The THIRD week of FallFic is done. Which means just 1 week and 3 days remain!
I hope this first week of November has treated you all well! Mine has been spent enjoying continuous gorgeous weather, taking lots of walks, and, of course, WRITING. So much writing.
I’m changing up my usual daily log this week to instead share all the behind-the-scenes insanity goodness via my Know the Novel tag! And as there will no doubt be much babbling to come, let’s skip any further introductions and JUMP IN.


How’s the writing going overall?

Yep, that’s about it. I reach the end of every single day zombified but still somehow breathing so we’re callin’ it good.
I kid, I kid.
Things are going well! I feel like this has been the hardest of the three books to write just by the sheer amount of things that need to happen and possibilities of how they can happen, plus my energy has been somewhat lacking, sadly. But, at the same time, every single day I manage to keep the story going. So despite quite a lot of tired days, it’s been so thrilling seeing the conclusion of this beloved series of mine get ever and ever closer.
I’ve been too scared to really read back over hardly any of it though, so who knows what kind of first draft nonsense have spilled out of my fingers. BUT I think the plot itself is coming along quite nicely!
So overall? I’m tired and will be happy to reach the end but also have had some fantastic days spent with my beloved Daystars and am so pleased with how far we’ve all come together.
The end of this series is in sight, you guys!

What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?
Do I have to choose just one? There have been so many different things that have brought me such joy.
Such as…
- One ship fiiiinally readying to set sail and another one that I thought would be a thing but couldn’t know for sure until, well, the characters actually met. But they have. And THEY ARE SWEETER THAN I IMAGINED. It fills my heart with rainbows and sunshine. And also pain because whew boy is there some feels attached with these two… *whistles innocently*
- Character arcs coming to their full fruition. In fact, this past week one of my favorite characters had such an epic moment that was a long time in coming and I’m so, so proud of my bby. *sniffles*
- Certain character reactions that we haven’t gotten much of in the previous two books because I’m the worst and keep separating everyone.
- DANCING. I mean, this is a series about magical dancing, so clearly all three books have a lot. But it feels like this one in particular has so much and I love every bit of it. I seem to be addicted to writing dancing scenes??? And throw in ~magic~ with the dancing and I am here for it.
- My villain. Yes, yes, maybe this shouldn’t be one of the most fun aspects for me BUT IT IS. This person is both suave and sassy and it is far too fun for me. (Not so much for my protagonists but YA KNOW.)
- Really just sass from everyone. I mentioned in another post how at this point everyone is soooo done and they don’t have much energy left for filters and proper decorum. I am not complaining.
- Writing scenes that have been in my head for so long but I knew wouldn’t actually happen until near the end but now they ARE happening and it’s just…surreal.
Yeah, there have been a lot of fun things with this one! But I think it can all be encompassed into one fact: this is a finale. Which means all the character arcs, the ships, the many, many plot threads, just everything are all reaching their peak. At first, I was overwhelmed by the idea of trying to tie my many (many) plot threads up, but as I remind myself I only have to work on one scene at a time, I am definitely finding the joy in bringing everything to its conclusion.

What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?
GAH. You guys know this is a dangerous question for me when it comes to my Daystars.
Aelin is as feisty and disastrous as ever while still somehow bringing the sunshine. And knives. Gotta keep things balanced. She’s done some pretty reckless things (lol what’s new?) but also has done epic thiiings (my favorite, favorite two chapters I’ve written so far were in her POV). There has been some good stuff going on with my stabby sunshine girl and it brings me an immense amount of joy.
Dayana is both hurting my heart and also bringing her own brand of epicness and I am loooving some stuff that has been going down with her. It is proving much better than my original plan for her in this book and I AM PLEASED. Also, homegirl is furious and ain’t taking nothing from nobody anymore. We loves to see it.
Kezrin…well I have lots of thoughts on ol’ Kez but they’re pretty spoilery SO. I will say that he’s still plenty moody and is absolutely the one to shoot first, think later and sometimes I want to shake him but most of the time I want to hug him. Nothing new there.
Tala, as always, is the voice of reason and also over here making plans and gettin’ things done all while trying her best to keep everyone alive and safe which is NOT EASY. Why won’t they just stop rushing into things??? Ahem. Poor Tala. She tries. Though she did do a thing that took me completely by surprise. Let’s just say her righteous anger kicked in big time and she ended up being the reckless one. I loved it.
Rune has not once failed me with his precious adorkableness. If anything it’s reached even higher levels in this book. He’s been shockingly less stabby in this one (Aelin and Kez are making up for it though, no worries) buuut that’s mostly just circumstances. Some stabbiness is coming I know. *wriggles eyebrows*

