Guy. GUYS. We have literally finished the whole first half of NaNoWriMo!
Despite doing NaNo for years, it never, ever fails to shock me how fast it blazes by. I’m a little stunned the whole first half is just…done??? Where did it gooo? (Oh right, it passed me by while I was cackling madly at my computer screen for two weeks straight. AHEM.)
But being as somehow we have ended yet another week, ’tis time for me to subject you all to yet another round of Christine’s NaNo Rambles and Nonsense! WHOOOO!!!


Mondays are, well, MONDAYS and it’s always a mercy if I get any writing done on them. During some busyness today, I wrote a few words here and there throughout the afternoon, but it just wasn’t looking like any long bouts of writing was going to happen.
So imagine my surprise and delight when after supper I finally holed myself up in my room and ended up having one of my best writing sessions this month??
But I was also reminded of the power of short sprints. Because, even though it felt like I wrote nothing all afternoon, those small moments in which I did find to write added up to nearly 1k words. Sometimes you just have to let life be life and use those little pockets of time to your greatest advantage. Every single word counts.
As far as how my story went today… Well, three out of four characters in the scene I was working on for the majority of the day ended up crying, so that was a good time. Also Aelin tried to strangle someone, when just yesterday she threatened to stab a person with a fork. Seriously, I do not know what to do with this girl. At this rate I don’t know how I’m going to keep her alive. Or anyone around her alive. Sheesh.

I think today forgot that yesterday was Monday, not today, because today also felt like one of those very Mondayish days. #rude (Literally any time I have a long and/or stressful day I call it a Monday. Anyone feel me?)
Once more, I had to find smaller pockets of time throughout the afternoon to dish out some words. ALTHOUGH I did manage to find a little bit of time to get out on my hammock for the first time this NaNo, and writing on a hammock out in the woods makes things 900x more inspiring. That’s a fact. And, as with yesterday, I was able to get a good chunk of words in by evening time once the day had settled. Which, really, is fine. Those quiet evening and late night writing sessions in my room are always my favorite. There’s something about the busyness of the day being over, the house quieting, and the world falling in sleepy darkness that truly spurs my imagination and allows me to slip effortlessly into my stories.
Today definitely took a bit to get my groove going because I was working through some BIG plot stuff and like I have no idea what I’m doing??? I still don’t know what I’m doing, but I thiiink my story has cracked open the door a smidgen and is at least letting me take a vague peek at its plot. Or more like allowed me inside except I’m blindfolded and am just guessing what things are by feeling their shapes. Thus I’m tossing all sorts of random ideas and devices in the story hoping it’s right and that it will come together into something coherent.
What even is this metaphor??

OKAY BUT SERIOUSLY. Most of the time my wild blindfolded pantsing ventures, while, yes, do end in some disastrous scenes that need serious editing, also usually bring about all sorts of fascinating ideas that even surprise me and end up being huge parts of the plot.
I shall continue stumbling around blindfolded and hope I land on gold and don’t trip in a ditch or something.
Seriously. These metaphors. I need to go to bed…

After working through some plot things yesterday (and by “working” I, of course, mean randomly typing stuff and hoping and praying it’ll all come together in some form of a coherent plot), today’s writing went so, so much smoother. It also helped that the majority of today’s writing was dialogue, and as I’ve mentioned before, those scenes go MUCH faster, especially with these characters. It’s the plot work that is the thing that tends to slow me down. But every single one of these characters has become such a part of me, it takes pretty much zero effort to know exactly what they’d do or say in any given situation. Which. Just. I’m so grateful to have landed on a cast that brings me such joy.
Even if they exhaust me also but watcha gonna do.

FACT: Cool, drizzly, windy weather ups the writing motivation by 87%.
WELL, GUYS. Today proved to be my second highest wordcount day yet! Somehow I…I pounded out 6k words??? And like I wasn’t even shooting for that it just happened?? I totally give all credit to the weather. It was the type of weather you only see in pretty writing aesthetics—a little cool and drizzly with bright yellow and orange leaves drifting out my window.
P e r f e c t i o n.
It may have also helped that the scenes I was working on today became waaay longer than I thought they would so I just…kept writing trying to make it to the end of them. XD And I did! Don’t get me wrong, they were enjoyable scenes, I just had no idea they’d be so LONG. #storyofmylife But scenes were completed, lots of words were written, and I am a happy Christine!

