O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I come to you on this first day of March with a most delightful announcement of goodness and fun. And I. AM. EXCITED!
March is one of my absolute favorite months. Though I’m a huge fan of winter, there is something exhilarating about seeing the world slowly come back into bloom after the cold stillness of February. March just makes me happy, and to add an extra dose of happiness for this particular March, I’m doing something special!
In honor of recently launching a newsletter and the Discord server to go with it (titled, of course, The Mad Tea Party), my blogiversery coming up this month, and spring arriving, I wanted to throw some kind of party. And what better type of party than a mad one?


What is March Muchness?
Well, quite simply, it’s a month long celebration of all things Alice in Wonderland. If you’ve known me for all of 0.8 seconds you know my love for Wonderland has no bounds. I collect every edition of the original stories I can find (I’m at 14 and counting), love decorating my room with all sorts of Wonderland paraphernalia (from mugs to pictures to even Alice themed coaster), adore the classic stories, and have loved every adaptation I’ve ever experienced. I may be, erm, a tad obsessed.
But we’re all mad here, right, so why not embrace it?
There will be a number of delightful Wonderland-y things going down this month, but the big one for the blogging world is…


Yes, indeed!
I have banded together with 11 other wonderful blogging peeps to bring you a big ol’ Wonderland themed blogging tag, and we are ecstatic to at last reveal it to you today!

What is a blog tag?
If you’ve never joined in on these things before, it’s super easy! We’ve compiled twelve Wonderland-inspired questions which you can then simply take and answer on your blog. You are welcome to tag some friends to do it as well, but it’s not necessary. This is all about having fun! If you don’t have a blog, you are welcome to answer these on another social media outlet OR answer in the comments below!
Though this tag was made for March Muchness, the questions are yours for the taking at any time! Feel free to use the graphic above as well.

Take these questions and answer them on your own blog, social media, or in the comments below!
- List six impossible things you’d love to do – wild and crazy answers 100% welcome!
- What is a topic that grew curiouser and curiouser the more you studied/researched it?
- If you could invite three fictional characters to a tea party, who would they be?
- Which Wonderland character do you feel you’re the most like?
- If you could drink a magic potion that changed one thing about you, what would it be?
- How IS a raven like a writing desk?
- If you were to make an enemy of Father Time, what time in the day would you choose to repeat?
- If you fell down a rabbit hole, what would the land you pop into look like?
- If you could have the body of one type of creature and the head of another (for example, the Mock Turtle has the body of a turtle and the head of a calf), what would that combination be and why?
- Have you read or written anything stylistically close to Alice in Wonderland? Tell us about it.
- If you could either be as tall as a tree or as small as a mouse for an hour, which would you choose and what would you do?
- If you could give your younger or future self one piece of Very Good Advice, what would it be?

As I said, I’ve joined up with 11 other bloggers to make this thing happen, and it’s been such fun putting this together. Do be sure to check out all the hosts and give them some love!
- Sarah – sarahrodecker.com
- Victoria – gloryforgodalone.blogspot.com
- Maple Quill – maplequillpenningmagic.wordpress.com
- Kenzie – smudgedthoughts.wordpress.com
- Jessica – abakersperspective.com
- Merie – imperialscribis.wordpress.com
- Emily – emilygrantauthor.blogspot.com
- Josiah – josiahdyckauthor.wordpress.com
A humongous thank you to them each for helping put all this together, coming up with such fun questions, and co-hosting with me! <3

Other March Muchness Goodness
In addition to the blog tag, some other madness—er, FUN is happening as well!
Over on Instagram, 6 amazing ladies and myself are hosting a March Muchness Bookstagram Challenge for the entirety of the month! This challenge is, of course, Wonderland themed and we’d be thrilled for you to join along!
The Prompts

And to add to the fun of the challenge…
There’s also a GIVEAWAY!!!
Participants who use the #MarchMuchnessPhotoChallenge hashtag will be entered to win an ebook copy of A CERTAIN SORT OF MADNESS, an Alice in Wonderland retelling by Nicki Chapelway. The sequel is coming soon, so this is the perfect chance to try to win a copy of book 1!