There are a choice few others characters who I want to talk about SO BADLY and I really shouldn’t. Buuut like I said, character arcs are happening. And epicness. And I’m just so pleased with how things are progressing with two characters in particular.
I seriously do not think I can choose a favorite for this one. I’ve just been so HAPPY being with all my disaster children again. Every single one of them brings me joy.
And exhaust me but detailsss.

Has your novel surprised you in any way?
Ahahahaha. I am pantsing this one so hard. You’d think after having this series in my head since early 2020 and this being a finale and me thinking about this particular book pretty much constantly since finishing the last book a year ago, I would have had a pretty good idea of the events. But somehow…no?? I cannot explain this. But this is how it always goes.
So yeah, almost every day is a surprise as I barely know what’s going to happen from one scene to the next. But SOMEHOW words come every day and the story moves along so I guess flying blind is going pretty okay??
As far as big plot twists, it was book #2 that brought sooo many revelations. (So many. o.o) That last book was really the one to discover all the Big Things. This go round I actually know what’s happening (sorta), it’s just a matter of fixing it all.
Honestly, I think Tala has been my biggest surprise which was so very not expected. I guess with the others I can expect the unexpected. I know they’re going to run off and make crazy plans and be reckless. But having my softhearted, down-to-earth girl being the one to really get things done and dive straight into all the insanity? UNEXPECTED INDEED. But I love it. So much.

Have you come across any problem areas?
Motivation has been an unfortunate issue this year. I am loving being with my Daystars again and am ecstatic to have made it to the finale, but the act of sitting down and writing for the majority of the days has been a bit of a struggle for some reason. I had a lot going on during the couple of weeks leading up to FallFic and I fear I didn’t give myself much recharging time before diving into this monstrous project.
There have absolutely been some incredible moments of writing, but there have also been a lot of times when I’m having to force myself to stay there and keep going.
It’s okay though. Sometimes that’s just how it is with writing. But every single word is worth it and I know when I make it to the end I will be so, so glad I pushed through the hard days. I have to remind myself that I only need to work on one scene at a time and I will reach the end, I won’t be writing this thing forever. One day, one scene, one word at a time. My future self will thank me for not giving up.

What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?
I’d say just being able to get words down and make good progress every single day. As I said above, motivation has been quite the struggle this year but the fact that I’ve made it this far despite so many days of very much not wanting to spend most of my time writing is an encouragement for myself. It’s a reminder to me that I can still create stories even when the muse isn’t being particularly cooperative. Again, it just takes some determination and putting one word in front of the other.
Looking at my document and seeing all that I’ve created even when it was hard definitely feels like a victory.
Also, the fact that we’re not even a full week into November yet and I already have over half a book written! Being as how I’ve always done NaNo, this is the first time this has ever happened and it’s a really exciting feeling. Maybe I’ll not be holed away in my room typing like a mad person this Thanksgiving for once. 😉

If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?
I always go with Tala for this one. Though she is a different personality type from me (ISFJ as opposed to my ENFJ) her Mom Friend persona is totally me. I’m also big on thinking things through and not much one for just leaping headfirst into danger (like the rest of my Daystars *cough, cough*).
She’s also been way sassier in this one and that is definitely me. Sometimes we just get tired of people’s nonsense, okay??

Now would I take different actions from Tala? I probably wouldn’t be nearly as brave. She’s gettin’ things done and I’d probably be like, “Okay but can we just hide and hope things work out??”
This is why I’m a writer and not a protagonist.

Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets!
OOF. Being as how this is a finale it is so hard finding anything that is not major spoiler-y. Even mentioning people’s names are spoilers at this point! And all my favorite, favorite bits are ultra spoiler-y scenes. *sigh*
BUT. I shall endeavor to find a few!
There was darkness. A place of shadows that seeped into him, shoved out every good part, every feeling, every memory, and left a hollowed monster. And death reached out. Cold and quiet. Tantalizing. No more heaviness, no more aching tugs where a heart once beat. Blissful emptiness there for the taking if he simply let go.
Let go…
But he felt her. Warm and bright and pulling. And he couldn’t let go. He had to remember, he had to hold on. He had to call out.
Come find me.
Come find me.
“Come find me!”
(I feel like this whole novel is such a disaster of a first draft, but I do actually like that opening. I’m rather fond of chapter 2’s opening as well.)
Yesterday the world ended. Today they were going to fight to get it back.

Aelin shoved the mountain of fears and worries aside to focus back on the needs of the present. “So it’s agreed then, we go to the kitchen first.”
“Most definitely.” Rune tossed a wooden sword to the side where it landed atop Kez who grunted in protest.
“What are you doing, Rune?” He shoved up from the floor to lean against the door and ran a hand through his hair. Like Dayana, it somehow looked perfect. Sometimes the Zahar siblings were insufferable.

A knock on the doors echoed through the entrance hall.
Tala frowned. “He’s been at it for a good five minutes, occasionally calling for your presence.”
“Then we shall not keep our visitors waiting.” Dayana straightened her shoulders and marched into the entrance hall.
“Day, wait!” Aelin rushed up to her side. “You can’t just open the door to the enemy!”
She didn’t stop walking, didn’t acknowledge the rapid increase of her heartbeat. “You know he can just appear anywhere as he pleases. If he’s going to play a game of cordiality, then so shall we.”
Aelin groaned. “Well for snatching sakes, let one of us at least open the door if we’re going with proper decorum.” She snagged Day’s wrist to halt her in the middle of the room and waved the others over with her charger blade. “Kez, Rune, weapons ready.”

SNIPPET #3 (and one of my favorite scenes in general):
Gently, [Rune] swayed back and forth. “Will you dance with me tomorrow, Tala Ethaldin?”
A flutter of a smile reached her lips amidst her silent tears. “I will always dance with you.”
Movement in her peripheral pulled her back as Calder inched toward the doorway. It was with a pinch of guilt that she had forgotten he was even there. “I hope you will save me a dance too, Calder.”
He froze, turned and looked at them each with that spooked deer-like stare of his. “I don’t… That is dancing isn’t something I’ve ever…” He dropped his gaze, shoulders hunched.
Of course. He lived in a world where dancing was considered menial labor. She glanced at Rune, and his eyes sparked in understanding.
“What if we show you how it’s done?” he said.
Calder straightened but just as quickly ducked back into his coat. “You do not have to.”
“Nonsense. It’s easy. And we could use some practice ourselves. It’s…been a while.” His voice caught on the last word, and Tala’s own throat tightened, but before her tears could return he clasped one hand into hers and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Now, traditionally, the man leads—which is just a way of saying he takes the first step—but true dancing is all about unity, both moving together to create something pretty fantastic.” He grinned at Tala and pulled backward, gliding her forward, and with that single movement, their dance began.
In the middle of the cluttered kitchen, flour kicking up beneath their scuffed boots and clasped hands sticky with dough, they waltzed around the center table, and the thoughts of shadows outside faded, the tangles in Tala’s chest loosened, the exhaustion and fear and unknowns lifted away in Rune’s hold, his smile meeting hers.
After multiple turns around the table, he let go of her waist, held their clasped hands above their heads, and give her a twirl. Her boot caught awkwardly on a crack in the floor and she stumbled, collapsing into his chest to keep her feet. He didn’t miss a step and caught her around the waist again to give her a dip, grinning unrepentantly all the while. She pulled up in fits of laughter.

