Flash Fiction – Into the Rift

Confession: I never write flash fiction. I basically never venture out and write anything but whatever current novel I’m working on at the time. I always feel guilty writing something else when I already have a novel that needs my attention, so I. . .never do. BUT right now, since I finished Burning Thorns, I don’t actually have a current writing project going. I’m free. So I did the unthinkable. I wrote a flash fiction piece. Bum bum BUMMM. My Pack (my online writing group of fabulous girls) has this thing called “Writer Dares” where we post random writing prompt…

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Five Glass Slippers Book Review

One Beloved Story - Five Exciting Writers - A Collection to Cherish! What happens when Cinderella is so painfully shy that she cannot bear the idea of attending the royal ball? Or when the slipper fits . . . but on the wrong girl? What happens when Cinderella is determined to oust an imposter prince from her rightful throne? Or when she is a cendrillon miner working from a space station orbiting a cthonian planet? What happens when Cinderella, a humble housemaid, is sent with a message for a prisoner trapped in a frightening fairy circus? Here is Cinderella as…

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Beautiful People – Iavin and Cael {Friendship Edition}

Hello, peoples! We are halfway through August (wait, WHAT??? Shouldn’t it still be January or something?) which means the newest edition of Beautiful People has been up and going for a couple weeks and I’m just now getting to it. Per the norm. I do like to be fashionably late after all. *flips hair* (Okay, I’m really the one rushing around like a mad octopus because I’m already half an hour late to where I need to be and haven’t even left the house yet. Ahem.) This month’s BP is a little different. In honor of National Friendship Day (August…

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Burning Thorns Snippets

Hello, hello! In celebration of finishing Burning Thorns I thought I’d share some snippets. Since I have been (and will be) jabbering on and on about it, the least I could do is show you some of it, right? As always, this is first draft material here, so read at the risk of eyeball injuries. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Oh." She was silent for all of three seconds before saying, "So what do I call you?" "Dragon is as good as anything." "What?" The pattering of feet came to an abrupt halt. "You're the dragon?" He stopped as well but never once moved…

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And They Lived…

On July 13th of last year (2014), I started a Beauty and the Beast novella called Tossing Roses with the intention of entering it in Rooglewood Press's Fairytale Contest. Halfway through writing I retitled it Burning Thorns, deciding it fit better with the theme. Two months after starting it I finished the 20k novella, later jumped into editing, shared it with my critique partners, edited some more, did NaNoWriMo somewhere in between there, yet more editing, and then in December sent it off for the contest. On February 1st I learned Burning Thorns was not one of the winners for…

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Five Enchanted Roses Released

Today is a delightful day. A glorious day. A day soaring with thrills and celebration! “Well, good grief, Christine, are you going to actually tell us why today is so special?” you’re probably asking.The answer is yes, yes I am! Today Rooglewood Press has officially launched the Five Enchanted Roses Collection! Now you understand my excitement, correct? Just look at that cover and promise if enthralling stories inside! I have been highly anticipating this collection of Beauty and the Beast novellas. As I’m sure you all know by now, fairytales are a huge part of my life, and Beauty and…

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I’ll Take That Dessert Now

I am currently in a vigorous escapade of writing the big ol’ climatic ending of Burning Thorns. I’ve been writing, well, a lot lately with my 30k word goal in June and now pushing forward to make it to the end of the story. This is how we all feel when getting to the ending, right? Due to all the writing, I was recently feeling some burnout and really just wanted to close my laptop and go take a long nap. (And by long I mean like a week.) Writing is my life passion, but sometimes you can have a…

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Who Am I?

Do you ever have those days where you feel like nothing? Just. . .here, and that’s about it. I sure do. More often than not I examine myself and think, “What’s the point in me? In Christine?” I’m just here, not really making the world worse (hopefully), but not really making it better either. Just here using up empty space for no reason. It’s a hard thing wondering why you’re here, what your purpose is, what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. These are our years that we supposed to be figuring these things out, right? While we’re…

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Beautiful People – Ethryl {July 2015}

This is the second Beautiful People post in a row that I’m getting to just a couple days after the new version was put up and not at the very end of the month. Yes, you may applaud me. Or not. Ahem, yes. So! This month, in honor of the lazy summer days (although thus far my summer has been anything but lazy), our resourceful hosts Sky and Cait have come up with questions centered around such days. Also ice cream. Because apparently July is National Ice Cream Month. Like what? How have I never head of this?? And the…

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In Which I Write a Lot of Words Rambling About Writing a Lot of Words

“30 days, 30k words. Yeah, I can do this.”That was my ever optimistic (if not a bit impractical) self at the beginning of June. “I can’t do thisssss.”My much more realistic side kicked in come mid-June. “Maybe I can do this?”Nearing the end of June. Hopeful? Wishful thinking? Anyone’s guess. “Nope, not gonna make— Wait. Did I just hit my word goal?”Last days of June. Too exhausted to even realize that I HIT 30K WORDS. Ahem. So yes. June has been a bit of a hectic whirlwind of words and life and other stuff I probably don’t even remember at…

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