The Trope Tag // A Battle Against the Tropes

Story tropes—those endless things we all have varying degrees of opinions on. Some we love, some we hate. But what if we pitched them against one another in a great battle of preferences??

I’ll be honest, I love talking about tropes and discussing my favorites vs. the ones I’d like to see dive into a black hole never to be seen from again. – ahem – Tropes can definitely give us bookdragons some pretty strong feelings, can’t they? We all have some we’d far prefer which is why I’m so excited about today’s post.

The absolute delight and genius that is Kenzie @ Featherwick Press created this tag that pitches tropes against one another! Is that not the most brilliant thing? I was thrilled to be tagged by it because OF COURSE I HAD TO PARTICIPATE. I mean, if she had not tagged me I’d have gone all pirate and stolen it, but I guess I’m saved from being a criminal (for now).



It’s all quite simple.

Twelve worthy tropes have been tossed together in twos to battle it out for our favorites. A duel of tropes, as it were. And as I have accepted the challenge, I must put aside my indecisive nature and give my full opinion on which ones I prefer. Not always an easy feat but I shall bravely do my best! Oh, and there’s a bit more to this tag as well which I shall share at the end.

Let the battle beginnnn!


Ah, the classics. I know a lot of people have utterly sworn off these overused tropes, especially the Chosen One, but I am not opposed to a good classic at all. I mean, they’re classics for a reason! Some story structures just work to bring readers back again and again.


Though I am not against a Chosen One story if it’s done well, it’s not one I particularly gravitate toward. I love stories about unexpected heroes. The ordinary people who bravely choose to take on the journey because it’s the right thing to do, not because some prophecy told them to.

But mentor characters now? That is a different story. I LOVE mentors. Whether they’re the good ol’ wizened wizard who will smack sense into you with their staff or an unexpected companion who brings the chaos and wisdom in equal measure, I am HERE FOR IT.

So with that said…

THE MENTOR wins this round.


So the big romance tropes enter the ring!

Well, friends to lovers is always a sweet one. It definitely warms my heart to see childhood besties grow up only to realize they’ve fallen in love. That would probably be the ideal way to fall in love without all the awkward getting to know one another and questioning if you’re actually compatible since, you know, you’ve known each other for ages.


In fiction? I FAR prefer the getting-to-know-one another chaos. And when the chaos brings tension and drama because the two individuals start out despising one another? Mmmm yes. That’s the good stuff. Enemies to lovers is one of my tippity top favorite romance tropes and I have no shame.

ENEMIES TO LOVERS takes the gold without question!


Love potions are…weird things. They can definitely be used as hilarious and/or drama-filled devices, so I’m not entirely against them but ehhh. I’ve never been a huge fan.

But matchmaking chaos? YISSS. Give me all the matchmaking failure stories! (Emma is my favorite Jane Austen story for a reason.) People just causing all sorts of relationship insanity because, though they have good intentions, they’re utterly blind makes me giggle every time. One of my favorite examples of this is The Reluctant Godfather by Allison Tebo. If you need a whimsical and delightful Cinderella story with a hilarious and genius twist in your life, look no further.



Ooooh. Both of these are setups for some fun. I mean, for us to read/watch, not so much for the characters. Being forced on some journey or project with your ex? Talk about uncomfortable. But it also tends to edge into the enemies to lovers trope and I’ve already discussed how much I love that.


The trapped in an elevator trope? That has long been one of my favorites, favorites, favorites. (Which it probably shouldn’t because I have, in fact, been trapped in an elevator before but it was with my two besties and we sat on the floor and sang Christmas carols while waiting for maintenance to pry open the doors so it was fiiine #truestory).

Of course, the trope name does not have to be literal. I think it’s just what it’s called when characters are stuck in close proximity for a certain amount of time? And I LOVE THAT. I do not know what it is about seeing two or more characters forced in some area they cannot escape that excites me every single time but it does. I’m a total sucker for cave-in plots, as overused as they often are. I don’t even know, it’s just fun. Forcing characters to just sit and talk or work together to escape? Yisss, that’s the good stuff. So you can probably guess which one takes the victory for this round…



Marriage pacts have always been kind of weird to me. Like, two friends agreeing to marry if they don’t find anyone better? Erm. Okay?? Not exactly the best basis for a marriage, children. I can enjoy a marriage pact story, but it has to be just the right circumstances to excite me.

But you know what does always excite me? Mistaken identities!

The sheer amount of humor that can come from a simple misunderstanding. And it doesn’t even have to be humorous. It can be intriguing or aching (Cinderella comes to mind) or just interesting. But either way, it’s a fantastic setup for all sorts of delightful complications.

MISTAKEN IDENTITY lands the win with barely a scratch for this one!


Oooh, the final battle of course has to be a tough and close one!

The One That Got Away brings to mind Cinderella yet again (and if you haven’t guessed at this point, I LOVE me a good Cinderella plot). It’s a setup for all sorts of drama and tension and wondering. Never a bad thing.

But I’m not gonna lie. I quite enjoy a good ol’ kidnapping plot. The thing about kidnappings is they don’t have to be nefarious. Now hold back your torches and pitchforks! Let me explain! What if the heroes abduct a person to get them out of a bad situation for their own good, hmmm? How can you not love that? But nefarious kidnappings can be all sorts of fun too. My favorite is when someone is kidnapped and said someone is so obnoxious the Big Bad Villain greatly questions all his life choices. (This is basically the entire plot of an anime called Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle and I cannot recommend it enough–it. is. HILARIOUS.)

