Announcement: FicFrenzy Spring Event + Newsletter!

Calling all writers! I have some very exciting things to share with you today!

If you were around during the fall of last year, you may remember I launched a brand new writing challenge that took place from October 15 – November 15 called the Fall Fiction Frenzy Writing Challenge, or simply FallFic.

For a glorious word-filled fall, a great number of us convened in an exclusive Discord group where we cheered each other on as we made progress on our various WIPs and just had a grand time gathering with fellow writers.

That first event was, more or less, a trial run to see if there was interest in moving forward. WELL. There was a good bit of interest and I am ecstatic to announce that my writing challenge will absolutely be continuing and will not be limited to just a fall event!


The Fiction Frenzy Writing Challenge a.k.a. FicFrenzy

As this challenge is now not exclusive to the fall, calling it FallFic doesn’t quite work (besides, fall lands on different parts of the year depending on where you live on the globe). So I am officially changing the name to FicFrenzy and hope to run three events a year.

The Rundown

FicFrenzy is a writing challenge for inspiring writers to carve time in their busy lives to invest in their creative pursuits all while offering a community for encouragement and accountability.

There is no set goal for each challenge but instead, participants create their own goals, whether it is a certain word count, a set number of pages to edit, multiple projects, etc., etc. The idea is to simply have a designated time to make progress on our current WIPs with a place to support one another.

The true gold of FicFrenzy is the Discord group where the community meets to talk about the ups and downs of writing, participate in writing sprints, brainstorm, share snippets, update on our progress and keep each other accountable, encourage one another, and simply have a fun space to meet with fellow writers.

The main event takes place from October 15 – November 15, but a spring and summer event are coming!

The Spring Event

The second ever FicFrenzy event is coming your way, and I am EXCITED.

FicFrenzy’s first ever spring event will take place from…

March 15 – April 15

As with the fall event, there will be no set goal. Each participant will set their own goal but the Discord group will be open for all the accountability, word sprints, procrastination, and encouragement you’ll need to keep moving that progress ever forward. And this time I’d love to host some virtual writer meet-ups and write-ins for some extra motivation and to get to know one another better!

Though it’s not set in stone yet, I also hope to host a summer one probably from June 15 – July 15. So if you can’t make the spring one, another one is coming!

If this sounds like something you’d like to join and keep up to date with, keep reading because I have one more bit of exciting news.

Join the FicFrenzy Mailing List!

FicFrenzy officially has a newsletter! Moving forward, this is how I will be sharing any and all upcoming FicFrenzy news whether about events, virtual write-ins, and maybe even some coming pep talks. All things FicFrenzy will first be shared via the mailing list, so if you want to keep up to date I highly encourage you to sign up. Don’t worry, your inbox won’t be spammed. Newsletters will come only when there is FicFrenzy news to share.

Sign up here!

    If you subscribe to the newsletter, you will also get a direct invite to the Discord server! Though you do not have to be part of the mailing list to join the Discord or the event. It’s just the best way to keep up to date with all things FicFrenzy.

    But if you do not want to join the mailing list and would still like an invite to the Discord, you can request one by emailing FicFrenzyWritingChallenge(at)gmail(dot)com.

    I was blown away by the interest and excitement of the first event and am utterly ecstatic to ever expand this challenge. There is nothing so motivating as gathering with fellow writers and sharing the struggles and joys of this crazy writing life together. Stories are one of the most powerful things on this earth, and though writing them is far from easy, it is worth it every time. But it’s not something you should have to do alone and without tools to aid with the process. I hope to continue to grow FicFrenzy and make it an inspiring and motivating event to ever encourage the beauty of creating.

    With that said, if you know other writers who’d like to join the event or need an encouraging, friendly environment to gather with other writers, do please spread the word! I have a designated page here on my website with all the info and the mailing list sign-up form you can link people to.

    Find the official FicFrenzy page HERE!

    The spring event launches in just less than a month! I am so excited to join with the FicFrenzy crew again and get some serious progress made on my current WIP. It’s going to be such fun!

    I do hope to see you there!

    Who’s excited?? I am, if you can’t tell. If you have any questions at all, drop them in the comments or email them to the official FicFrenzy email I shared above. I am also always seeking out more ideas to make these events as enjoyable as possible, so if you have suggestions, lay ’em on me! I’d love to hear your feedback. And will YOU be joining the spring event? The more the merrier!

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    Deborah O'Carroll
    February 20, 2023 11:56 AM

    Hurray! I’m so excited for a spring one! 😍🎉 This is gonna be great, I just know it. 😁

    Jennifer Guyer
    February 20, 2023 12:57 PM

    Looking forward to it!

    February 20, 2023 2:13 PM

    AHHHHHHH!!! I am so so excited for thissss! I cannot believe it’s almost time for another FicFrenzy! But goodness knows I need the accountability. XD

    I’m (hoping) to have my current WIP complete by then, but at this point it seems like a bit of a pipedream and therefore I’ll probably be working on Project Sunset during this! Butttt… I have two other story ideas vying for my attention. So we shall see what happens!

    Faith @ Florid Sword
    Faith @ Florid Sword
    February 20, 2023 2:52 PM

    AHHHH this is so amazing! I don’t know if I’ll have time to participate this spring, but I absolutely will in the summer! So so exciting <3

    Lily Keith
    February 20, 2023 5:01 PM

    Hi Christine! How have you been? Ooo, I’m so excited your idea is taking flight! Best wishes that the spring challenge will be a blast!

    Jameson C. Smith
    February 20, 2023 7:19 PM

    So excited for this!

    Kal Tomson
    Kal Tomson
    February 21, 2023 9:47 AM

    I’m so excited for the spring!!!! I loved the FallFrenzy, and I can’t wait for its return!!!!

    February 21, 2023 7:26 PM

    I CAN’T WAIT!!
    FallFic was so fun, and I can’t wait to participate in a Spring edition! I’d love to do a summer one too, if that one works out.

    I get a lot of writing done during events, so I hope to finish my current WIP during this challenge, and maybe plot another story, if I have time. I’m so excited! Thank you so much for hosting, Christine!

    February 21, 2023 11:22 PM

    Ahhhhh, I am SO EXCITED!!!
    I love writing with others, it’s just so much more fun and there’s something really motivating when you know there are other people working hard on their writing too, and you can cheer eachother on! 🎉 (One of the things I’m most excited about on the discord group is having people to sprint with. That’s one my favorite things about writing groups. 😊)

    Thank you so much, Christine, for creating a welcoming, happy place for all of us and for working hard to put this challenge together! I really appreciate it. ❤️ You’re so cool 😎

    Can’t wait to write ALL THE THINGS with everybody in March! 🥳

    Jenelle Schmidt
    February 22, 2023 5:44 PM

    So excited that FicFrenzy is becoming an ongoing thing! It was so fun and lovely this fall… I feel like I had my first “real” nano type experience (that I never really had with NaNo, even on the years that I “won”) and it was delightful. Thanks for creating this place for us, Christine! I’m very much looking forward to participating in the spring event… and hopefully one of these days I’ll actually get to DRAFT something new again!