Know the Novel: Part 1 // Introducing Unwind the Shadows

Fall's FicFrenzy is nearly upon us! Soon I'll be taking advantage of the motivation fall always brings me to type madly away at a new project! Sooo today I'm answering the Know the Novel prompts to introduce you all to the thing that may or may not turn me into a hermit for a month. I'm so excited, guys. Last year, I didn't heavily join in on Fall's FicFrenzy due to life and health and other priorities taking precedence, which is perfectly fine. But boy, do I miss the mad rush of immersing in a first draft for the entirety…

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Know the Novel – Part One: Introduce Your WIP // A Writer’s Tag

OCTOBER IS HERE. And not only has one of my favorite months of all time graced us with its presence, but it also means gearing up for writing for a lot of us writers which also means... *drumroll* Know the Novel time! I'm pretty sure we writers thrive in the fall. And by thrive I mean stock up on an unhealthy amount of caffeine and candy and hole away in our writing caves for a month at a time only emerging at odd hours to mumble something incoherent about wordcounts and probably needing food. It's great. But if you're a…

Continue ReadingKnow the Novel – Part One: Introduce Your WIP // A Writer’s Tag