If done well, kidnappings can bring alllll sorts of fun. I am a fan. (You know, over fictional kidnappings. Please put the pitchforks away, it’s fine.)

So for this final and epic battle…

KIDNAPPED steals the prize!

(Pun entirely intended.)

And there we have it, my friends! You now know (probably with far more detail than you ever wanted) my opinions on various epic tropes!


Remember when I said there was more to this tag…?


Not only has Kenzie created a delightful and brilliant tag, she has set a challenge for all of us who participate in it. The challenge?

Write a short story using every single trope that we chose!

Right??? Isn’t that the most fun idea ever? I’m already imagining a story involving the six tropes I picked and giggling over it. I really, really want to write this thing! With that said… I genuinely have no idea when I’ll have time for such a thing. But I absolutely hope to try because, oh man, is this gonna be funnn.

Now I am supposed to tag a few people buuut I have the hardest time deciding who to pass tags along to. SO. I’m cheating and instead saying…


If this tag looks fun to you (pst, it is) then absolutely run away with it! I’d love to see you do it!

A huge thank you to Kenzie for creating this! I had SUCH a grand time with it!

Let’s discuss all things tropes! Which are your favorites? Least favorites? Do you have certain ones you incorporate into your own novels or seek out in stories? I want to hear about it all!

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Grace A. Johnson
March 6, 2023 1:06 PM

OOOOOOHHHHH. *graciously accepts the tag* This was AWESOME. And crazily enough, I’m pretty sure I’m with you on every single trope. Especially enemies-to-lovers!!! My all-time favorite, tbh. XD

Grace A. Johnson
March 6, 2023 9:56 PM


ME TOO, GIRL!!! Aughhh. What are some of your favorite enemies-to-lovers books???

Grace A. Johnson
March 8, 2023 12:52 PM

Ooohhh, I really need to read Howl’s Moving Castle! I keep hearing so many good things about it! XD OOH YES B&B!!! MY FAVORITE!! LOL!

Well, of course, Pride and Prejudice, and the Unblemished trilogy by Sara Ella has some amazing enemies-to-lovers vibes woven into the love triangle (which is actually a really good love triangle XD), Beneath His Silence by Hannah Linder, and a whole host of others!

Grace A. Johnson
March 9, 2023 9:28 PM

Aww! YES!!!

YES IT IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!! I can’t wait to see what you think of it when you get a chance to read the series!!

Lily Keith
March 7, 2023 4:04 PM

Ooo, this was so much fun!! I loved your answers, Christine! (and if you get arrested for being a pirate, I’ll gather the fellow writers, blast the Hallelujah chorus over the radio, and we’ll bust you out of jail, like in that epic scene in Enola Holmes XD.)

Anyway, if you ever do write a story featuring the tropes you chose, I’ll bet it’ll be epic!

Faith @ Florid Sword
Faith @ Florid Sword
March 7, 2023 9:26 PM

I AGREE WITH ALL OF THIS. WOW. So so good. Enemies to lovers is just delicious and I LOOOOOVE me a good mentor. I do also love a good kidnapping (in the proper context, of course). Haha. Amazing post and I daresay I need to steal this tag!

March 9, 2023 11:05 AM

I’m literally so excited for this tag in general and seeing you do it was very fun! (Peoples’ favorite tropes are often surprising to me, and it’s always interesting to hear what others like in their books.)

You’ve ACTUALLY been trapped in an elevator? WHAT? It sounds like it was a pretty chill time, but still–I would have probably gone a little bit claustrophobic-crazy, so good on you for keeping your cool.

Okay, I’m starting to think this might *just* be me, BUT…I actually hate mistaken identity. I was thinking about this recently and wondering why that might be, and it actually reminded me of the Mysterious Benedict Society–when I was little I had such a great love of truth (as is the point of the kids in MBS, more or less) that I couldn’t STAND when people were mistaken about something, which led to a fair number of awkward situations with me correcting people, BUT it would have been much more uncomfortable for me to let them stay in their mistaken assumption. Like, squirming inside forever uncomfortable.

I can’t wait to see your short story!!!

March 9, 2023 3:01 PM

That’s fair! Thank goodness for good friends in a situation like that, good gracious.

I just realized it might have sounded like I was accusing people who liked mistaken identity of not being lovers of truth! Whoops! That’s not what I was going for. I just more or less meant to say that my love of truth in real life spilled extensively into fiction in a way that it hasn’t for everyone, lol! I’m glad it makes sense, though. 🙂

Jules @ Maple Quill Penning Magic
March 14, 2023 4:38 PM

This is such a fun post!
All of your tropes in one story sounds so chaotic and amazing and I would LOVE to see it if it ever gets written and you’re willing to share!

Katie Hanna
April 4, 2023 5:12 PM

Ack, this is so much fun!!! I might have to do this tag myself… I could probably cook up a pretty hilarious Havok story using this formula 😉

November 8, 2023 2:15 AM

Okay, this is great and all, but how did we manage to have the exact same answers to every single question? 😂 Did you ever manage to stuff all those tropes in a story? I tried my best, but couldn’t make it. I did shoehorn in an actual elevator scene, though.

November 8, 2023 5:18 PM

Yup, we both have exceptionally good taste in tropes, it seems.

No, no, you didn’t forget. You just got busy doing other brilliantly literary things and this fell by the wayside, that’s all. I’d be impressed if you even tried to put all these tropes together in a story, whether the elevator is literal or not. Good luck!