Know the Novel Part 2: Within the Writing of The Timekeeper and the Librarian

We are PAST halfway through NaNoWriMo!!! And it is time for me to once again throw out a sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated writing update your way. Woot, woot! This week I’m participating in my own Know the Novel linkup, of which you can find HERE! And join yourself! It will be open for all the rest of the month, and I’d love for you to hop in on the fun. Before I get to answering the questions I must first flail a little bit. Because as of November 13th… I WON MY TENTH NANO IN A ROW!!!   Last Wednesday I hit…

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Know the Novel Part Two: Within the WIP – A Writers Linkup

Oh, look at that, it’s Novemeber. And we are FOUR DAYS INTO NANOWRIMO WUT. Now that the writing has come into full swing, it’s time for Part 2 of the Know the Novel linkup! If you missed it, for these last three months of the year, in honor of NaNoWriMo, I’m hosting a linkup geared toward sharing our awesome WIPs and the writing process with our followers. Last month in Part One we introduced our novels and YOU GUYS. I was just drooling over all the beautiful novel ideas you people have. SO MUCH IMAGINATION. I was also sooo honored…

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Know the Novel Part One: Introduction – A Writers Linkup

Happy October! It is officially the month before NaNoWriMo! *muffled shrieking* And in honor of “preptober” (a.k.a. NaNo plotting month) I’m bringing back…Know the Novel! “Um, you’re bringing back what now?” some of you may be asking, after you finish screaming at the reminder that NaNo is lessthanamonthawayWUT. No fears! I shall explain all. Read on, my dear writerly frens! Introducing… KNOW THE NOVEL   THE INFO Know the Novel is a 3-part writers linkup series, one for each of these last three months of the year. I first created it last year and it went over really well. I’m…

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Know the Novel Part 3 – The Writing of Kings Bleed Gold {NaNoWriMo 2018}

  Annnnd I am back to go ahead and answer the questions to my Know the Novel linkup, which I posted yesterday if you missed it. *wink, wink* I have news. Super excited, happy neeews… I FINISHED WRITING KINGS BLEED GOLD. Fiiinally. IT. IS. DONE. I mean, the first draft is done… It needs a total uber major rewrite but we’re not thinking about that right now because IT IS WRITTEN AND I AM SO RELIEVED. I feverishly kept writing through all this first week of December and Thursday night, December 6th, I made it to THE END. I may…

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Know the Novel Part 3 – Writing and Beyond {A Writers Linkup}

IT. IS. HEEEERE! The 3rd and FINAL installment of my 3-part writers linkup Know the Novel. And I’m super excited about this one! It is officially December (WUT???), and a ton of us have just finished NaNoWriMo and have new novels under our belts (and probably some wild stories about writing them to go with it), and thus this last part of Know the Novel is alllll about how writing the WIP went and what our next plan of action is. If you missed any of the parts and have no clue what I’m talking about, here’s all the details!…

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Know the Novel Part 2 – Within Kings Bleed Gold {NaNoWriMo 2018}

WE. ARE. OVER. HALFWAY. THROUGH. NANOWRIMO. Not that I’m freaking out. Noooo. Buthowdidthishappenhalp. I had a prettyyy awesome week. A thing may have happened on the 13th… I HIT 50K WORDS!!!! This means I’ve officially participated and won 9 NaNos in a row and just…what is my life? (Answer: I have no life.) I hit 50k on the 13th last year too, so see? 13 is most certainly not unlucky. I also managed to write almost 27k this week because, again, no life, and am now at 71k words on my novel! BUT. This week, instead of doing a day-by-day…

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Know the Novel Part 2 – Within the WIP {A Writers Linkup}

And I am back with PART TWO of my Know the Novel linkup! A 3-part linkup for us writers to share fun tidbits about our noveling ventures. Part 1 was all about introducing our novels. Now we’re going to get to the deep stuff: WRITING THE NOVEL. Because, um, it’s NANOWRIMO, GUYS. We have survived the first week (or did we??? *Twilight Zone music*) and are now well into week two. Which means if you’re eyeballs aren’t burning out of their sockets, your brain doesn’t wonder what the real world even is anymore, and you haven’t just finished your 473rd…

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Know the Novel Part 1: Introducing Kings Bleed Gold

Look at me actually joining in on my own linkup and telling you guys about my NaNoWriMo novel. And only 3 days before NaNo. I’m always so on top of things! Okay, in my defense I didn’t really know all that much about my novel until now. But I’ve been feverishly outlining it and digging into my characters and doing tons of worldbuilding and I ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON NOW. Woot, woot! Or, well, we’ll pretend I do. Ahem. ANYWAYS. Today I’m going to be answering the questions for my Know the Novel linkup, which you can find info…

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Know the Novel Part 1 – Introductory {A New Writing Linkup!}

Last week I promised I had something super fun for you all coming. Well, here it is. A writing linkup!!! And my first EVER linkup to create. I AM ALL THE EXCITED. So a bunch of you probably remember during NaNoWriMo season Sky @ Further Up and Further In and Cait @ Paperfury always did a special novel edition of their Beautiful People linkup called Beautiful Books. It was a great linkup for introducing our novels and talking about our writing in celebration of NaNoWriMo. Buuut since they had to close their Beautiful People/Books linkups for now due to that…

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