not me! *sweep away nostalgia and moves on*

SO. I’ll be doing my Know the Novel linkup to share all the juicy tidbits* about my 12th NaNo project. This little tag will continue through October 31st, so there’s still time to join in! I have LOVED reading about everyone’s projects so far! November is going to be filled to the brim with creativity coming alive and I am HERE for it!

*or more like vague jargon because #SPOILERSSWEETIE

ALRIGHTY. Some of you may already know or guessed what my NaNo project will be this year. And yes, I am very, very excited.



Mock cover made by me

Yes, indeed! My Daystars are BACK.

I’m writing book #2 of the Fragmented World series. Last NaNo I wrote book #1, Dusk’s Broken Shadows, and if you were here for that you may recall it ended up being one of my favorite stories I’ve ever written in my life. And not just that, but a story of my heart, one that compiled so many things I’ve loved since childhood, all cobbled together in a chaotic mass of insanity. And I adored every second of it. Seriously, NaNo 2020 was my favorite NaNo to date, and I can hardly contain my excitement over returning to this world and characters.

Honest to goodness, I’ve been wanting to start this second book since January, but other projects vied for my attention all year. At last, though, I can set all other things aside and give it my full attention. I’M SO HAPPY.

Since I blabbered about this series so much in last year’s Know the Novel post (and all November), I’m going to try not to repeat myself too, too much. So if you want to know how this story came to be and a bit more details than I’ll be sharing today, you can check out that post HERE.

Onward to the questions!

What first sparked the idea for this novel?

The original concept for this series actually first appeared due to a dream, then changed into something wholly and completely different from that idea, and eventually basically became a way for me to channel my probably unhealthy obsession love for the Kingdom Hearts video games franchise. And found families. And people with wings. And ballet. Like I said, a compilation of all my favorite things. I have no regrets.

As for this book specifically… Well, the first spark of the idea came from the ending of book #1 and the some 289384 loose threads I left for my characters. XD This was always meant to be a series, so book #1 by nooo means wrapped things up. If anything, I just made it all a thousand times worse than how it started.

I’m so nice.

Share a blurb (or just an overall summary)!

WELL. Being as how this is book #2, a blurb would involve massive spoilers. So instead of talking about specific events, how ’bout I attempt to give you a feel of the story in general. Which is also rather difficult. These books are WEIRD, guys. I don’t even know…

If you’ve ever played the Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy games, that’s where the inspiration for the overall ~v i b e~ appeared. This is a young adult fantasy, but probably closer to science fantasy, as there is technology and more futuristic clothes/speaking/culture. (Which is quite the change from my usual medieval or steampunk-ish settings.) You’ve got fanciful white buildings that float in the sky and glowing swords and futuristic gun things and fiery horses and people with colorful hair and wings and complicated portal jumping…kinda. And magical dancing that’s based off of ballet. That one’s important.

As far as the plot, the basic idea is that the world is threatened to disappear from these cracks that lead to the “Nothing”, literal fissures that break apart the world and pull bits out of existence. Only the Sealers can heal the cracks with their magical dancing. But when countless cracks appear one night, and winged people emerge from them and steal away the people and the world itself, well…my gang questions everything and learns there are lots of worlds out there, and they’re all in trouble. Thus the chaos happens.

Wow. What a summary. I TOLD YOU IT’S WEIRD. And so hard to explain gawsh.

Where does the story take place? What are some of your favorite aspects about the setting?

That’s a bit of a loaded question, as there are quite a few locations going on.

For this book, we’ll probably see a lot more of the world the winged people live in. Or the main city, which is a ginormous, fanciful city full of white buildings (some of which float) and airships and trams and such. But also some not-so-pleasant underground stuff going on.

I’ll also be exploring a new place that I’m super excited to get to. Except I shouldn’t because it’s a dark, misty, and broken place full of dangerous shadowy things. But that’s my favorite!

No, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

And what are my favorite aspects? HMMM. I really like the concept of floating buildings, not gonna lie. Also over-the-top ornate cities are my favorite. XD They’re just COOL. But also dark, shadow places. *maniacal grin*

Honestly though? Despite already writing all of book 1, I feel like there is still so very much of this universe I’ve yet to explore. It’s full of different worlds and cultures and limitless possibilities, and I’m so looking forward to digging deeper into it and seeing what I find.