TODAY. Today was a good day. After the gloriously cozy rain the day before, the sun was beaming all day today with nice enough temperatures for an open window and writing on the hammock (which is my faaaaave; work doesn’t feel like work when done on a hammock #protip)
For most of the day I worked on a chapter in a point-of-view I’ve never written before, didn’t even know I would write in. But this scene idea popped in my head and I thought I’d try it and see what happens and ooooooOOOOhhhh. It was super fun and I learned thiiings. That’s the fun of first drafting, guys. You just get to PLAY and you never know what you’ll uncover.
The words came so, so easy today and I had a lovely time.
Annnd one more thing occurred today…

My 12th NaNo in a row has officially been WON!
ALSO. I won my 12th NaNo on the 12th, while last year I won my 11th on the 11th day. I am seeing a pattern here…

If you’re wondering, no, I am not done with NaNo. Farrrr from it. My plan is to FINISH this thing and I suspect it’ll be around 100k words (or more #halp) so this is really only the halfway point for me. If anyone wants to send coffee I, you know, wouldn’t complain and would love you forever.
But halfway or not, we have to celebrate the milestones! And I am definitely SO VERY EXCITED to have made it to 50k!
As a reward to myself I took the evening off from writing and watched the new Dune movie! Which was quite entertaining. I most shamefully have never read the book so I had like no clue what was happening (it was so confusiiing) and there were some slow bits, but the cast was great and I thought it was still absolutely worth the watch. Definitely a great way to reward myself and take a little rest and creative recharge (which I needed like DAYS go. Gee, I wonder why?? *laughs hysterically and glugs more coffee*)
All in all, day 12 was a MOST fabulous day!

In which the Real Chaos begins
Ah yissss. Here we go. As if I didn’t have a delightful enough time with the story the previous two days, THIS DAY HERE was the icing on the cake. This is where the real fun began a.k.a. the big ol’ midpoint changeroo.
Though I am totally pantsing this thing like a mad blindfolded octopus, I did know of one certain thing I wanted to happen at the midpoint which’ll just make all sorts of fun disasters take place. I only thought there was chaos at the beginning of this story. *cackles*
Also look at me actually following proper story structure. Be proud.
This scene was very wild and action-y, giving me the excuse to play epic battle music all day which usually results in my fingers flying. And they did! Eventually I got to the point where I didn’t even have a guess as to how many words I had written, I was just typing madly, so caught into The Zone I barely knew real life existed. Which is the BEST feeling ever when writing.
I honestly feel like I haven’t really entered The Zone much with this novel (though I mainly blame that on some life stress going on and distracting me). So it felt spectacular being so immersed today.
Said scene did end up being way, way longer than I thought it’d be. But, as we’ve learned, that is the story of my life. (I should write an autobiography titled “This is Way Longer Than It Should Be”) I’m okay with it in this case though. It was a big scene with a LOT going on and I think it needed to be a good length.
I’m also 97% sure it is a HOT MESS. But, man, it was a fun hot mess.


Today’s writing wasn’t the wild rush of the previous’s, but the words were coming and I was actually shocked how much I ended up writing today. It was a quiet, chilly, sunny Sunday, perfect for spending most of the time in my story. <3
I’ve also just entered a scene I actually sort of have planned! Okay, okay, by “planned” I mean have a SUPER VAGUE and incoherent image of even though I don’t know what’s going to happen and how it’s all gonna work. So, erm, “planned” as far as us pantsers define the word. *smile, smile*
Most of today was laying out the groundwork and building up to this vague scene that supposed to be a pivotal moment even though I’m just as confused as the character who is dealing with it. Soooo the next bit of writing is gonna be interesting.
But it’s allll good. I survived this week, yes? I’m sure I can figure this thing out and manage yet another…



