IT. IS. DECEMBER! With laptops, pens, and coffee cups in hand, we have survived the insanity of NaNoWriMo! And now it is time to share how the mad month of writing transpired. Yes indeed, today I bring you the third and final part of Know the Novel!
I hope you’ve all been able to take a nice deep breath now that December is here. NaNoWriMo or just writing a novel any time can be intense and exhausting. In fact, it pretty much always is. But when there is a story inside us, it is always worth the long, tiring, stressful hours to create it into being. It’s a journey, and in every journey there are hardships, but there is also growth. I feel like with each and every novel I write I learn so much, not just on the writing front, but about myself and life as well.
It’s a wild, crazy adventure, this writing life is. And now that we’ve made it to the summit, it’s time to sit back and reflect on the journey. That, my friends, is exactly what Part 3 of Know the Novel is for!
Let’s dive into the info!


What is Know the Novel?
Know the Novel is a 3-part linkup series for writers, one for each of the last three months of the year. Each part features ten questions you can answer on your own blog (or anywhere else on social media, if you’d like!). The questions focus on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going.
The linkups go as followed:
- Part One: Introduction – For all of October people shared their incredible novel ideas, giving us tidbits about their upcoming characters, settings, plots, and their plan of action. It was SUCH a joy getting a peek at everyone’s beautiful ideas. If you missed it, you absolutely should check out the linkup to see everyone’s posts! Find the linkup HERE.
- Part Two: Within the WIP – Of course November came with it the rush of mad typing and insanity. But, most importantly, those ideas we shared in October formed into something tangible. For November’s linkup we all gave an inside look at the magic a.k.a. how the writing was going. Plus, you know, assured our readers we were still alive. Find all the posts HERE.
- Part Three: Words Written – Ideas have been formed, words have been written, and it is at last time to share how it all came about! This final month of questions centers on how the writing went overall, the exciting (and not-so-exciting) parts, what comes next, and what we’ve gleaned from the experience along the way. All the questions are below!
In Summary…
I throw ten novel/writing-related questions your way each month that you can take and answer on your own blog, and then share your link in the linkup I’ll attach below so others can read about your delicious novel-y goodness. Easy and fun for all!
QUICK NOTE: I am doing this during National Novel Writing Month season, but you DID NOT have to participate in NaNoWriMo to join the linkup! You can answer these questions for any WIP you have. It’s all just for fun and to help us share and encourage one another in all our writerly endeavors. I adore seeing what all my fellow writers are cooking up, so whether you did NaNo or not, please do take the questions if you want and answer them for any WIP you have!
You also by no means had to have joined in the previous linkups to do this one. Take any and all question at any point in time. I would certainly be grateful for credit, but otherwise there are basically no rules here. It’s simply for fun and to provide an easy way to keep your readers updated on your writing!


I’d be honored if you used this graphic for your posts, but it’s certainly not required!

1. How did writing this novel go all around?
2. Did it turn out like you expected or completely different? And how do you feel about the outcome?
3. What aspect of the story did you love writing about the most? (Characters, plot, setting, prose, etc.)
4. How about your least favorite part?
5. What do you feel like needs the most work?
6. How do you feel about your characters now? Who’s your favorite? Least favorite? Anyone surprise you? Give us all the details!
7. What’s your next plan of action with this novel?
8. If you could have your greatest dream realized for this novel, what would it be?
9. Share some of your favorite snippets!
10. Did you glean any new writing and/or life lessons from writing this novel?

As always, please do share your link in the widget so everyone can read your posts!
Once your post is published, share the URL in the linkup widget below.
Part 3 of the linkup closes at midnight on December 31st. But absolutely feel free to answer these questions (or the questions in the previous linkups) ANY TIME! They’re free for the taking!

I can’t believe we’ve made it to the final part! It is always a JOY hosting this and getting to read all about your amazing stories and support one another through the craziness of novel writing. You all make this linkup so much fun! <3

WE MADE IT. I’m so ecstatic it’s officially December! How are you? Did you survive NaNo? Are you excited about December? Are you planning on continuing writing this month or taking a break? (I’m definitely taking a break myself. *nervous laughter*) Let’s talk ALL the things!
I won’t be taking a break, haha. I’m going to try and get that second draft of Arrows done!
And also a very very feelsy Woodsman short story…(cried just thinking of it the other night)
Well, then again, I’ll probably have short breaks. Long breaks though? Ha. Ha. Ha. My stories won’t leave me alone. 😂
Oh man oh man oh man. What are you doing to these poor characters?? D’: Someone needs to take them away until you learn to play nice! 😛
Hey, I think that’s great you’re always filled with ideas and inspiration for them! That’s a fabulous thing!
I’ll send it to you when I’m done. 😉 (but also ;-;)
Ooooh boy. I both look forward to it and am SO nervous. Don’t hurt the children! D:
*whistles innocently*
I’ll be taking a break the last two weeks of December, for sure, but I have gotten started on a new project I’m very excited about, and I’d like to make some serious headway on it before Christmas. Especially since I won’t be able to spend much time on it for a bit come January when I dive back into my editor’s notes on the Turrim Archive. So… no resting juuuuust yet. I did take some days off in November, though, since I got my editing done quicker than I expected!
Oooh, these questions look great!
EEP. I cannot wait to hear more about this new project!!! I do hope it all goes wonderfully for you! And I feel you, I’m tryyying to get my life together for this first half of December so I can PROPERLY take a break the second half. We’ll see how that goes. XD But that’s great you were able to rest up for a bit at the end of November. You are on fire, girl! Cheering you on as you tackle all these epic projects! 😀