The Silmaril Awards 2019 Awards Ceremony: Least Competent Henchman

At last the day has arrived! You sent in your nominations, you made your votes, and, finally, it is time to see who will walk away today with the prize! Welcome to the awards ceremony for the Least Competent Henchman! *trumpets and fanfare* The buzz of the great crowd echoes from inside the…warehouse? I frown as I step up onto the stage, or what’s supposed to be a stage, but, in reality, is nothing more than a bunch of boards nailed up on top of some slabs of stone. What suspiciously looks like bed sheets hangs behind the “stage”, posing…

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The Silmaril Awards 2019 Voting: Least Competent Henchman

Welcome, welcome, to the 74th annual Hunger Gaaames! …Oh. Wait, wait! *squints at card* Whoopsie. Totally read that wrong. Let’s try this again. AHEM. Welcome to the next round of The Silmaril Awards! Which is a much nicer game, I promise. Last week we asked you to nominate and second your favorite fantasy literary characters in ten categories and, boy, did you amazing people deliver! We got a ton of nominations. I absolutely loved seeing the enthusiasm for so many great fantasy characters (and being reminded about how many fantasy books I’ve yet to read but desperately need to *cough,…

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The Silmaril Awards 2019 Nominations: Least Competent Henchman

NOMINATIONS CLOSED! Come back Monday (Sept. 9) to see and vote for the top 5 nominees!   I have some super, ultra, ubertastic, frabjous newssss! I HAVE JOINED THE SILMARIL AWARDS TEAM. Annnnd, as of today, The Silmaril Awards have BEGUN! *cheers and fanfare* Alrighty, let me back up for just a sec because you may be tilting your head thinking, “What???”   What are The Silmaril Awards? Back in 2016, Jenelle Schmidt and DJ Edwardson, being the brilliant, magical wizards they are, created a new type of awards ceremony. Not one for the best actors, singers, dancers, sports players,…

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