Tell us about your protagonist(s).


As much as I love the concept of this story and the setting, it is these characters, these precious, chaotic, disastrous children, that turned this tale into one that I know will never leave me. I have missed my little squad, and I’m counting down the days to when I get to continue their story.

This is definitely a #foundfamily and #squadgoals tale. The main cast is a group of five inseparable teenagers who call themselves the Daystars because #reasons. I gave full aesthetics in my post last year, so definitely check out that post to learn more. But I’ll give a brief summary of my main crew…


ENFP and chaotic good to the max. Full of energy and love and loyalty, but struggles with a lot of self doubt and questions her place in the world. Would die for her friends a thousand times over. Also if you hurt/insult/literally anything her friends you will die. It doesn’t help that she’s well trained in fighting and basically married to her twin blades. But she also loves flowers and pretty dresses. And orange. Orange things are her favorite.


INTJ, has a most impressive eyebrow raise, and is grace and poise personified. Can manage to help save the universe all while still looking fabulous because #priorities. She can often be quiet and appear standoffish, but loves fiercely. As a Sealer, she has the ability to dance the cracks of the world back together.


ISTP and hardly capable of speaking anything but snark. Drama King, does not like sharing feelings, and pretends he doesn’t care but har har har we all know the truth. He’s my emo child who doesn’t seem to believe in wearing any color but black. Like his sister Day, he somehow manages to look good even during battle. In fact, his constant perfect hair drives Aelin to distraction.


ENFP and official Puppy Dog of the squad. But is also, in fact, the most deadly with a blade. A stabby marshmallow, as it were. Feed him and you’re his bestie for life. Awkward, creative, passionate, optimistic, and would adopt every animal in the world if he were allowed to.


ISFJ and 100% the Mom Friend. Her mission in life seems to be to knit all her loved ones an infinite pair of socks and feed them as much as possible. She’s the voice of reason amidst the chaos that is all the others. Warmth and kindness and good sense. But also a righteous anger that you would be wise to avoid At All Costs. (Also she and Rune have been an inseparable couple since they were children and it’s precious.)

There are, of course, many other characters that come into play, but that’s my main squad and I love them with my whole heart.

Who (or what) is the antagonist?

I’ve never been one to just have a single antagonist. There are usually all sorts of villainous sources running around causing trouble and…I’ve actually not officially met at least one of them as they didn’t come into play in book #1. And as of right now they’re a vague entity in my head. I will be meeting them in this book though and quite looking forward to seeing what this person is all about!

But book #1 did feature the brother-sister duo who serve as King and Queen of the winged people’s world and they proved to be my favorite types of villains: stylish and sassy! Because if you’re going to be a villain, you gotta know how to walk the runway, am I right? Put on your lipstick or hair gel before murder. *nods sagely* They, uh, also proved to be quite ruthless.

It was great. I’m excited to return to them.

I told you I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

But ANYWAY. That’s all I’m saying because so many spoilers!

Also I don’t want to admit that to this day I don’t entirely know the Main Baddie’s goal which is quite the problem. but shhh it’s fine. Everything’s fine.

What excites you the most about this novel?

EVERYTHING??? Literally just returning to this story and being with my beloved disaster children again. I finished book 1 on November 25th last year and I have been aching to return to them since. It just…kept not happening this year. But now I CAN and it honestly feels surreal. Seriously, I haven’t loved a book this much since Burning Thorns.

But as far as some specifics…

  • Exploring the relationships and characters more, new and old. There are so many character dynamics to play with in this story which is my faaave. And some side characters will get more “screen time” in this book and I am PUMPED.
  • Magical ballet dancing. I never took ballet, but I’ve adored watching it since I was very, very small. I basically get to live my unrealized ballet dreams vicariously through Dayana and it’s fantastic. And it’s not just ballet but MAGICAL. Win-win!
  • Exploring certain new places. Some of the places we get to visit in this book have been in my head nearly since this series idea came into being. It’s going to be so fun officially going to these places!
  • E M O T I O N S. Oooh yesss, there are going to be feels. And I love writing me some feelsy scenes. *rubs hands together and cackles*
  • Also chaos. So much chaos. >:)))

Is this going to be a series? standalone? something else?

