That Time October Exploded

We interrupt your peaceful blog reading to announce. . . NANOWRIMO BEGINS IN 10 DAYS. Um. . .excuse me? 10 days? *cue the scrambling around, hastily making plot notes, assuring coffee supplies are sufficiently high, all affairs are in order, laundry is caught up, and farewells to your friends and family are taken care of* Yep. In 10 days those bravely insane writers will be locking themselves up in their writing spaces to pound out 50k or more words in a month, only showing their bleary-eyed faces for more caffeine. Because writers aren’t already mad enough people, right? Of course…

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Returned, Refreshed, Reworked

Well, hello there! How are all my lovelies? I’ve been doing splendidly. I just had a grand ol’ time out of town staying with my bestie for one of the best two weeks I’ve ever had. It was glorious, with much talking and laughter to the point where our throats were sore (literally), complete with a great amount of squealing over books, because we’re kindred spirits like that. But I am officially home and attempting to settle back into things. Though I desperately miss my “second family” as I like to refer to my bestie and her family, being under…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part Two}

And I am back with yet more awards! In last week's post I explained how I’m a bad blogger and take ridiculous lengths of times to get to awards and tags, if I ever do at all. But I love these things and must start doing better! So I’m trying to catch up on them. Back in May (yes, May) one of my favoritest peoples Deborah @ The Road of a Writer awarded me with the Liebster award. Thank you so much, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ 1. Thank and link back the person who nominated you 2. List eleven facts…

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