Lifely Recap – Finishing Edits, Lots of Painting, Even More Fangirling, and I’m Back!

WELL HELLO THERE. Guess who’s back from her hiatus???? Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone? Do you even remember who I am? Do *I* remember who I am? *has mini existential crisis* Ahem. Anyways! Apparently May is no longer with us (wow, that sounds like May got murdered or something. Then again…that would explain why it just vanished suddenly, hmmmm), and since I did say I would be returning in June, well, HERE I AM. And my goodness, have I missed you guys! I feel like so much has happened since I was last here…

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NaNoWriMo Week Three: Explosions, Frozen Fingers, and Christmas Decorations

WE. ARE. ON. WEEK. FOUR. OF. NANOWRIMO. WEEK FOUR. AND ONLY 10 DAYS LEFT. WE’RE LITERALLY NEARING THE END OF THE MONTH PEOPLE. It’s a little shocking, to be honest. Didn’t this month just start???? HOW ARE WE PAST THE HALFWAY POINT? I had an absolutely fantastic Week Three myself! Both on the writing front and with lifely things. *le gasp* Am I saying I actually did LIFE stuff this week? That happens during NaNoWriMo?? Bwahaha! Of course not. What an absurd thought. I just happened to glance over the top of my screen and accidentally take note of the…

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Flash Fiction – Into the Rift

Confession: I never write flash fiction. I basically never venture out and write anything but whatever current novel I’m working on at the time. I always feel guilty writing something else when I already have a novel that needs my attention, so I. . .never do. BUT right now, since I finished Burning Thorns, I don’t actually have a current writing project going. I’m free. So I did the unthinkable. I wrote a flash fiction piece. Bum bum BUMMM. My Pack (my online writing group of fabulous girls) has this thing called “Writer Dares” where we post random writing prompt…

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That Time Christine’s Brain Went Missing and Other Odd Tales

This morning I woke up to a note on my pillow— Gone to Hawaii for the week. Have fun without me.                                                                 Signed,                                                                         Your Brain It could have given me a week’s notice or something. Sheesh. So here I am, brainless, trying to write a blog post. It’s obviously not going well. Or I may have contracted a minor cold and am a little out of it today, but I still think my brain went off on vacation without me. Do you know how trying it is for a writer to be left brainless? I have all these character running…

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Naps, Roses, and Hobbitses

I’ve been staring at the screen for several minutes trying to think of a clever way to open up this post, but my brain’s all, “Haha, nope. Go take a nap or something.” I tend to ignore my brain, but a nap sounds awfully nice. So Thursday my throat started feeling like murder, and then as the day progressed I slowly seeped into a state of death. Then over the weekend it all came in full force—fever, a throat that felt like a dragon was lodged inside trying to claw and burn its way out, a headache akin to a…

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The Olaf Award

My dearly blogging friend Kiri nominated me for a very fun tag. . .like a few weeks ago. *cough* But better late than never, right? (And technically I have at least 3 other tags passed my way as well, but I might wait until July to get to those when things have hopefully settled down for me AKA when I finish the book I’m tirelessly writing.) This tag, as described by the maker, is “a blog award dedicated to the glories of Disney animation.” Pretty epic, is it not? Who doesn’t love the Disney animated movies? Because everyone loves Olaf!…

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Sometimes I like being in the midst of a crowd, then other times I prefer solitude. Usually I smile at the sight of sunlight, yet often I relish the sound of rain tapping on the rooftop. I love when life takes a busy turn, but I also enjoy the quiet, lazy days. Noise—children playing, the TV going, music blaring, people chattering—thrills me, yet silence comforts me. I adore lyrical music, and instrumental. I’m an extrovert, but have introvert tendencies. I really dislike touching, but I hug everybody. I love the outdoors, but I. . .hate the outdoors. I’m extremely organized,…

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Queen Navi the Great commands you all to read her words

Hello, random human people. My name is Navi (I prefer Queen Navi the Great and Wonderful but no one around here ever bothers with proper titles, the insolent peasants. Instead they often resort to horrid nicknames such as “Nav nav”, ‘tis a disgrace to Her Majesty). Christine is my human. My human has had the audacity to leave Her Greatness for an entire week! By Fido’s tail, you read that correctly. She has left me, her ever gracious, loving, and kind queen, for a week’s length of time. Thus I have taken over this strange thing with the bright screen…

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20 Random Facts About Me Tag

Belle over at In My Life made a fun little "getting to know you” tag that I couldn’t resist snagging. Tags are always fun! And if you don’t follow Belle, you should! She’s such a sweet person and has a delightful blog. 1. What are three of your hobbies? Writing, obviously. Does reading obsessively count? I do it so much I think it qualifies as one of my hobbies at this point. *nods* And playing the piano. 2. What is your favorite season? Used to it was Spring, but that’s switched over in just the past year or two to…

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20 Random Things About Me

You may or may not know… 1. I somehow manage to be both a loner and a social butterfly. 2. I would say I’m far closer to being an extrovert than an introvert though. 3. Owl City and Chris Tomlin are my favorite singers/bands of all time. 4. I love heights. 5. Due to number 4 it’s my dream to one day fly in a hot air balloon. 6. My biggest fear is drowning. 7. The ocean kind of terrifies me. 8. I love to sing but don’t think I actually have a good singing voice (at all) and will…

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