Clearly it’s not a standalone! Lol.

This is either going to be a trilogy or four-book series. As of right now, I’m not sure which. I’m hoooping to keep it down to three books, but I may not know if I can wrap it up by book 3 or have to do one more until I get to the third book.

Are you plotting? pantsing? plansting?

You can probably guess at this point, especially by the above answer, that I am, in fact, a pantser.

I guess you could say I’m plantsing this book since I already have so much established. And I have, throughout the year, been jotting down random ideas that occasionally pop into my head. But beyond some very beginning stuff and a vaaague idea of an overall goal for the protagonists, I truly have no idea where this book will go. I find my books turn out much more interesting when I let them take the reins and just go along for the ride. It’s hard for me to come up with interesting ideas until I’m there inside the novel. Once I start writing, the ideas pretty much always start flowing, but before then…I got nothing.

It’s always a bit nerve-wracking attempting to pants a NaNo novel, but I’ve survived it before, so hopefully this year will be no different!

Please please please.

Name a few unique elements about this story.

I honestly think this is my most unique story concept overall??

The blend of modern and fantasy, the magical dancing, the idea of chunks of the worlds literally being obliviated into nothing—it’s a strange one! The convoluted way one travels between worlds is also pretty unique I think. But I don’t want to give everything away. 😉

Share some fun “extras” of the story (a song or full playlist, some aesthetics, a collage, a Pinterest board, a map you’ve made, a special theme you’re going to incorporate, ANYTHING you want to share!).

The aesthetic and music of this book are like my FAVORITES OF EVER. My pinterest board and playlist keep me endlessly motivated.


fractured worlds | starry skies | fighting to the end | unbreakable bonds | new & old friendships | swirling dances | loyalty | scattered feathers | shadows | falling | broken seams | losing hope | finding hope | light in the darkness


We’re not going talk about how much time I have spent on that thing. I may be a tad obsessed…


Which is made up of like 87% Kingdom Hearts songs and I have no regrets. I love the music in this playlist SO. MUCH. I think my greatest inspiration last year was getting to listen to these songs all November long. Nothing like epic music to fuel the motivation!

Somehow I feel like I’ve babbled endlessly while saying nothing? (I’m just that skilled.) But there is a lot to this story I don’t want to spoil and it’s the weirdest tale I’ve ever written, which doubly makes it hard to talk about. But regardless, I am SO. ABSURDLY. EXCITED. I’ve missed my Daystars more than I can say, and I truly cannot wait to spend an entire month with them all. <3

Don’t forget there’s still a week left to join this linkup and share about your own WIP, whether you’re doing NaNo or not! You can find all the details HERE.

One week. One week before the insanity begins. Before those stories in our heads can finally be transformed to words. Before we get to make some magic. Let’s make it a good one.

Happy Writing!

What do you think of my weird little story? Can you guys believe NaNo is almost here??? Who’s excited? And if you haven’t, definitely feel free to buddy me on the NaNo site!

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Allison Tebo
Allison Tebo
October 25, 2021 10:10 AM

Oh my goodness, Christine I love you so, so much. You crack me up and your glee and gif usage and shiny heart makes me so happy.

I got my coffee and sat down and just read all this with a huge delighted grin on my face. CAUSE IT’S A CHRISTINE POST.

Every time we approach November, I get excited because I know you’re You Know Where getting so pumped for NaNoWriMo and I look forward to your flailing and your amazing story ideas EVERY YEAR. It is such a treat to take a peek in your genius mind.

This sounds A.M.A.Z.I.N.G as usual and, oh my goodness, I can’t wait to read it someday. I’m so happy you’re returning to a story that is so close to your heart. HAVE FUN, MY DEAR.

Allison Tebo
Allison Tebo
October 26, 2021 2:25 PM


Wow, more than coffee? We are honored! <3 And we love you too!

H.S. Kylian
October 25, 2021 10:48 PM
Reply to  Allison Tebo


Allison Tebo
Allison Tebo
October 26, 2021 2:24 PM
Reply to  H.S. Kylian

*grins and high fives* It’s the Christine fan club. 😛

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
October 30, 2021 5:06 PM
Reply to  Allison Tebo

I third this totally!

