FicFrenzy’s Summer Event is Coming!

Hello, my friends! I have some exciting news to share today with all my fellow writers.

I hope this spring has been filled to the brim with loveliness for you all. It’s hard to believe we are on the cusp of summer (though the temperatures in my neck of the woods have decided summer is already here, no matter the date). I must admit, summer is not exactly my favorite season, BUT there is an excitement encompassing the season that cannot help but draw me in.

Sunsets on long evenings, the sound of fireworks, pool days, the smell of hamburgers on a grill, a sense of freedom—summer certainly has its own appeal and is often filled with fun activities and events.

And with the change of season and coming of freer days, I’m offering an event of my own…

FicFrenzy’s Summer Event!

Last fall, I created the Fiction Frenzy Writing Challenge a.k.a. FicFrenzy. Much like NaNoWriMo, it ran for about a month and encouraged writers to, well, write! But with the bonus of writing with other writers and sharing in that camaraderie of reaching goals together. It was such a grand time that I brought it back for a spring event. And now FicFrenzy is returning for the third time for its first-ever summer event!

FicFrenzy’s Summer Event will take place from June 15th – July 15th

As with the previous events, there is no set goal. Instead, each participant creates their own goal. The point of the event is to gather with fellow writers, make progress on our projects, and just HAVE FUN!

Info + Discord Group

The true highlight of the event is the official Discord group. There we all talk about the ups and downs of writing, share about our WIPs, cheer each other on, and just have a grand ol’ time chatting about, well, a little bit of everything.

(FACT: Writers know how to have the most fun.)

If you’re looking for a little extra boost of motivation to get some writing done this summer and want a fantastic space to hang out with writers, FicFrenzy is here with open arms. We’d be absolutely thrilled to have you along!

For more info and instructions on how to join the Discord group, click the link below to find the official FicFrenzy page.


I’ve just launched a new feature for FicFrenzy and it’s a particularly fun one.

FicFrenzy’s Five Factions

What are the Five Factions?

The FicFrenzy Five Factions are essentially special clubs for FicFrenzy participants. Each Faction is based on an animal and covers certain characteristics and habits of the different types of writers.

Every Faction has a private channel within the Discord server where the members can gather with their fellow Faction Friends. Basically, it’s like Camp NaNo cabins and Hogwarts Houses combined.

How Do I Join a Faction?

All the Faction fun takes place in the Discord group. There, you will find a channel labeled #factions-info with all the information on joining (it’s super straightforward).

There is no requirement to join a certain Faction. It is entirely up to you which one you’d like to be a part of, whether the description fits you, you simply like that animal, or just want to join your friends in a certain one. You are free to pick whichever one appeals to you most!

Do I Have To Be Part of a Faction to Join FicFrenzy?

Nope! It’s all just for fun, but if you prefer not to be a part of one, that’s no problem at all. The core of FicFrenzy will always be about the whole community, and all other channels outside of the private Faction channels are open to all FicFrenzy members.

With that info out of the way, let me introduce the Factions themselves…

The Five Factions

  • The Castle of Commendable Cats

Lovers of fluffy fiction? Dark and sharp stories? Slower-paced tales? Wildly fast action? All of the above? The Faction of the Commendable Cats covers a wide array of interests. But whether they embrace their cute, sweet side or bring out their claws, they are never boring. The Cats are here to entertain and entertain well. And they also very much know the benefits of a good nap. Perhaps they get a little distracted by new and shiny things and keep odd hours, but often the best things come from chasing opportunities, however and whenever they arise. Tall and glittering in the midst of rolling green fields, their castle is covered in windows, perfect for sitting in sunbeams within rooms filled with all manner of snuggly cushions and blankets (and the occasional random box).

  • The Fortress of Formidable Foxes

The Formidable Foxes take stories by the ears and run with them. Though their approach can seem wild and frenetic, do not be fooled; there is a method beneath the madness. They believe in tackling stories with full force and not letting anything stop them. It is quite common to see them clacking wildly away at keyboards late into the night, though they are just as likely to keep at it during random hours throughout the day as well (and almost always with snacks on hand). Creativity often comes with chaos, and the Foxes are not afraid to embrace it wholeheartedly. Only the sharpest of eyes will find the entrance of the Foxes’ fortress—a hole within a mound in the forest. But inside is an enormous homely cavern filled with warm fires, cushioned corners, and all manner of hidden nooks (for secret snack stashes, of course).

  • The Hall of Heroic Hedgehogs

Whether they are penning giant, epic tales or weaving stories portraying the importance of the quiet, little things, the Heroic Hedgehogs tackle their pursuits with courage. They know there is no such thing as an unassuming story—every tale has an essential place in the world. They are highly loyal to the things that matter to them and will stand firm in their beliefs but also deeply appreciate the little good things in life. Hidden deep in the woods, you will find their great hall but its grandeur belies its comfortable interior. Inside is a maze of rooms filled with plant life and dim and cool nooks to burrow oneself in, perfect for sleeping during the day, as the Hedgehogs often are found scribbling quietly but determinedly at night.

