The March Muchness Tag

March Muchness continues on in all its mad glory, and today I’m coming to at last answer the questions to the official March Muchness blog tag!

If you missed it, I’m throwing an Alice in Wonderland party all month long to celebrate my 11th blogiversary and launching my newsletter. Buuut it’s mostly just an excuse to fangirl about one of my favorite stories of all time. Does one ever really need a reason to give Wonderland some proper love??

One part of March Muchness has been a BLOG TAG. And not just any ol’ simple tag, but a Wonderland themed one that came together via myself and 11 other most lovely bloggers!

If you want to know more about the tag and March Muchness, check out THIS POST.

Otherwise, read on as I bring you my answers for the tag!

The March Muchness Tag

List six impossible things you’d love to do – wild and crazy answers 100% welcome!

Welllll, if we’re talking impossible things here, I have plenty of those!

1.) Own a pet dragon. For obvious reasons. Though maybe a tiny dragon that can ride around on my shoulder and burn people’s fingers when they annoy me would be more practical than a full sized one. But ya know, either is fine.

2.) Fall into Wonderland. Or any fantasy world would be good too. Though, despite having a mad queen calling for everyone to be beheaded, no one ever seems to actually get severely harmed in Wonderland, so I’d probably have a higher chance of surviving. Narnia and Neverland would be my other two picks.

3.) Have the ability to bring fictional characters to life. THE FANGIRLING. THE CHAOS. The high percentage of people getting stabbed. It’d be great.

4.) Create perfect first drafts of my novels. Pretty sure this is the most impossible thing on the list yet.

5.) Be the Doctor’s companion. You know, like the Doctor from Doctor Who? And we could travel through space and time and have grand adventures with plenty of snarky banter in between and and and *peeks out my window to see if the TARDIS has appeared outside my house yet* …Drat.

6.) Live in a castle. “Guys, I want a castle.”

If you expected me to answer with actual serious things on my bucket list clearly you don’t know me at all.

What is a topic that grew curiouser and curiouser the more you studied/researched it?

HMMM. Probably lots of things. I feel as though most things in this universe are just fascinating if you dive into them deep enough. But here in the last few months I’ve been really into (and don’t laugh) Dungeons and Dragons. My goodness, there is so much to this game! I’ve barely scratched the surface. But it is SO up my alley. Lately I’ve mostly just been learning the mechanics. You know, how to actually play the game. But I’d love to at some point get deeper into the lore and world and read some of the fictional books.

I also find it really interesting how much D&D influenced video games. From gameplay, to mechanics, down to even some video gaming slang—it all originated from D&D! I’ve always been fairly into video games, but only just recently got into some D&D stuff, so it’s been interesting to me seeing the sheer amount they intersect.

Yeeeah. I’ve gone full blown geek over here. Don’t mind me…

If you could invite three fictional characters to a tea party, who would they be?

ONLY THREE??? Okay, okay, okay, I can do this!

*deep breath*

Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle (the book Sophie, specifically). Because Sophie is full of sass but also sensible enough that I think she’d be able to keep things in order should they become too chaotic. And, you know, I JUST LOVE HER.

The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. Because he’s my favorite ever and is just the most loveable beanpole and I think would delight in joining in a mad little tea party. Plus the stories he could tell.

And then after the party he could take me as his companion and we’d live happily ever after the end.

Merlin from BBC’s Merlin. Because he is the most precious cinnamon roll in all of fiction and I think he’d love to hear about the Doctor’s adventures and would connect with Sophie since they both have magic and yes.

Okay, this would be the best tea party ever. Why can’t I have the ability to bring fictional characters to life? *sobs*

Which Wonderland character do you feel you’re the most like?

As I mentioned in last week’s post, I’ve always felt a special connection to Alice herself. I can never decide if I’m a chaotic whimsical type or a more practical and logical, because somehow I am both. But so is Alice! She tries to bring logic to the nonsense that is Wonderland while also having conversations with herself and imagining her cat being able to speak. #RELATABLE

Out of all the stories I’ve read, somehow a little child in a book of silly nonsense is one of the most relatable fictional characters I’ve ever met.

I am definitely an Alice.

If you could drink a magic potion that changed one thing about you, what would it be?

