A Shift of NaNoWriMo Plans + An Invitation

A few months ago, I made a hard choice. Over time this difficult decision solidified and grew and turned into something exciting. And I realized it’s okay to let go of things, GOOD even, because often letting go makes way for new, better things.

If you’ve known me for any time at all, you probably know I’ve been obsessed with NaNoWriMo for many, many years. NaNo a.k.a. National Novel Writing Month, is a challenge that takes place every November to write a 50k word novel within 30 days. Absolutely crazy, yes. Exhausting, definitely yes. Worth it? 100%

The first time I did NaNo was in 2010. I was just 18 at the time and had enjoyed writing most of my life, but I always took it so casually. But then I did NaNo. And I wrote an entire book faster than I had ever done before. And I LOVED IT. It was from that point on that I knew being a writer was really, truly what I wanted. Stories fired up my soul, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

That is when I started a blog. When I made other writing friends, something I never had before. When I began really digging into the craft. And I wrote and wrote and wrote. I partook in NaNo every single year for 12 years in a row. During those years I created so many stories I loved and learned immeasurably about what it is to craft a story.

It has been a beautiful 12 years of wildly writing words as every November 1st rolls around. But all things must come to an end eventually.

The End of One Thing…

For the past few years, the NaNo program has become more and more political. What started as a friendly challenge for all writers has slowly morphed into a space for people to shove their political beliefs down your throats and shun you if you don’t agree.

I was putting up with it for a while because it’s been years since I’ve even bothered taking time in the NaNo forums or being super active in the community. I just liked using the program and doing NaNo with my close writing pals.

But it was when NaNoWriMo sent an email to all their subscribers about something that had nothing to do with writing in any form or fashion and was a stand for a topic so left field and sickening, that I just couldn’t anymore. I have a pretty high tolerance for things and am not a political person at all, but there are certain issues I have to draw the line on.

What’s more, just the way NaNo is handled these days drives me to distraction. If you’re a business, brand, or program, you are supposed to stay within your brand. That’s super basic and obvious marketing, right? And yet these days no one seems to be doing it?? If you’re a writing program, stay in your lane and stick to branding about writing. Using your program as a thinly veiled place to shove your beliefs at people is not good marketing and is going to lose you a lot of participants.

Now, I highly believe in being able to express ourselves and our beliefs. If the individual people on the NaNoWriMo team want to use their personal social media and newsletters and what-have-you to share their opinions, they’re well within their right. But using the entire program for such things and barely even talking about writing anymore? That’s just a bad way to run a program. It exhausts me.

Which is why I’ve had to make a hard decision: I won’t be doing NaNoWriMo anymore.

As someone who at one point firmly believed she’d be doing NaNo nearly every year for the rest of her life, it feels wild publicly announcing such a thing. But sometimes we have to let things go, and for me right now, NaNo is one of those things.

But let me to take a moment to make something exceedingly clear: I do not judge a single soul who is still participating in NaNo. This is an extremely personal decision for me. As I said, I was just getting tired of how the program is being run, and life is too short to keep doing things that bring us annoyance. But if it still works for you, by all means, do it! In fact, if they ever change back to being a more welcoming place for all writers and actually focus on, you know, writing, I may return to it myself. But for now, I need to put some space between it and me.

It’s hard, saying goodbye. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for NaNo. It quite literally changed my world, and for that, I will be eternally grateful to it. But hey, 12 years seems like a good number to leave with. A full dozen. It’s been good.

BUT. There’s more goodness to come…

…the Beginning of Another

You know how I said sometimes you have to let things go to make room for better things? WELL. Just because I’m not doing the official NaNo program anymore does not, in any fashion, mean I won’t still be writing an entire 100k+ word book in a fit of caffeine-induced madness this fall. Once you’ve done something every single Autumn for 12 years, it’s kind of hard to just stop.

You see, for many years now, NaNo is the only time I ever write full first drafts. During the other months of the year, I’m usually editing or querying or doing those “other” writerly things that aren’t first drafting. But I have such an endless source of plot bunnies in my head that demand to be released lest I lose my sanity (or, at least, lose more of it than is already gone). NaNo was always the one time I could set aside all those “other” things and get one of those many, many novel ideas OUT. And I don’t want to stop that. I NEED that motivation and challenge to kick me into actually writing entire books.

So I’ve decided to do my own personal NaNo.

Once I finally made the decision to not do NaNo anymore, I then had to think about what that would look like. Should I still try to write a whole book in November? But that drive wouldn’t be there without NaNo to keep me accountable. There’s something so very motivating about knowing you’re doing a crazy writing challenge with so many others around the world. It’s a surreal experience that I have always held dear.