Ah, my Daystars. All just a bunch of dorks with weapons and reckless plans and cuteness. It’s never boring with them, I’ll give ’em that.

Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)
I am 99.999% sure there is a menagerie’s worth of wild typos to catch in this disastrous novel but I’ve actually not landed on too many hilarious ones? I’m mostly just writing and not reading back over things so as to keep my sanity. Eheh.
Although I did come across this one:
She drew in a beep breath.
Not quite sure how to beep a breath but I guess we all have our talents.
Also this one:
“But then yes, I will be there post host.”
Posthaste was what I was going for. Though “post host” does have a nice ring to it. XD
As far as other interesting things that have happened… Well, I don’t actually have an outline to derail from so really the whole process has just been one interesting wild ride of chaos, randomly throwing out plotlines like darts and hoping they land, and occasionally stabbing people (I feel like I should clarify: fictional people). Though a shocking lack of murder. Yet.

Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!
Um um um. There are words and coffee for sure and tea sneaks in usually and maybe sleep once in a while?? sometimes??? but mostly words?
ALL RIGHT. It’s not quite thaaat chaotic, though it feels like it sometimes.
Morning is, erm, not my best time so I don’t actually start writing until after lunch. Once lunch is done, I get some coffee and if it’s a nice day (which it has been almost every single day of FallFic which has been a gift—I find it so much more motivating to write outside than cooped up indoors) I’ll take my laptop and coffee to the porch and get in the first 1k or so words. Once the coffee is gone (#sadness), I usually move to my hammock for the next little while and get in another 1k or so. Afterward, I’ll go take a walk (look at me, actually doing healthy things, be proud!) and then write more, or if it’s getting late help with supper things and whatnot. After supper, I maaay get another cup of coffee (sometimes, sometimes not, depending on the time), cozy up in my comfy chair in my room, and get in another 1k words or so for the evening. I then put on my jammies and get ready for bed and usually grab some tea for a smidge more writing before catching up on all the things I ignored the entire day to instead, you know, write.
That’s the routine for my heavy writing days. Obviously life happens sometimes but yeah, I’ve been pretty hyper-focused and trying to get in as much writing each day as I can.
Music is 10000% involved. My playlist is the main thing that keeps me going with this story. It’s such a motivator! And, as mentioned, tea and coffee play a huge part. (Actually, I lied. Coffee is the main thing that keeps me going. ;D) I also keep a glass of water at my side basically 24/7.
Social media can certainly distract me but if anything I’m ignoring it far too much and woooefully behind on comments and DMs and everything in between. (So sorry, guys! Your messages mean so much to me and I promise I’ll respond when I find time! <3)
So yeah, just…a lot of writing and probably not enough sleep??
(I’ll rest in December, yeah???)

Super excited to break 80k this week! (Now if only my book was close to being done but eheheheh. #halp)

And there you are! A peek into my journey with this insane book that is both trying to kill me and making me fall in love with this series all over again. Such is the writer’s life.
But I AM STILL ALIVE and am seeing this thing through to the end. Onward and upward, my friends!