Oh dear. There are a lot of things about my disastrous self I’d love to change, not gonna lie. XD

Though…I think that’s the answer right there. To be more confident in who I am. I’m an enneagram type 1 and always expect perfection from myself when lolololol I am one of the most imperfect people out there. But you know what? That’s okay. And yet… I know it’s okay but I still struggle to accept it. In a group of people, I have in my head everyone around me is smarter and better and funnier and more talented, etc., etc., etc. I forget that I have something to bring to the table myself. God made me like I am for a reason. And even if I mess up, that’s okay too. No one expects perfection from me except me.

So yes. I’d like to have more confidence in simply being me. Which, I guess, I don’t need a magic potion for, just some self will and practice. 🙂

And wow, that got deep and personal. We’re going far into the rabbit hole today, folks. AHEM. Moooving on!

How IS a raven like a writing desk?

The brilliant Kenzie said in her post “because they both have quite a bit of screaming going on.” Which is the most hilarious, perfect answer to this question I’ve ever seen. Really, how could I beat that? Kenzie has at last solved the age old riddle!

If you were to make an enemy of Father Time, what time in the day would you choose to repeat?

An hour before sunset.

That is my absolute favorite time of day, when there is still sunshine but it is soft and casting the sky in cotton candy pinks and oranges and purples and the day is winding down into stillness. It’s such a peaceful, beautiful time, and I look forward to it every day.

Plus, it’s usually around supper time, so I could thus be perpetually stuck in a mad dinner party which I think is even better than a tea party because, ya know, there’s MORE food!

It’s a win-win all around.

If you fell down a rabbit hole, what would the land you pop into look like?

I love this question because it seems to imply that the world that appears beneath you will transform and bend to match your preference and personality. Which, frankly, is the dream.

And would make for a really interesting story. Hmmm.

I’d love to say something grand and epic like Middle-earth would appear. Buuut in reality I’d probably land in something akin to Unikitty’s world from The LEGO Movie. You know, Cloud Cuckoo Land.

Yeah. That seems fitting.

But, if I recall, it was near “Middle Zealand” so at least I’d be right by a Middle-earth like world. *grins*

If you could have the body of one type of creature and the head of another (for example, the Mock Turtle has the body of a turtle and the head of a calf), what would that combination be and why?

Well, if I live in Cloud Cuckoo Land, can I just be Unikitty? I mean, a pink unicorn cat that’s full of fluff and flowers and rainbows but is a tad bit scary underneath? I don’t think there’s anything more me out there.

But if not a unicorn cat. What about a CAT-DRAGON?? Like a dragon’s body and cat’s head? That’s somehow both horrifying and amazing at the same time… Yes, yes. I’d be absolutely okay with this.

Have you read or written anything stylistically close to Alice in Wonderland? Tell us about it.

Shockingly, I’ve never written anything Wonderland-ish, if you can believe. But I HAVE wanted to write an Alice in Wonderland retelling since…uh. The beginning of time??

It’s one of those things I am absolutely going to do. THE PROBLEM IS. I have so many ideas and a million directions I could take a Wonderland story and I just love the original story SO SO MUCH it almost overwhelms me. I just want to do so many things with it, plus make something that is truly as delightful and chaotic and eerie as any Wonderland story deserves.

And and and yeah. I want to very, very muchly, it’s just going to be a project. And I’ve yet to have the gumption to plunge into it. But ONE DAY, GUYS. It’s gonna happen!

If you could either be as tall as a tree or as small as a mouse for an hour, which would you choose and what would you do?

Absolutely as small as a mouse! I think it’d be so much fun being tiny for a little bit and seeing the world through the eyes of all the little critters out there. I’d probably spend my hour simply exploring and marveling at how different the world is from down here.

Buuut in reality I’d probably have to spend it hiding from my cat because I have zero doubt in my mind my little beastie of a fluffball would try to murder me.

My kitty child is the embodiment of Lucifer from Cinderella. I make no denials.

If you could give your younger or future self one piece of Very Good Advice, what would it be?

As I’m nearing the ripe old age of 30, I could give my younger self plentyyy of advice. XD But, in truth, the advice I’d like to give is for my past, present, and future self.