January 1, 2022 9:47 AM
Reply to  Sarah Ryder

It is totally true, anyway. It’s a CHRISTINE POST and that is TOTALLY UNIQUE!

(Happy New year, Christine. 😉 )


Nicki Chapelway
October 25, 2021 10:17 AM

This story sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait to hear more about it.

I’m chuckling over here, because some of these answers are a tad similar to my own xD
My story is also based off of a fantasy video game (Skyrim), has five protagonists, and is a messy chaotic tale about the end of the world.

Such fun.

Samantha B
October 25, 2021 2:37 PM

Christine! Eek, I am SO excited to hear more about this project and how NaNo goes for you!

I love the eclectic worldbuilding aesthetic that you’ve got going here! Especially the magical world-fixing ballet. That, my friend, is epic. 🙂

I LOVE YOUR SQUAD! (And I think I’ve mentioned before that I AM Princess Dayana? XD Except maybe for the looking fabulous all the time part, lol.)

I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year, too, and I totally get the feeling of not being about to WAIT to jump into the story! I am literally SO excited to start work on my WIP, I almost don’t want to wait for next Monday! 😅

Pantsing/plantsing twins! I, too, am starting out with just beginning stuff, and it’s scary but also I’m SO excited!


Joy C. Woodbury
October 25, 2021 3:39 PM

Your novels always sound so epic, Christine! I can’t wait to hear more over the next couple months.
The storyworld is so unique, and wow, I am living for those aesthetics! I’ll totally have to give your playlist a listen, too.

Esther Lowery
October 25, 2021 3:41 PM

Ahhh, I’m so excited! Your Daystars are so much fun and I’m so glad you get to spend another month with them! I love your enthusiasm, you always get me so hyped up for NaNo with your posts and your energy.

Honestly though, your world sounds so fascinating (I mean, magic ballet??? YES???) and that blend of technology and magic is just *chef’s kiss* perfect. I’m so excited to find out more and to see how your NaNo goes. I hope this year’s even better than last year for you!

My NaNo’s going to be…interesting, given I’m writing the last 50-60k of a novel instead of starting it, and we all know how middles tend to be for us writers, and this is a story with A Lot of layers and secrets and mysteries to unravel and I still have to decide how much I’m revealing in this one and it’s just…a whole mess. In one way, I’m excited to just pound it all out and completely immerse myself in this world for the next month, but I’m also terrified because this story is just. Very big. It’s a lot to handle haha.

But! I hope both our NaNos go well! I eagerly await your next post.

Julia Garcia/ Arysta Henry
October 25, 2021 3:57 PM

*bounces like a dufflepud* I am so excited for this! What a whirlwind of a tale you have! I love all the aesthetics, the descriptions of your children and AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *explodes in glitter* It just sounds FABULOUS! Absolutely perfect in a way only a Christine-book could be.

Maya Joelle
October 25, 2021 4:34 PM

CHRISTINNNE. Every time you share about one of your stories I just want to read it, like, right now. Especially this world. You sold me on it last October and now I just wanna read about this gang so much!! Here’s hoping you publish a book someday ;)) I am so down for that.

Best of luck this November and thanks again for hosting the linkup!

Merie Shen
Merie Shen
October 25, 2021 6:36 PM

YEEEESSSS THE CHILDREN ARE BACK!! I loved hearing about this story last year and I’m even more excited for it this year! I know we didn’t learn… like anything new about the sequel (xD) but it was such fun revisiting these adorable characters <3 The worldbuilding stunned me all over again, by the way–taking cues from a video game is one of the best ways to go, and not to mention this story includes all your signature wonder and whimsy–it’s beautiful!! Wishing you the best this year, even if I can’t participate in NaNo~~

(P.S. Still waiting for news on when you’re ready for beta readers on… any of your stories, really 😉 )

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
October 30, 2021 5:11 PM

Goodness, Christine, who WOULDN’T want to beta read your awesome sounding works?!?!? I’m with Merie on this one! 😍

October 31, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Sarah Ryder

(I’m totally with Merie and Sarah. Your stories always sound SO EPIC.)

