2014’s Journey

In these last days of 2014, I can’t help but look back and count all the many, many gifts God blessed me with this year. We’ve had quite a few hardships come our way these past few years, but this year has been a much better one. The best one in a while, in fact. If there’s one thing I learned this year, it’s that God is ALWAYS with us. No matter what we go through or where we are in life, He’s there. Guiding us, caring for us, loving us. Always and forever. When I’ve struggled to find comfort…

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A Life Worth Celebrating

It’s so easy to forget what this time of year means. I’ve struggled with it a lot this year. Our house has been a bit hectic lately in Christmas preparations. Amidst all the busyness and excitement, I’ve lost track of why we do this every year. Why we spend so much time buying gifts and decorating and cooking and meeting with family. But then it hit me. It’s a celebration. We put in a lot of preparation to celebrate the birth of a friend or family member, right? We want to celebrate the day they were born and spend that…

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It’s the Little Things

I’m thankful for. . . Stranger’s smiles. Polka dotted umbrellas. The tapping of leaves falling on the rooftop. Penguin socks. The sound of a book’s pages turning. Babies’ smiles. Pink cell phone cases. Those in between moments of sleep where you’re dreaming but half awake. The smell of overturned earth just after a rain. NaNoWriMo The smooth feeling of ivory under your fingertips when playing the piano. When you find a song so beautiful it clutches your soul and brings tears to your eyes. Open windows. The reflection of fall leaves on water. Goofy selfies with my sister in the…

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Joy, Love, and Giveaways

It happens from the very beginning. We gather our dolls and stuffed animals, dressing them all up for the big "wedding" of Mr. and (soon to be) Mrs. Bear. We borrow Mother's dresses and have a make-believe ceremony under the tree in the backyard. As we get older we get even more serious about it. We hear a song that would be perfect for the big day. We make pinterest boards to plan out our entire wedding. (Yes, I have one of those.) We wonder how many kids we'll have and already start naming them, middle names included. (I already…

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Dear Love Valentine’s Party

Exciting things are happening NOW!!! The absolutely wonderful Kiri Liz is having a big, grand St. Valentine’s party on her blog over at Lianne Taimenlore, from February 10th (today) through the 14th. This is no sappy, lovey-dovey Valentine’s nonsense though. This is a party where young ladies can learn the TRUE meaning of love, about God’s love for us. Many young ladies have written posts that will be featured throughout the week. In Kiri’s words, this party is FOR young Christian ladies and BY young Christian ladies. It’s a fun chance to fellowship together and grow in our relationship with…

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Better than Cookies

I love Christmas! The time together, the cheer, the music, the gifts, the cookies. . .and cookies. . .and also the cookies (what’s better than a holiday that allows you to fill yourself with cookies all season? I mean, really!). But you know what’s the very best thing about this day? The reminder that our Savior came down on this earth as a humble baby to die for us so that we can be with Him for eternity. I’d say that’s a lot better than cookies! Happy Birthday, Jesus! And a very Merry and Blessed Christmas to all of you!

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It’s the Little Things

I’m thankful for the pattering of raindrops on my window. I’m thankful for siblings who never cease to make me smile. I’m thankful for those random memories that make me burst into laughter in the middle of the night. I’m thankful for the clacking sound of keyboards. I’m thankful for rainbows that remind me that storms can turn into beauty. I’m thankful for the magical smell of books. I’m thankful for Owl City music. I’m thankful for the ever going music birds provide for the outdoors. I’m thankful for the cozy smell of coffee. I’m thankful for pizza. I’m thankful…

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When Life Makes You Say… [Guest Post]

Today I have the honor of my own beautiful mother guest posting. Over at her blog, Sweet Tea & Simplicity, she always has such encouraging things to say. I just couldn’t help but get her to share a post here on Musings of an Elf! So, without further ado: When Life Makes You Say… “But I just don’t know what on earth to do in this situation!”  God is your Counselor. (Ps. 119:24; Is. 48:17) “But I am afraid!”  God is your Protector. (Joshua 1:9; Ps. 91:1; John 14:27) “But I’m so lonely!” God is your Unfailing Friend; your All-time…

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Forever Free

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Image via Little Birdie Blessings Today, thinking about the blessing of freedom, reminds me of that beautiful freedom we have in Christ. Jesus died on the cross to unlock the chains of sin around us. He set us FREE. If we have accepted Him as our Savior, never again do we have to be weighed down by the burden of sin. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1 No matter where we are or where life leads us, we will…

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