Beautiful Books #3 – Where Editing Hopefully Occurs

The third and final round of Beautiful Books is here! During the NaNoWriMo season, our dear hosts Sky and Cait take a slight break from their Beautiful People linkup to focus on our novels instead of characters. This month, with NaNo over and so many fresh new first drafts all written and ready for their time to shine, they’re focusing on that ever elusive thing called. . . *shifty eyes* editing. Who else but Sky and Cait can get us pumped over editing, am I right? You can link on up over at Sky's post or Cait. And, don’t forget,…

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Burning Thorns Snippets

Hello, hello! In celebration of finishing Burning Thorns I thought I’d share some snippets. Since I have been (and will be) jabbering on and on about it, the least I could do is show you some of it, right? As always, this is first draft material here, so read at the risk of eyeball injuries. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Oh." She was silent for all of three seconds before saying, "So what do I call you?" "Dragon is as good as anything." "What?" The pattering of feet came to an abrupt halt. "You're the dragon?" He stopped as well but never once moved…

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And They Lived…

On July 13th of last year (2014), I started a Beauty and the Beast novella called Tossing Roses with the intention of entering it in Rooglewood Press's Fairytale Contest. Halfway through writing I retitled it Burning Thorns, deciding it fit better with the theme. Two months after starting it I finished the 20k novella, later jumped into editing, shared it with my critique partners, edited some more, did NaNoWriMo somewhere in between there, yet more editing, and then in December sent it off for the contest. On February 1st I learned Burning Thorns was not one of the winners for…

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I’ll Take That Dessert Now

I am currently in a vigorous escapade of writing the big ol’ climatic ending of Burning Thorns. I’ve been writing, well, a lot lately with my 30k word goal in June and now pushing forward to make it to the end of the story. This is how we all feel when getting to the ending, right? Due to all the writing, I was recently feeling some burnout and really just wanted to close my laptop and go take a long nap. (And by long I mean like a week.) Writing is my life passion, but sometimes you can have a…

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In Which I Write a Lot of Words Rambling About Writing a Lot of Words

“30 days, 30k words. Yeah, I can do this.”That was my ever optimistic (if not a bit impractical) self at the beginning of June. “I can’t do thisssss.”My much more realistic side kicked in come mid-June. “Maybe I can do this?”Nearing the end of June. Hopeful? Wishful thinking? Anyone’s guess. “Nope, not gonna make— Wait. Did I just hit my word goal?”Last days of June. Too exhausted to even realize that I HIT 30K WORDS. Ahem. So yes. June has been a bit of a hectic whirlwind of words and life and other stuff I probably don’t even remember at…

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That Time Christine’s Brain Went Missing and Other Odd Tales

This morning I woke up to a note on my pillow— Gone to Hawaii for the week. Have fun without me.                                                                 Signed,                                                                         Your Brain It could have given me a week’s notice or something. Sheesh. So here I am, brainless, trying to write a blog post. It’s obviously not going well. Or I may have contracted a minor cold and am a little out of it today, but I still think my brain went off on vacation without me. Do you know how trying it is for a writer to be left brainless? I have all these character running…

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Beautiful People – Anya {June 2015}

No, this post is not an illusion. I’m actually doing BP early in the month, like, the day after it was posted! This has to be a first. I’m so proud of myself. AND it’s BP’s one year anniversary of returning to the blogging world! *throws cake and devours confetti* Or. . .something like that. A very happy anniversary to my favorite blog linkup!!! This month our ever clever hosts Sky and Cait have worked up a special theme centered all on our characters’ relationships with their. . .PARENTS. Brilliant, right? I think we writers tend to forget those amazing…

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Beautiful People – Rose {May 2015}

One of these days I’m going to do a Beautiful People post properly at the beginning of the month. But it is not this day! Ahem. Our benevolous (what do you mean that’s not a word? it means benevolent and fabulous, obviously) hosts Sky and Cait have come up with some fantastic questions to torture—ahem, I mean explore our characters with this month. You can link yourself up here or here should you choose to join in. (Pst. You should.) The moment I read this month’s list of questions Rose, my protagonist from my current WIP Burning Thorns, popped in…

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777 Writing Challenge – Burning Thorns

My dear writing/blogging/pretty-much-everything buddy, Deborah O'Carroll, tagged me for the 777 Writing Challenge. I was thrilled. This tag seems to be floating all across the blogsphere and looked way too much fun. Plus, 7 happens to be one of my favorite numbers. Fun-ness all around. I’m so excited to be doing it! Thank you, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ Go to page 7 of your work-in-progress, scroll down to line 7, and share the next 7 lines in a blog post. Once finished, tag 7 bloggers to do the writing challenge themselves on their own blog. We’re going to assume lines…

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Beautiful People – Marigold {March 2015}

Exciting news! I’ve officially. . . *pause for dramatic effect* started writing Burning Thorns! *trumpets and cymbals* I only meant to start writing it like a month ago but life exploded and here we are. I haven’t actually written anything since the end of November. o.o I was so starved for words my brain wailed like a stray dog in a steakhouse. But I am finally, finally, finally back to writing and it feels glorious! I’ve returned to the life I love. You know, that one where I ignore real life for fictional ones and call it work. It’s a…

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