But I’ve also always, if I’m being honest, hated the timing of NaNo. I mean, during November? Short of December, that seems like the most inconvenient month out of the whole year to lock ourselves away in our writing holes. I do love it being in the fall. That crisp, cool air awakens my spirit and inspires me to write. But right during the month of Thanksgiving and the Christmas season rolling in makes it HARD.

And thus I am creating my own little challenge, similar to NaNo but with a bit different timing.

This year, instead of NaNo, I’m going to try to write a whole book starting on October 15th and going through November 15th.

This way, I’m still within that NaNo time zone sphere to borrow off of its excitement and motivation, but will hopefully not run into Thanksgiving or December. I often end up continuing to write my book after NaNo if I wasn’t able to finish it which means writing through some of December. I always hate when I have to do that. So with this goal, even if I may still have to write a bit past that November 15th end goal, hopefully I can at least be done before December arrives.


An Invitation

As I said, there is something surreal about NaNo. About knowing you’re not alone. You’re right there along with so many others pounding away at your keyboards, chugging down the coffee, and creating, one word at a time. It is magical, motivating, and inspiring.

And so I wanted to extend an invitation for you to join me in this challenge.

I want to keep things simple this year. Should it take off, I may try to grow it as time goes on. But for now, my thoughts are simply to create a Discord server for anyone who wants to join where we can chat about writing, cheer each other on, do wordsprints, and all those delightful writerly things. It would be like a mini NaNo forum.

If you want to join my writing challenge starting from October 15th to November 15th and join the Discord server, simply toss me an email @ Lauriloth(at)gmail(dot)com and let me know! I will happily add you to the list.

As of right now, I’ve not gotten the Discord server off the ground. I’ll do that closer to the actual challenge date. But it would help to see who all would be interested, so if you are, do please email me!

AND if you are doing official NaNoWriMo but still want to hop into the Discord for the community, you are more than welcome to! Since the second half of my challenge will be running into the first half of NaNo, it will all intersect nicely. And, knowing me and my propensity for writing enormous books, I may be writing through most of November anyway as I try to scramble to get my book fully written. *nervous laughter* I’m setting November 15th as a very loose end date, but if it goes past that, I’m not sweating it. The main thing is I’ll be officially starting on October 15th and then just writing until I’m done!

I would absolutely love to have you join me. I’m not putting any strict rules such as you having to start a new draft or your goal needs to be 50k or anything like that. This is more like Camp NaNo where you can come with any project and stay for the company, encouragement, and motivation of other writers working alongside you.

I’m also very open to ideas you may have! Again, I’m keeping it very simple and casual this year. But if you have thoughts on more ways to make it fun, please tell me. I’d love to hear them!

What About Know the Novel?

Some of you may be wondering if this is the end of my annual Know the Novel writers linkup. And I want to assure you that it absolutely is NOT. I will be running Know the Novel just as scheduled, with each part coming at the beginning of the last three months of the year per usual. So keep your eyes peeled for part 1 come early October!

I also hope to still do my usual weekly writing updates here on the blog during the challenge as I do with every NaNo. So many of you precious people have told me you actually enjoy my mad, sleep-deprived rambles. And, truth be told, I love being able to log my crazy first drafting escapades via those posts. Definitely expect to see my usual writing insanity this fall.

Really, the only thing that will be changing is that I’ll be starting two weeks early this year and not using the official NaNo site. Otherwise, things will continue as usual. Late nights, mad writing, too much coffee consumption, and a disastrous but oh-so-satisfying first draft fully written by the end of it.

Truth be told, I am EXCITED. It was hard at first facing the fact that I was giving up something I’ve been doing for twelve entire years of my life. But once I accepted it, a whole new realm of possibilities flooded my mind and relief and thrill replaced the despondency. There’s something so very freeing about starting the challenge within my own time and being able to open it to my close friends.

It’s going to be a good Autumn of writing, guys. A little different, but perhaps even better. And I would LOVE for you to join me.

Whew. There we have it. Pretty big changes for me, but I truly am excited for future things to come. Don’t forget to toss me an email if you’re interested in joining! And if you have ANY questions or ideas, do share them below. Let me know all your thoughts!

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Elissa Nysetvold
August 29, 2022 9:47 AM

Oh Christine! I understand this completely! Between all the political garbage and suspending write-ins (which to me were the heart and soul of NaNoWriMo) it feels like they’ve really lost track of what their own program is all about. I’m definitely interested in taking this challenge with you!