That is…

Enjoy the moments.

Because goodness do they go by swiftly. And life changes ever so fast. And sometimes what you think are hard times often end up being some of the best and most golden seasons. So please, please stop stressing over the future. Stop fearing you’re wasting your life. Stop letting the big and small stuff overwhelm you. Just STOP. Stop and be still and enjoy every breath you’ve been gifted with. Because life is hard, but it is good too; it is a gift, and it is such a fleeting thing.

So just enjoy it.

And here we come to the end, O Hares and Hatters. Another humongously sized thanks to all my fellow co-hosts for helping put together this delightfulness. This was such fun to do!

Don’t forget you can join in this tag yourself via your blog or other social media! You can find more details HERE.

And, of course, March Muchness goes all month long if you want to do anything Wonderland inspired to celebrate. This will probably be my last blog post for the month as I’ll be going back to my every-other-Monday posting schedule. But you can definitely find me over on Instagram doing some more March Muchness fun!

Thank you all for joining in the madness with me!

I must know, what’s an impossible thing you’d love to do? And have you joined in on this tag yet? Drop your link in the comments if you have, I’d love to see your answers!

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Nicki Chapelway
March 21, 2022 10:28 AM

These answers are all just YES!

I love your six impossible things, when you become the Doctor’s companion can you swing by to pick me up??? I’ll probably die on the first adventure, but what a glorious death it would be. Also, can I stay in your castle???? I want a castle so bad.

Dude, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, it is so flipping epic (I also am only just now discovering how deep it is as well, I’m still just in my first session—game?—whatever you call it, lol) but YES, the sheer impact it had on video games, my own favorite video game series The Elder Scrolls was so much influenced by it I am eternally grateful. And my other favorite video game Dragon Age is just basically straight up DND with die rolls and dexterity checks when you get damage to see if you get routed or knocked over and stuff.

Cloud Cukoo Land is fun though and I can definitely see you as Unikitty.

These answers were all such fun to read!

Nicki Chapelway
March 21, 2022 10:29 AM

(also I have a small list of fictional characters who need to be brought to life for when you unlock that ability ;P)

Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
March 21, 2022 3:07 PM

Such great answers! I had as much fun reading yours as I did writing mine! 😀
Also, did you know that Unikitty kind of becomes a dragon/cat/unicorn/thing in Lego Movie 2?

March 21, 2022 9:29 PM

I did not realize that I wanted a tiny dragon that could ride on my shoulder, but I TOTALLY do now. XD Not sure what that says about me.

I absolutely relate to your wish for a magic potion. Oy vey…why are we like this?

Ooh, an hour before sunset would be an excellent time to be stuck in. I might join you there…

Rachel Meyer
March 22, 2022 6:57 AM

Very fun! I wish I could be the Doctor’s companion too. Also, I’d love to see the chaos of the Doctor and Merlin at the same tea party.

Heather @ The Frozen Library
March 22, 2022 12:36 PM

Wow, you’re answers are definitely more fun than mine. XD

I thought I had a good answer for the raven/writing desk one, but Kenzie’s is hilarious. XD XD I didn’t get it for a second but when I did I cracked up.

And I definitely agree with your answer for the potion question, I definitely would need some of that too. 🙂

This was such a fun tag! Happy anniversary!

Lemon Duck
March 29, 2022 7:16 AM

Oooh!! I love ALL of your answers (because yes, fictional charactesr to life would be an amazing ability).

Secondly, YESS, DnD!!! I don’t play it myself, but I watch other people play it and it looks like such a blast!!! I hope you get to play it one day, too! So many things to love about that game!

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
April 6, 2022 12:20 PM

Okay, but Cloud Cuckoo Land would be an amazing place to end up. XD

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
April 8, 2022 1:35 PM

Little late to the party (but what else is new 😜) but I love your answers! Such fun and timely advice all woven into one crazy Christine post I just LOVE. And YES I want the potion for making characters come to life! Though I think we’ll just leave all my villains (or just all villains in general—could you imagine the horror of some of those people actually being REAL?!?!) safely fictional unless we all want to die horribly painful deaths. 😬

April 23, 2022 10:39 PM

Being the Doctor’s companion would be amazing. Loved reading your answers!