{TV Series Review} Violet Evergarden // A Story of Beauty & Overcoming

You know those stories that stick with you? That thrum something deep in your soul and you know will always hold a special place in your heart? I've recently viewed a TV series that did just that, and I simply cannot not share about it. I know I hardly ever (if at all?) review TV series on my blog but THAT'S HOW SPECIAL THIS ONE IS. The second I finished it I knew I'd be screaming about it for the rest of my life, and I make no apologies. Recently I've been dabbling into the world of anime, and one…

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Book Review // The Goblin & the Dancer by Allison Tebo

I come to you today to share all about one of THE most delightful stories I've ever had the pleasure to consume. I have been a raving fan of Allison Tebo and her works for years, particularly her Tales of Ambia series, which are absolutely hilarious fairy tale romps of magic and mayhem and the most lovable characters. So when she announced she was publishing a brand new fairy tale, you better believe I was squealing to no end. This novella is part of a collection of twelve stand-alone stories by twelve different authors, each story taking on the villains…

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Being a Creative // A Love Letter to the Creators

Being a writer, or any type of creative, can seem like a peculiar thing. Those on the outside watching don’t always understand, and we ourselves experience such a rollercoaster of joys and struggles in this particular way of life we’ve shaped for ourselves. Thomas Mann said: “A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” That quote has rung with me for years. When we know the rules and spend so much time doing something, it far too quickly falls into being a chore. Those glorious days of madly typing or scribbling…

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The Jolly Genre Jubilee Tag

It's tag time! And this one is about one of my favorite topics: GENRES. So hi yes! Sorry it's been a tad quiet over here. Life has been quite full + I've been trying to prioritize editing, thus I decided to skip posting when I was supposed to a couple of weeks ago. (I do not prioritize my own books nearly enough, so I'm actually proud of myself??) But I am BACK and super excited because I'm about to do a tag that is absolutely brilliant! Okay but confession first: I've been meaning to do this tag since its creation…

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In Which I Review the Studio Ghibli Films // Part 2

And I am back with reviews for the second half of the Studio Ghibli films! As I mentioned in my last post, I've fairly recently had a chance to devour almost all of the Studio Ghibli films and fell utterly in love with these Japanese animated movies filled to the brim with heart and magic and creating the every day into something enchanting. Truly, these are beloved stories for a reason. In my last post I reviewed the first half of them, and I'm here today to share all my (many) thoughts on the second half! Read Part One Here!…

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In Which I Review the Studio Ghibli Films // Part 1

The Studio Ghibli films have been loved and celebrated for decades now, though it was only recently that I immersed into the world of Ghibli myself. Ever since, I have been hooked. So today I come to you with Thoughts! Lots and lots of thoughts. Have I been teasing doing a Ghibli films review post since, erm, August 2021? Maaaybe. But hey, I'm here now! And what better time than right at the beginnings of spring? Because is it just me or does the windy, lively days of spring encompass the very heart of a Ghibli film? As I type…

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The March Muchness Tag

March Muchness continues on in all its mad glory, and today I'm coming to at last answer the questions to the official March Muchness blog tag! If you missed it, I'm throwing an Alice in Wonderland party all month long to celebrate my 11th blogiversary and launching my newsletter. Buuut it's mostly just an excuse to fangirl about one of my favorite stories of all time. Does one ever really need a reason to give Wonderland some proper love?? One part of March Muchness has been a BLOG TAG. And not just any ol' simple tag, but a Wonderland themed…

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A Day as Alice // Celebrating 11 Years of Blogging Wonderland-Style

  • Post category:Life
  • Post comments:26 Comments

A most happy day, my friends! This very day marks 11 entire years since my very first foray into the world of blogging. And, of course, such a milestone deserves a little something special! To be honest, I'm rather flabbergasted. Exactly 11 years ago to the day, my first ever blog post was sent out into the vast world of the interwebz. ELEVEN YEARS. Sometimes it feels like being the Mad Hatter, forever stuck at tea time and the watch never moving. I could swear it was just yesterday I was that little 18-year-old dabbling into the world of blogging…

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Where Giants Fall // New Anthology Release & Interview with Sarah Ryder!

I've got something I am so very excited and honored to share with all you today! A new anthology has just released to the beautiful world of fiction, and it sounds exactly like the type of thing we could all use right now. WHERE GIANTS FALL is an anthology of 14 short stories by 14 different authors, with themes about finding the light in the darkness and heroes learning to overcome. As these are themes incredibly close to my heart, I am so glad such an anthology now exists! As if that's not exciting enough, today I have the absolute…

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March Muchness // Wonderland Blog Tag, Bookstagram Challenge, & More!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! I come to you on this first day of March with a most delightful announcement of goodness and fun. And I. AM. EXCITED! March is one of my absolute favorite months. Though I'm a huge fan of winter, there is something exhilarating about seeing the world slowly come back into bloom after the cold stillness of February. March just makes me happy, and to add an extra dose of happiness for this particular March, I'm doing something special! In honor of recently launching a newsletter and the Discord server to go with it (titled, of…

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