{Book Review} Not Write Now by Kyle Robert Shultz

  SYNOPSIS You’ve read all the self-publishing pep talks. Your book still isn’t published. Or finished. So why not try a different approach? Not Write Now isn’t like any book on writing you’ve read before. It won’t tell you to get your hiney in the chair and write. It will tell you to do the exact opposite. Acclaimed fantasy author Kyle Robert Shultz launches a reverse-psychology attack on your creative blocks that will leave you more eager and determined to write than ever. And he'll give you plenty of laughs along the way. This may not be the creativity book…

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How to Get the Most Out of Realm Makers (and Other Writers Conferences)

It’s writers conference season! And um, guys. REALM MAKERS IS LESS THAN TWO MONTHS AWAY. *muffled shrieking* If you don’t know, Realm Makers is a writers conference geared toward Christian speculative fiction writers and seriously the BEST place to be. I went last year for the first time (you can read my recap of it HERE) and it was, without a doubt, one of the greatest experiences of my life. 50/10 recommend. I know a lot of you are going to RM this year (AND I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU AND SEE SO MANY OF YOU AGAIN *SQUEALS*) or…

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{Linkup} The Language of Worlds: Karis

Another round of The Language of Worlds has arrived! And Liv has brought us a fabulous set of questions! Just in case you have no clue what I’m talking about: The Language of Worlds is a writers linkup created by the magical unicorn that is Liv K. Fisher. Every couple of months she throws out 10 questions which we can then answer for any one of our original characters. It’s suuuch a great way to dig deep into your characters, as well as share fun tidbits about your story, AND see what other bloggers are writing too. Because we bloggers/readers…

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Let Down Your Hair? (A Rapunzel Short Story)

I have returned with another Raylinn and Finnigan short story for you guys! Okay, so you might not know what I’m talking about? Over on my other blog I co-author, Fairy Tale Central, we feature a specific fairy tale each month. As part of that, we thought it’d be super fun to have a writing prompt to go along with that month’s featured fairy tale. Thus, on the 3rd of each month, Arielle posts the prompt over on her writing blog, Intuitive Writing Guide, which you can then take, write a piece inspired by it, and leave a link so…

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The Five Keys to Telling a Great Story According to Tangled

Over on Fairy Tale Central, my other blog I co-author with Arielle and Faith, we’ve been featuring the story of Rapunzel for all the month of May. And, naturally, when one thinks Rapunzel, they’re minds probably jump straight to TANGLED. I adore the original fairy tale of the girl with impossibly long hair stuck in a tower. The concept is rather fascinating, with such great story fodder. But my absolute favorite adaptation is most definitely Tangled. Actually, my favorite animated movie of all time is Tangled. Which is saying something, ‘cause I like a lot of animated movies. BUT GUYS.…

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Avengers: Endgame Review [SPOILERS]

So I saw Endgame. Yep. *ETERNAL SHRIEKING* Annnd that’s basically the extent of my thoughts. Juuuust kidding. I have thoughts. SO. MANY. THOUGHTS. I wasn’t originally planning to even do a review. Have I ever done a movie review here??? I don’t think I have. I usually stick to book reviews. And everyone and their pet tree has done an Endgame review. Do we really need another one? But. WELL. I’ve been faithfully following the MCU for a decade now. That’s a long time. It didn’t seem right to let this big finale of the MCU as we know it…

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At Your Service – A Flash Fiction Piece Published at Havok

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned I had a flash fiction piece that would be featured on GoHavok.com. Well. THE DAY HAS ARRIVED! If you like disastrous (semi-magical) dinner parties, then you can head on over to Havok and read my piece! CHECK IT OUT HERE! It will only be available to read TODAY (May 8th) though, unless you’re a Havok member. Also, it’s a little funky over there with the comments. If you’re not a member and try to comment, it’ll act like you can’t. But you CAN. All comments will go through. It just looks like it…

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Seven Story Elements I Love to Write

I think every writer, no matter how many books they produce, have certain story elements they return to again and again. It’s like a fingerprint we leave in our stories, or a promise to our readers that they will always find these things within our tales. And it’s for ourselves as well. We write because we love it. That is the core of why we do this crazy story-making thing. And there’s just some things we love too much to only write about in one story. On twitter there was a tag going around asking “How you know I wrote…

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Deal or No Deal {A Rumpelstiltskin Short Story}

As part of Fairy Tale Central, Arielle, Faith, and I thought it’d be super fun to share a writing prompt each month that goes along with that month’s featured fairy tale. We can then take the prompt and write a piece based off of it on our personal blogs AND have YOU GUYS do the same if you want. That way we can share ALL the fairy tale love! It’s just so, sooo much fun reimaging fairy tales. And this is a great, quick way to play around with all the many possibilities. If you missed it (thought probably not…

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag

GUYS. Avengers: Endgame comes out THIS. WEEK. I can’t believe how close we are. I don’t think I’m readyyyyy. *flails* Since “we’re in the endgame now” (lololol sorry, couldn’t help myself), I’ve decided to create a Marvel tag! I’M EXCITED. I wanted to do something Marvel-y today, and I thought why not make a tag where we can all flail in the Marvel goodness? Dis gonne be fun!   GUIDELINES (‘Cause who needs “rules”?) Feel free to include the above graphic somewhere in your post (but it’s definitely not necessary). Take the questions and answer them on your blog (or…

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