October 25, 2021 8:42 PM

This sounds and looks absolutely beautiful! And I always fall in love with all your characters just from the description and that is pure talent.
I adore the aesthetic for this!

H.S. Kylian
October 25, 2021 10:56 PM

So, when will this be published, because this whole entire concept you have is so intriguing! Also, the title??? The cover??

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
October 26, 2021 11:22 AM

THE AESTHETIC OF THIS NOVEL THO. I love it so MUCH. This sounds like such a fun, whimsical adventure, and I’m totally rooting for you this NaNo!! 😀

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
October 26, 2021 12:18 PM

THIS STORY. Oh my word. I was so excited about last year’s NaNo project for you and this one makes me even MORE excited, eep. I can’t wait to hear more about it!

Joelle Stone
October 27, 2021 2:24 PM


Also, as an ENFP myself, I must say that I relate to Aelin and Rune quite a bit. “Stabby marshmallow” is also my newest favoritest description EVER. 😛 You are SO funny with your descriptions!

The whole post really portrayed your excitement for this world, the plot, and the characters (especially the characters). I would love to learn more!

Lemon Duck
October 27, 2021 8:45 PM

THIS SOUNDS SO FUN!!! I’m so glad you get to go back into your Daystars world! And if that means you write the series and go back to it later, all the better for us!

Happy writing!!

Sarah Cnossen
October 28, 2021 10:31 AM

CHRISTINNNNNNNE!!! I’m sooooooooooo beyond excited for you & simply CANNOT wait to hear more of this. So happy you’re finally returning to this series!!!

I ABSO-BALLY-LUTELY LOVE EVERYTHINGGGGGGG ABOUT THISSSSSSS. Ballet—I honestly believe I would’ve pursued professional ballet had my life taken a different path—so obviously I ADORE this element. *allthehearteyes* The CHARACTERS—oh my GOSHHH—I love them all so much. But probably Rune is my fave right now because this–>”A stabby marshmallow, as it were. Feed him and you’re his bestie for life.” xDDD

Sounds amazing—you’re amazing—can’t wait for more!!! You put the “inspiration” in “NaNo”, gurl!! <333

Bernadette Benda
October 29, 2021 7:08 AM

So excited you’re continuing this story!!! I remember reading about it last year and thought it was so cool. (also as a ballet dancer it’s always cool to see someone who loves ballet. It’s not someone I run into a lot)

Blue Pail Blogs
October 29, 2021 6:03 PM

Wow, wow girl!!! That cover is beyond gorgeous! It looks so professional, and I LOVE it!

Also, your worlds sound soo interesting! Ballet that heals the world? 😍

And I already love your book children! (Stabby marshmallow is wildly delightful, btw). I 100% relate to having an emotional child who only wears black… Also, I love that you have a huge cast too (I have, ahem, like eight 😶).

I’ll have to clear it with my co-blogger, but now I really want to do this tag…

Anyways, your excitement is contagious, and I’m so pumped for you!

October 29, 2021 8:52 PM

*waltzes into room and looks around* *realizes party is already underway* *oops*

Haha, sorry I’m late. Wow, this sounds really amazing Christine! Your post kept me smiling all the way through. I loved the ballet aspect to the story (of course, I just saw a cool ballet video on youtube and thought of it while reading this post!) And ack! I love that picture of Tala!

I’m super excited that you’re excited!! And I wish you all the best this NaNoWriMo year (and that banner is just absolutely adorable! *heart eyes*)

Christine wrote:

“Also I don’t want to admit that to this day I don’t entirely know the Main Baddie’s goal which is quite the problem. but shhh it’s fine. Everything’s fine.”

Ah yes, so annoying that villains don’t bother to tell us authors their big evil plans. But then again, they manage to keep it from the heroes for as long as possible so… *shrugs*. (still, it would be nice if they’d be considerate just this once and tell us. Make our job just a bit easier, you know? I guess we have to figure it out alongside the heroes.)

October 30, 2021 8:46 PM

I hope that villain tells you his plans and it comes to light soon

*pulls out interrogation chair and giant floodlight* (psst, I can help get the info from them; just say the word and I’ll be there *holds up giant tickling feather* XD)

Issabelle Perry
October 29, 2021 11:21 PM

She’s writing the sequel.