Now that you’ve kindly read all my rambles, TALK WITH ME. What do you think of all my nonsense? How has this first bit of November treated you? For those doing FallFic, can you believe we’ve completed 3 entire weeks? And if you’re doing NaNo, how has this (almost) first week been? I want to hear about all the things! Cheering you all on as we dive into more writing! WE GOT THIS.
And don’t forget you can join this linkup yourself HERE!
Awwww, you are amazing, my friend! I can’t even imagine writing 80k words in THREE weeks! You are definitely some sort of magical fae author lady.
I love your snippets and all of your characters sound like such fuuuun!
Oh goodness. *blushes* Nooo. I’m just obsessive and give no stock to my sanity whatsoever. XD But seriously, THANK YOU!!! Your constant support means so, so much to me. And I’m delighted you liked my snippets and the sound of my characters. They, uh, keep me entertained, that’s for sure. *nervous laughter*
80k?? o.o Congratulations, and wow.
BASED ON YOUR THIRD SNIPPET I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR YOUR SHIPS. SO excited. I don’t even know if Tala and Rune are a ship, but… just the way you wrote that tells me that your ships are going to be incredible.
“This is why I’m a writer and not a protagonist.” <<Facts.
Thank you!!! I’m slowly (rapidly?) losing my sanity but it’s allll good. I can try to gain it back once this book is finished, yeah? 😉
MEEP. That makes me so happyyyy!!! Nothing like people shipping your characters! *grins* ALTHOUGH this is not a spoiler to tell you Rune and Tala are actually a couple. It’s not spoilers because they’re a couple before the story even starts. It’s a well-known fact amongst, like, everyone in this story. Haha. But they are sweeties. <3
Gotta love the writer’s life. We can have death-defying adventures without, well, the death-defying part. ;D
Wow – I SO needed to hear everything you said about motivation. I’ve been having a tough time in that area too. Thank you for sharing! Glad I’m not the only one. <3
Love the snippets – and it’s absolutely AMAZING that you’ve written 80k in three weeks! My current wordcount is actually almost the exact same as yours – 82,472. (Though I definitely didn’t write it in only three weeks – more like three months XD) I think I have 40k more words to write before I’ll be done.
Cheering you on! You’ve got this!!! :))
Awww! I’m so sorry to hear you’ve having motivational issues too. It’s such a tough thing–especially when you really do LOVE the story and want to soak in the joy of writing it but…the spark is just not there. BUT it’s still so, so worth pushing through. Your future self will be so very happy you did it. <3
82k-word twins! WHOOO!!! And goodness, this is the ONLY time of the year I write so much. Normally my wordcounts are sloooow in coming. I just push myself extra hard this one time of the year to get a first draft DONE. I’d die if I kept up this pace all the time. *nervous laughter* But thank you so much, Joy! I’m tickled you enjoyed the snippet. ^_^
YOU TOO!!! We’re gonna survive this thing!
Ahhh that third snippet is soooo good! I love the little glimpse of your worldbuilding we get to see in there. The idea that a world sees dancing as labor is fascinating. And Rune and Tala are so cute!! I haven’t even read the whole book but I already love your characters. <3
I was sort of doing FallFic but I spent it mostly fixing my outline, and then from October 27th I started drafting again so I think I only wrote like 3k before the 1st, but since Nanowrimo started I’ve added 6,724 words to my WIP. 🙂 Today after church I’m going to my friends’ house to do some sprints in our little writing club we’ve formed since we’re all doing Nano anyway. 😀 So I’m really looking forward to that.
I know I say it every time but I seriously hope one day this series will be published! It sounds so awesome and crazy and fun and I love it already! I love your writing just from the snippets too. <3 Great job!
*beams and blushes and flails around* Thank you so much, Heather!!! This ALL just makes me so happy, I can’t even. There’s nothing more motivating than hearing people say they love your characters. <3
EEP. That’s so thrilling!!! GO, HEATHER! I hope the word sprinting went well today. That is the best you’ve formed a writing club. That seriously sounds like the most lovely and special thing. Nothing like writing friends to keep the motivation going. ^_^
You’re just going to make me melt into a puddle of happiness with all this niceness! I cannot express how much that means to me and what a motivator it is to genuinely try to get this thing published one day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support! *hugs*
Wow, congratulatons on all those words written! So glad to hear the story’s going well! Those snippets were lovely, especially the last one. There’s just something about the warmth and hope in it…ah, I like it so much!
Aaaaahhhh, Grayce! I don’t even know what to say. This is too nice. *cries all the happy tears* Thank you so much, sweet friend! <3
