Know the Novel Part 2: Within the Writing of The Timekeeper and the Librarian

We are PAST halfway through NaNoWriMo!!! And it is time for me to once again throw out a sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated writing update your way. Woot, woot! This week I’m participating in my own Know the Novel linkup, of which you can find HERE! And join yourself! It will be open for all the rest of the month, and I’d love for you to hop in on the fun. Before I get to answering the questions I must first flail a little bit. Because as of November 13th… I WON MY TENTH NANO IN A ROW!!!   Last Wednesday I hit…

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NaNoWriMo 2019 Update: The First Ten Days

  And, just like that, the first week of NaNoWriMo is done and we’re on week two! WHAAAAAT. I do hope the mad dash of writing is going well for my fellow Wrimos! I’m honestly not sure if I’m alive. This could very well be a ghost writing this post. But hey, I’m having fun! LIKE A LOT OF FUN, SO. #ZombiesCanHaveFunToo Actual footage of Wrimos at work. I’m super stoked to ramble a bit about how my first week fared. Usually I do a day-by-day recap to keep things organized but this year I thought I’d try something new…

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Know the Novel Part Two: Within the WIP – A Writers Linkup

Oh, look at that, it’s Novemeber. And we are FOUR DAYS INTO NANOWRIMO WUT. Now that the writing has come into full swing, it’s time for Part 2 of the Know the Novel linkup! If you missed it, for these last three months of the year, in honor of NaNoWriMo, I’m hosting a linkup geared toward sharing our awesome WIPs and the writing process with our followers. Last month in Part One we introduced our novels and YOU GUYS. I was just drooling over all the beautiful novel ideas you people have. SO MUCH IMAGINATION. I was also sooo honored…

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Know the Novel Part 1: Introducing The Timekeeper and the Librarian

All right, elflings, I have teased you enough. It is at last time to reveal my NaNoWriMo ‘19 novel! Since, ya know, NaNo starts THIS WEEK (?!?!?!), I figured I should probably actually tell you guys what I shall be consumed in for all of November. I’m going to participate in my own Know the Novel linkup to share all the fun. I have been LOVING seeing everyone else join the linkup. SO MANY GOOD STORY IDEAS. Seriously, you people have brilliant minds. I cannot wait for all these amazing stories to be written! If you haven’t joined in but…

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{Book Review} Dark is the Night by Mirriam Neal

  Synopsis Skata only has one goal in life—to seek out the vampire who turned his wife and kill it. When he finally tracks the vampire to the small nowhere town of Salvation, South Carolina, he realizes he has stepped foot into something bigger than himself. He's going to need help—and that help may come in many forms. Between the vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, and an unusual preacher, Skata may be in over his head. Amazon (Paperback) | Amazon (Kindle) | GoodReads | Author’s Website Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, many years ago, I discovered a…

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The Genie Can Dance {A Faylinn Short Story}

I have a new Faylinn short story, and this one may be my favorite yet!  For Newcomers: Each month Arielle posts a prompt on her writing blog that goes along with Fairy Tale Central's featured fairy tale. I’ve been writing prompts for it of a continuing story about a wingless fairy and banished prince, Raylinn and Finn, or “Faylinn” as is their designated ship name…and their tag along sassmaster, Zayd. The Previous Stories: Deal or No Deal (A Rumpelstiltskin-inspired story and the first introduction to these characters) Let Down Your Hair?  (A Rapunzel-inspired story) It Ain't Easy Having a Genie…

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Know the Novel Part One: Introduction – A Writers Linkup

Happy October! It is officially the month before NaNoWriMo! *muffled shrieking* And in honor of “preptober” (a.k.a. NaNo plotting month) I’m bringing back…Know the Novel! “Um, you’re bringing back what now?” some of you may be asking, after you finish screaming at the reminder that NaNo is lessthanamonthawayWUT. No fears! I shall explain all. Read on, my dear writerly frens! Introducing… KNOW THE NOVEL   THE INFO Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. I first created it last year and it went over really well. I’m…

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{Book Review} The Book of Secrets by M.L. Little

  Synopsis After Gabriel Draven smuggles home the Stone of the Seven Realms, his fear of facing consequences launches him and his oddball family on a rollicking run for their lives across the world they only thought they knew. As his journey takes him out of his realm and into another, Gabriel discovers that the deepest mystery lies at the heart of his own family, and he must do whatever it takes to find his way back home. Strong and unapologetic, full of vivid, well-timed simile and lilting rhythm, bright with humor, at times bursting into a depth of pure…

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The Silmaril Awards 2019 Awards Ceremony: Least Competent Henchman

At last the day has arrived! You sent in your nominations, you made your votes, and, finally, it is time to see who will walk away today with the prize! Welcome to the awards ceremony for the Least Competent Henchman! *trumpets and fanfare* The buzz of the great crowd echoes from inside the…warehouse? I frown as I step up onto the stage, or what’s supposed to be a stage, but, in reality, is nothing more than a bunch of boards nailed up on top of some slabs of stone. What suspiciously looks like bed sheets hangs behind the “stage”, posing…

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That’s Definitely Not Granny {A Faylinn Short Story}

And I am back with this month’s edition of my Faylinn stories!  For Newcomers: Each month Arielle posts a prompt on her writing blog that goes along with Fairy Tale Central's featured fairy tale. I’ve been writing prompts for it of a continuing story about a wingless fairy and banished prince, Raylinn and Finn, or “Faylinn” as is their designated ship name…and their tag along sassmaster, Zayd. The Previous Stories: Deal or No Deal (A Rumpelstiltskin-inspired story and the first introduction to these characters) Let Down Your Hair?  (A Rapunzel-inspired story) It Ain't Easy Having a Genie (An Aladdin-inspired one,…

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