777 Writing Challenge – Burning Thorns

My dear writing/blogging/pretty-much-everything buddy, Deborah O'Carroll, tagged me for the 777 Writing Challenge. I was thrilled. This tag seems to be floating all across the blogsphere and looked way too much fun. Plus, 7 happens to be one of my favorite numbers. Fun-ness all around. I’m so excited to be doing it! Thank you, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ Go to page 7 of your work-in-progress, scroll down to line 7, and share the next 7 lines in a blog post. Once finished, tag 7 bloggers to do the writing challenge themselves on their own blog. We’re going to assume lines…

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Valentine’s Day Tag

Hello, my dear bloggings, I do hope you had a LOVEly Valentine’s Day weekend (see what I did there?). As for myself, I enjoyed a good dose of family time involving many laughs and a lot of food. Because laughing and eating is what my family does best. My sweet friend Rachel W. over at Secret Scribblings has formed together a fun Valentine’s tag and passed it my way. Thank you, Rachel! I never can pass up a fun tag. And do go check out her blog. Her witty, hilarious posts constantly trigger an explosion of laughter from me. It’s…

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“Not All Those Who Wander are Lost” {Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Tag}

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” My sweet blogging friend Arwen (whose blog is private, so no links I fear) has put together an absolutely brilliant Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit tag and passed it my way. I may have squeed with excitement a teeny bit. Naturally. Thank you so much, Arwen! Off we go then, to roads unknown and adventures grand! Erm. . .I mean to the tag. Yes. ~Rules~ -Link back to the…

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Beautiful People – It’s a Writer’s Life for Me {January 2015}

Greetings and salutations! (Wait, aren’t those the same things?) For a little over a week I’ve been off at lands afar, partaking in grand adventures. And by that I mean I’ve been out of town staying with my bestie, but it is always an adventure when we’re together. But all good things must come to an end; goodbyes were said and I have returned. Though the comfort of home is never unwelcome. But I digress. Now that I am back and settling into things once more, I’m excitedly (or excitedingly like I accidentally first typed up. . .I think I…

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“A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. . .”

I like the simple things in life. My favorite time of the day is right before bed when I can curl up and read before drifting off to sleep. Sometimes I like to just sit outside and do absolutely nothing but watch the clouds pass by. My heart did a little trill at the sound of thunder just now, the prospect of a stormy day to write thrilling me. But, despite how nice the simple things in life are, we all need a little excitement. Even the quietest people dream big. Me, I love the idea of adventures and excitement.…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part Two}

And I am back with yet more awards! In last week's post I explained how I’m a bad blogger and take ridiculous lengths of times to get to awards and tags, if I ever do at all. But I love these things and must start doing better! So I’m trying to catch up on them. Back in May (yes, May) one of my favoritest peoples Deborah @ The Road of a Writer awarded me with the Liebster award. Thank you so much, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ 1. Thank and link back the person who nominated you 2. List eleven facts…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part One}

I fail at blogging quite often. It’s true. For example, if some sweet blogger passes an award my way, it may take me months to get to it, if I ever do. Which is silly, because I adore tags and am always so thrilled and honored to have one given to me. Being as how I’ve spent the majority of the year so far writing, I’ve been setting aside all the wonderful awards passed my way for a time. And now, finally, I’m getting to some! There are four (yes four, I told you I’m horrible) so I’ll post two…

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Christine’s Writing Life – The Writing Process Tour

One of my bestest besties Celti/Deborah from The Road of a Writer passed a tag my way, which I am quite ecstatic about. I’ve seen this tag floating around and thought it looked spectacular. I’m so excited I’ve been given the opportunity to participate. Thank you, Celti dear, you’re the best! <3 Also, everyone go to her blog. Yes, now. She is a delightful human being and basically the best. So go, enjoy her charm. Now then. This tag, as its name suggests, basically focuses on the life of us crazy writers and how we go about *le gasp* writing!…

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The Olaf Award

My dearly blogging friend Kiri nominated me for a very fun tag. . .like a few weeks ago. *cough* But better late than never, right? (And technically I have at least 3 other tags passed my way as well, but I might wait until July to get to those when things have hopefully settled down for me AKA when I finish the book I’m tirelessly writing.) This tag, as described by the maker, is “a blog award dedicated to the glories of Disney animation.” Pretty epic, is it not? Who doesn’t love the Disney animated movies? Because everyone loves Olaf!…

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Sunflower, Dearest?

The absolutely wonderful Sarah from Sarah Plain and Average has awarded me! If you don’t follow her blog, you must! She’s delightful! So we’ve got two awards going, both the Liebster Award and the Sunflower Award, so I’m going to copy Sarah here and sort of combine them. ~ The Rules ~ 1.  Link the blog that nominated you for the award. 2.  Choose eleven bloggers to nominate that have less than 200 followers. 3.  Answer the questions given to you. 4.  Let the people who you've nominated know when you've done so. 5.  You can't nominate the person that…

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