Check out THIS POST for more details!
Though the challenge runs all month, you are more than welcome to only do a few of the prompts or combine some or however you wish to join in! Just be sure to post things somewhat inspired by that day’s prompt and use the hashtag so we don’t miss your posts! I cannot wait to see everyone’s photos!

I am also hosting a readalong of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass this month! Because, really, how could I have a Wonderland party without showing the actual books some love?
The readalong will be happening over on my Discord server, The Mad Tea Party, created exclusively for my newsletter subscribers. And there may be some other Wonderland fun happening there as well!
If you want to join in, all you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter and follow the instructions in the confirmation email to receive your invite to the Discord server! We are having such fun over there talking books and writing and fandoms and everything else under the sun, and we’d be thrilled to have you!
Sign up for my newsletter here!
(Or use the sign up form on the sidebar of my blog.)
Note: A lot of people’s confirmation emails have been going to spam, so if you can’t find yours in your inbox, you may need to check your spam folder.
Spread the March Muchness Love!
The March Muchness celebrations don’t have to end here. This is a mad tea party after all, and everyone is welcome to the table!
If you want to celebrate this Wonderland-ish month in your own way, I’d be ecstatic! Host an actual tea party, write a post (or multiple) on some of your favorite Wonderland-y things, do some Wonderland inspired art, review some Wonderland retellings or read them with friends or your book club, have a Wonderland-themed photoshoot, gather some friends for a watch party of one of the adaptations—the possibilities are endless!
If you share your celebrations on social media, I’d love it if you used the #MarchMuchness or #MarchMuchness2022 hashtags so I can see what all you’ve come up with! You’re welcome to use the March Muchness graphic I shared above as well.

My Wonderland-loving heart is near to bursting with excitement! I think even Cheshire himself would be proud of the grin I have over this.
It’s going to be a March of madness, muchness, and merriment, indeed!