This week started out a bit rocky due to some life stress (actually, if you guys think to pray for my family it’d mean so much to me, we’ve been dealing with some pretty exhausting things these past couple of weeks), but I felt like I eventually really fell into the groove of this story and by the latter half of the week the words were just flowing. I’m incredibly grateful for that.
The biggest highlights:
- Making it to 50k!!!
- Having a string of fantastic writing days.
- Reaching that big midpoint twist (and having such a blast writing it!)
It proved to be a good week of writing, and I’m pretty happy with how the story has shaped up so far. Though I’m definitely excited to have made it to the halfway point. From here on out I think things are going to be a wild ride (ya know, more than it’s already been) and I am readyyy. *cackles and rubs hands together* (I mean, I hope that was actually the midpoint and this story won’t be longer than I already think it’ll be… #halpmeee)

We have made it, guys. That whole first half is behind us, the week two blues have been conquered, and the finish line will be in sight very, very soon. And just know, a lot can be done in two weeks. But whether you’re behind, ahead, or exactly where you want to be, please take a moment to look at the accomplishments of this first half. Every single word is a victory, but not only the words. It takes a whole lot more than just typing to create a book. Brainstorm sessions, research, edits, reconnecting with your story after a dry spell, even connecting with the writing community (which, I’d say, is one of the most important things). ALL OF IT. No matter how this second half shapes up, please remember what you have done and take joy and pride in it.
I hope you all have a most FABULOUS second half of November!
Here we go… Second half of NaNo, we’re comin’ for you!!!

