It Ain’t Easy Having a Genie {An Aladdin Short Story}

It’s short story tiiime. Raylinn and Finn return! Or “Faylinn” as is their official ship name. I absolutely love that I’m at the point where people are asking for a ship name. I always feel like my story has peaked when that happens. XD For any newcomers: Each month over on the blog I co-author, Fairy Tale Central,  we feature a specific fairy tale. To go along with it, Arielle posts a writing prompt over at her writing blog for anyone to participate in! I’ve been using the same characters for my prompts. Each story is more or less a…

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Let Down Your Hair? (A Rapunzel Short Story)

I have returned with another Raylinn and Finnigan short story for you guys! Okay, so you might not know what I’m talking about? Over on my other blog I co-author, Fairy Tale Central, we feature a specific fairy tale each month. As part of that, we thought it’d be super fun to have a writing prompt to go along with that month’s featured fairy tale. Thus, on the 3rd of each month, Arielle posts the prompt over on her writing blog, Intuitive Writing Guide, which you can then take, write a piece inspired by it, and leave a link so…

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Deal or No Deal {A Rumpelstiltskin Short Story}

As part of Fairy Tale Central, Arielle, Faith, and I thought it’d be super fun to share a writing prompt each month that goes along with that month’s featured fairy tale. We can then take the prompt and write a piece based off of it on our personal blogs AND have YOU GUYS do the same if you want. That way we can share ALL the fairy tale love! It’s just so, sooo much fun reimaging fairy tales. And this is a great, quick way to play around with all the many possibilities. If you missed it (thought probably not…

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When Springs Blooms (Short Story)

So I did a thing. I sort of accidentally wrote a short story when I supposed to be editing Burning Thorns. *cough, cough* The fantastic Jenelle Schmidt has proclaimed February as Fantasy Month, which is obviously the best idea ever. There’s all sorts of fun fantasy things going on at her blog. Do go check it out! One of the fun things is a short story challenge. Her challenge was to write a story using the word SNOW somewhere. When I saw that, my brain got an image of a girl standing in a snowstorm, and things exploded from there.…

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Flash Fiction – Into the Rift

Confession: I never write flash fiction. I basically never venture out and write anything but whatever current novel I’m working on at the time. I always feel guilty writing something else when I already have a novel that needs my attention, so I. . .never do. BUT right now, since I finished Burning Thorns, I don’t actually have a current writing project going. I’m free. So I did the unthinkable. I wrote a flash fiction piece. Bum bum BUMMM. My Pack (my online writing group of fabulous girls) has this thing called “Writer Dares” where we post random writing prompt…

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