Who’s excited?? (Because I am. Like a LOT.) Any other Wonderland fanatics out there? What are you most looking forward to for the month? And, just for fun, what is your favorite Wonderland adaptation?
I am absolutely a Wonderland fanatic, if my profile photo doesn’t give it away 😀 I’ve committed to doing Lent in a bloggerly fashion this year, so alas, I don’t think I’ll be able to join in over March, but that tag looks fascinating, and I’ll be sure to do it after Lent, haha. Also, March is great. And the word Muchness is great. And the two together are even greater. And I can’t wait to see all the great content that comes out this month!!! The vibes, as the kids say, are delightful, and I’m super psyched.
God bless, Christine! (Oh I guess mayhap I should introduce myself? I’m a new blogger in terms of writing my own, but I’ve been reading your blog and others for years now, and yours just has the most delightfully spring-ish tea-party sort of feel. in fact, if I were to describe my overall impression of it, it’d probably be either Mad Tea Pary or the White Queen. So there’s that. XD)
Aaaahhh hello, fellow Wonderland fanatic!!! Definitely approving of the profile pic! 😀
That is totally understandable, and you could absolutely do the tag ANY time. This is a Wonderland thing, after all, there are no rules here. ;D So definitely participate in the tag at any point if you want to! I’m so very glad you approve of the title and all the muchiness to come though!
*clutches heart* My blog giving off a spring tea party-ish vibe is just…one of the best compliments I’ve ever received because that’s exactly the type of feel I hope people will get when they come here. You have positively made my day! Thank you!!! And I’m so honored you’ve ben such a faithful reader. Thank you so much for commenting! A most happy March to you!
So much muchiness! I am HERE for it!
*BEAMS* I’m so glad!
I’m so excited for this tag! I’ve filmed my answer video, and I hope to post it sometime mid-month!
I’m excited tooo!!! OH YAY. I cannot wait to see it!
I should be able to join in the fun anyway, if it is a March Muchness. So I certainly will, because Alice in Wonderland is totally my style.
I would pose the question: Is anyone sane? Perhaps somebody might think they are sane, and in a way that makes them mad, I suppose. But really, it’s a gradient, so we’re all mad and all sane at the same time. So stop worrying because you’re definitely not sane, yet not mad either. (And in that sense, you are mad after all so you better come to terms with it anyway.)
(AKA you’re totally right, I’m mad. *maniacal cackling*)
BUT OF COURSE. This is a Mad Tea Party–the time never actually passes by. Tea time all the time! 😉
Huzzah for Alice in Wonderland! Definitely my style as well! And you know I’d be thrilled to have you join along in the fun.
LOLOLOL. I feel like you just became the Cheshire. That is totally a Cheshire-like thing to say. Or maybe a Jack Sparrow type of speech. XD All very thoughtful things to ponder. *nods seriously*
Hi Christine! Oh wow, this looks like so much fun!! And congrats on your upcoming blogiversary, newsletter, and Discord server! *throws virtual confetti because it doesn’t leave a mess like real ones*
(I also read your answers to the Choose Your Own Fairytale Adventure Tag, and I loved you answers! I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling. Perhaps the kings who keep lopping off people’s heads for no reason are related to the Queen of Hearts…*hmm*).
By the way, I saw that Amazon carries a lot of Alice in Wonderland themed party sets (and even scrapbook paper which looks soooo pretty!) So if you do throw a tea party at your house, they might have just what you’re looking for!
(P.s Thanks again for visiting me!)
Awww, thank you so much, Lily! I am quite excited about this whole month. ^_^
LOL. Thank you! So glad you enjoyed them. I had way too much fun doing that tag. And ooooh, now THAT is an interesting thought! I’ve literally never connected the obsession of people in fairy tales always beheading people to the Queen of Hearts. :O I wonder if that’s where Lewis Carroll got the idea–fairy tales! That’s so interesting to think about!
What a sweet thought! And so very tempting. Thank you for letting me know!
OF COURSE. Your site looks so lovely! Congrats again on launching it! *also throws virtual confetti*
*WAVES HANDS WILDLY* I’M EXCITED!!!! (Actually, excited isn’t a good enough word…I’m enthusiastically, hysterically, eagerly, stirred and fired up about this and it…it’s…putting me in a tizzy! *FAILS*)
I’m DEFINITELY a Wonderland fanatic and (even though I have way too many books on my TBR for this month) I reeeaaally want to reread Alice!
We’ll see though…I mean, we’re talking about a LOT of books here so we’ll just see… XDGotta tell you though, I am a bit miffed because I have a Disney art calendar and the Alice in Wonderland art is the picture for ApRiL. Like…ONE MONTH, people. Just ONE MONTH OFF. XDD
But AnYwHo, I can’t wait to keep celebrating March Muchness and am SOOO excited (nope, still not a strong enough word) for the rest of the Wonderland plans The Mad Tea Party might be able to work out!!! 😉 😀
AAAAHHHH!!!! I’m so excited you’re so happy about all of this! You summed up my thoughts EXACTLY. This is gonna be such a fun month! *dances around*
I’m thrilled to know you’re a Wonderland fanatic toooo! I definitely understand about the overloaded TBR though. What I’ve decided to do is just read one or two chapters of Alice every night before I read my other current read, so that way I can keep chipping at my TBR but still make time for some good ol’ Wonderland fun!
Oh my goodness, seriously? SO CLOSE. Ah well, that just means we can keep celebrating in April, yeah? *grins* (Also I love that you have a Disney art calendar. That’s the best!)
YES YES YES!!! It’s gonna be a delightful month! Thank you so much for celebrating it with me! *raises my teacup to you*
So fun! I’m going to try to do the blog tag as well!
Yaaay! I’m so excited you’re joining in on all the fun! ^_^
I just did the tag! Here’s the link if you want to check it out.
EEP. I was so happy to see you do it! Thank you for joining in! 😀
This sounds like so much fun! Ironically I’m actually reading both Alice books for the very first time right now! (Research for my family’s story soap business ☺️) And surprisingly I’m actually really enjoying them which I didn’t think I would, lol. Ooo, I might do the blog tag questions on my YouTube channel—they sound super fun!
Really?? That is such a perfect coincidence! I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying them too. They’re just the cutest, most delightful little stories.
That’d be so fun if you did the tag on your YouTube! 😀