August 29, 2022 10:13 AM

I completely understand this, Christine! NaNoWriMo was such a huge (and FUN!) part of my writing life for several years, but last year I finally cut ties with them after seeing how political they had become. It was both a hard and an easy decision. 🙁 I hope you have lots and lots of fun times with your new challenge!

Edna Pellen
August 29, 2022 3:26 PM

I’m so glad to see other writers talking about this. I left NaNo for the same reasons (especially because the mods began censoring people like crazy so it was hard to have any natural conversation with other writers on the forums), and that’s why I started NoQu. Best of luck with your new ventures!

Deborah O'Carroll
August 29, 2022 4:49 PM

Thanks for sharing this! I hear you. <3 It was also getting to be too much for me to write that much in a month anyway sooo yeah, going to skip official-NaNo, do my own thing, and spread my fall writing out a bit more this year. XD Though it will definitely overlap with yours so yay! Your Discord sounds like a fabulous idea! Also, I keep trying to think of a name for a not-NaNo like this and my idea is something like FallFic or FallFicFrenzy. IDK, just an idea. XD I hope it will go well for youuuuu! ^_^

Nicki Chapelway
August 29, 2022 5:18 PM

I agree, NaNo has been way too flagrantly political lately. I think I ended up unsubscribing from their emails, when they sent that one out I was just so ticked off because like you, I don’t enjoy politics so I don’t appreciate them being shoved in my face every few steps I take. But I still like to use their calculators because the site is good at helping me keep track of how long it will take me to write a certain number of words.

I’ll admit that I haven’t ever been very active on NaNo’s forums, so I only use the site for the word count tracking purposes. But this Discord server looks like a ton of fun! I sent you an email so fast.

And I’m so glad we’re still doing Know the Novel, I’ve already saved spots in my posting schedule for those ones.

Looking forward to this (hopefully) very productive fall!

Emily Grant
August 29, 2022 5:35 PM

CHRISTINE. This is amazing. I know how sad and simply FRUSTRATING this situation is and I never thought I’d lose NaNoWriMo to something like this. -_- That email sickened me and I’ve been thinking about what I should do ever since. I generally have a pretty high tolerance, too, and I just kind of ignored it when they spoke out about other issues… but this, and the fact that they literally asked people to donate in support of it? Nope. No thank you.

I wasn’t sure if I would give up NaNo completely or just refrain from giving them any financial support… I’d just about settled on doing it in spirit and not using the website, and then I see this. YES PLEASE, SIGN ME UP. It’s genius to move it up to start in October. I always find it hard to write during Thanksgiving week, so it’s super awesome that this ends before that. October’s just about my favorite month, too, so I love the idea of starting NaNo right in the middle of all the fall goodness.

This is so exciting, and I can’t wait to join in! Although… I actually no idea what I’ll be writing this year. o_o I have no new ideas begging to be written, which is kind of crazy. Maybe having a more flexible version of NaNo is good, because I might have to end up just working on my current WIP. xD Hopefully my brain will spark a new book by then, though, because I’d honestly hate to not have something new to write. ANYWAY, I’m so excited for this, and now I’m also starting to panic because I’m unprepared in every way. Same as every year. xD

Grim Writer
August 29, 2022 8:01 PM

Agh, Christine I am super excited about this. Methinks I may join the Discord Server. But I’m mostly just excited because I know what NaNo’s turned into and so of course I was wondering if you were going to properly abandon the practice and stop doing Know the Novel and I was so sad at the thought; I look forward to seeing your frenzy posts every year, almost as much as I look forward to the event myself, and quite honestly, so long as Christine and my other favorite bloggers keep posting Know the Novel and excitable writerly posts about their ambitious goals, that’s all I’m here for. 🙂 Although I have found the word tracking/progress graphing software to be somewhat useful/motivating in my own writerly journey…which is why my own alternative to NaNo included Frankensteining an alternative bit of software for that (linked the post in which I made it available, in case you’d like to have a look at it yourself. :D) All in all, I am so so glad to hear that we’ll still have all the jolly fall writing posts from you and I absolutely cannot wait to see what writerly shenanigans and fun you get up to this year. 🙂 God bless you, friend! Tallyho!

Jenelle Schmidt
August 29, 2022 9:18 PM

So…. I’m so glad that you’re still going to be doing your writing frenzy and your Know the Novel link-ups! And I would LOVE to join your discord server. (But I have to edit. Can I edit instead of have a word-count goal? I have deadlines… and I’m slapping my brain because it’s going, “Ooooh, but we could write Echo 2…. it would be fuuuuuuun… it’s all OUTLINED and stufff…..” NO! MUST EDIT. We shall draft new stories when the editing is done, precious).