*mouth drops open*

SHE’S WRITING THE SEQUEL!!!!! *squeals and jumps up and down and dances around my room, ignoring the weird glances from my sisters*

Like, you have no idea how insanely excited I was when I saw this!!! EEEEEKKK!!!!! Is it crazy how excited and happy I am for you to return to this world? It probably is, but I am nonetheless. Man, I forgot how much I just ADORE this story’s world/idea and I can’t wait to hear more about the sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I don’t think I can even type into words everything I want to say right now without it coming out in rambling nonsense. All the characters are just jewels and I can’t wait to see who the antagonist is going to be. 😉

*goes back to screaming with joy*

I hope you have a splendid NaNoWriMo this year and it’s just as epic as last year!!!!!!! And, like, I’m already eagerly anticipating hearing more about this story in November that I just don’t know how I can wait. *goes off to find some chocolate*


Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
October 30, 2021 5:05 PM

Oh my goodness, this sounds AMAZING!!!! 😍😍😍😍 I LOVE your NaNo posts and look forward to reading them every year and this one does not disappoint! I loved reading about the first book last year and can’t WAIT to see what further things you try not to, AHEM, reveal since, ya know, second books. Can’t say much without spoiling. 😜

I love how your villain is a secret type! Mine is too! And yeah he hasn’t told me his whole plan for trying to take over my world either. *nervous laughter* In fact, he hasn’t been talking to me at all… It’s very suspicious…. 👀

I love this and can’t wait to hear more about it! Praying you have a GREAT NaNo!!!!!!

October 31, 2021 1:23 PM

Aaaaaa Christineeee this sounds absolutely STELLAR i am SO PUMPEDDD
I aDORE this aesthetic and the cover is just GORGEOUS (how??? That’s the most beautiful mock I’ve ever seen?) and I’m SO EXCITED for this series to continue :DD I love seeing you so excited and this sounds absolutely incredible and I WANNA READ IT SO BADDDDD *grabby hands*
Best of luck for Nano! 😁 it starts tomorrowwww! *bounces*

October 31, 2021 2:22 PM

*happy squeaking*

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, this sounds SO AMAZING, Christine! Ahhhh! Just! This sounds SO EPIC! I read through your Know the Novel introduction post from last year to become acquainted with the Daystars, and AHHH, I WANT TO MEET THEM. Thank you for sharing your amazing idea!! I’m so in love with these characters already!! And I’m so in love with the world, too!!

I hope and pray that your November is absolutely wonderful!

December 31, 2021 5:39 PM

*skips to comment section* You have a mock cover?! How on earth do you even make one? I just use nice landscape for my covers. But I’d love to make a mock cover. 😀

(Also, why have I not read this? And not commented either? Just weird, of me. Ehehhehehheh.)

*comes back without reading rest* Oh my gosh, seriously? I’d have to say it’s a lot better on paper, because then people who aren’t mind readers (everybody) can sate themselves on your story. Which they wouldn’t be able to if it was still in your head. Enough said.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FINAL FANTASY I have never actually played final fantasy. *Sits in dumb, amused silence* But I have “played” Octopath Traveler, which is similar, and I know the final fantasy vibe anyway, but OOOOOOOOOOOO MY GOOOOSH LOVE HOW IT’S CIRCULATING AROUND THAT!!! I actually have an idea that started out as me wanting to make it into a game but I decided not to because the programming would kill me. Noope!

*squawks loudly and un-mannerly* Dancing! Dancing! Dancing? Like what type of dancing? Sunlight platform dancing? Oh, nevermind. But dancing!

Oh wow love the little thingies, the little palace-like buildings. (Virtually any word I can replace with “thing” or “Thingie” Soooooooo… Don’t mind me 😉 )

The mom friend. Wow… I think I’d need to know your “childies” better before I can grow on them. Which I’m sure I’m capable of, but this was NOT enough. *growls*

But see, I always cry when faced with relationships. I would say that it’s just hard for me. But not the hardest. The hardest for me is battle scenes, actually. I have 0 experience with a knife. Except for chopping vegetables. I’m very passive and peaceful. My preferred weapon would be a pileated woodpecker, which does not need me to guide it. So… you get why I flinch at that stuff.