Gimme all the details! How was your second week of NaNo? How is November treating everyone? Surely I’m not the only one who is SHOCKED we’re already halfway through it??? Let’s make this second half an awesome one!
I love your positivity! You are so inspiring! My draft will probably also be longer than 50k because I have yet to write a story that small. My Wattpad short stories don’t count.
Awwww! I honestly don’t feel inspiring. More like an example of how to not keep your sanity. ;D
I FEEL ya. I have never, ever written a novel as small as 50k. It’s RARE I write one under 100k! AND they usually end up being series. So…yes. At least we’re never bored, yeah? XD
But I do hope the writing is going well and that you’re having a wonderful November in general! <3
Awesome progress! You’re just flying through NaNo. I slowed down just a tad last week to publish a book, but hopefully now with that done I can fly through NaNo. I’ve been ahead all month, but as I told my friend, I’m not as ahead of schedule as I would like to be XD Excellent work on finishing your first NaNo before the halfway point, I must now depart. It is time to overachieve.
Thank you!!! And I keep meaning to give you a HUGE congrats on PUBLISHING A BOOK! You are on fire. And I am so in awe at you over publishing AND doing NaNo. :O You are a superhuman and rocking this month. I do hope the rest of it goes amazingly! <3
HOW ARE WE HALFWAY THROUGH NANO HELP. (I mean, I’m in your same will-probably-beat-NaNo-early-and-keep-on-drafting boat, but I BADLY want to finish this first draft in a month, but I’m not at the midpoint yet, so……..)
Short sprints are the best! I’m also always surprised how much I can get done in little pockets of time.
Okay, you’re making me wish I had a hammock. XD
Just throwing out random plot ideas and hoping it’ll work together eventually is a #mood. (And often it is MY #mood as well, lol.)
Ahhh good weather is SUCH a wonderful writing motivator!
CONGRATS ON WINNING! Keep on trucking–you’re doing great!
(Okay, speaking of your Dune reward to yourself, do you ever struggle to reward yourself for NaNo? I’ve planned rewards for myself that take time, like watching a movie, and then I don’t want to take the time to do it, because all I want to do is write. XD)
And I will definitely pray for your family, Christine! I hope that life stress gets less stressful. 🙂
I DON’T KNOW. And now we’re nearing the end of the THIRD WEEK and just??? This is wild. But GIRL. You are rocking it. I, too, am like how am I going to finish this monster before the month is done????? But we both have to remember how far we’ve come. One word at a time, we’re gonna get this. *fistpump*
Me too! I declare I get more writing in when I know I have less time because I force myself to just WRITE instead of letting the inner editor in and slow me down. If I have a long stretch of time ahead of me to write I tend to be poky about it and not just keep MOVING, if that makes sense. So short sprints are honestly great!
Lol. Hammocks are fabulous things, not gonna lie!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one! XD My drafting process is basically me just throwing a million random things in at once and hoping, by some miracle, they’ll connect. Surprisingly, they usually do at some point or another! So I guess it works. XD
It’s almost hilarious how much the weather effects my motivation. Lol. I guess that’s one good thing about NaNo being in November–cold weather ABSOLUTELY puts in me that writing mood!
Oh man oh man oh man. I’m going to be entirely honest with you, my NaNo schedule is…not a super healthy one and every year I declare I’m going to treat myself better and then…I don’t. SO. To answer your question: I DEFINITELY struggle with treating myself. It was honestly a miracle I took off that one night to watch Dune. I’m so, so bad about using every. single. second. of free time writing and not reenergizing myself and it’s NO GOOD. I get way too obsessed with trying to finish my book. *hangs head in shame* Even though I’m terrible about not doing it, I know allowing ourselves rest and recharge time and taking care of ourselves is way, way more important than rushing to the end of a novel. So you absolutely should allow yourselves those rewards when you need them. <3
Thank you so much, dear friend! That means more to me than I can express. I do hope you have the BEST rest of November!!! *HUGS*
Wow, you’ve had an amazing NaNo so far – I’m so glad that you’re having fun with this story! It sounds incredible. 😀
These NaNo posts you do always inspire me to keep writing, whether it’s November or not. <3 <3 Best of luck with the next two-ish weeks of NaNo! You’ve got this!
It is going quite well. ^_^ AWK. Thank you so, so much!!! I am so thrilled and honored your think so!
Awww, really? That makes me really happy to hear. I feel like I mainly just babble and make no sense, but I’m glad it’s inspiring! XD I do hope all your writing endeavors go wonderfully, dearest Nicole. We neeeeds your delicious stories!
Thank you again! I hope the rest of your November is a most delightful one! <3
Aaahhh I loved hearing about your second NaNo week! These posts are the best. XD I’m so sorry life has been stressful (*huuuugs and sends prayers for you and your family*) but I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been enjoying the story and having new exciting things go down and YOU HIT 60K AND FINISHED YOUR TWELFTH NANO AND AAAHHH! So, so proud of you, friend, and I hope the rest of your writing goes swimmingly! *sweeps my lack of writing under a rug and whistles innocently*