Erm. Yeah…

I’m so proud of you for jumping out of the familiar and doing your own thing! And YES! Goodness, November is literally the WORST month to try to write a whole novel in anyway. I love your dates, they are much more reasonable.

So excited about this!!!

Merie Shen
August 29, 2022 10:02 PM

I’m so relieved that Know the Novel isn’t coming to an end! That has been one of my favorite parts of NaNo in the past few years, and even though I won’t have time to commit to a writing challenge this fall, I still really look forward to reading about all the WIPs the participants post about <3 I understand your decision to step away from NaNo as well–my writing journey also began there, but I’ve I stopped using the website/program itself for pretty much the same reason. I love your idea for an October write-a-thon though; that sounds like a heck ton of fun! As usual, I can’t wait to see what you’ll be sharing about your WIP for this year!

Rachel Meyer
August 30, 2022 8:40 AM

I personally haven’t decided what I’m doing about NaNo yet. I don’t agree with their views but I don’t know if giving it up is the right choice for me. But I think it’s awesome that you’re sticking to your beliefs and creating your own challenge! I hope it goes well for you.

Catherine Hawthorn
August 30, 2022 9:22 AM

Christine, I am so happy for you!! I too have made the exodus from NaNo because of their recent descent into the political mad-hole. I’ve been bouncing some alternatives around too, but I like this idea :). I’d love to join the Discord server, once it’s up! Will you be making an announcement on the Pen Dragons chat too?

Josiah Dyck
August 30, 2022 9:00 PM

As soon as the email for this post entered my inbox and gave me a notification saying that you were making a big choice concerning NaNo, I highly suspected you were stopping. Especially because of how utterly distasteful THAT email was. I’m super proud of you for sticking to your beliefs and morals, and I completely that NaNo has seemed to lose sight of what it was intended for. As a writing community, they should stay in their lane and not veer off into politics, especially when they know they’ll ostracize some of their audience.

All that said, I’m really hoping to join in with your writing challenge! It all depends on what I end up doing for Inktober, but I’d already been thinking of potentially skipping this year. And I definitely would like to give some more focus and attention to my writing endeavors, especially since Malestrom hasn’t stopped burning on my heart.

And I totally forgot about Know the Novel! If I’d remembered it, I would’ve added it to my schedule for blog posts for the rest of the year! Maybe I can still squeeze it in there somewhere.

Best wishes with your own take on NaNo! I hope your writing goes swimmingly, even better than it has any other year!

Matthew Reisiger
Matthew Reisiger
August 31, 2022 6:10 AM

Hey Christine, it’s Maffles! It’s been a while, I hope you’re doing well. ^_^

I must confess that since I’ve been out of the NaNo circle for several years, I’m a bit clueless on how things have been getting more focused on politics over there. I must have unsubbed from their emails a while back, cuz I didn’t see the email you mention. Regardless, I wanted to hop on and say that I totally respect your decision and I think it’s awesome that you’re doing your own thing! That’s so exciting!

I wanted to return to NaNo this year, I miss it dearly. I’ve already been brainstorming and planning for my novel! But I’m a bit on the fence about what exactly to do now. Whether I decide to go official or join your challenge, though, I’d still love to be part of your Discord server!! That sounds wonderful and I miss having online buddies to write alongside, in addition to my IRL family and friends cheering me on. 😀

I’ll shoot you an email. TTFN!

H.S. Kylian
September 3, 2022 9:14 PM

I left a few years ago and joined a writing camp for Christian ladies but now I’ve left that camp and been going to another one, but…I think I’ll join you this time around!

Tracey Dyck
September 20, 2022 9:12 PM

I’m SO excited for this, Christine! Like you, I’ve backed away from NaNo recently. It’s disappointing to see what SHOULD be a program to motivate and unify writers turn into a political soapbox.

So I love that you’re creating some new–including a community of writers, because that’s honestly half the fun! And that it’s less restrictive like Camp NaNo? EVEN BETTER. Rarely am I at a spot where I’m ready to start a brand new first draft on November 1. XD So the fact that I can just edit my novel and still join the fun is marvelous. Can’t waiiiit! <3

October 8, 2023 3:00 PM

Breaking up with Nanowrimo was amazing. Especially after all of the people they have hurt, I know that Karma will follow eventually.