6 Authors Who Deserve a Lotta Love {Love an Author Month}

Yesterday over at Go Teen Writers Jill Williamson proclaimed February Love an Author month. I think this is a fantastic idea! All those loveable books on our shelves were put there by a lot of work. The author behind our favorite tales wouldn’t be able to write those stories without their fans. They can’t keep producing stories if they’re unable to get readers, nor would they want to if no support ever came their way. We writers are a delicate people, am I right? A little support and encouragement can go a long, long, long way. Jill Williamson shared a…

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“Not All Those Who Wander are Lost” {Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Tag}

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” My sweet blogging friend Arwen (whose blog is private, so no links I fear) has put together an absolutely brilliant Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit tag and passed it my way. I may have squeed with excitement a teeny bit. Naturally. Thank you so much, Arwen! Off we go then, to roads unknown and adventures grand! Erm. . .I mean to the tag. Yes. ~Rules~ -Link back to the…

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THAW Series Launch {Wintry Fairytale Retellings}

To me, nothing compares to a wintry day snuggled under the blankets with a good book. There’s something special about overcast skies and foggy windows coupled with a warm drink and book in hand. We still have a few frosty days left this winter. And guess what? A new book series that goes perfectly hand in hand with these frigid, cozy days has entered the world just in time. Exciting, I know! Author E. Kaiser Writes has just released the first 3 books in her THAW series, and do these books ever sound scrumptious! I’m aching to get my hands…

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Beautiful People – It’s a Writer’s Life for Me {January 2015}

Greetings and salutations! (Wait, aren’t those the same things?) For a little over a week I’ve been off at lands afar, partaking in grand adventures. And by that I mean I’ve been out of town staying with my bestie, but it is always an adventure when we’re together. But all good things must come to an end; goodbyes were said and I have returned. Though the comfort of home is never unwelcome. But I digress. Now that I am back and settling into things once more, I’m excitedly (or excitedingly like I accidentally first typed up. . .I think I…

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“To Live Will Be an Awfully Big Adventure”

Here we are, with fresh and empty calendars in hand, and a new number claiming hold of the year. 2015 I quite like that number. It promises adventure, maybe even hardships, heartbreaks, but with it growth. Newness. Awaiting that first step of the journey. The beginning of a new year almost excites me as much as Christmas morning. It’s like staring at that fresh word document just before starting a new story. The possibilities are endless, and though I know I’ll struggle along the way, it’ll end in an adventure I’ll never regret taking. Right now I can only wonder…

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2014’s Journey

In these last days of 2014, I can’t help but look back and count all the many, many gifts God blessed me with this year. We’ve had quite a few hardships come our way these past few years, but this year has been a much better one. The best one in a while, in fact. If there’s one thing I learned this year, it’s that God is ALWAYS with us. No matter what we go through or where we are in life, He’s there. Guiding us, caring for us, loving us. Always and forever. When I’ve struggled to find comfort…

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A Life Worth Celebrating

It’s so easy to forget what this time of year means. I’ve struggled with it a lot this year. Our house has been a bit hectic lately in Christmas preparations. Amidst all the busyness and excitement, I’ve lost track of why we do this every year. Why we spend so much time buying gifts and decorating and cooking and meeting with family. But then it hit me. It’s a celebration. We put in a lot of preparation to celebrate the birth of a friend or family member, right? We want to celebrate the day they were born and spend that…

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Beautiful Books #3 – Let’s Edit This Thing!

How are we halfway through December? And how is Christmas almost here? HOW??? Time moving in hyperspeed aside, today I’m joining in on the third round of the Beautiful Books linkup, hosted by the ever fabulous Sky and Cait. This three-part linkup has been going on since October where they gave us fifteen questions about plotting our books. In November we discussed the writing aspect. And this month it’s all about that terrifying thing we call *whispers* editing. But that’s one of the millions of reasons why Sky and Cait are fabulous, they’re actually making the editing process enjoyable! See?…

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More White than Stars Snippets

Since NaNo is finished and I’ve been babbling about my NaNo novel since October, I thought I’d actually share a peek inside this book I’ve rambled on and on over. Hope you enjoy. ^_^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "You're going to have to have a pretty big foot to fill your father's shoes," the other said. He glanced Iavin up and down, eyes gleaming. "You might need some padding in those shoes." Iavin just waited for the three's laughter to cease. This was nothing new. He had suffered jibes about his unfortunate height, or lack thereof, for the majority of his life. For…

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My NaNo 2014 Adventure

Look at that. It’s December 2nd. Wait. DECEMBER 2ND??? IT’S DECEMBER? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??? Well, I won’t complain. December is full of all sorts of excitement, it also means NaNoWriMo is officially FINISHED. *blows trumpets and consumes cake* This NaNo was a bit different for me, but quite a good one. The beginning of the adventure took place in October, the time to delve into NaNo planning. This is when I make a thorough outline of my NaNo novel, polish the character bios, make a cover and other such fun things, catch up on all emails and life stuff,…

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