NaNo 2012 Highlights

NaNoWriMo 2012 has come to its end. That mad clicking of typewriters has quieted, those overused mugs of coffee have finally found their way to the dishwasher while their users have found their way to bed, the world of the writers his calmed. …Or has it? I think instead, writers are celebrating their great achievements of this fantastic month, basking atop that glorious mountain of satisfaction all us participants have been climbing this month. And what a sight it is from up here! As this month closes, I thought I would give an overview of the goings-on of my 2012…

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Quite a Bit of Ecstasy

It has been a while since I’ve updated on my NaNo progress, hasn’t it? Or written a blog post at all. I guess because I’ve been busy actually doing NaNo. Eheh. But not only that. Lots of awesome things have been going on as of late. Thanksgiving happened and was a very pleasant one. I had a lovely day (and even more lovely food and food…and more food…). There are so many things I’m thankful to God for, it would probably end up being a list adding together longer than the Lord of the Rings book. God is so good!…

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Fighting the Halfway Point Blues

Can you believe November is already halfway over? That also means we’ve made it halfway through NaNoWriMo! I know to some, thinking there is still a whole other half of NaNo to do is kind of overwhelming. I think the same. Those keyboards have been working harder than ever, those coffee mugs have never felt so loved, your fingers are screaming at the idea of a whole other half a month to keep going, your characters also may be screaming at you (mine are…a lot). But that does not mean you should give up! We’ve made it this far. We’ve…

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As Happy as a Smiley Face

  Here is a perfect picture of how I felt as of early afternoon of yesterday. Why? BECAUSE I HIT 50K WORDS!!!!!!! I’m just kind of bouncing around with glee. You see, it occurred to me a few days ago that if I kept writing at the rate I was going, I could make it to 50k words on the 10th. Now, if you knew me you’d know I love the number 10. I mean, what’s there not to love? It’s the perfect number. Right? 10 is awesome, there’s just no denying it. So hitting the winning 50k mark on…

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5th Day Updates

The 5th day of NaNoWriMo is drawing to its end. I cannot believe the first week of NaNo is almost over! What have I been doing for these first 5 days of NaNo you ask? Let’s see here… Oh yes! I’ve been doing everything in my power to keep my two main characters from killing each other. That’s right. It seems Eldoren and Riana, my NaNo novel’s main characters, have a great desire for the other to not exist. I’ve endured one fight after the other. I’ve spent hours upon hours listening to Eldoren complain…and complain…and complain. *sigh* I’ve pondered…

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Watching the Minutes Go…

NaNoWriMo begins for me in just a few minutes here. I’ve stayed up to midnight to bring in the very first seconds of NaNo with as many words as possible my last two NaNo’s, and I have every intention of doing the same this year! There’s nothing more exciting then watching that clock going on the eve of NaNo, knowing with each passing minute, you’re closer to starting that crazy, month-long challenge. To see that story that’s been buzzing around in your head finally come alive on paper. I have latte currently in hand (and trying to figure out how…

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Colors of a Dragon Scale – My NaNo Series

With the coming of NaNoWriMo in one week (ONE WEEK? GOOD GRACIOUS!), and since I seem to use my blog during November as a NaNo journal of sorts, I thought I would share what I’ve been writing for my NaNo’s. Since my first NaNo in 2010, I’ve been writing a series called The Colors of a Dragon series. I started the first book for my first NaNo, and the second for my second NaNo. And guess what? I’m writing the third book for my third NaNo this year. Shocking, right? I plan on doing this until I’ve finished the series.…

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The NaNo Waltz

The NaNo Waltz A NaNoWriMo Parody to “The Christmas Waltz” By Lauriloth ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inky pens in hand Lightbulbs gleaming inside Inspiration coming alive NaNo's on its way, It's filled its days With words, words for you and for me It's that time of year When the writers go mad Every one you see Seems to say Happy NaNo May your word count goals come true And this month we write In thirty days time Hopes your fifty thousand Words come too Happy NaNo May your word count goals come true And this month we write In thirty days time Hopes…

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NaNo Cometh

That time has come upon us again. That time of blood, sweat, and tears. That time that our eyes burn out of their sockets from long time exposure to our writing devices. That time that our brains fizzle out from ideas overload or abandon us altogether as we push those minds of ours to give us the inspiration we need. That time that our associates give us odd looks because every time we look at a calendar we scream in terror only because October is almost over. That time is NaNoWriMo. Yes indeed. NaNo is almost here and the writers…

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A Very Hobbit-y Birthday

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”  -Bilbo Baggins Today, on September 22nd, marks the birthday anniversary of two of the most beloved fictional characters created. Our dear Bilbo Baggins-   And, of course, Frodo Baggins-   I thank Tolkien for these dearly loved, inspiring heroes, and want to wish them both a very merry (and hobbit-y) birthday! Happy birthday, Bilbo and Frodo!

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