  • The Observatory of Opulent Owls

Explorers of all the great things in life, the Opulent Owls are well-read and well-researched. They understand the value (and often just pure fun) of knowledge. Often the best stories are in the little details, and the Owls love bringing those things to life. Their interests cover a wide variety, but they are intent on each of their pursuits. Though they frequently disappear for a time as they pore over their latest project, they are deeply loyal and are there for a wise word and a helping hand when asked. Up atop the mountains, their magnificent observatory reaches to the sky, filled with books, splendid inventions, and, of course, the most pleasant of perches.

  • The Tower of Tenacious Turtles

Slow and steady wins the race. As their name suggests, the Tenacious Turtles are renowned for their tenacity, knowing one careful step in front of the other will result in a met and well-earned goal. One does not need to rush to be successful. They believe that the best things in life are reached through patience and perseverance. Tucked away in a forest clearing, you will find their tower nestled at the edge of a cool pond. Within, the tower boasts a great number of cozy rooms offering space for those who prefer a private atmosphere for writing. Though it is rumored that instead of stairwells, twirling ramps provide plenty of entertainment for sliding down from the higher rooms.

Participants are already starting to settle into their chosen Factions and it’s a grand ol’ time! Which one will you choose? In the Discord group, head to the #faction-requests channel to request your Faction Role!

A Call for Pep Talks

In addition to the event, I’d love to gather pep talks to send out via the FicFrenzy newsletter as a dose of inspiration to the participants, and I’m looking for volunteers! Would you like to share some writing encouragement during the event?

If you’d like to do a pep talk, emial ficfrenzywritingchallenge(at)gmail(dot)com and pitch your idea! Though I am only looking for 2 to 3 volunteers, if more reach out your pep talks may be used for the fall FicFrenzy event!

The ideal length for a pep talk would be 500 – 2k words, and a bio, author photo, and any social media and/or book links can be added at the bottom if you choose to include them (though it is certainly not required).

NOTE: All pep talks are required to be family-friendly, and I have a right to turn them down should I find them unsuitable.

I am absolutely ecstatic about this third event! FicFrenzy has been such a joy to me. The whole community has truly been the most fun, encouraging, delightful crew. I’m so blessed to have my FicFriends! I cannot wait to gather this summer and make progress on our WIPs!

My main goal is to continue the cutting/polishing round of edits on my current WIP. I’ve been slowly but steadily making progress there and I’d love to see it close to finished, if not fully finished, by the end of the event. We’ll see if that actually happens. *nervous laughter* But either way, I know FicFrenzy is going to be just the motivation I need to keep at it.

Don’t forget to head to the FicFrenzy Page for all the info. There you’ll also find the sign-up form for the newsletter and instructions on joining the Discord group. And if you know of other writers who would be interested, do please spread the word!

Let’s create some magic this summer, friends!

Who’s excited?? (I AM.) Will you be joining FicFrenzy’s first summer event? Which of the Factions fits you the most? And who’s looking forward to summer? Any exciting plans? I’d love to hear it all!

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Deborah O'Carroll
Deborah O'Carroll
May 29, 2023 9:44 AM

Woohoo! So much excitement! *happy flailing* And, erm, same about not being a fan of summer heat, but at least there are some cool summer things as well. XD Not sure if I will manage to join this FicFrenzy but I certainly look forward to doing another one someday, whether soon or in the fall, because YESSS, IT’S SO DELIGHTFUL AND ENCOURAGING! I wish you all the best on your edits. You’ve got this!!!

Jenelle Schmidt
May 29, 2023 1:18 PM

Yay!!! I’m so excited! I’m hoping to start drafting the sequel to An Echo of the Fae… though it’s not like I have anything else to do… (hehe, side-eyes the monstrous pile of editing about to land on my doorstep around the end of June…) ahem. But I need to draft something new or I’ll go batty.

The Nutmeg
May 29, 2023 6:48 PM

Ack what fun! Methinks I shall be participating. (Also, how have I not joined FicFrenzy before now?)

Daley Downing
Daley Downing
May 30, 2023 6:32 AM

You realize that you may have people attempting to cobble together two or more of the factions, scrambling to create bizarre hybrids that hit all the peak writing traits AND get all the coolest locations? Or, is that just me…? Ahem. Anyway, this is a great idea, and I hope it all goes astoundingly for you and the participants!

Faith @ Florid Sword
Faith @ Florid Sword
May 30, 2023 9:19 AM

EEP how fun! I may join this time (although probably not on Discord, as I stiiiiiill refuse to make an account over there because I am stubborn). I love that you’ve started this, Christine!

Lily Keith
June 20, 2023 3:11 PM

*slides in super late* Eep! I’ve already signed up and am really enjoying it! Thanks so much for hosting, Christine!

July 27, 2023 8:14 AM

Oh wow this looks like a lot of fun! I’m too late for the summer event so I will wait patiently, or not so patiently, for the next one 😀 .