The Reluctant Godfather by Allison Tebo – Book Review, Blog Tour + Giveaway

Today I am absolutely thrilled to spread the word about one of the most delightful stories I’ve ever read! The blog tour for The Reluctant Godfather starts off today, and not only do I have a review for you guys, an epic giveaway is going on! All the info on how to get in on that goodiness is at the end of this post. So be sure to stick around! But first… THE BOOK   Burndee is a young and cantankerous fairy godfather, who would rather bake cakes than help humans. A disgrace to the fairy order, Burndee has only…

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Rooglewood’s Final Fairytale Contest Reveal

I’M BAAAACK!!! My blogging hiatus is officially over. For…the most part. My posting maaay be a smidge sporadic for a bit, but I will eventually settle back into my every Monday posting. I PROMISE. And I still may not be commenting on blogs as much as I like and such. BUT I HAVE MISSED YOU GUYS. DESPERATELY. And hope to start settling back into being active as best I can. But GUYS. Have I returned with some frabjously exciting news! Rooglewood Press is ready to reveal the fairytale chosen for their 4th and final contest. For a few years now,…

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Some Rambles About Life + Shameful Confessions + May Hiatus

Sooo…I’m going on another hiatus. *cough* My perfectionist self is beating me up over this since I already went on one in January. I can’t go another month not posting on my blog. I post every week. THAT’S THE RULE. But, ya know, January was a few months ago. And I don’t think the world will explode if I go another few weeks without posting…? Maybe? Hopefully? Okay, but for reals, this wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I think it’ll be for the best. See, I have a lot going in May. As in THREE graduations three weeks…

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EXTROVERTED WRITER: The Struggle is Real (and so are we)

According to #Society, I’m a unicorn. I mean, I’ve never confirmed nor denied this claim. I could be a majestic, magical creature that rides on rainbows. *smile, smile* But in this particular case, I’m talking about the fact that I DON’T EXIST. (Which, again, could be true. Maaaybe I’m a figment of all your imaginations. *wriggles fingers in the air making scary ghost noises* Whoooo.) Because, you see, I am in fact an… EXTROVERTED WRITER. *collected gasp* But but but. That’s not POSSIBLE. Those don’t exist! Should we sell it to science to be studied? Should we protect it before…

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Dual Character Inquisition Tag – Larke and Marigold

Hello, my lovelies! I hope you all had a blessed Easter yesterday! Today I’m doing something fun. About 34543998 years ago (or a few months, but who’s counting?) I was tagged by Kate @ Story and Dark Chocolate for the Dual Character Inquisition Tag. Then, just recently, Tracey @ Adventure Awaits also tagged me for it. I’m sure all of you are aware that I’m the worst about never getting around to tags (which is odd, because I love tags! I am a paradox, guys), but this one I just had to do. Because, hello? IT’S ABOUT CHARACTERS. And you…

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What Beauty and the Beast Means to Me

 DISCLAIMER: I’m just going to start out and say this post has nothing to do with the new live action Beauty and the Beast movie. So if you’re groaning thinking, “Another post about that movie?” No fear! This is about the ORIGINAL FAIRYTALE. I’ve actually been meaning to write this post for, honestly, a couple of years now. And I thought since Beauty and the Beast is on everyone’s mind, this would be a great time to finally get around to it. Secondly, I want to make it clear that this is an OPINION post, not a FACTS post. As…

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{Book Review} The Assassin’s Daughter by Jameson C. Smith

For most of her life, Katira has trained to take on the role of assassin. While it’s far from the life she would have chosen, the law known as the Inheritance Proclamation dictates that she must follow in her father’s profession. At seventeen, she’ll be expected to use her training on a real assignment any day. When new information about an old fugitive brings questions about Kat’s past to light, she must make a choice: Prove her loyalties to the Tederan Order and their laws, or become a fugitive to search after answers she may never find. Amazon | Kindle…

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Beautiful People – The Dragon {March 2017}

  Visit Sky @ Further Up and Further In or Cait @ Paperfury to join the BP linkup! I am super pumped today! Becaaaause it’s Beautiful People time! I haven’t done just a good ol’ classic BP in ages. Beautiful Books was going down in October through January, and then I skipped February’s BP (oops). It was SEPTEMBER the last time there was just a normal BP for me to do. I HAVE MISSED IT. I figured since I am (read: supposed to be) editing my Beauty and the Beast retelling, Burning Thorns, I should do a character from it.…

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The Making of Shadowed Eden – Guest Post by Katie Clark

I have something fun for you guys today! Remember that book I reviewed a couple of weeks ago, Shadowed Eden? Well, today I have the author, Katie Clark, herself sharing with us her inspiration for the story! I, for one, absolutely love getting an inside peek at how each novel is made. It’s fascinating how one spark of an idea turns into a whole world, characters, an entire story we love. And how we all get ideas differently! So, without further ado, I shall hand the reins over to Katie herself! ___________________________________________   The Making of Shadowed Eden Have you…

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Musings of an Elf’s 6th Birthday!

Why yes, my Monday post is a day late. But that was on purpose becaaause… TODAY IS MY 6 YEAR BLOGOVERSARY!!! Yep! On March 14th, 2011, I published the first post here on Musings of an Elf, and thus my blogging obsession began. It’s a bit surreal to realize I’ve been blogging for 6 full years. THAT’S A LONG TIME. But it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. Honestly, in my head, this blog is still a little baby blog and I’m an amateur blogger. And yet, on the other hand, I can’t imagine a time I wasn’t blogging.…

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