20 Random Facts About Me Tag

Belle over at In My Life made a fun little "getting to know you” tag that I couldn’t resist snagging. Tags are always fun! And if you don’t follow Belle, you should! She’s such a sweet person and has a delightful blog. 1. What are three of your hobbies? Writing, obviously. Does reading obsessively count? I do it so much I think it qualifies as one of my hobbies at this point. *nods* And playing the piano. 2. What is your favorite season? Used to it was Spring, but that’s switched over in just the past year or two to…

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New Years Tag

This tag seems to be floating around the blog world and I couldn’t help but take part in it. I might be a little late, but better late then never, right? What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before? Rewrite a whole entire book. It was a big leap for me. As you probably know by now, I’ve always been terrified of rewrites. *shudders* Did anyone close to you give birth? Yessss! My bestest friend had her first baby. A little baby boy and the cutest one you’ll ever see. AND my cousin had the most precious…

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Homeschool Tag

Jessa Bri, over at her blog Freckled Adventures, is doing a homeschool tag! I highly recommend you go on over and check out her delightful blog, she’s a fantabulous person. And if you are/were homeschooled join on in with the fun tag! Having been homeschooled all my schooling days I could not help but do it myself. Rules: 1. You must be currently enrolled in homeschool or a homeschool graduate. 2. Answer all the questions in a blog post of your own. 3. Comment here on my blog to let me know you have done a post. Questions: Are you…

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Every Good Word Writerly Tag

First off, let me wish you all a happy Labor Day! Hope you’re all enjoying this Monday. Can you believe it’s already September? Because, frankly, I can’t. o.O Now then, just recently a new blog for writers was launched by Meghan Gorecki called Every Good Word. If you’re a writer you’re absolutely going to want to check out that place. Trust me, you won’t regret it. I’m a bit late to the party, but over at the site in order to get to know each other they put up a writerly tag for everyone to fill out. I didn’t see…

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Brilliant Blog Bouquet Award

I am such a shameful blogger. The fantastic Kiri Liz awarded me with a blog award over a month ago and here I am getting to it just now. I am so honored by her kindness! ~Rules~ Put a link to who gave you the award Post the award to your blog Answer the questions Choose 5 blogs to receive the award Let them know you've awarded them Questions~ 1. If you could have a "flower pen name" like we have here on our blog, Violets and Daisies what would it be? Roses have always had a special spot in…

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Scrumptious Blog Award

The spectacular Kiri Liz has awarded my blog! Thank you so much, Kiri! Your blog is absolutely scrumptious as well! ^_^ Rules- 1: When you receive the award you must post about it on your blog and leave a link to my blog. 2: Answer all the questions to the tag below. 3: Do not award anyone who has more than one hundred followers. 4: Come up with ten questions for the tag. 5: Keep your questions clean and refrain from using bad language. 6: Tag 5 to 10 people. Here are the questions Kiri has asked: 1. What's your…

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