Man, I can’t WAIT to read this series!
MEEP. One of the best compliments a writer can get. Thank you!!! <3
*falls in love with the characters from the snippets* AHHHH WHEN CAN I READ THIS?!! It sounds SO GOOD and the dancing is just delightful and oh my goodness 80k words? YOU GO! I’m so excited for this series!!!
AWK!!! Your enthusiasm is giving me ALL the happy feels over here I can’t! I’m so utterly thrilled and honored you like the sound of this. Thank you so much, Saraina! This whole comment has made. my. day. <3
Yay! I’m glad you’re making progress Christine!
I love all the snippets you’ve shared. The Daystar crew seems really cool! Good luck with the rest of FallFic!
You’re too sweet, Diamond! It makes me so very happy to know you like the sound of my crazy little crew. Thank you so, so much! For the sweet words and the well wishes. To you too, friend! I hope this month proves to be full of motivation. We got this!
Okok but I love this update, so many crazy things going on!! I’m dying to know what xD That snippet of Tala and Rune though–*melts into a puddle* I don’t really have more coherent thoughts to express here, but just KNOW that this is sounding as epic as ever.
Still one of my best typos I’ve found. XD Good times, good times.
Oh my goodness, Merie. I’m grinning so hard at my screen right now reading your comment, you just have no idea. There are definitely so many crazy things going on and for like the first time writing this entire trilogy I do actually know what’s happening?? ‘Tis a miracle! But it is still definite craziness. 😛
MEEP. So happy you liked the snippet. One of my favorite scenes for sure. ^_^ And just– *happy flailing* Once more, I’m just sitting here grinning. Thank you, sweet friend!!! <3
Aaah, I got super carried away and now I’m LATE!
To be honest, things have been coming up in the past week and I have temporarily forgotten about the know the novel 2… so maybe I’ll release it by the end of November? Maybe???
Ooh, this book sounds good! Let me know if you ever publish it! (That is possible, you know.)
But… editing. I like editing, it’s just hard to get started. I think I’ll have to rewrite my stories at least once, polishing bits and pieces that are too weird/awkward or that I don’t like. And then I’ll have to go through that second manuscript and maybe even rewrite that, or at least heavily edit it. (Is there a specific word count you should aim for with a book?)
(Also sorry for bringing up editing. You have enough on your mind for now.)
Anyways happy four days left of Fall Fic Frenzy! *cries silently*
You’re not late at all! I only posted this a few days ago after all. ^_^ And hey, there is PLENTY of time for you to jump into part 2. We’re not even halfway through November yet. Lots of time still!
And I’m honored you like the sound of this book! It is my dream to have it published one day. I hope to pursue traditional publishing which is…a long process. But maybe one day! I shall certainly try.
I actually rather enjoy editing too! Sometimes I like it more than first drafting because everything is already there and I get to play with it. But it is definitely a process yes. *nervous laughter* Usually many, MANY rounds of editing have to take place. It’s worth it though to have your story at a place where you’re proud of it and it’s polished. So, so worth it. ^_^
As far as wordcounts, it depends entirely on the genre. 80k – 120k is usually the sweet spot for fantasy.
Happy last days of FallFic to you! I cannot believe it’s almost to the end date. Goodness did the month fly!
So excited that you’re making such progress on this (and I love those snippets, especially the opening lines O.O). I too have been on the struggle bus when it comes to inspiration and sitting down to write and not wanting to while also absolutely loving the stories that I’m working on. I’m not a morning person either, try as I might I always seem to wind up writing in the evening and late afternoon. But imagine how powerful I would be if I could utilize mornings as well.
Anyway, I saw your announcement on the server for having finished your book. Congrats! Hopefully I’ll be wrapping up one of my own books this week too (and then there will only be one left to go)
Thank you so much!!! And I’m honored you like the snippets! ^_^
Ah man, I’m so sorry it’s been a struggle for you too! It’s really sad when you LOVE the story and want to enjoy it to its full extent but then…the motivation is not there. I hope a huge dose of motivation comes your way. Because your epic stories absolutely need to be written!
Oh man yes on the morning thing. I often think just how MUCH more I could get done if only I’d use my mornings to do it… But then again, if I get up too early I’d be tired all day and may get nothing done so yeah. Mornings always give me these dilemmas. XD
Aaaahhhh thank you!!! I am definitely excited. And EEP. That’s thrilling you’ve made such progress! I seriously don’t know how you work on so many big projects at once. You’re amazing! Cheering you on as you wrap up this one and get the last one finished!!!