(By the way, maybe I should just use any woodpecker. They’re all just cute little weirdos. My cute little weirdos. 🙂 )

EMOTIONS. *revels* Tis my best spot. Relations, no, battle scenes, no, pacing XD DEFINITELY NO HAHAHA! (In case you didn’t know, I have a running joke with myself that I always start the action in the first chapter. But then again, I try to make my chapters looooong.)

I’m 1000% a pantser, too! No outline, I just go with the flow. 😀

Eeee I likes this. I mean, me likes this. Oh wait, wrong… I like this. That is better. (Tsch, Tsch, tsch.)


P.S. Did I win the longest comment award?

January 5, 2022 6:52 PM

I’ll definitely have to check out the websites. Because I honestly reaaaaally want to make a mock cover.

I don’t actually know any traditional dances *hides* but I like to watch dancing. If I’m asked out onto the dance platform though, I’ll probably wing it XD

You know, those ballet nutcrackers are just stunning. (Especially now that I have crocheting, if I feel like they’re going on and on, I can just listen to the music while weaving yarn into a lovely pattern 🙂 )

(Actually, I’ve just realized that knitting and crocheting and the like are like dancing in their own way. You know what that means…? INSTANT BOOK IDEA. *Lightbulb* Maybe you should add that to your next book! Like crocheting that makes the world whirl around you while you’re doing it, or else makes everything else stop, either literally or figuratively. Or come up with something else! (And if you need any terms for crocheting, just ask me, and I’ll try and respond as fast as possible. 😉 )

(Gosh I went on and on on that. You don’t have to use that idea, though! 😉 )


January 5, 2022 9:02 PM

Aaaaack! *flings hands in the air* I would NEVER (at least right now) write the third book in your story as well as you would. But I will be happy to give you information, if you feel like tackling this. (Perhaps, though, a new character who loves to crochet would be nice, and then he/she realizes that the crocheting is linked with the cracks in the world, hmmm… 😉 )

(And if you mean [that I] write a different story with magical crocheting, I will gladly take on that challenge. But not this NaNo, as it’s all planned out and I have started to develop (and write, haltingly and hand-writtenly) the story. And I’m excited for this one, even though I have no idea what it’s going to end up like. I’ll tell you in good time *winks* )

(If you haven’t noticed, I’m a NaNo rebel. I’m trying to get 40k in before NaNo and the time when things get started.)


(Ah, and I nearly forgot: the g in “Thingie” is pronounced like a j. 😉 )

January 6, 2022 4:28 PM

I’m thinking that I’ll do it for April Camp NaNo, I don’t especially have any stories planned for that camp NaNo, so that’ll be the perfect time. (The crocheting story, of course.)

(Oh my gosh my computer is so laggy all of a sudden, maybe I should’ve clicked the restart button when it told me too? Oof, I’ve never had something this lag-intense before. :/ )

Come to think of it, the crocheting would not actually work for your story. Too much action, not enough time to sit quietly by the fireside and work away. (But I’d love to see Aelin try it. Actually never mind, she’d get way too frustrated and probably blow something up, probably something related to me for suggesting that she try it. XD)

That’s my MVP stat for NaNo season: write 50k words outside of NaNo so that you don’t have to write hectically for the 1 hour you have of the day! (And most of that hour is me checking on blogs, too. But don’t worry, I have more than an hour. 🙂 )

Gotta go before my computer blows up 😉


January 6, 2022 5:57 PM

My computer is okay, and is feeling much better after its 10 second nap. 😉

Maybe Tala should take on crocheting – but then again, does she have the time?

(Aelin might like a crocheted beanie if she didn’t have to crochet it herself *winks, hoping that nothing blows up, especially anything related to me*)


Last edited 3 years ago by Faramir
January 7, 2022 9:14 AM

Epilogue: Aelin with a beanie! So that, if it does burn in any explosions she causes, it will be 100% her fault. (Because, y’know, it’s peace. Mainly…)

(The reason that I said mainly was because in the peace, Aelin would probably be bored after a while, and therefore would probably create some excitement to get her less bored. The excitement would probably be some form of not-peace. 😀 )