AWWWK. THANK YOU, MY DEAREST CELTI!!! For the encouragement, the constant support, the hugs, the prayers, just being the bestest friend EVER. *hugs you tight*
And no feeling guilty about any lack of writing! You have been doing SO MUCH and rocking it and still writing words and life-ing and ALL THE THINGS. I don’t know how you do it all. You are amazing and I’m proud of you.
I do so hope this last stretch of November treats you well! <333
Christine, you are a walking embodiment of encouragement! If I were to meet you in real life, I would be a very happy camper!!
I thiiiiiiiink I finally got Arrows: Volume II to start going but…it involved a character dying offscreen between this one and the first volume. Not sure if I’m entirely on board with it, but we’ll see. For now, know that Jason needs relief from all the tragedy I keep throwing at him…oh, and I also thought up more scenes for that story…as in more feels…
As for The Woodsman, it’s kind of all over the place? Like, I’ve gone ahead to write later scenes, gone back to the beginning to include an entirely new angle to the story, and today while brainstorming, I came up with a cute conversation between Mr. Grumpy Hermit and Nicki, which led to this: “Nicki, I’m a guy. ‘Cute’ is not in my vocabulary.”
D’AWWW!!! Meeting in real life would be THE. BEST. and there would be much squealing and glomping! <3
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I may have to kidnap all your characters and feed them cookies until you start learning to be nice to them. 😛 *ignores the screaming of my own characters in the background*
In all seriousness, that’s soooo exciting it’s going again! And hey, sometimes you just have to play with your stories and try different things until you hit on the right thing. I can already tell with this novel I’m writing that there’s going to have to be some major changes come revision time. But right now I’m just trying some elements and seeing how they work. That’s totally what first drafts are for!
Also. That LINE. “‘Cute’ is not in my vocabulary.” I’m dying. XD
AAAHHHHHHH!!!! CONGRATS FOR HITTING (over) 50,000!!!!!!!!! The Queen of NaNo strikes again!!! ;P And YES. Like, HoW Is iT OvEr HaLfWaY ThRoUgH NoVeMbEr!?!?!? *dies* Christmas is for real in just five weeks!!! O.O
EEEEE!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOVE your story though and I CAN’T WAIT for it to be published so I can read it!!! XD I just NEED to get to know the Daystars so bad!!!! (Especially my you-know-who INFP…) 😉 It’s really just essential to my book dragon health. >.>
OHOHOH, that said, I did read your first Know the Novel post (but wasn’t able to comment on it at the moment
if it isn’t obvious that I’m so behind on comments here in general eheh)BUT *flails* I was glomping it allllll and may or may not have died inside when I saw Rune again. XD And Kez (although he’s still second place but don’t tell him that lol). AND the Pinterest boooaaaard!!!!! (Which, I actually took a picture from it for one of my Know the Novel graphics, but don’t worry…I cited it.) XD FOR REALZIES though, that board was just so beautiful and *squeaks* I really, really, REALLY wanna get Pinterest noweven though I know it’ll probably become an unhealthy addiction to me…XDANYWAY, that kinda went off topic there. *coughs* As for my writing…well, it’s going. Slowly. Space by space. Letter by letter. Word by word. DEFINITELY not as much as I hoped *blames it on life’s busyness* BUT it’s better than what I’ve accomplished in the past so that’s a victory!!! 😀
I hope you have a FANTABULOUS day of writing (make sure to get in scene a with Rune for me *grinz*) and I can’t wait to hear aaallll about your next NaNo update!!!!!!!! *salutes and cartwheels away* <333
VICTORIAAAA. If you only knew just how much your comments make me smile! <3 Thank you so, SO VERY much!!! I should–ahem–probably sleep more, but I am definitely happy to have reached 50k! But I do not understand how we are so far in November. And MY GOODNESS. Christmas just five weeks away??? I…I can’t even retain that information right now. WUT. o.o
*squeals and flails and grins and squeaks* Oh my goodness gracious, THANK YOU!!! Your enthusiasm for it makes me 1000x even MORE motivated to keep working on this series. I can’t even with this much niceness! And your love for Rune makes me immeasurably happy. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Kez. Though I doubt he’d mind or even be surprised –he’s used to everyone loving Rune and I don’t think he even minds. That just means everyone will leave him alone, the grump. XD
I’m very pleased you like the Pinterest board too! I have spent…way more time than I will ever admit to on that thing. *coughity cough* I am DEFINITELY addicted to Pinterest and IT’S A PROBLEM. I will say though, it’s suuuper inspiring for us writers, buuut also a time vacuum, SO. Pros and cons for sure. XD
I’m so sorry writing is going slower than you’d like! But the fact that you’re still making progress during a busy time is SUCH a huge and admirable accomplishment! And sometimes we have to simply LIVE and not stress over wordcounts. Which…I forget quite a lot, so 100% preaching to myself here. *hides face* It is TOTALLY okay to write in small chunks of time, especially when life is busy. Every single word is progress and should be celebrated. <3
THANK YOOOOUUU!!! I hope the rest of your November is a most amazing one!
And Rune literally just entered the scene where I left off and I’m about to get back to it, so your wish is my command, madam. *bows* (Although you may not like what’s happening to him right now in said scene. Eheheheh. *creeps back into the darkness from whence I came*)
CONGRATULATIONS CHRISTINE FOR HITTING 50K AND WINNING YOUR 12TH NANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is INCREDIBLE. And I have no idea how you manage all those words. You are a rock star!!!!! *sends motivational chocolate and coffee* And seriously, I LOVE the idea of writing outside in a hammock. If it wasn’t so cold where I live, I’d try the same. 😂 Aelin’s making it to my favorite character lists. I just KNOW I’m going to love her as a character!!!!
Oh, and I nearly cracked up at your autobiography, “This is Way Longer Than It Should Be.” Why do I get the feeling that it’d be a very long one? XD
though yes you should write it and yes, I’d read it XDI LiTeRaLlY canNOT believe that November is almost over with. I have *cough* not been making as much progress as I had wanted, but I am still pleased that I’ve been able to get some writing in, even though it isn’t a lot. I probably wouldn’t have written as much as I have had it not been NaNo, so every little bit counts, right?
Again, AMAZING progress you’re making, and I’m cheering you on!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, ISSABELLE!!! *cries happy tears* All of the support and encouragement I receive from you precious people keeps me going! <3
Alas, it’s definitely gotten too chilly for hammock swinging now. The cold weather took its time to get here, but it’s here now for sure! But snuggling up under a blanket in a comfy chair is good too. ^_^
D’awww! I’m glad you like my disaster bby Aelin. She keeps me on my toes for sure. XD
LOLZ. I am not a woman of few words, that’s for sure… *shakes head at self* Though I’m honored you’d read it! Hehe.
ME NEITHER!!! Like. We are less than a week from the end. Just HOOOWW??? INSANITY. I’m so sorry you haven’t had a chance to write much, but YES. Every bit counts and the fact that you are writing during a busy time is such an admirable thing! I think, really, that’s the true point of NaNo. Not to hit a certain wordcount, but to prove to ourselves that we can show up to our stories and add words no matter how crazy life is. That, right there, is the real victory. You are doing wonderfully. <3
Thank you again, dear friend! This whole comment has filled me with ALL the happy feels. I do hope you have the BEST last few days of November ever!
Wow, you do write a lot. And also, finishing the story is so much a better idea then getting to fifty thousand words and then abandoning your story.
My normal NaNo is (of course, excepting the weekends,) get up in the morning, exercise, and then I have German class, eat, and maybe sneak in a little writing there, and then try and get my schoolwork done quickly. Then I basically have the rest of the day to do my stuff, which ranges from 4 hours to 2 hours, I think. (Oh, and I’m homeschooled 😉 #Homeschoolisthebest)
And I’m not an evening person. 10:30 to me is LATE. (Well, I’m not quite a morning person either… except on the weekends, which is strange. (Maybe my mind has marked the weekdays for the danger zone and is trying to slide past them by sleeping in? (I mean, I sleep in as compared to early German class.)))
Hope next NaNo goes as well as this one! (If not better)
Lol. I know if I don’t push myself to get to the end of the story, I will definitely abandon it, so that’s why I try to finish. Though…I may push myself too much sometimes. *nervous laughter*
Yay for homeschooling!!! I was homeschooled too! 😀 That sounds like a great schedule! I actually never tried NaNo until I graduated. I so, so admire you amazing people who can do it alongside school!
I used to be a huge night owl, but really not so much anymore. Though I’m also not a morning person so… I’m basically just tired 24/7. XD
Thank you so much! You as well!
ehehehehh, you’ll be fine. Although maybe if you have a shorter project that you’re working on, you’ll be able to relax at the end of the month. 🙂
And I could get a lot more writing done if I didn’t have so much other stuff I wanted to do. Do you get distracted? (Obviously you have a lot more time than I do, so you have a lot more time to do other stuff.)
The problem is, even when I think I have a short project, it turns into a monster. My stories refuse to be contained. XD ‘Tis a problem indeed!
Oh goodness, I definitely get distracted! FOR SURE. Though I also get a little…obsessive and hyper-focused, especially during NaNo, so that helps I suppose. Though, honestly, I try to write a whole book during NaNo because I’m busy with other things the rest of the year. NaNo is pretty much the only time I take the time to write a first draft, so I try my best to use it to my advantage for that and then work on other projects (like editing and such) the rest of the year. That’s why I go crazy during November–so I can have the rest of the year to work on non-first draft projects. Lol.